52 resultados para LISTERIA


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Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen which may survive in biofilms and persist in food processing plants. In this study, the ability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides (bac+ and bac-) to inhibit biofilm formation by L. monocytogenes ATCC 19115 was studied with stainless steel coupons immersed in BHI broth and BHI broth plus sucrose in combination with the Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). Adhered cells were collected with swabs and enumerated on selective agars (Oxford for listeria and MRS for leuconostoc). Leuconostoc mesenteroides bac+ in co-culture with L. monocytogenes was effective to inhibit biofilm formation by listeria for up to 3 hours of incubation, but at 24 hours, biofilm was present in all conditions tested, as confirmed by observations of stainless steel coupons under Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). It was also observed that in the presence of L. mesenteroides bac+ in BHI plus sucrose, a high number of elongated cells of L. monocytogenes was present, which may indicate an adaptation response of the pathogen to stress conditions with important implications for food safety.


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Antimicrobial activities of two commercial disinfectants, alone or combined with heat, against three Salmonella strains and three Listeria monocytogenes strains were studied. The efficacy of disinfectants against planktonic bacteria and bacteria attached to three food contact industrial surfaces (stainless steel, polytetraflourethylene, and rubber) was investigated. The tests were conducted using the sanitizer (quaternary ammonium compounds, and alquyldiethylenediamineglycine and di-alquyldiamineethylglycine) concentrations recommended by the manufacturers, and concentrations twice and four times higher than those values. The recommended concentrations were not effective to kill bacteria, especially when they were attached to surfaces. Concentrations of disinfectants twice and four times higher than those recommended were needed to fully eliminate planktonic bacteria. These same sanitizer concentrations were not sufficient to remove attached bacteria. To remove them from the surfaces, a treatment with recommended concentrations in combination with heat was needed. Our results indicate that these two pathogenic bacteria could survive common sanitation programs used in the food industry.


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Abstract The objectives of this study were i) to isolate Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in broiler wing meat samples, ii) to confirm the isolates by PCR, based on prs and hly A gene sequences, iii) to determine the seasonal and monthly distribution of the isolates. A total of 120 broiler wing meat samples (60 packaged pieces wrapped using strech film in styrofoam plates and 60 unpackaged pieces) bought from different markets in Hatay province were analysed. Listeria spp. was isolated from 57 (47.5%) out of 120 samples. Fifty-four, out of 57 Listeria spp. isolates were identified as L. monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes was isolated from the samples collected during the spring, winter, summer, and autumn at the levels of 26.6%, 40%, 53.3%, 60%, respectively. In this study, the isolation rates were found to be the highest in autumn, while the isolation rates were found to be the lowest in spring. As a consequence, high prevalence of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes in poultry wing meat samples may pose a risk for human health. We consider that with obeying the rules of good hygiene practices (GHP), good manufacturing practices (GMP) and HACCP can minimize the contamination with Listeria spp.


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Listeriosis is a not uncommon infection in humans, usually associated with immunodeficient states and with newborns. However, relatively few cases have been reported in HIV-infected patients. This scarcity of reported cases has aroused interest in the association of listerosis and AIDS. In this paper we present a case of meningitis and septicemia caused by Listeria monocytogenes in a female patient with AIDS. A review of recent medical literature indicates that association of listeriosis and AIDS may be more common than it seems. Recent research in host-parasite interaction in listerial infection suggests an important role for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and for integralin, a bacterial protein, in modulating listerial disease in AIDS patients. Inadequate diagnosis may be in part responsible for the scarcity of reports.


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Foi pesquisada em 107 amostras de fezes procedentes de indivíduos com distúrbios intestinais a presença de Listeria monocytogenes. Como processo de enriquecimento, as fezes foram semeadas em caldo triptose fosfatado e mantidas a 4ºC durante 1 mês. Ao findar este prazo, foram os espécimes semeados em quatro meios seletivos: 1) Agar triptosado com 5 mcg/ml de Polimixina; 2) Agar triptosado com 50 cmg/ml de ácido nalidixico; 3) Meio de Ralovich e cols (Agar com 5% de soro normal de cavalo, acrescido de 50 mcg/ml de ácido nalidixico e 50 mcg/ml de tripaflavina (Bayer); 4) Uma modificação do meio de Ralovich (Agar triptosado, contendo 40 mcg/ml de ácido nalidixico, 50 mcg/ml de acetato de tálio, 25 mcg/ml de tripaflavina e 0,3% de extrato de levedura). Para reconhecimento das colônias suspeitas nos diferentes meios, fez-se uso da técnica de Henry. A identificação primária se baseou na observação da motilidade e nas características morfotintoriais, senão a seguir, confirmada através das provas bioquímicas e sorológicas. Três amostras de Listeria monocytogenes foram isoladas, caracterizando- se duas no sorotipo 4b e uma no tipo 1/2a.


