66 resultados para HARTMANN, NICOLAI


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OBJETIVO: A ressonância magnética tem sido utilizada para avaliar as vias lacrimais, com vantagens em relação à dacriocistografia por raios-X. O objetivo deste trabalho é obter imagens de alta resolução utilizando bobinas de superfície microscópicas para avaliação de estruturas normais das vias lacrimais, comparando com o aspecto observado utilizando-se bobinas de superfície convencionais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinco voluntários assintomáticos, sem histórico de lacrimejamento, submeteram-se a ressonância magnética de alto campo, com bobinas de superfície (convencional e microscópica), com seqüência STIR após instilação de soro fisiológico. A identificação das estruturas anatômicas normais das vias lacrimais foi comparada utilizando-se as duas bobinas. Mediante uso de um sistema de escore, um valor médio de cada estrutura foi calculado por dois examinadores, consensualmente. RESULTADOS: Em 90% das vezes houve aumento do escore, atribuído à estrutura anatômica no estudo com a bobina microscópica. Em média, houve aumento de 1,17 ponto no escore, por estrutura anatômica visualizada, quando se utilizou a bobina microscópica. Observou-se, ainda, melhora subjetiva da relação sinal-ruído ao se utilizar a bobina microscópica. CONCLUSÃO: A dacriocistografia por ressonância magnética com bobinas microscópicas é um método adequado para o estudo das vias lacrimais, resultando em imagens de melhor qualidade quando comparada ao uso de bobinas de superfície convencionais.


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The current article presents the first data on physical-chemical parameters of wet precipitation collected at single collection point in the city of Rio Grande, during the period of 12 months in 1997-1998. The employed technique of rainwater separation into several portions made clear the process of the atmosphere self-purification during a precipitation event. The pH of rainwater depends on the extent of industrial emissions and increases during a precipitation event. The first portion of rainwater shows an obvious neutralizing effect of soil and ocean-derived components, whose intensity depends on the duration of the preceding dry period.


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Fluoride concentration was determined in rainwater, ground water and soil in the zone of fertilizer industry in the city of Rio Grande. In contaminated rainwater fluorine concentration was registered up to the value of 4,4 mg.L-1. Fluorine concentration in the shallow ground water in general reflects its distribution in the atmosphere, but cannot be used as marker of atmosphere contamination in the urban area due to dissolving influence of residential effluents. The 0,01% HCl extracts from the set of surface soil samples demonstrates fluoride distribution in the zone of influence of industrial emissions, which coincides to the numerical simulation of fluorides dispersion in the air.


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High lead concentrations up to 5478 mg kg-1 were detected in dry atmospheric precipitations in Rio Grande city and adjacent area. Lead anomalies cover up to 30% of the study area. Lead concentration measurement in dry atmospheric precipitation and suspended particulate matter provides a possibility to detect concentrations above lead threshold in the air. The most impacted areas are fishermen's villages. The most possible source of lead in the air is uncontrolled sub industrial activity of local population


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The alteration in the quality of groundwater in the industrial zone of Brazil's southernmost state was assessed by a hydrogeochemical study. In 70-85% of the studied area, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate in groundwater surpass the maximum limits for human consumption according to Brazilian environmental legislation. The chemical spectrum of contaminants and their spatial distribution show that fertilizer production processes are responsible for groundwater pollution. The natural conditions of the region are not favorable for minimal protection against infiltration of pollutants into the aquifer.


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The employment of local soils for extraction of metallic elements was evaluated through batch tests to treat wastewaters generated in a petroleum refinery plant in southern Brazil. Clay and organic carbon content and clay mineralogy provide these soils, in principle, with moderate metal retention capacity. The following retention order was established: Cr3+ > Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Hg2+ > Cd2+, with total amount of metals retained varying from 36 to 65 meq kg-1. The results show the high efficiency of local soils for extracting metals from liquid effluents through sorption and precipitation processes under acid pH conditions.


