38 resultados para History of ecological succession
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the natural healing of the rat diaphragm that suffered an extensive right penetrating injury.METHODS: Animals were submitted to an extensive penetrating injury in right diaphragm. The sample consisted of 40 animals. The variables studied were initial weight, weight 21 days after surgery; healing of the diaphragm, non-healing of the diaphragm, and herniated abdominal contents into the chest.RESULTS: Ten animals were used as controls for weight and 30 animals were operated. Two animals died during the experiment, so 28 animals formed the operated group; healing of the diaphragm occurred in 15 animals (54%), 11 other animals showed diaphragmatic hernia (39%) and in two we observed only diaphragmatic injury without hernia (7%). Among the herniated organs, the liver was found in 100% of animals, followed by the omentum in 77%, small bowel in 62%, colon in 46%, stomach in 31% and spleen in 15%. The control group and the diaphragmatic healing subgroup showed increased weight since the beginning of the study and the 21 days after surgery (p <0.001). The unhealed group showed no change in weight (p = 0.228).CONCLUSION: there is a predominance of spontaneous healing in the right diaphragm; animals in which there was no healing of the diaphragm did not gain weight, and the liver was the organ present in 100% the diaphragmatic surface in all rats with healed diaphragm or not.
Objective: to evaluate natural evolution of right diaphragmatic injury after the surgical removal of a portion from hemi diaphragm. Methods: the animals were submitted to a surgical removal of portion from right hemi diaphragm by median laparotomy. The sample consists of 42 animals being 2 animals from pilot project and 40 operated animals. And the variables of the study were herniation, liver protection, healing, persistent diaphragm injury, evaluation of 16 channels tomography and the variables "heart rate" and "weight". Results: we analyzed 40 mice, we had two post-operative deaths; we had 17 animals in this group suffered from herniation (42.5%) and 23 animals didn't suffer from herniation (57.5%). Analyzing the tomography as image method in the evaluation of diaphragmatic hernia, we had as a method with good sensitivity (78.6%), good specificity (90.9%), and good accuracy (86.1%) when compared to necropsy. Conclusion: there was a predominance of healing of right hemi diaphragm, the size of initial injury didn't have influence on occurrence of the liver protection or hernia in mice.
PURPOSE: To investigate the association between polymorphisms in genes that encode enzymes involved in folate- and vitamin B12-dependent homocysteine metabolism and recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA).METHODS: We investigated the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms of the methylenetetrahydrofalate reductase gene (MTHFR), the A2756G polymorphism of the methionine synthase gene (MS) and the 844ins68 insertion of the cystathionine beta synthetase gene (CBS). The PCR technique followed by RFLP was used to assess the polymorphisms; the serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate were investigated by chemiluminescence. The EPI Info Software version 6.04 was used for statistical analysis. Parametric variables were compared by Student's t-test and nonparametric variables by the Wilcoxon rank sum test.RESULTS: The frequencies of gene polymorphisms in 89 women with a history of idiopathic recurrent miscarriage and 150 controls were 19.1 and 19.6% for the C677T, insertion, 20.8 and 26% for the A1298C insertion, 14.2 and 21.9% for the A2756G insertion, and 16.4 and 18% for the 844ins68 insertion, respectively. There were no significant differences between case and control groups in any of the gene polymorphisms investigated. However, the frequency of the 844ins68 insertion in the CBS gene was higher among women with a history of loss during the third trimester of pregnancy (p=0.003). Serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels id not differ between the polymorphisms studied in the case and control groups. However, linear regression analysis showed a dependence of serum folate levels on the maintenance of tHcy levels.CONCLUSION: The investigated gene polymorphisms and serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels were not associated with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage in the present study. Further investigations are needed in order to confirm the role of the CBS 844ins68 insertion in recurrent miscarriage.
Trianthema portulacastrum is a very problematic summer crop weed and a complete crop failure has been observed because of this weed at high density. The effect of different ecological factors on germination of T. portulacastrum seeds collected in two different years (2009 and 2005) was studied in laboratory experiments. An increase in temperature from 25 to 35 ºC increased germination percentage of T. portulacastrum from 65 to 85%, after which germination started to decrease, reducing to 71.25% at 45 ºC. Trianthema portulacastrum had maximum germination with distilled water compared with different salt solutions and drought stress levels. Germination was significantly minimum at salinity and drought stress level of 250 mM and -0.8 MPa, respectively. Emergence of T. portulacastrum was maximum (86.25%) at 100% field capacity level but decreased sharply as field capacity decreased thereafter, and minimum emergence (30%) was recorded at field capacity level of 25%. Germination of T. portulacastrum was lowest at pH 5 and any increase in pH resulted in increased germination. A pH range of 8 to 10 had statistically similar germination. Sowing depth of 6 cm reduced the emergence of T. portulacastrum to zero. Reduction in emergence was recorded with depth increase from zero to 5 cm. Maximum emergence was recorded from soil surface (0 cm). An increase in temperature, salinity, drought, sowing depth (up to 4 cm) and a decrease in field capacity increased time to start germination/emergence, time to 50% germination/emergence and mean germination/emergence time but decreased germination/emergence index. Seeds collected during 2009 gave higher germination than old seeds collected in 2005. This information might contribute to development of effective control of T. portulacastrum.
