47 resultados para Gross Pollutants
Field measurement programs in Brazil during the dry season months of August and September in 1979 and 1980 have demonstrated the great importance of the continental tropics in global air chemistry. Especially in the mixed layer, the air composition over land is much different from that over the ocean and the land areas are clearly longe scale sources of many inportant trace gases. During the dry season much biomass, burning takes place especially in the cerrado regions leading to substantial emission of air pollutants, such as CO, NOx, N2O, CH4 and other hydrocarbons. Ozone concentrations are alsoenhanced due to photochemical reactions. Biogenic organic emissions from tropical forests play likewise an important role in the photochemistry of the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide was found to be present in high concentrations in the boundary layer of the tropical forest, but ozone concentrations were much lower than in the cerrado.
In this study, we concentrate on modelling gross primary productivity using two simple approaches to simulate canopy photosynthesis: "big leaf" and "sun/shade" models. Two approaches for calibration are used: scaling up of canopy photosynthetic parameters from the leaf to the canopy level and fitting canopy biochemistry to eddy covariance fluxes. Validation of the models is achieved by using eddy covariance data from the LBA site C14. Comparing the performance of both models we conclude that numerically (in terms of goodness of fit) and qualitatively, (in terms of residual response to different environmental variables) sun/shade does a better job. Compared to the sun/shade model, the big leaf model shows a lower goodness of fit and fails to respond to variations in the diffuse fraction, also having skewed responses to temperature and VPD. The separate treatment of sun and shade leaves in combination with the separation of the incoming light into direct beam and diffuse make sun/shade a strong modelling tool that catches more of the observed variability in canopy fluxes as measured by eddy covariance. In conclusion, the sun/shade approach is a relatively simple and effective tool for modelling photosynthetic carbon uptake that could be easily included in many terrestrial carbon models.
A selection of queens of Melipona scutellaris through the most productive colonies were carried out during eight months in an orange honeyflow. Each of the colonies was evaluated by its production, that is, the gross weight production ( pollen, brood, geopropolis and wax of each hive). With this data a coefficient of repeatability was estimated by the intraclass correlation method, obtained r = 0.835 ± 0.071. The repeatibility is very high showing that the analysed data (production) is repeatable. Selection was then carried out using the regression coefficient of each colony and the respective production gain. Using these data the colonies were divided into three groups according to the method Vencovsky and Kerr (1982): a with the colonies of highest productivity, b of least productivity, and c of intermediary productivity. Colonies with the highest production (Group a) gave their queens to those of the lowest production (Group b) after their queens were taken out and killed; while those of intermediate (Group c) stayed with the same queens during the entire experiment both before and after the selection. The modifications in weight, that is, the genetic response was (R)= 7.98 gr per day which indicated a selection gain. The estimate of the realized herdability is twice the rate of the response to selection (R) by the selection differential (S2). That is then h²R=2(R/S2) then h²R= 0.166
In this study, the gross morphology of the mouthparts and foregut of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia were investigated from larvae and postlarvae reared in the laboratory. The mouthparts (maxillae and maxillipeds) of the zoeae have a reduced number of setae and spines (or is absent in some individuals), and the foregut, under developed, have few minute setae in the cardiac and pyloric chambers. In contrast, after the metamorphosis into megalopa stage, all feeding appendages have many setae and, the foregut shows a well-developed gastric mill with strong lateral teeth. In the juvenile stage occurs an increase of setae and spines in the mouthparts and the foregut becomes more specialized. These observations strongly suggest that a lecithotrophic development occurs during all zoeal stages but the megalopa and juvenile stages are feeding animals. The functional morphology of the feeding structures of L. siriboia and other decapods will be briefly discussed.
Previous study on the resistance of larvae of Sesarma curacaoense submitted to starvation has revealed a facultative lecithotrophy during zoeal stages, but megalopa and first juvenile stages are exclusively feeding stages. In the present study, the gross morphology and fine structure of the foregut of S. curacaoense were investigated during larval, megalopa and first juvenile stages. The foregut of the zoea I show specific setae and a filter press apparently functional. The foregut undergoes changes in the zoea II (last larval stage) with increment of setae number, mainly on the cardiopyloric valve and complexity of the filter press. After metamorphosis to megalopa stage the foregut become rather complex, with a gastric mill supporting a medial and two lateral teeth well-developed. The foregut of the first juvenile is more specialized compared to the previous stage, showing similar characteristics of the decapod adults. These results provide further evidence of facultative lecithotrophic development in the larvae of S. curacaoense.
