40 resultados para Jones, Jim, 1931-1978.


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Em função das dúvidas que ainda perduram 25 anos após a ocorrência do surto de peste suína africana (PSA), em Paracambi, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em 1978, são apresentados os resultados, relativos a este foco, obtidos pelos estudos epidemiológico, clínico-patológico, virológico, bacteriológico e ultra-estrutural dos casos naturais, bem como os relativos à reprodução experimental da doença no Brasil e sua confirmação por isolamento e determinação de patogenicidade realizada no Plum Island Animal Disease Center, New York, EUA. Os animais se infectaram pela ingestão de restos de comida de aviões procedentes de Portugal e da Espanha, países nos quais a doença existia. De acordo com publicação do Ministério da Agricultura, após o diagnóstico do surto de PSA descrito neste trabalho, 223 novos focos foram relatados, entre 1978 e 1979, em todas Regiões do país (Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul) e focos adicionais em 1981, sem informações exatas referentes ao seu número. O último caso foi relatado em 15 de novembro de 1981, e em 5 de dezembro 1984 o Brasil foi declarado livre da PSA. Para o diagnóstico da PSA foram processadas 54.002 amostras no Departamento de Virologia do Instituto de Microbiologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1978 a 1981. No processamento das amostras foram usadas as técnicas de hemadsorção em cultura de leucócitos (HAd), imunoflorescência em cortes de tecido (FATS), imunoflorescência em cultivo celular (FATCC), imuno-eletrosmoforese (IEOP) e imunoflorescência indireta (IIF). Somente 4 amostras foram positivas pela técnica de FATCC, a única das provas que inclui o isolamento viral; não é mencionada a procedência dessas amostras, mas provavelmente trata-se das amostras oriundas de Paracambi. Com base na análise de todos os dados publicados sobre o tema, na possível ocorrência de falso-positivos, na falta de informações sobre isolamento e caracterização do virus, bem como na ausência de dados sobre epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e patologia nesses outros supostos focos, pode-se concluir que o surto de Paracambi constitui a única ocorrência de PSA no Brasil, comprovada por isolamento, identificação do vírus e determinação de sua patogenicidade, e que a doença manteve-se confinada a esse local, provavelmente em função do diagnóstico precoce e da rápida adoção de eficientes medidas de controle pelas autoridades sanitárias; o abate dos suínos desse rebanho iniciou-se 10 dias depois da primeira morte e 3 dias após o diagnóstico presuntivo.


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Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos casos de tristeza parasitária bovina (TPB) ocorridos no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, área de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre 1978 e 2005. De um total de 4.884 materiais de bovinos provenientes de necropsias realizadas e órgãos ou sangue enviados ao laboratório 231 (4,7%) tiveram o diagnóstico de TPB. Desses 231 surtos foram resgatados os dados de 221 diagnósticos dos quais 91 (41,1%) foram causados por Babesia bovis, 11 (4,9%) por Babesia bigemina, e 65 (29,41%) por Anaplasma marginale. Em outros 33 (14,93%) surtos de babesiose não foi informada a espécie de Babesia e em 21 (9,5%) surtos foi detectada infecção mista por Babesia sp e A. marginale. Os índices gerais médios de morbidade, mortalidade e letalidade, resgatados em 149 dos 221 surtos da doença, foram de 11,17%, 6,81% e 70,04%, respectivamente. Verificou-se que, na região estudada, a maioria dos surtos ocorre durante os meses de verão e outono, e que os animais com um a três anos de idade são os mais afetados. Os sinais clínicos nos surtos caracterizaram-se por apatia, orelhas caídas, debilidade, febre, anorexia e emagrecimento. Os valores de hematócrito eram baixos. Hemoglobinúria foi frequentemente observada nos casos de babesiose. Sinais neurológicos estavam presentes nos casos de babesiose por B. bovis e se caracterizaram por transtornos da locomoção, tremores musculares, agressividade e quedas com movimentos de pedalagem. As lesões macroscópicas principais relatadas nos casos de babesiose foram esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia, fígado amarelo, hemoglobinúria, icterícia, hemorragias cardíacas e bile espessa. Congestão do córtex cerebral foi relatada nos casos de babesiose por B. bovis. Nesta região, com população de bovinos de aproximadamente 2.630.000 cabeças as perdas anuais por morte de bovinos pela enfermidade podem ser estimadas em 6.220 cabeças por ano representando um prejuízo econômico anual aproximado de R$3.732.000,00 evidenciando a necessidade de medidas preventivas que evitem a exposição de animais desprote-gidos aos agentes da TPB.