Aspects of population dynamics and life history of Paepalanthus polyanthus (Bong.) Kunth, a sand dune monocarpic plant, were evaluated. A five year study was carried out on three permanent plots (5 m x 5 m) in a sand dune slack at Joaquina beach, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. From December 1986 to June 1989, the population decreased due to the death of the post reproductive plants and a low emergence of seedlings. In June 1989, a great recruitment occurred, but no plants survived. The population re-established itself by 1990-1991. The emergence and high survival of seedlings depended on periods of high pluviosity. Nevertheless, the summer flooding and episodes of drought represented key factors in mortality. The birth and mortality rates varied among the areas. It is suggested that these differences are related with depth of the ground water and with vegetation cover at each site. Paepalanthus polyanthus can reproduce in the second year of life, but few plants do this. The chances of survival and reproduction increase with the size of the basal leaf rosette. Although the production of seeds increases with size, the risk of unexpected flooding, for instance, suggest that a great delay in reproduction might not be the most favorable strategy.
Breast cancer in families with germ line mutations in the TP53 gene has been described in the medical literature. Mutation screening for susceptibility genes should allow effective prophylactic and preventive measures. Using single-strand conformational polymorphism, we screened for mutations in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of gene TP53 in the peripheral blood of 8 young non-affected members (17 to 36 years old) of families with a history of breast cancer. Studies of this type on young patients (mean age, 25 years) are very rare in the literature. The identification of these mutations would contribute to genetic counseling of members of families with predisposition to breast cancer. The results obtained did not show any polymorphism indicating mutation. In our sample, the familial tumorigenesis is probably related to other gene etiologies.
Analysis of regional corpus callosum fiber composition reveals that callosal regions connecting primary and secondary sensory areas tend to have higher proportions of coarse-diameter, highly myelinated fibers than callosal regions connecting so-called higher-order areas. This suggests that in primary/secondary sensory areas there are strong timing constraints for interhemispheric communication, which may be related to the process of midline fusion of the two sensory hemifields across the hemispheres. We postulate that the evolutionary origin of the corpus callosum in placental mammals is related to the mechanism of midline fusion in the sensory cortices, which only in mammals receive a topographically organized representation of the sensory surfaces. The early corpus callosum may have also served as a substrate for growth of fibers connecting higher-order areas, which possibly participated in the propagation of neuronal ensembles of synchronized activity between the hemispheres. However, as brains became much larger, the increasingly longer interhemispheric distance may have worked as a constraint for efficient callosal transmission. Callosal fiber composition tends to be quite uniform across species with different brain sizes, suggesting that the delay in callosal transmission is longer in bigger brains. There is only a small subset of large-diameter callosal fibers whose size increases with increasing interhemispheric distance. These limitations in interhemispheric connectivity may have favored the development of brain lateralization in some species like humans. "...if the currently received statements are correct, the appearance of the corpus callosum in the placental mammals is the greatest and most sudden modification exhibited by the brain in the whole series of vertebrated animals..." T.H. Huxley (1).
We described angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) isoforms with molecular masses of 190, 90, and 65 kDa in the urine of normotensive offspring of hypertensive subjects. Since they did not appear in equal amounts, we suggested that 90 kDa ACE might be a marker for hypertension. We evaluated the endothelial response in normotensive offspring with or without family history of hypertension and its association with the 90 kDa ACE in urine. Thirty-five normotensive subjects with a known family history of hypertension and 20 subjects without a family history of hypertension, matched for age, sex, body weight, and blood pressure, were included in the study. Endothelial function was assessed by ultrasound and a sample of urine was collected for determination of ACE isoforms. In the presence of a family history of hypertension and detection of 90 kDa ACE, we noted a maximal flow mediated dilation of 12.1 ± 5.0 vs 16.1 ± 6.0% in those without a previous history of hypertension and lacking urinary 90 kDa ACE (P < 0.05). In subjects with a family history of hypertension and presenting 90 kDa ACE, there were lower levels of HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.05) and higher levels of triglycerides (P < 0.05). Subjects with 90 kDa ACE irrespective of hypertensive history presented a trend for higher levels of triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol (P = 0.06) compared to subjects without 90 kDa ACE. Our data suggest that the 90 kDa ACE may be a marker for hypertension which may be related to the development of early atherosclerotic changes.