OBJECTIVE: To identify characteristics of the hospitalizations due to ischemic heart disease (IHD) made by the Single Health System -- "Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) in Brazil from 1993 to 1997. METHODS: The information used came from records of permissions for hospitalization due to IHD (diseases codified from 410 to 414 by the International Disease Classification -- 9th Revision) furnished by the data bank DATASUS. The material studied was classified according to age, sex and length of hospitalization of the patients, and expenses to the system for IHD. RESULTS: IHD represents 1.0% of total hospitalizations. Angina pectoris was the most frequent type, occurring in 53.3% of the cases, followed by acute myocardial infarct (26.6%). This later was more frequent in men and angina in women . The majority of patients with IHD stayed hospitalized from 5 to 8 days. In the years of 1997 the expenses due to hospital treatment for IHD reach to 0.01% of Brazil's Gross Internal Product. In the studied period (1993-1997), IHD was responsible by 1.0% of hospitalizations, however it was 3.3% of the expenses of SUS. CONCLUSION: IHD is an important cause of hospitalization by the SUS; it has a rather high cost, indicating the need for preventive measures aimed at reducing exposure to risk factors and to decrease the incidence of this group of diseases in the nation.
A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é um dos principais fatores de risco para a instalação e progressão das complicações crônicas do diabetes melito (DM) tipo 2. A medida da pressão arterial (PA) através da monitorização ambulatorial da PA (MAPA) apresenta melhor correlação com o desenvolvimento de lesões em órgãos-alvo do que a medida no consultório. Além disso, permite a avaliação de parâmetros pressóricos distintos como as médias das PAs sistólica e diastólica das 24 h, do dia e da noite, cargas pressóricas e ausência do descenso noturno, além da identificação de pacientes com HAS do avental branco e mascarada. Os pacientes com DM apresentam maiores médias de PA diurna e noturna do que os sem DM. Além disso, um terço do pacientes normotensos com DM tipo 2 apresentam HAS mascarada, que está associada a um aumento da albuminúria e da espessura das paredes do ventrículo esquerdo. Por outro lado, a prevalência e o efeito da HAS do avental branco nos pacientes com DM ainda não foram adequadamente avaliados. A determinação da ausência do descenso noturno da PA não acrescenta informação às medidas da PA nas 24 h, no dia ou na noite, mas a medida da PA noturna parece ser relevante na retinopatia do DM. Em conclusão, a determinação da PA através da MAPA é capaz de estratificar de forma mais adequada os pacientes em risco para o desenvolvimento das complicações crônicas do DM e tornou-se um instrumento indispensável para o controle efetivo da PA nestes pacientes.
Síndrome metabólica, resistência à ação da insulina e doença cardiovascular no diabete melito tipo 1
A síndrome metabólica (SM) é um transtorno complexo representado por um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovasculares relacionados à deposição central de gordura e à resistência à ação da insulina (RI), e está associada à mortalidade precoce em indivíduos não-diabéticos e em pacientes com Diabete melito (DM) tipo 2. A presença da SM e dos seus componentes tem sido descrita também em pacientes com DM tipo 1 e pode contribuir para o elevado risco de doença cardiovascular observado nessa população de pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar as evidências disponíveis sobre o papel da SM e da RI no desenvolvimento da doença cardiovascular nos pacientes com DM tipo 1.
FUNDAMENTO: O gene ecto-nucleotídeo pirofosfatase/fosfodiesterase 1 (ENPP1) é um gene candidato à resistência insulínica. A resistência à insulina é um componente importante da síndrome metabólica e tem sido implicada no desenvolvimento de doença cardíaca isquêmica (DCI). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre o polimorfismo K121Q do gene ENPP1 e a presença da DCI em pacientes caucasianos com diabete melito (DM) tipo 2. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal foi realizado em pacientes com DM tipo 2 (n=573; 50,6% homens; idade 59,5±10,4 anos). DCI foi definida pela presença de angina ou infarto agudo do miocárdio pelo questionário cardiovascular da Organização Mundial da Saúde e/ou alterações compatíveis no ECG (código Minnesota) ou cintilografia miocárdica. O polimorfismo K121Q foi genotipado através da técnica de PCR e digestão enzimática. RESULTADOS: DCI esteve presente em 209 (36,5%) pacientes. A frequência dos genótipos KK, KQ e QQ entre os pacientes com DCI foi 60,8%, 34,4% e 4,8%, semelhante à distribuição dos genótipos entre os pacientes sem DCI (64,0%, 32,7% e 3,3%, P = 0,574). Não se observou diferença nas características clínicas ou laboratoriais entre os três genótipos, nem em relação à presença de síndrome metabólica. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhuma associação foi encontrada entre o polimorfismo K121A do gene ENPP1 e a presença de DCI ou características fenotípicas de resistência insulínica.
