90 resultados para Klein, Melanie


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Background: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in Brazil. Objective: To estimate total CVD, cerebrovascular disease (CBVD), and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates in adults in the counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro (SRJ), from 1979 to 2010. Methods: The counties of the SRJ were analysed according to their denominations stablished by the geopolitical structure of 1950, Each new county that have since been created, splitting from their original county, was grouped according to their former origin. Population Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and data on deaths were obtained from DataSus/MS. Mean CVD, CBVD, and IHD mortality rates were estimated, compensated for deaths from ill-defined causes, and adjusted for age and sex using the direct method for three periods: 1979–1989, 1990–1999, and 2000–2010, Such results were spatially represented in maps. Tables were also constructed showing the mortality rates for each disease and year period. Results: There was a significant reduction in mortality rates across the three disease groups over the the three defined periods in all the county clusters analysed, Despite an initial mortality rate variation among the counties, it was observed a homogenization of such rates at the final period (2000–2010). The drop in CBVD mortality was greater than that in IHD mortality. Conclusion: Mortality due to CVD has steadily decreased in the SRJ in the last three decades. This reduction cannot be explained by greater access to high technology procedures or better control of cardiovascular risk factors as these facts have not occurred or happened in low proportion of cases with the exception of smoking which has decreased significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to seek explanations for this decrease, which may be related to improvements in the socioeconomic conditions of the population.


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Abstract Background: The epidemiological profile of mortality in a population is important for the institution of measures to improve health care and reduce mortality Objective: To estimate mortality rates and the proportional mortality from cardiovascular diseases and malformations of the circulatory system in children and adolescents. Methods: This is a descriptive study of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, malformations of the circulatory system, from all causes, ill-defined causes and external causes in children and adolescents in the state of Rio de Janeiro from 1996 to 2012. Populations were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE) and deaths obtained from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS)/Ministry of Health. Results: There were 115,728 deaths from all causes, 69,757 in males. The annual mortality from cardiovascular diseases was 2.7/100,000 in men and 2.6/100,000 in women. The annual mortality from malformations of the circulatory system was 7.5/100,000 in men and 6.6/100,000 in women. Among the specific causes of circulatory diseases, cardiomyopathies had the highest rates of annual proportional mortality, and from malformations of the circulatory system, it occurred due to unspecified malformations of the circulatory system, at all ages and in both genders. Conclusion: Mortality from malformations of the circulatory system was most striking in the first years of life, while cardiovascular diseases were more relevant in adolescents. Low access to prenatal diagnosis or at birth probably prevented the proper treatment of malformations of the circulatory system.


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The present work is part of the studies realized under the authority of the National Service of Malaria (Brazil), with the collaboration of scientists of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in some forests of the southern part of Brazil.This is the first of a series and its subject is the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the kerteszia in water collected in Bromeliaceae leaves. The ecology of Bromeliaceae was studied in a previous work. The botanical material was classified by specialists from several botanical institutions from Europe and the United States of America. The most important ecological relations of the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem were presented through four indices: 1st Positivity index – Relative frequency of bromeliad with watery forms in the bromeliad examined. 2nd Larval index – Mean number of watery forms in the positive bromeliad. 3rd Ovoposition index – Product of the Positivy index by the Larval index. 4th MK index – Product of the Ovoposition index by the total number of bromeliad, positive or not, in a unity of area (1.000 m²). The capture of flying forms in relation to the relative humidity was also studied. From the several forests of the Brusque region we have selected one community of each type, which were the most representative forests in Southern Brazil. Conclusions on the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem – From a general point of view only a few factors are really important and these are listed below: 1°) The volum of water on the bromeliad. 2°) The level where the bromeliad is fixed. 3°) The number of bromeliad in unity of area. The distribution of microclimas in the forest through the considered levels has a direct influence on the species of subgenus Kerteszia (qualitative influence) and an indirect influence through the ecological distribution of the more frequent bromeliad with best qualities as biotope for the watery forms (qualitative influence). The MK index is roughly proportional to the square of half the total number of Bromeliaceae in a certain type of forest. Then the MK index would be a certain function of the ecological type of the forest and of the total number of bromeliad in a unity of area. MK approximately α x (x/10)² . x = n° of bromeliad in a unity of área (1.000 m²); α = qualitative factor. It would be interesting to see if this proportion is maintained when we have examined a greater number of forests of different types.


