57 resultados para Heide, Wilma Scott , 1921-1985
Utilizando cromatografia gás-espectrometria de massa (CG/EM) com computador, descreve-se os constituintes voláteis do óleo essencial das sementes de puxuri (Licaria puchury-major). Identificaram-se nove monoterpenos na mistura, além de safrol, eugenol, metileugenol e ácido dodecanóico, citados previamente.
Os estágios de náuplios e copepodito I de Perulernaea gamitanae Thatcher & Paredes, 1985 foram estudados a partir de cultura de ovos obtidos de fêmeas adultas, parasitas de tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) (Osteichthyes: Characidae), provenientes de tanques de cultivo em Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. As larvas foram mantidas no laboratório à temperatura de 28ºC. O desenvolvimento de P. gamitanae de náuplio I até náuplio VI durou cinco dias e cada estágio era precedido de uma muda. As principais diferenças entre cada estágio foram o aparecimento de setas no segmento terminal da antênula, acréscimo no número de setas furcais, variação no comprimento e na forma do corpo. No sexto dia eclodiu o primeiro estágio de copepodito, que sobreviveu sete dias sem sofrer muda. Descrições morfológicas pormenorizadas e ilustrações foram feitas para todos os estágios de náuplios c para o primeiro estágio de copepodito.
O autor reestuda a espécie Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921) parasita de pulmões de Callithrix jacchus (mico-estrela). Trata-se da segunda observação destes parasitas. É feito um resumo histórico destes metastrongilídeos de pulmão de macacos. O autor complementa ainda a descrição original de Travassos e faz observações sobre a patogenia determinada pelos vermes no pulmão do macaco. É proposta uma nova combinação: a espécie é transferida do gênero Filaroides Van Beneden, 1858 para o gênero Filariopsis Van Thiel, 1926, em vista de apresentar três lábios na face oral; estes vermes passam a chamar-se Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921) Rego, 1974.
We regard Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) allpha (Lutz & Peryassú, 1921) as a nomen nudum in view of the ambiguities in its original description, as explained in this note.
Durante dois anos completos - outubro de 1981 a setembro de 1983 - capturamos flebótomos em armadilhas luminosas no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos. As armadilhas eram colocadas, semanalmente, em pontos estratégicos na floresta, sempre no mesmo local e hora, ficando expostas por 12 horas. Foram gastas 732 horas e obtidos 2.730 flebótomos pertencentes a 17 espécies, quatro do gênero Brumptomyia França & Parrot, 1921 e 13 do gênero Lutzomyia França, 1924. a proporção de machos em relação ao número total foi de 76,3%. As espécies L. barrettoi, L. ayrozai e L. hirsuta corresponderam a 95% do total, sendo que a primeria somou quase o dobro de exemplares das outras duas juntas. L. ayrozai foi a mais numerosa na época quente e úmida e L. hirsuta na masi fria e seca, do mesmo modo que L. barrettoi, sendo que esta só ocorreu nesta época do ano. O número de espécies e espécimens foi bem maior na área B, onde as armadilhas foram colocadas perto do solo, próximas a tocas de animais silvestres, do que na área A, onde foram instaladas afastadas do solo, em local de vegetação mais fechada e perto de árvores com raízes tabulares. Após o repouso pós-alimentar, na procura de locais adequados para a postura, acreditamos que as fêmeas tenham maior atração pela fonte luminosa, pois verificamos um número considerável de fêmeas grávidas. Também em armadilhas luminosas constatamos que a lua nova foi mais favorável à coleta de flebótomos e a lua cheia a de menor rendimento.
Este trabalho abrange o parasitismo por nematóides, acantocéfalos, trematódeos e cestóides de 1027 peixes pertencentes a 45 espécies do rio Mogi Guassu, examinados nos anos de 1927, 1946, 1947, 1962, 1983 e 1985, como uma contribuição ao conhecimento da fauna parasitária em 58 anos. São relacionadas 32 espécies de nematóides, 21 de trematódeos, três de acantocéfalos e duas de cestóides. São referidos novos hospedeiros para Cucullanus pinnai, Spirocamallanus inopinatus e Travnema travnema, para o trematódeo Pararhipidocotyle jeffersoni e para o acantocéfalo Gorytocephalus spectabilis. São apresentadas medidas adicionais de Creptotrema lynchi, tabelas, gráficos e a lista dos hospedeiros examinados e seus parasitos.