FUNDAMENTO: Existem evidências indicando que o controle pressórico é mais efetivo na redução de complicações macrovasculares do diabete melito (DM) do que o controle glicêmico. No entanto, a redução da PA para os níveis recomendados pelas diretrizes é difícil na prática clínica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o percentual de pacientes que apresentavam simultaneamente DM tipo 2 e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), atendidos em hospital terciário, com controle pressórico adequado, e determinar os fatores clínicos e laboratoriais associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 348 pacientes com DM tipo 2 e HAS atendidos no ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Os pacientes foram submetidos à anamnese, exame físico, com medida da pressão arterial (PA), e foi coletada amostra de sangue e urina para análise laboratorial. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: controle pressórico ideal (< 130/80 mmHg), regular (130-139/80-89 mmHg) ou inadequado (≥ 140/90 mmHg). RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 61,2 ± 10,1 anos (46% homens, 80% brancos) e a duração do DM, 14,8 ± 9,5 anos. Do total de pacientes, 17% apresentavam valores ideais de PA, 22% regulares e 61% inadequados. Os pacientes com controle inadequado da PA apresentavam maior duração do DM, cintura abdominal e glicemia de jejum. As demais variáveis foram semelhantes nos três grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos pacientes avaliados apresentou controle inadequado da PA. Valores mais elevados de PA estão associados a um perfil clínico adverso, representado por maior duração do DM, obesidade abdominal, maior glicemia de jejum e complicações crônicas do DM.
FUNDAMENTO: A presença de neuropatia autonômica cardíaca (NAC) em pacientes com diabete melito (DM) está associada a aumento da mortalidade e a complicações crônicas microvasculares do diabete. OBJETIVO: Investigar uma possível associação entre achados sugestivos de NAC durante a realização do teste ergométrico (TE) e nefropatia e retinopatia em pacientes com DM tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo transversal com 84 pacientes com DM tipo 1. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e laboratorial e realizaram TE, sendo que aqueles que apresentaram achados sugestivos de isquemia miocárdica foram excluídos da análise dos dados (n = 3). A avaliação de complicações microvasculares (retinopatia e nefropatia) foi realizada na amostra. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com nefropatia e aqueles com retinopatia atingiram uma frequência cardíaca (FC) durante o pico de exercício (FC máxima) menor e apresentaram aumento menor da FC em relação ao repouso (ΔFC pico) quando comparados com aqueles sem estas complicações. Esses pacientes também apresentaram menor redução da FC no segundo e 4º minutos após o final do teste (ΔFC recuperação dois e 4 minutos). Após realização de análise multivariada com controle para os possíveis fatores de confusão, os ΔFC recuperação em dois e 4 minutos, FC máxima e o ΔFC pico permaneceram significativamente associados à retinopatia; e os ΔFC recuperação no segundo e 4º minutos permaneceram associados à presença de nefropatia. CONCLUSÃO: O TE pode ser considerado um instrumento adicional para a detecção precoce de NAC e para identificar pacientes em maior risco para complicações microvasculares do diabete.
FUNDAMENTO: Em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2, a presença de retinopatia está associada a doença cardiovascular aumentada, independentemente dos fatores de risco conhecidos para a doença vascular. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação da retinopatia diabética (RD) e seus graus com a presença de aterosclerose coronariana subclínica em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal foi conduzido com 150 pacientes com diabetes tipo 1, assintomáticos para doença arterial coronariana. Foram submetidos à avaliação clínica para verificar complicações microvasculares e avaliação para a presença de calcificação arterial coronariana (CAC). RESULTADOS: Formas graves de RD (RD grave não proliferativa - RDNP - e RD proliferativa - RDP) foram associadas à CAC (RC: 3,98; IC de 95%; 1,13-13,9, p = 0,03), de maneira independente dos fatores de risco conhecidos para a doença cardiovascular (idade, A1C, hipertensão, dislipidemia e sexo masculino). CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com formas graves de RD estão em risco de presença de doença arterial coronariana, de maneira independente dos tradicionais fatores de risco cardiovascular.