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Em 17.1% dos 445 indivíduos pesquisados foram observados anticorpos contra a Listeria monocytogenes, determinados pela soro-aglutinação em tubo nos seguintes gruops de indivíduos: doadores de sangue (n = 50), visitantes do Hospital


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Visando complementar as informações sobre a qualidade microbiológica do leite comercializado na cidade do Recife, foram analisadas 250 amostras de leite pasteurizado tipo C e 50 amostras de leite cru para a pesquisa de Yersinia enterocolitica e Listeria monocytogenes, bactérias patogênicas capazes de se desenvolverem em temperatura de refrigeração. Y. enterocolitica não foi encontrada em nenhuma das amostras analisadas, entretanto foi detectada a presença de Y. intermedia e Y. frederiksenii, espécies ambientais que se comportam como patógenos oportunistas. L. monocytogenes também não foi encontrada, mas, através da metodologia empregada para seu isolamento foi obtido um isolamento de Salmonella Montevideo em uma amostra de leite pasteurizado e outro em leite cru. Além dessas, várias outras bactérias foram encontradas, supondo-se que a ampla microbiota crescida nos meios empregados pode ter interferido no isolamento da Y. enterocolitica e L. monocytogenes.


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Listeriosis is an under-diagnosed and under-reported infection; however, listeriosis is not a compulsorily notifiable disease in Brazil. We provide an overview of the rates of listeriosis in the United States of America (USA), Europe, Latin America, and Brazil during the past decade. We also report a case of miscarriage caused by listeriosis in which there was no suspicion of this infection. This overview and the case we report serve as reminders of the often-neglected threat of listeriosis and its potential to cause miscarriage while highlighting the necessity of recognizing listeriosis as a compulsorily notifiable disease in Brazil.


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Immunity to intracellular bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium leprae, and Listeria monocytogenes depends on specific T cells. Evidence to be described suggests that CD4 (alpha/beta)T cells which interact with each other and with macrophages contribute to acquired resistence against as well as pathogenesis of intracellular bacterial infections.


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From the ethanolic extract of the stem of A. esperanzae ethyl and methyl fatty acid esters, fatty acids, aristolochic I and II acids, and β-cubebin were isolated. In addiction asarinin, populifolic and 2-oxo-populifolic acids, aristolactams AIa and AII, and sitosterol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside were also isolated and firstly described in the species. Asarinin and β-cubebin showed antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus and aristolochic acid I against Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocitogenes.


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The phytochemical study of hexane extract from leaves of Salacia crassifolia resulted in the isolation of 3β-palmitoxy-urs-12-ene, 3-oxofriedelane, 3β-hydroxyfriedelane, 3-oxo-28-hydroxyfriedelane, 3-oxo-29-hydroxyfriedelane, 28,29-dihydroxyfriedelan-3-one, 3,4-seco-friedelan-3-oic acid, 3β-hydroxy-olean-9(11):12-diene and the mixture of α-amirin and β-amirin. β-sitosterol, the polymer gutta-percha, squalene and eicosanoic acid were also isolated. The chemical structures of these constituents were established by IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectral data. Crude extracts and the triterpenes were tested against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis and no activity was observed under the in vitro assay conditions. The hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanol crude extracts, and the constituent 3,4-seco-friedelan-3-oic acid and 28,29-dihydroxyfriedelan-3-one showed in vitro antimicrobial activity against Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus sanguinis and Candida albicans.