Nematodes and fragments of lungs from Cebus ssp., Callithrix jacchus (l.) and Saimiri sciureus (L.) were studied. The worms from Cebus and Callithrix must be called Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921). The names Filariopsis arator Chandler, 1931 and Filaroides cebi Gebauer, 1933 are synonymized to F. barretoi. The status of Filariopsis gordius (Travassos, 1921) remains uncertain. The pathology is described. The parasites are located in the pulmonary paranchyma, near the pleural surface, constituting nodules.
Eggs and larvae of Strongyloides ferreirai Rodrigues, Vicente & Gomes, 1985 are identified in Kerodon rupestris (Wied.) coprolites dated from 8.000-2.000 years BP (Before Present), collected from archaeological sites from the northeast of Brazil.
From March 1985 to February 1987 montly cast net and beach seine sambles were collected at the Marapendi lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to describe its ichthyofauna and analyze associations between species and their distribution in areas with different salinity regimes. A stratified random sampling design was used and the lagoon diveided in four areas (1-4) according to salinity gradient. The "Bravais-Pearson" correlation index was utilized to analyze the similarity between species and between areas and also group them according to the UPGMA method. According to the results eight species groups were established. The majority of the species were wuryhaline, having a marine origin and were distributed in areas 1, 2 and 3 (high salinity areas). The formation of smaller groups with species of fresh water origin, which occurred in areas 2, 3 and 4 is also discussed.
In order to widen the present knowledge on the biology of this species, a study on the resistance to starvation was carried out among all nymphal stages and the adult stage (male and female). All evolutive stages were weighed on precision scale in three different nutritional situations: fed, non-fed and death registered after starvation. This procedure has allowed us to calculate the amount of blood taken in each stage and during the whole cycle, the average loss of weight during starvation and its relations with the initial weight. The insects were fed on mice and after eclosion or ecdisis they were isolated for observation of the starving period. Throuhout the whole experiment they were kept in a B. O. D./DOB incubator (28ºC and 90%R.U.). The resistance to starvation of the insects has grown from the first stage on (average of 15.5 days) to the fifth stage (average of 75.64 days); on the adult stage, the resistance period was equal to the third stage with an average of 41.76 for the males and 44.82 for the females. The amount of ingested blood was greater at the fifth stage worth 34.14 mg, corresponding to 2,04 times its initial weight. The average weight loss during the starvation was greater at the adult stage (23.95 mg), corresponding to 61.52% of the total weight.
Neohilgertia gen. n. proposed for Oxyuridae nematodes from Thylamys venustus cinderellus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) is described. The hypothesis about the possibility of a secondary parasitism for marsupials and the origin of the genus in the African Sciuridae parasite ancestors is discussed.
In the biological study, the development of the biological cycle of the insect under different feeding conditions was evaluated. The insects were fed on either mouse blood (c) or pigeon blood (p) using two types of rearing techniques (individual or group) at 28(graus) C and 90% relative humidity (which is equivalent to their natural environment). A fifth cycle studied, was fed on mouse blood reared on group, and mantained at laboratory environmental temperature. In the five cycles analyzed, it was found that groups on mouse blood at near natural conditions developed more rapidly (between 60 and 73 days) and had a lower rate of mortality (16.66%). The daily handling and changes in environment, of the individually reared insects, for observation of biological characteristics (no. and duration of bloodmeal, defecation and first fed of each stage) had a negative influence. None of the individuals fed on mouse or pigeon blood reached adult hood. It was found that the longevity and the fertility rate were significantly superior on couples maintained individually on mouse blood. These males had an average lifespan of 110,26 days and the females had an average lifespan of 104,46 days. The average number of eggs laid by each female was 21,26. Four couples kept in groups (five couples in each group) under the same condition, the longevity for males was 51,86 days and for females was 81,06 days. An average of 10,5 eggs were laid by each female. However, the percentage of fertile eggs was higher in couples kept in groups (72.15%) than in the individual couples (57.68%).
Estudos morfológicos de Cavernicola lenti Barrett & Arias, 1985 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae)
In order to widen the present knowledge of this species, was done a detailed description of eggs and all nymphal stages as well as the external genitalia of the males and females using light and scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics were compared with another species of the same genus C. pilosa Barber, 1937. Observations on the male internal genitalia were also done.