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The present work is part of the studies carried out by the Serviço Nacional de Malária in cooperation with technicians of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz in coastal region of Southern Brazil, from 1949 to 1953. in view of the floristic unity existing among the associations studied in the various working stations, distributed at random and somewhat far from each other, and considering that the identity of those associations has been established, the authors suggest the generalization of the problem "bromeliad - kerteszia" in similar associations of the remaining pluvial formation in the southern coast of Brazil. The present contribution is an attempt to the bio-ecological maping of the three malaria vectors responsible for the widespread malaria outbreaks in the southern coastal region of Brazil.


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De nematódeos encontrados parasitando estômago, intestinos delgado e grosso de Scomberomorus cavalla (Cuv.) e Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitch.) o autor propões para o gênero Contracaecum Railliet et Henry, 1912 uma nova espécie, C. fortalezae sp. n., que mais se aproxima de C. clavatum (Rud., 1809) Baylis, 1920 dela se diferenciando por possuir espículos desiguais, um curto ovejetor, útero opistodelfo, ovos menores e por apresentar em todos exemplares estudados ceco intestinal curto e ceco esofagiano longo.


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In this paper the authors refere Philometra lateolabracis Yamaguti, 1935 for the first time from the Atlantic Ocean also as a new host record. They report the rpesence of one male of diminished dimensions, found in close relationship with the females of Ph. lateolabracis; as the male of this species is unknown, they admit the possibility of this small nematode be the male of this species.


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A study of peridomestic man-biting culicines in the Amazon Basin was conducted from January through December, 1987. Fifteen species of mosquitoes from six genera were collected by volunters in all-night human-bait indoor and outdoor collections at five hoses in and near the town of Costa Marques, Rondônia, Brazil. Culex quinquefasciatus and members of the Mansonia titillans/indubitans Group comprised 61 and 33%, respectively, of all culcines collected from human-bait outside houses and 62 and 35%, respectively, of those collected from volunteers inside houses in the town. In rural areas, Cx. quinquefasciatus was less abundant and only comprised 2 and 5% of the culcines, respectively, collected inside and outside houses. Mansonia titillans/indubitans Group comprised 75% and 86% of the culicines collected inside and outside houses, respectively, from rural residences. Culex quinquefasciatus and members of Mn. titillans/indubitans Group were more endophilic than other culcines collected. Nocturnal and seasonal biting rhythms for the more common culcines are described


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Five patients with asexual and sexual parasites of Plasmodium vivax were treated orally with 600 mg chloroquine diphosphate (hour 0) followed with 300 mg at 8, 24 and 48 h later. Primaquine phospate, 15 mg, was administered concurrently at h 0 and 24 h intervals for 14 days. Anopheles darlingi were fed before the first dose (h-0.5) and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h later. Mosquitoes were examined for oocysts on day 8 and for sporozoites on day 15 after infection. Four of the five patients studied were still infective to mosquitoes from 1-5 h after the first dose of chloroquine plus primaquine. One of these and one other patient, who vomited 15 min after the first dose, became inffective again at hours 10 and 12, respectively. Once produced, oocysts in mosquitoes fed on patients before, during and after chloroquine plus primaquine treatment appeared normal and produced sporozoite infected salivary glands. In view of these data , it is concluded that primaquine demonstrated rapid gametocytocidal activity and should be administred concurrently with chloroquine to reduce vivax malaria transmission.


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World ecosystems differ significantly and a multidisciplinary malaria control approach must be adjusted to meet these requirements. These include a comprehensive understanding of the malaria vectors, their behavior, seasonal distribution and abundance, susceptibility to insecticides (physiological and behavioral), methods to reduce the numbers of human gametocyte carriers through effective health care systems and antimalarial drug treatment, urban malaria transmission versus rural or forest malaria transmission, and the impact of vaccine development. Many malaria vectors are members of species complexes and individual relationship to malaria transmission, seasonal distribution, bitting behavior, etc. is poorly understood. Additionaly, malaria patients are not examined for circulating gametocytes and both falciparum and vivax malaria patients may be highly infective to mosquitoes after treatment with currently used antimalarial drugs. Studies on the physiological and behavioral effects of DDT and other insecticides are inconclusive and need to be evalusted.


