56 resultados para HLA-DR


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HLA antigens and their relationship with malaria infection were studied in four different ethnic groups in Colombia (South America): two groups of indians (Kunas and Katios), one of negroes and a group of mixed ancestry. A total of 965 persons were studied, 415 with malaria and 550 as controls. HLA-A,B, and C antigen frequencies in the four groups are reported. The association of each HLA antigen with malaria infection due to P. vivax and to P. falciparum was evaluated. Negroes, Kunas and Katios indians variously lack from 6 to 9 of the HLA antigens found in the mixed group. In the designated ethnic groups, antigens B5, B13, B15, Cw2 and Cw4 showed borderline association with malaria infection. However, in the mixed ethnic group, statistically significant associations were found with malaria infection and the presence of A9, Aw19, B17, B35, and Z98 (a B21-B45: crossreacting determinant) with few differences when P. vivax infection and P. falciparum infection were considered individually. This finding may represent a lack of general resistance to malaria in the group that harbors antigens of Caucasian origin. These individuals have been in direct and permanent contact with malaria only in the past 65 years. In contrast, indians, both Kunas and Katios, and Negroes have lived for centuries in malaria endemic areas, and it is possible that a natural selection system has developed through which only those individuals able to initiate an acute immune response to malaria have survived.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency of human leukocyte antigens class II-DR in children and adolescents with systemic lupus erythematosus. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-fiveBrazilian systemic lupus erythematosus children and adolescents and 308 healthy individuals were studied. Gender, race, and age of onset of systemic lupus erythematosus were recorded. The human leukocyte antigens typing of class II-DR was carried out by polymerase chain reaction amplification with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). Data were analyzed statistically using the chi square test with Yates' correction, Fisher's exact test, and Bonferroni's correction. RESULTS: Human leukocyte antigen-DR 15 was the most frequently detected antigen in this group of children and adolescents, and it also occurred more frequently in the female group, in children with onset of systemic lupus erythematosus between 0 and 9 years and between 10 to 14 years, and in the Black race group, but these associations were not statistically significants. CONCLUSION: In this group of children and adolescents with a high degree of racial admixture, we could not verify a significant association between human leukocyte antigens class II-DR and systemic lupus erythematosus.


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FUNDAMENTO: Apesar da evolução tecnológica do cardiodesfibrilador implantável, uma das questões que permanece em aberto é sobre o eventual benefício do cardiodesfibrilador implantável de dupla câmara comparativamente ao de câmara única, para diminuir os choques inapropriados. OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em pacientes com cardiodesfibrilador implantável, qual é o tipo de dispositivo que proporciona menor número de choques inapropriados (câmara dupla versus câmara única). MÉTODOS: Meta-análise da literatura publicada, de estudos randomizados, comparando cardiodesfibrilador implantável de câmara dupla ao de câmara única, que tenham, como endpoint avaliado, a ocorrência de choques inapropriados. RESULTADOS: O cardiodesfibrilador implantável de câmara dupla não mostrou benefícios na redução do número de pacientes com choques inapropriados. Pelo contrário, na análise de efeitos fixos, a associação foi tendencialmente favorável ao cardiodesfibrilador implantável de câmara única (OR = 1,53; IC95%: 0,91-2,57), não obstante a ausência de significado estatístico (p = 0,11). Merece destaque a heterogenia observada nos resultados (I2 = 53%), o que motivou a replicação da análise utilizando um modelo de efeitos aleatórios. No entanto, as diferenças significativas permaneceram na ocorrência de choques inapropriados em ambos os grupos (OR = 1,1; IC95%: 0,37-3,31; p = 0,86). Para complementar a análise, procedeu-se à análise de sensibilidade, na qual se verificou que a exclusão de um estudo resultava na mais baixa heterogenia observada (I2=24%) e na associação com os choques inapropriados significativamente favorável ao cardiodesfibrilador de câmara única (OR = 1,91; IC95%: 1,09-3,37; p = 0,27). CONCLUSÕES: Verificou-se a não existência de evidência clara de superioridade de qualquer um dos dispositivos avaliados.


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