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Em um rebanho de 100 caprinos, foram observados casos de uma doença neurológica em três animais adultos jovens (identificados como A-C) entre outubro e dezembro de 2004. Os sinais clínicos incluíam desvio da cabeça, torcicolo, nistagmo, andar desequilibrado e quedas que acabavam em decúbito, durante o qual o caprino executava movimentos de pedalagem com os membros rígidos. Tratamento com antibióticos no Caprino C resultou em remissão temporária dos sinais. A evolução clínica foi de 5, 10 e 30 dias, respectivamente, para os Caprinos A, B e C. O Caprino A morreu espontaneamente e os outros dois foram eutanasiados na fase terminal da doença. Não foram observadas alterações macroscópicas. Lesões histológicas eram predominantemente unilaterais e consistiam de alterações inflamatórias e degenerativas que se estendiam do bulbo ao tálamo. Em todos os casos havia manguitos perivasculares de um ou mais tipos de células mononucleares (linfócitos, plasmócitos, macrófagos ativados) e ocasionalmente neutrófilos associados a áreas de malacia onde células Gitter preenchiam os espaços de perda do parênquima. Adicionalmente, o Caprino B tinha microabscessos no bulbo, ponte, e mesencéfalo e infiltrado neutrofílico e linfocítico multifocal nos fascículos do nervo trigêmeo, próximo ao gânglio de Gasser, e nas leptomeninges do cerebelo. No tronco encefálico do Caprino C, a reação era multifocal e com característica granulomatosa e incluía células epitelióides e, ocasionalmente, células gigantes multinucleadas. Listeria sp foi detectada por imunoisto-química em cortes de mesencéfalo rotineiramente processado dos Caprinos A e C e de ponte do Caprino B.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os principais aspectos epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos das principais doenças do sistema nervoso de ruminantes e equinos diagnosticadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) para servir como base para veterinários de campo ou que trabalham em laboratórios de diagnóstico. Esses dados foram buscados em trabalhos publicados pela equipe do LPV-UFSM ou retirados dos arquivos do laboratório. As principais doenças do sistema nervoso diagnosticadas em bovinos foram a raiva, a encefalopatia hepática decorrente de insuficiência hepática por ingestão de Senecio spp., a meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino, a babesiose cerebral, a intoxicação por Solanum fastigiatum, a febre catarral maligna e a polioencefalomalacia. Em ovinos foram diagnosticadas a cenurose, a meningoencefalite por Listeria monocytogenes, o tétano, os abscessos encefálicos ou vertebrais e a raiva. Meningoencefalite por L. monocytogenes foi a única doença do sistema nervoso descrita em caprinos. Equinos foram afetados pela leucoencefalomalacia, tripanossomíase e tétano.


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In addition to listeriosis which is relatively common in ruminants, there are three other uncommon suppurative intracranial processes (SIP) identifiable in adult ungulates as brain abscess, basilar empyema and suppurative meningitis. The present paper reports the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial, pathological and microbiological findings of 15 domestic ruminants with SIP. A total of 15 animals were selected (eight sheep, four cattle and three goats); with the definitive diagnoses of basilar empyema (n=3), brain abscess (n=1), listeriosis (n=5) and suppurative meningitis (n=6). Hematology revealed leukocytosis with inversion of the lymphocyte/ neutrophil ratio in 4 cases. In the majority of animals, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) presented light yellow coloration and cloudy aspect due to neutrophilic pleocytosis (15 - 997 leukocytes/µL). Microbiological culture of CSF or central nervous system (CNS) fragments resulted on isolation of Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes,Listeria monocytogenes,Escherichia coli and Stenotrophomonas sp. In a goat with thalamic abscess, microbiological assay was not performed, but Gram positive bacilli type bacteria were observed in histology. The diagnosis of these outbreaks was based on the association of epidemiological, clinical, pathological and bacteriological findings; reiterating that the infectious component remains an important cause of CNS disease in domestic ruminants and also shows the need for dissemination of information about the most effective preventive measures for the ranchers.


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Thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TME) is a fatal neurological disease of cattle, predominantly from North America, that is caused by Histophilus somniwith sporadic descriptions from other countries. This manuscript describes the occurrence of spontaneous TME in cattle from northern Paraná, Brazil. Most cattle had acute neurological manifestations characteristic of brain dysfunction. Hematological and cerebrospinal fluid analyses were not suggestive of bacterial infections of the brain. Histopathology revealed meningoencephalitis with vasculitis and thrombosis of small vessels that contained discrete neutrophilic and/or lymphocytic infiltrates admixed with fibrin at the brainstem, cerebral cortex, and trigeminal nerve ganglion of all animals. All tissues from the central nervous system used during this study were previously characterized as negative for rabies virus by the direct immunofluorescence assay. PCR and RT-PCR assays investigated the participation of infectious agents associated with bovine neurological disease by targeting specific genes of H. somni, Listeria monocytogenes, bovine herpesvirus -1 and -5, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and ovine herpesvirus-2. PCR and subsequent sequencing resulted in partial fragments of the 16S rRNA gene of H. somni from brain sections of all animals with histopathological diagnosis of TME; all other PCR/RT-PCR assays were negative. These findings confirmed the participation of H. somni in the neuropathological disease observed in these animals, extend the geographical distribution of this disease, and support previous findings of H. somni from Brazil.