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Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.


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Foram levantadas informações sobre a qualidade da semente de azevém utilizadas no Rio Grande do Sul e produzida no próprio Estado ou em outras uni dades da Federação e mesmo em outros Países, nos anos de 1978 e 1979. Estas informações foram obtidas através de fichas e Boletins de Análise de Sementes dos Laboratórios de Análise de Sementes (LAS) do Rio Grande do Sul. Em 1978 analisou-se 2.319 t de azevém sendo 74% da semente oriunda do Rio Grande do Sul e 26% introduzida, enquanto que das 4.772 t analisadas em 1979 99,6% são do Rio Grande do Sul e 0,4% são introduzidas. O percentual de sementes de azevém, produzidas no Estado, contaminadas com sementes nocivas foi de 61,5% em 1978 e de 60,0% em 1979; e o de sementes int roduzidas no Estado foi de 45,6% em 1978 e de 29,4%em 1979. Foi observado que ent re as sementes originárias do RS destacaram -se com maior ocorrênci a em 1978 as espécies nocivas de Silene gallica, Setaria geniculata, Anthemis cotula, Digitaria adscendens e Echinochloa spp, enquanto que nas sementes int roduzidas desta caram-se Sida spp e Rumex spp; em 1979, na semente oriunda do Estado desta caram-se Amaranthus spp, Silene gallica e Setaria geniculata, enquanto que nas sementes introduzidas a maior ocorrência foi de Setaria geniculata, Echinochloa spp e Solanum spp.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate renal and liver distribution of two monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains. The chains were purified individually from the urine of patients with multiple myeloma and characterized as lambda light chains with a molecular mass of 28 kDa. They were named BJg (high amount of galactose residues exposed) and BJs (sialic acid residues exposed) on the basis of carbohydrate content. A scintigraphic study was performed on male Wistar rats weighing 250 g for 60 min after iv administration of 1 mg of each protein (7.4 MBq), as the intact proteins and also after carbohydrate oxidation. Images were obtained with a Siemens gamma camera with a high-resolution collimator and processed with a MicroDelta system. Hepatic and renal distribution were established and are reported as percent of injected dose. Liver uptake of BJg was significantly higher than liver uptake of BJs (94.3 vs 81.4%) (P<0.05). This contributed to its greater removal from the intravascular compartment, and consequently lower kidney accumulation of BJg in comparison to BJs (5.7 vs 18.6%) (P<0.05). After carbohydrate oxidation, there was a decrease in hepatic accumulation of both proteins and consequently a higher renal overload. The tissue distribution of periodate-treated BJg was similar to that of native BJs: 82.7 vs 81.4% in the liver and 17.3 vs 18.6% in the kidneys. These observations indicate the important role of sugar residues of Bence Jones proteins for their recognition by specific membrane receptors, which leads to differential tissue accumulation and possible toxicity


