59 resultados para Hiatal hernia
A rare case of blunt traumatic abdominal hernia is presented in which jejunal loops herniated through the abdominal wall. The patient had a serious motor vehicle accident seven years ago, while wearing the seat belt. He developed a traumatic hernia in the anterior lateral abdominal wall, which was operated, and relapsed after some months. The patient was reoperated and we observed the unattachment of the anterior lateral abdominal musculature from the ilium crest. After the hernial sac treatment, the defect was solved with the use of a polypropylene mesh. The postoperative evolution was good and four months later there were no signs of recurrence. Traumatic abdominal hernia remains a rare clinical entity, despite the increase in blunt abdominal trauma. Traumatic abdominal wall hernia falls into two general categories: small lower quadrant abdominal defects, typically the result of blunt trauma with bicycle handlebars, and larger abdominal wall defects related to motor vehicle accidents. The diagnosis may be often established by the physical examination alone. Conventional radiology and computerized tomography usefulness have been proved. In the vast majority of cases, early repair is recommended. The appropriate treatment is the reduction of the herniated bowel into the abdomen, the debridment of nonviable tissues, and a primary tension free closure of the detect.
A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma patologia freqüente, acometendo cerca de 10% da população geral. Esta incidência tem se elevado nos últimos anos. Tradicionalmente, sua abordagem terapêutica inicial é clínica, porém, o número de indicações cirúrgicas tem aumentado principalmente às custas das vantagens da videolaparoscopia. Durante o período de janeiro de 1993 a março de 1998, 112 pacientes foram submetidos a fundoplicatura e hiatoplastia por videolaparoscopia para o tratamento da DRGE, sendo 62 (55,3%) do sexo masculino e 50 (44,7%) do sexo feminino. A idade variou de 20 a 90 anos, com média de 40 anos. As indicações cirúrgicas foram doença refratária ao tratamento clínico (76,9%), seguido por esôfago de Barrett (16,1 %), estenose esofágica (3,5%), hemorragia digestiva alta por úlcera esofágica (2,6%) e hérnia hiatal paraesofágica (0,9%). Para o procedimento cirúrgico foram utilizados cinco trocartes. A hiatoplastia foi realizada com pontos em "X". Na fundoplicatura, após a passagem do fundo gástrico por trás do esôfago abdominal, inicialmente se realiza um ponto tomando as duas extremidades do fundo gástrico, porém sem fixar esta sutura ao esôfago. A partir daí, mais quatro pontos são realizados, sendo dois acima e dois abaixo deste ponto inicial, de maneira a envolver o esôfago, de modo parcial (2700). O tempo médio de cirurgia foi de 80 minutos e o de internação, de 1,8 dias. Ocorreram duas conversões (1,7%). Não houve mortalidade, e as complicações assinaladas foram pneumotórax (0,9%), enfisema subcutâneo (0,9%), disfagia transitória (26%) e disfagia persistente (3,5%). A fundoplicatura mista laparoscópica tem se mostrado um procedimento seguro e eficaz para o tratamento definitivo da DRGE com baixo número de complicações, reunindo as vantagens clássicas da cirurgia laparoscópica: curto período de internação, rápida recuperação e bons resultados estéticos; e às de uma técnica simplificada, visando facilitar as duas etapas mais complicadas da cirurgia: hiatoplastia e fundoplicatura.
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is defined as a laceration of the diaphragm with an abdominal viscera herniation into the thorax. It is usually asymptomatic, with the exception of the cases with obstruction, strangulation, necrosis or perforation of the herniaded viscera. It is classified as acute, latent or chronic, in accordance with the evolutive period. At the latent phase, symptoms are indefinite and the radiological signals, which are suggestive of thoracic affections, are frequent and can induce a diagnosis error, leading to inadequate treatment.This article presents a case of chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia which was complicated by a gastricpleuralcutaneous fistula, due to an inadequate thoracic drainage. Considering that this is a chronic affection with an unquestionable surgical indication, due to the complications risk, it is essential to have a detailed diagnostic investigation, which aims at both avoiding an intempestive or inadequate therapeutics behaviour and reducing the affection morbimortality. Recently, the videolaparoscopic approach has proved to be more precise when compared to the other diagnostic methods, by direct visualization of the diaphragmatic laceration, allowing its correction by an immediate suture.
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon but important problem in the patient with multiple injuries. Since diaphragmatic injuries are difficult to diagnose, those that are missed may present with latent symptoms of bowel obstruction and strangulation. The same may occur in the patients with stab wounds to the lower chest. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia should be suspected on the basis of an abnormal chest radiograph in the trauma victim with multiple injuries. This article discuss about history, epidemiology, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnostic modalities, treatment and complications.
Lumbar hernia is defined as an abdominal passage through the posterior abdominal wall. Approximately 250 to 300 cases have been described in the literature, being quite infrequent. Untreated lumbar hernia may result in severe complications. The authors report a case of a 60 year old male patient presenting a large bowel obstruction and perfuration secundary to incarceration of descending colon within a lumbar hernia. This was diagnosed by clinical history and computed tomography. The patient was successfully treated surgically.
