62 resultados para HYPOMANIC EPISODE


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Abstract Background: Most international studies on epidemiology of transient loss of consciousness (TLC) were performed many years ago. There are no data about the lifetime prevalence of TLC in Russia. Objective: To identify the lifetime prevalence and presumed mechanisms of TLC in an urban Russian population. Methods: 1796 individuals (540 males [30.1%] and 1256 females [69.9%]) aged 20 to 69 years (mean age 45.8 ± 11.9 years) were randomly selected and interviewed within the framework of multicentre randomised observational trial. Results: The overall prevalence of TLC in the studied population was 23.3% (418/1796), with the highest proportion (28%) seen in 40-49 year age group. TLC was significantly more common in women than in men (27.5% vs 13.5%). The mean age of patients at the time of the first event was 16 (11; 23) years, with 333 (85%) individuals experiencing the first episode of TLC under 30 years. The average time after the first episode of TLC was 27 (12; 47) years. The following mechanisms of TLC were determined using the questionnaire: neurally-mediated syncope (56.5%), arrhythmogenic onset of syncope (6.0%), nonsyncopal origin of TLC (1.4%), single episode during lifetime (2.1%). Reasons for TLC remained unidentified in 34% cases. 27 persons (6.5%) reported a family history of sudden death, mainly patients with presumably arrhythmogenic origin (24%). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the overall prevalence of TLC in individuals aged 20-69 years is high. The most common cause of TLC is neurally-mediated syncope. These data about the epidemiology can help to develop cost-effective management approaches to TLC.


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An excess of hepatitis cases, in the research center of Petrobrás located in the Fundaão Island, within the city of Rio de Janeiro, was notified during the second half of March 1980. In recent years this center has had an average of four cases per year, but between March 5th and April 25th, sixteen cases were reported. The cause and possible source of infection were investigated. A serologic diagnosis of hepatitis A was made by showing IgG serum antibodies against this virus in patients. No subclinical cases among a group of 60 healthy employees could be identified. A questionnaire was circulated to investigate a possible commom source of infection. Evaluation of the water supply system indicated that it had recently been contaminated. Information obtained from other medical services in the island failed to reveal that the episode was part of a larger outbreak.


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We studied the frequency of specific anti-Toxoplasma IgM, IgA and IgE antibodies in serum of 28 immunocompetent Colombian patients, selected by ophthalmologists and with lesions that were compatible with ocular toxoplasmosis. Patients were classified in three groups: (i) group 1 consisted of ten patients with a first episode; (ii) group 2, with seven patients with a recurrence and (iii) group 3, consisted of eleven patients with chronic chorioretinal lesion without uveitis. We found that 10/28 (35%) of Colombian patients with ocular toxoplasmosis possessed at least one serological marker for Toxoplasma infection different from IgG. In group 1 (first episode), we found simultaneous presence of specific IgM plus IgA plus IgE in 1/10 (10%). In group 2 (recurrences) in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgA test positives and in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgE tests positives. In group 3 (toxoplasmic chorioretinal scar) the IgA serological test was positive in 2/11 (18%). These results show that serum IgM or IgA or IgE can be present during recurrences.


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Dengue virus types 1 and 2 have been isolated in Brazil by the Department of Virology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, after many decades of absence. A successful continental Aedes aegypti control program in the Americas, has been able to eradicate the vector in most countries in the 60's, but the program could not be sustained along the years. Dengue viruses were reintroduced in the American region and the infection became endemic in Brazil, like in most Central and SouthAmerican countries and in the Caribbean region, due to the weaning of the vector control programs in these countries. High demographic densities and poor housing conditions in large urban communities, made the ideal conditions for vector spreading. All four dengue types are circulating in the continent and there is a high risk of the introduction in the country of the other two dengue types in Brazil, with the development of large epidemics. After the Cuban episode in 1981, when by the first time a large epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been described in the Americas, both clinical presentations are observed, specially in the countries like Brazil, with circulation of more than one dengue virus type. A tetravalent potent vaccine seems to be the only possible way to control the disease in the future, besides rapid clinical and laboratory diagnosis, in order to offer supportive treatment to the more severe clinical infections.