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Few microorganisms are commercially available for use against white grubs (larvae of Scarabaeidae). Entomopathogenic bacteria, particularly Bacillus popilliae, have been used the longest for white grub suppression. Other bacteria, namely B. thuringiensis and Serratia spp. offer promise for future control. This papes examines two genera of bacteria (Bacillus and Serratia) from the historical and current perspective. Bacillus popilliae, the firs microbial control agent registered in the United States, has a long history of use in suppressing populations of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. However, lack of in vitro production and the slow and sporadic nature of its activity, severely limits its utilization. B. thuringiensis, the most widely used microbial pesticide, has not been used for scarab, control. However, strains with scarab activity have recently been discovered. Scarab larvae have been collected in the United States with signs and symptoms similar to those characteristic of amber disease (caused by Serratia entomophila) in the New Zealand grass grub, Costelytra zealandica. A total of 147 bacteria have been obtained from the digestive tracts of larvae of the Japanese beetle and masked chafers, Cyclocephala spp., as well as from larvae and soil collected in Japan and China. Seventy five of these have been identified as Serratia spp. Most (40) of the remaining bacteria are in the genus Enterobacter. A majority of the bacteria (73) and of the Serratia (38) came from P. japonica.


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Bartonella spp are the causative agent of cat scratch disease in humans. Cats are the natural reservoir of these bacteria and may infect humans through scratches, bites or fleas. Blood samples from 47 cats aged up to 12 months were collected for this study. All animals were lodged in municipal animal shelters in the Vale do Sinos region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bartonella spp were detected by genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and when the PCR was positive, the species were determined by DNA sequencing. A Giemsa-stained blood smear was also examined for the presence of intraerythrocytic elements suggestive of Bartonella spp infection. Phylogenetic analysis was also performed for all positive samples. Using molecular detection methods, Bartonella spp were detected in 17.02% (8/47) of the samples. In seven out of eight samples confirmed to be positive for Bartonella spp, blood smear examination revealed the presence of intraerythrocytic elements suggestive of Bartonella spp. Phylogenetic analysis characterized positive samples as Bartonella henselae (5) or Bartonella clarridgeiae (3). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first molecular study demonstrating the presence of Bartonella spp in cats from the Southern Region of Brazil.


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Objective: Identifying risk factors for the occurrence of falls in hospitalized adult patients. Method: Integrative review carried out in the databases of LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE and Web of Science, including articles published between 1989 and 2012. Results: Seventy-one articles were included in the final sample. Risk factors for falls presented in this review were related to patients (intrinsic), the hospital setting and the working process of health professionals, especially in nursing (extrinsic). Conclusion: The systematic screening of risk factors for falls was identified as a contributing factor to the reduction of this injury, helping the non-occurrence of this event that, despite being preventable, can have serious consequences including death.


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First records of Glyphepomis adroguensis (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) and its parasitoid, Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae), on rice fields in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eggs, nymphs, and adults of Glyphepomis adroguensis Berg, 1891 (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) were observed for the first time on rice fields (Oryza sativa L.) in Charqueadas (29º59'S, 51º31'W) and Eldorado do Sul (30º02'S, 51º23'W) of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Telenomus podisi Ashmead, 1893 (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) was found in G. adroguensis eggs.


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Para avaliar a viabilidade da implantação da cultura do milho em solo sob preparo reduzido, em dezembro de 1988, instalou-se um experimento em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico, no município de Passo Fundo (RS). Na testemunha, o preparo do solo foi realizado por meio de uma escarificação mais uma gradagem com grade leve. Nos demais cinco tratamentos, o solo foi preparado por meio de uma operação conjugada (escarificador equipado com rolo destorroador). Na testemunha e em um dos tratamentos sob preparo conjugado, não foram realizadas adaptações na semeadora-adubadora. Nos demais tratamentos, foram adaptados discos de corte ondulados, ou secções de rolos destorroadores, na frente das linhas da semeadora. A percentagem de cobertura do solo, dois dias após a semeadura, foi significativamente menor (Tukey ao nível de 5%) na testemunha, enquanto nos demais tratamentos, caracterizados como conservacionistas, não se perceberam diferenças. O diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG) dos agregados do solo não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, porém os agregados coletados nas linhas apresentaram DMG significativamente menores do que aqueles encontrados nas entrelinhas. A velocidade de absorção de água pelas sementes, o comprimento médio ponderado das radículas, o índice de velocidade de emergência e o estande inicial de plantas de milho não variaram significativamente em função dos tratamentos. Os resultados evidenciam que o preparo conjugado do solo por meio de um escarificador equipado com um cilindro destorroador permitiu implantar a cultura do milho, sem a necessidade de operações de preparo secundário (gradagens) e sem requerer adaptações na semeadora-adubadora.