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Nickel and vanadium were tested as tracers of oil refinery emission distribution in populated area of Rio Grande-RS. The anomalies of these elements in surface soil are considered a long-term reflection of the emissions in low atmosphere. The spatial distribution of Ni and V in the soil corresponded to the pattern of local winds. The threshold of 1.5 backgrounds of these metals markedly outlined the area of petrochemical emissions. Anomalies of Ni and V in surface soil have a rather different configuration in comparison with other metal tracers of urban impact: Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn.


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Land reclamation fills in the city of Rio Grande (RS) are polluted by mercury with concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 18.7 mg kg-1. The level of Hg pollution decreases from the oldest landfills of 18th century to recent ones. Mercury distribution along vertical profiles resembles the same for copper, lead, and zinc, what allow supposing that mercury distribution has an autochthonous character. It is suggested that the principal source of mercury pollution was the activities related to animal skin and fair hair treatment, using ancient technology known as "carroting". Similar scenario of environmental risk could be met in other Brazilian cities with similar colonization history.


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A conduta no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer do reto médio é ainda controversa. Vários procedimentos cirúrgicos foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, em noventa doentes operados durante o período de fevereiro de 1990 a junho de 1997. Deste total, 43 (47,7%) doentes eram do sexo feminino e 47 (52,3%) do masculino. A idade variou entre 20 e 90 anos, com média de 60,2 anos. Os principais sintomas e sinais foram puxo e tenesmo, hematoquesia e emagrecimento. O tempo decorrido desde o início dos sintomas até o diagnóstico variou de dois a 24 meses, com média de 7,5 meses. A amputação abdômino-perineal do reto foi realizada em 17 doentes (18,8%) e a complicação mais freqüente foi a deiscência da ferida perineal, em 47% dos casos. Um doente (1,1 %) foi submetido a proctocolectomia total, evoluindo sem intercorrências. A operação de Hartmann foi feita em 26 doentes (28,8%), ocorrendo 7,6% de morbidade e 7,6% de mortalidade, em virtude de complicações clínicas. Em 26 doentes (28,8%), foi realizada ressecção anterior seguida de anastomose. Em dez (11,1%), foi realizada anastomose manual e não houve complicações. Nos outros 16 (17,7%) foi feita anastomose mecânica, havendo três deiscências e um óbito, relacionado a complicações clínicas. Em oito doentes (8,8%), foi realizada ressecção com abaixamento coloanal, ocorrendo 50% de complicações, devido à necrose e à retração do cólon abaixado. Houve apenas um óbito relacionado à complicação cirúrgica. Em 12 doentes (13,3%) não foi efetuada a ressecção do tumor, em decorrência de precárias condições clínicas dos mesmos e falta de critérios de ressecabilidade da lesão. Concluímos que o procedimento cirúrgico adequado no tratamento do câncer do reto médio depende de estadiamento criterioso, considerando o grau de diferenciação celular, a presença de metástase, a condição local do tumor, a situação clínica do doente e a experiência da equipe cirúrgica.