Littré's hernia is an extremely rare surgical event. It is characterized by the presence of Meckel's diverticulum in the hernial sack. The authors report one case of Littré's hernia in a 42 year-old male who had the diagnosis accomplished in the intraoperative. The diverticulum presented no signs of complications and was treated conservatively , without exeresis.
We present a case of duodenal malrotation associated with microgastria, inverted splenic rotation and retrogastric spleen, treated succesfully by a Ladd's procedure, hiatal reconstruction and partial fundoplication.
The Morgagni hernia is the rarest kind of diaphragmatic hernia , occurring in 3% of all cases. It consists of the protrusion of the abdominal content into the thoracic cavity including omentum and transverse colon, among others. It is more common in the right side and appears more frequently after 40 years of age or after a raise in the intra-abdominal pressure. Patients with Morgagni hernia are usually asymptomatic. In the X-ray it appears like an opaque image in the cardiophrenic angle.Surgical correction is the treatment of choice for this conditions. We present one case of Morgagni hernia successfully treated.
Incisional hernia is an uncommon complication in laparoscopic surgery. The majority of the hernias are located in the umbilical site. Nevertheless, they can occur in the lateral trocar site, although they are rarely diagnosed. We report a case of a 55 year-old patient who underwent a videolaparoscopic hysterectomy and developed small bowel obstruction on the third postoperative day. This initially gave rise to the diagnosis of paralytic ileum. The definitive diagnosis of incarcerated hernia in the lateral trocar site was established after an abdominal computed tomography was performed.
Professional responsibility is an inherent factor to the medical activity. Therefore, the adoption of a healthy conduct based on good relationship between the physician and the patient, as well as the understanding of this professional of the several aspects involved in the inguinal hernia repairs, are considered the better means to protect himself against possible litigations with its patients. This issue provides a complete evaluation of medical and legal problems related to the inguinal hernia surgery, and discusses the care that surgeon must exercise during preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative periods. That authors also comment about medical error and its conception from the point of the new Civil Code.
Primary pelvic tumors are relatively rare, representing no more than 5% of primary bone tumors. We presented a case of a chondrosarcoma of the superior pubic ramus initially managed as an inguinal hernia and then operated under oncological principles. Special attention is attributed to the importance for the correct diagnosis and surgical treatment given the low efficacy of adjuvant treatments for this type of neoplasia.
Amyand's hernia is an extremely rare surgical event. It is characterized by the presence of acute appendix in an incarcerated inguinal hernia. Its clinical presentation varies, depending on the extent of appendicular inflammation. The authors report a case of Amyand's hernia, in an 89 years-old male who had the diagnosis made intraoperatively.
Bochdalek´s hernia is a congenital malformation of the posterolateral diaphragm region. It is more common on the left and more frequently seen in newborns and rare in adults, with over a few 100 reported cases. We present a case of Bochdalek´s hernia in a 49-year-old patient with long term dyspeptic symptoms. The upper endoscopy showed a gastric fundus herniation sliding into the chest through the diaphragmatic defect. The patient also presented with a rare pulmonary malformation diagnosed during surgery. It was corrected through thoracic approach with no other complications.
The authors report a case of a parastomal hernia that incarcerated a wandering spleen. We present a very rare case of an 85-year-old woman with a giant parastomal hernia. Computed tomography revealed a parastomal hernia with a wandering spleen inside. We introduce a different and simple alternative approach, with the smallest inconvenience as possible to solve the trouble. We carried out the treatment with a prosthetic repair closing the defect with ePTFE mesh, performed through a laparoscopic approach, intraperitoneal, like a tie and move the spleen back to its anatomical place. The result was excellent.
The objective is to alert the surgeon about the indiscriminate use of synthetic prosthesis in the correction of inguinal and incisional hernias. The authors provide a brief history of surgery on hernias and a review of the literature, showing the importance of classifying inguinal hernias to fit the type of surgical correction with the defect found, abstaining from treating all hernias, with the same type of surgical procedure. In our opinion, small indirect inguinal hernias (type 1 and 2 of Gilbert) and hernias in women must not, in general, be treated with prostheses. The synthetic material should be reserved for direct and large indirect hernias. Even so, this attitude, besides determining a higher cost for the procedure, can lead to important complications such as infection, rejection, fistula formation, chronic pain, alterations in spermatogenesis and the possibility of carcinogenesis, according to more recent reports. The physiology and anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered when dealing with incisional hernia corrections, where the surgeon can choose among many techniques to correct those defects, and in selected cases, utilize synthetic material. We conclude that although the use of biomaterials has constituted a great advance in surgery for abdominal wall hernia corrections because they decrease recurrences, and permit treatment of large abdominal hernias, the indiscriminate prosthesis usage is an abuse, and it can determine many serious complications, certainly avoidable with a well indicated non mesh technique .