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Despite highly active anti-retroviral therapy, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the second most prevalent neurological disease in Brazilian AIDS patients, being frequently a defining condition with several episodes. As knowledge of Cryptococcus neoformans isolates in the same episode is critical for understanding why some patients develop several episodes, we investigated the genotype characteristics of C. neoformans isolates in two different situations. By pulsed field gel electrophoresis and random amplifield polymorphic DNA analysis, 54 isolates from 12 patients with AIDS and cryptococcosis were analyzed. Group 1 comprised 39 isolates from nine patients with a single episode and hospitalization. Group 2 comprised 15 isolates from three patients with two episodes and hospitalizations. Except for three patients from group 1 probably infected with a single C. neoformans isolate, the other nine patients probably were infected with multiple isolates selected in different collection periods, or the infecting isolate might have underwent mutation to adapt and survive the host immune system and/or the antifungal therapy. However, the three patients from group 2 presented genetic diversity among isolates collected in both hospitalizations, possibly having hosted the initial isolate in both periods. These data, emphasize that Cryptococcus diversity in infection can contribute to strategies of treatment and prevention of cryptococcosis.


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The influence of patient age on various features of ocular toxoplasmosis has been a subject of study for many years. The age at which Toxoplasma gondii infection occurs in different populations is related to socioeconomic factors and studies suggest that ocular toxoplasmosis is a more severe disease at the extremes of age. The prevalence of ocular involvement is markedly different between individuals with congenital and those with post-natally acquired infections. Even among those with post-natally acquired infections, age influences the risk and timing of ocular involvement. The severity of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis (in terms of lesion size, location and associated inflammation) is also affected by patient age at the time of initial infection or recurrence. The risk of recurrent toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis is influenced by age at the time of initial infection and age at most recent episode of active disease. Understanding of relationships between ocular toxoplasmosis and patient age is incomplete; evidence has often been indirect and in some cases conflicting. The influence of patient age on ocular toxoplasmosis should be studied in a systematic manner to provide a better understanding of disease mechanisms and to provide clinical information that can used to establish better strategies for disease treatment and prevention.


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Live attenuated vaccines have recently been introduced for preventing rotavirus disease in children. However, alternative strategies for prevention and treatment of rotavirus infection are needed mainly in developing countries where low vaccine coverage occurs. In the present work, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), ascorbic acid (AA), some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists were tested for their ability to interfere with rotavirus ECwt infectivity as detected by the percentage of viral antigen-positive cells of small intestinal villi isolated from ECwt-infected ICR mice. Administration of 6 mg NAC/kg every 8 h for three days following the first diarrhoeal episode reduced viral infectivity by about 90%. Administration of AA, ibuprofen, diclofenac, pioglitazone or rosiglitazone decreased viral infectivity by about 55%, 90%, 35%, 32% and 25%, respectively. ECwt infection of mice increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2, ERp57, Hsc70, NF-κB, Hsp70, protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) and PPARγ in intestinal villus cells. NAC treatment of ECwt-infected mice reduced Hsc70 and PDI expression to levels similar to those observed in villi from uninfected control mice. The present results suggest that the drugs tested in the present work could be assayed in preventing or treating rotaviral diarrhoea in children and young animals.


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The thalidomide disaster, in the 60,s, is the most painful reminder of the importance of chirality for biological activity. After this episode, much attention has been devoted to study the correlations between toxicological and pharmacological properties and chirality. Actualy, to get a licence for a new chiral drug in EUA, European community and Japan, it is necessary to study the biological properties of each enatiomer independently. This article presents an overview about the importance of the chirality of organic compounds and its relationships with biological activity, asymmetric synthetic methodologies and market.