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) na cicatrização de anastomoses colônicas em ratos. MÉTODO: Utilizaram-se 50 ratos divididos em 4 grupos. Dois desses grupos, vinte e seis animais, foram submetidos à operação de Hartmann; metade destes (grupo HF) recebeu infusões retais diárias, no pós-operatório, de solução fisiológica a 0,9% ; a outra metade (grupo HA) recebeu solução de butirato de sódio à 80mmol/l (AGCC) (HA). Os dois grupos restantes, vinte e quatro animais foram submetidos à anastomose colônica término-terminal a 4 cm da borda anal. Destes, 12 animais (grupo AF) receberam infusões retais de soro fisiológico a 0,9% e 12 animais (grupo AA) receberam a solução com AGCC. Os animais foram avaliados no 7º e 14º dia do pós-operatório. Foi realizada análise histológica da densitometria do colágeno pela coloração do sirius red, utilizando-se a microscopia de polarização com método computadorizado. RESULTADOS: Comparando-se os grupos submetidos à cirurgia de Hartmann, portanto na ausência do trânsito intestinal, observou-se concentração significativamente maior de colágeno I e total no grupo que recebeu AGCC (p=0,001). Comparando-se os grupos submetidos à anastomose término-terminal, com interferência do trânsito intestinal, não se encontrou diferença significante da concentração de colágeno I e total (p=0,056 e p=0,397, respectivamente). A ação isolada do trânsito intestinal promoveu também aumento da produção de colágeno, quando comparado ao grupo sem atuação do trânsito intestinal. CONCLUSÃO: A administração via retal de AGCC, na ausência do trânsito intestinal mostrou-se de grande valia, promovendo aumento da síntese do colágeno. Independentemente da interferência do trânsito intestinal, o principal efeito do AGCC esteve relacionado com o aumento da maturação do colágeno.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados pós-operatórios de um protocolo multimodal de cuidados peri-operatórios sem preparo mecânico de cólon (protocolo ACERTO) em pacientes submetidos a operações colorretais. METODOS: Foram avaliados prospectivamente 53 pacientes (37M e 16F; 57 [18-82] anos) submetidos à diversas operações colorretais com pelo menos uma anastomose divididos em dois grupos. O primeiro grupo (n=25) foi operado entre Janeiro de 2004 e Julho de 2005 com protocolo convencional incluindo preparo mecânico de cólon. O segundo grupo (n=28) foi operado entre agosto de 2005 e junho de 2008, após a implantação do protocolo ACERTO e sem preparo de cólon. Comparou-se estatisticamente a incidência de complicações, a duração da hospitalização e a mortalidade em ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: Dois (3,8%) pacientes faleceram no pós-operatório, um em cada grupo. Pacientes do grupo ACERTO tiveram jejum pré-operatório abreviado, receberam menos fluido intravenoso e re-alimentaram mais cedo que o grupo convencional (p<0.05). Não houve diferença na morbidade pós-operatória (36% vs. 28,6%; p=0,56) com incidência de fístula anastomótica semelhante (12 vs. 10,7%; p=1,00). O número de complicações por paciente foi menor no grupo ACERTO (p=0.01). O tempo de internação do grupo ACERTO, operado sem preparo de cólon foi abreviado em 4,5 dias (12 [4-43] dias vs 7,5 [3-47] dias, p = 0,04). CONCLUSÃO: As rotinas do protocolo ACERTO são seguras e melhoram resultados em cirurgia colorretal por diminuir gravidade de complicações e o tempo de internação.