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acidification of the endosome-lysosome system of renal epithelial cells after endocytosis of two human immunoglobulin lambda light chains (Bence-Jones proteins, BJP) obtained from patients with multiple myeloma. Renal epithelial cell handling of two BJP (neutral and acidic BJP) was evaluated by rhodamine fluorescence. Renal cells (MDCK) were maintained in culture and, when confluent, were incubated with rhodamine-labeled BJP for different periods of time. Photos were obtained with a fluorescence microscope (Axiolab-Zeiss). Labeling density was determined on slides with a densitometer (Shimadzu Dual-Wavelength Flying-Spot Scanner CS9000). Endocytosis of neutral and acidic BJP was correlated with acidic intracellular compartment distribution using acridine orange labeling. We compared the pattern of distribution after incubation of native neutral and acidic BJP and after complete deglycosylation of BJP by periodate oxidation. The subsequent alteration of pI converted neutral BJP to acidic BJP. There was a significant accumulation of neutral BJP in endocytic structures, reduced lysosomal acidification, and a diffuse pattern of acidification. This pattern was reversed after total deglycosylation and subsequent alteration of the pI to an acidic BJP. We conclude that the physicochemical characteristics of BJP interfere with intracellular acidification, possibly explaining the strong nephrotoxicity of neutral BJP. Lysosomal acidification is fundamental for adequate protein processing and catabolism.


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The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and changes in the risk factors related to physical activity, smoking habits and nutrition. We describe the methodology for the evaluation of persons at 23/25 years of age of a cohort of individuals born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We present their socioeconomic characteristics and the profile of some risk factors for chronic diseases. A total of 2063 participants were evaluated by means of blood collection, standardized questionnaires, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and methacholine bronchoprovocation tests. The sexes were compared by the chi-square test, with alpha = 0.05. Obesity was similar among men and women (12.8 and 11.1%); overweight was almost double in men (30.3 vs 17.7%). Weight deficit was higher among women than among men (8.6 and 2.6%). Women were more sedentary and consumed less alcohol and tobacco. Dietary fat consumption was similar between sexes, with 63% consuming large amounts (30 to 39.9 g/day). Metabolic syndrome was twice more frequent among men than women (10.7 vs 4.8%), hypertension was six times more frequent (40.9 vs 6.4%); altered triglyceride (16.1 vs 9.8%) and LDL proportions (5.4 vs 2.7%) were also higher in men, while women had a higher percentage of low HDL (44.7 vs 39.5%). Asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness were 1.7 and 1.5 times more frequent, respectively, among women. The high prevalence of some risk factors for chronic diseases among young adults supports the need for investments in their prevention.


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The association between socioeconomic position (SEP) and serum lipids has been little studied and the results have been controversial. A total of 2063 young adults born in 1978/79 were evaluated at 23-25 years of age in the fourth follow-up of a cohort study carried out in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, corresponding to 31.8% of the original sample. Total serum cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, high-density cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and low-density cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) were analyzed according to SEP at birth and during young adulthood. SEP was classified into tertiles of family income and a cumulative score of socioeconomic disadvantage was created. TC was 11.85 mg/100 mL lower among men of lower SEP in childhood (P < 0.01) but no difference was found in women, whereas it was 8.46 lower among men (P < 0.01) and 8.21 lower among women of lower SEP in adulthood (P < 0.05). Individuals of lower SEP had lower LDL and HDL cholesterol, with small differences between sexes and between the two times in life. There was no association between SEP and triglyceride levels. After adjustment of income at one time point in relation to the other, some associations lost significance. The greater the socioeconomic disadvantage accumulated along life, the lower the levels of TC, LDL and HDL cholesterol (P < 0.05). The socioeconomic gradient of TC and LDL cholesterol was inverse, representing a lower cardiovascular risk for individuals of lower SEP, while the socioeconomic gradient of HDL cholesterol indicated a lower cardiovascular risk for individuals of higher SEP.


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Wages, productivity and profits in the Brazilian manufacturing industry, 1945-1978. This article investigates the distribution between profits and wages in Brazil's manufacturing industry from 1945 to 1978. First, the article provides yearly series of average real wages and labour productivity, from which labour unit costs and the distribution between profits and wages in the manufacturing industry are estimated. Second, the article addresses the behaviour of wages, labour productivity and industrial income distribution in the context of variable economic, political and institutional conditions which prevailed in post-war Brazil. The results of the quantitative analysis allow us to assess both the trends and the yearly behaviour of the manufacturing income distribution during a key period of the Brazilian economic history.