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Intestinal complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy are rare and usually caused by direct injury sustained on trocar insertion. However, intestinal ischaemia has been reported as an unusual complication of the pneumoperitoneum. We describe a 55-years-old patient who underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy after an episode of acute cholecystitis. Initial recovery was complicated by development of increasing abdominal pain which led to open laparotomy on day 2. Gangrene of the distal ileum and right-sided colon was detected and small bowel resection with right colectomy and primary anastomosis was performed. Histological examination of the resected ileum showed features of venous hemorragic infarction and trombosis. In view of the proximity of the operation it is assumed that ileal ischaemia was precipitated by carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Some studies have been demonstrated that, within 30 minutes of establishing a pneumoperitoneum at an intraabdominal pressure of 16 mmHg, cardiac output, blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery and portal vein decrease progressively. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum may lead to mechanical compression of the splanchnic veins and mesenteric vasoconstriction as a result of carbon dioxide absortion. The distribution of the ischaemic segment of intestine is also unusual as the most precarious blood supply is traditionally at the splenic flexure of the colon. It has been suggested that intermittent decompression of the abdomen reduces the risk of mesenteric ischaemia during penumoperitoneum especially in patients with predisposing clinical features for arteriosclerosis intestinal. In present patient was observed intestinal venous infarction what remains unclear but we think the carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum have been related to it.


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Bleeding remains a common and a potential lethal complication for peptic ulcer disease. Multidisciplinary approach by endoscopists, surgeons and intensive care physicians is necessary to improve results for this severe complication. In this article we intend to introduce surgeons and intensive care physicians to endoscopic concepts and maneuvers commonly used in the treatment of bleeding peptic ulcer disease. Early clinical assessment and endoscopic evaluation are helpful to classify the severity of the bleeding episode. Two major achievements have changed the management of this complication: combined endoscopic therapy and proton pump inhibitors. The former consists of combining two different endoscopic methods to stop bleeding or prevent re-bleeding (e.g., injection of a sclerosing substance and thermal coagulation). Surgical treatment for peptic ulcer bleeding is indicated when endoscopic therapy fails or to prevent re-bleeding in high risk patients who presents with a spurting bleeding ulcer and shock. For the remaining situations, there are consistent evidences that a second endoscopic therapy should be attempted when re-bleeding occurs. Keywords: endoscopic hemostasis, recurrent bleeding, peptic ulcer bleeding, proton-pump inhibitor, non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding.


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To determine the morphological differences in the epithelium of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae challenge, twenty-four 4-week-old M. hyopneumoniae-free pigs were intratracheally inoculated with 107ccu/ml of a pure low-passaged culture of the P5722-3 strain of M. hyopneumoniae challenge material. Eight pigs (group I) were challenged at the beginning of the experiment and rechallenged 3 months later. Group II pigs were also challenged at the beginning of the experiment and necropsied 3 months later. Group III pigs were challenged at the same time as the rechallenge of group I pigs. Eight nonchallenged pigs served as controls (group IV). Three days after the second challenge of group I and the first challenge of group III, and every 3 and 4 days thereafter, two pigs from each group were euthanatized by electrocution and necropsied. Samples of bronchi and lung tissue were examined using light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Macroscopic lesions were observed in the lungs of all group III pigs (average = 4.74%) and were characterized by purple-red areas of discoloration and increased firmness affecting the cranioventral aspect of the lungs. Macroscopic lesions of pneumonia in groups I and II were minimal (less than 1%). There were no gross lesions of pneumonia in control (group IV) pigs. Microscopic lesions were characterized by hyperplasia of the peribronchial lymphoid tissue and mild neutrophilic infiltrates in alveoli. Electron microscopy showed patchy areas with loss of cilia and presence of leukocytes and mycoplasmas in bronchi of susceptible pigs (group III). The bronchial epithelium of rechallenged (group I), recovered (group II), and control (group IV) pigs was ultrastructurally similar indicating recovery of the former two groups. Although mycoplasmas were seen among cilia, a second challenge on pigs of group I did not produce another episode of the disease nor did it enhance morphological changes, suggesting that those pigs could become carriers of M. hyopneumoniae.