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Surgery is the most effective way of treating a locally advanced colorectal carcinoma and an extended en bloc resection is necessary to achieve the best overall survival rate. In this rare case, a multi-visceral resection was performed along with the entire lower left limb and left iliac bone for a sigmoid carcinoma. The T4N0M0 (B3) tumor involved the left iliac vessels, left pelvic wall, small bowel and both rectus muscles, besides presenting with a skin fistula. A Hartmann colostomy was also performed. Chemotheraphy was interrupted because of toxicity. The patient is free of disease after 38 months. There are very few cases that describe an extended hemipelvectomy as part of a colorectal carcinoma treatment.


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The term "complicated" diverticulitis is reserved for inflamed diverticular disease complicated by bleeding, abscess, peritonitis, fistula or bowel obstruction. Hemorrhage is best treated by angioembolization (interventional radiology). Treatment of infected diverticulitis has evolved enormously thanks to: 1) laparoscopic colonic resection followed or not (Hartmann's procedure) by restoration of intestinal continuity, 2) simple laparoscopic lavage (for peritonitis +/- resection). Diverticulitis (inflammation) may be treated with antibiotics alone, anti-inflammatory drugs, combined with bed rest and hygienic measures. Diverticular abscesses (Hinchey Grades I, II) may be initially treated by antibiotics alone and/or percutaneous drainage, depending on the size of the abscess. Generalized purulent peritonitis (Hinchey III) may be treated by the classic Hartmann procedure, or exteriorization of the perforation as a stoma, primary resection with or without anastomosis, with or without diversion, and last, simple laparoscopic lavage, usually even without drainage. Feculent peritonitis (Hinchey IV), a traditional indication for Hartmann's procedure, may also benefit from primary resection followed by anastomosis, with or without diversion, and even laparoscopic lavage. Acute obstruction (nearby inflammation, or adhesions, pseudotumoral formation, chronic strictures) and fistula are most often treated by resection, ideally laparoscopic. Minimal invasive therapeutic algorithms that, combined with less strict indications for radical surgery before a definite recurrence pattern is established, has definitely lead to fewer resections and/or stomas, reducing their attendant morbidity and mortality, improved post-interventional quality of life, and less costly therapeutic policies.


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Objective: To evaluate the perioperative use of atenolol in reducing the incidence of hematoma after rhytidoplasty.Methods: Between January 2007 and February 2013, 80 patients were randomized into two groups: Group A (n = 26) received perioperative atenolol in order to maintain heart rate (PR) around 60 per minute; Group B (n = 54) did not receive atenolol. Both groups underwent the same anesthetic and surgical technique. We monitored blood pressure (BP), HR, hematoma formation and the need for drainage. Patients were followed-up until the 90th postoperative day. The variables were compared between the groups using the ANOVA test. Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation and the differences were compared with the Student's t test. Values of p d" 0.05 were considered significant.Results: In group A the mean BP (110-70mmHg ± 7.07) and HR (64 / min ± 5) were lower (p d" 0.05) than in group B (135-90mmHg ± 10.6) and (76 / min ± 7.5), respectively. There were four cases of expansive hematoma in group B, all requiring reoperation for drainage, and none in group A (p d" 0,001).Conclusion: The perioperative use of atenolol caused a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate and decreased the incidence of expanding hematoma after rhytidectomy.


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PURPOSE: To compare two single-agent chemotherapy (ChT) regimens evaluating, in first-line treatment, response and side effects and, in final single-agent treatment, the outcomes, among Brazilian patients with low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2002. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of two concurrent cohorts with 194 low-risk GTN patients: from 1992 to 2012, as first-line treatment, 115 patients received 4 intramuscular doses of methotrexate alternated with 4 oral doses of folinic acid (MTX/FA) repetead every 14 days and, since 1996, 79 patients received an endovenous bolus-dose of actinomycin D (Act-D), biweekly. At GTN diagnosis, patient opinion was taken into consideration when defining the initial single-agent ChT regimen, and when there was resistance or toxicity to one regimen, the other drug was used preferentially. This study was approved by the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre Ethical Committee. RESULTS: Both groups were clinically similar (p>0.05). In first-line treatments, frequency of complete response was similar (75.7% with MTX/FA and 67.1% with bolus Act-D); the number of ChT courses -median 3 (range: 1-10) with MTX/FA and 2 (range: 1-6) with bolus Act-D - and the time to remission -median 9 weeks (range: 2-16) with MTX/FA and 10 weeks (range: 2-16) with bolus Act-D) - were not different between the groups. In both groups, first-line side effects frequency were high but intensity was low; stomatitis was higher with MTX/FA (p<0.01) and nausea and vomit with Act-D (p<0.01). Final single-agent ChT responses were high in both groups (94.8% with MTX/FA and 83.5% with bolus Act-D; p<0.01) and 13% higher in the group initially treated with MTX/FA. Rates of hysterectomy and of GTN recurrence were low and similar. No patient died due to GTN. CONCLUSION: The two regimens had similar first-line ChT response. Final single-agent response rates were high and similar in both groups but the final single-agent remission rate was higher in the MTX/FA group.