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The aim of this study was to describe a fatal salmonellosis case in a non-human female primate (Callithrix jacchus), found in the illegal pet trade in Brazil. The marmoset was sent to the quarantine section of the Guarulhos City Zoo and died in the sequence of an episode of profuse diarrhea. Necropsy findings included mucous enteritis, and liver enlargement and necrosis. Feces and liver fragments were collected for bacteriological tests, which indicated the presence of Salmonella sp.; it was subsequently characterized as pertaining to the Yoruba serotype. The susceptibility profile demonstrated resistance to tetracycline only. The strain was positive for genes that encoded the virulence factors investigated (invA, sefC, pefA and spvC). The results indicated the risk of introduction of Salmonella pathogenic serotypes in primates in captivity.


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Actinobacillosis is a common cause of sporadic infection in cattle. It was mostly characterized as a pyogranulomatous inflammation of the tongue, but also soft tissues as lymph nodes, other digestive tract localization and skin. The aim of this study was to describe an episode of granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis affecting a bull herd in Argentina during 2010. Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated from samples collected from one of the affected bulls, and characteristic lesions were observed. Lesions other than 'wooden tongue' are usually uncommon; however, actinobacillosis should be included as a differential diagnosis for cutaneous diseases.


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Outward current oscillations associated with transient membrane hyperpolarizations were induced in murine macrophage polykaryons by membrane depolarization in the absence of external Na+. Oscillations corresponded to a cyclic activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ currents (IKCa) probably correlated with variations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Addition of external Na+ (8 mM) immediately abolished the outward current oscillations, suggesting that the absence of the cation is necessary not only for their induction but also for their maintenance. Oscillations were completely blocked by nisoldipine. Ruthenium red and ryanodine reduced the number of outward current cycles in each episode, whereas quercetin prolonged the hyperpolarization 2- to 15-fold. Neither low molecular weight heparin nor the absence of a Na+ gradient across the membrane had any influence on oscillations. The evidence suggests that Ca2+ entry through a pathway sensitive to Ca2+ channel blockers is elicited by membrane depolarization in Na+-free medium and is essential to initiate oscillations, which are also dependent on the cyclic release of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+-sensitive stores; Ca2+ ATPase acts by reducing intracellular Ca2+, thus allowing slow deactivation of IKCa. Evidence is presented that neither a Na+/Ca2+ antiporter nor Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores participate directly in the mechanism of oscillation


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Brain ischemia followed by reperfusion causes neuronal death related to oxidative damage. Furthermore, it has been reported that subjects suffering from ischemic cerebrovascular disorders exhibit changes in circulating platelet aggregation, a characteristic that might be important for their clinical outcome. In the present investigation we studied tert-butyl hydroperoxide-initiated plasma chemiluminescence and thiol content as measures of peripheral oxidative damage in naive and preconditioned rats submitted to forebrain ischemia produced by the 4-vessel occlusion method. Rats were submitted to 2 or 10 min of global transient forebrain ischemia followed by 60 min or 1, 2, 5, 10 or 30 days of reperfusion. Preconditioned rats were submitted to a 10-min ischemic episode 1 day after a 2-min ischemic event (2 + 10 min), followed by 60 min or 1 or 2 days of reperfusion. It has been demonstrated that such preconditioning protects against neuronal death in rats and gerbils submitted to a lethal (10 min) ischemic episode. The results show that both 2 and 10 min of ischemia cause an increase of plasma chemiluminescence when compared to control and sham rats. In the 2-min ischemic group, the effect was not present after reperfusion. In the 10-min ischemic group, the increase was present up to 1 day after recirculation and values returned to control levels after 2 days. However, rats preconditioned to ischemia (2 + 10 min) and reperfusion showed no differences in plasma chemiluminescence when compared to controls. We also analyzed plasma thiol content since it has been described that sulfhydryl (SH) groups significantly contribute to the antioxidant capacity of plasma. There was a significant decrease of plasma thiol content after 2, 10 and 2 + 10 min of ischemia followed by reperfusion when compared to controls. We conclude that ischemia may cause, along with brain oxidative damage and cell death, a peripheral oxidative damage that is reduced by the preconditioning phenomenon.