Background:Statins have proven efficacy in the reduction of cardiovascular events, but the financial impact of its widespread use can be substantial.Objective:To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of three statin dosing schemes in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) perspective.Methods:We developed a Markov model to evaluate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of low, intermediate and high intensity dose regimens in secondary and four primary scenarios (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% ten-year risk) of prevention of cardiovascular events. Regimens with expected low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction below 30% (e.g. simvastatin 10mg) were considered as low dose; between 30-40%, (atorvastatin 10mg, simvastatin 40mg), intermediate dose; and above 40% (atorvastatin 20-80mg, rosuvastatin 20mg), high-dose statins. Effectiveness data were obtained from a systematic review with 136,000 patients. National data were used to estimate utilities and costs (expressed as International Dollars - Int$). A willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold equal to the Brazilian gross domestic product per capita (circa Int$11,770) was applied.Results:Low dose was dominated by extension in the primary prevention scenarios. In the five scenarios, the ICER of intermediate dose was below Int$10,000 per QALY. The ICER of the high versus intermediate dose comparison was above Int$27,000 per QALY in all scenarios. In the cost-effectiveness acceptability curves, intermediate dose had a probability above 50% of being cost-effective with ICERs between Int$ 9,000-20,000 per QALY in all scenarios.Conclusions:Considering a reasonable WTP threshold, intermediate dose statin therapy is economically attractive, and should be a priority intervention in prevention of cardiovascular events in Brazil.
The authors discuss from the economic point of view the use of a few functions intended to represent the yield y corresponding to a level xof the nutrient. They point out that under conditions of scarce capital what is actually most important is not to obtain the highest profit per hectare but the highest return per cruzeiro spent, so that we should maximize the function z = _R - C_ = _R_ - 1 , C C where R is the gross income and C the cost of production (fixed plus variable, both per hectare). Being C = M + rx, with r the unit price of the nutrient and Af the fixed cost of the crop, wo are led to the equation (M + rx)R' - rR = 0. With R = k + sx + tx², this gives a solution Xo = - Mt - √ M²t² - r t(Ms - Kr)- _____________________ rt on the other hand, with R = PyA [1 - 10-c(x + b)], x0 will be the root of equation (M + rx)cL 10 + r 10c(x + b) = 0 (12). Another solution, pointed out by PESEK and HEADY, is to maximize the function z = sx + tx² _________ m + rx where the numerator is the additional income due to the nutrient, and m is the fixed cost of fertilization. This leads to a solution x+ = - mt - √m²t² - mrst (13) _________________ rt However, we must have x+< _r_-_s_ I if we want to satisfy t _dy_ > r. dx This condition is satisfied only if we have m < _(s__-__r)² (14), - 4 t a restriction apparently not perceived by PESEK and HEADY. A similar reasoning using Mitscherlich's law leads to equation (mcL 10 + r) + cr(L 10)x - r 10cx = 0 (15), with a similar restriction. As an example, data of VIEGAS referring to fertilization of corn (maize) gave the equation y - 1534 + 22.99 x - 0. 1069 x², with x in kg/ha of the cereal. With the prices of Cr$ 5.00 per kilo of maize, Cr$ 26.00 per kilo of P2O3,. and M = Cr$ 5,000.00, we obtain x0 = 61 kg/ha of P(2)0(5). A similar reasoning using Mitscherlich's law leads to x0 = 53 kg/ha. Now, if we take in account only the fixed cost of fertilization m = Cr$ 600.00 per hectare, we obtain from (13) x+ = 51 kg/ha of P2O5, while (14) gives x+ - 41 kg/ha. Note that if m = Cr$ 5,000.00, we obtain by formula (13) x+ = 88 kg/ha of P2O5, a solution which is not valid, since condition (14) is not satisfied.
1-Out of 1531 autopsies at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, recorded in the Section of Pathology of «Instituto OSWALDO CRUZ», we found three cases of primary carcinoma of the lung, which gives the incidence of 0,195 per cent. They were not associated with tuberculos's and anthracos's was not marked. 2-The gross and microscopical features indicate that they are in reality primary cancers of the larger bronchi arising probably, from the bronchial lining epithelium. There is a striking similarity both macro and microscopical in Cases I and II, where the structure is that of cylindrical cell alveolar carcinoma. Mucus formation was never a prominent feature in these tumors. As in HENRICI's case they apparently invade the lung along the alveolar wall in more or less considerable extension retaining the alveolar septa as stroma. In case III the structure is that of squamous cell carcinoma, and the tumor mass, usually ulcerating, lies in the immediate vicinity of the bronchi, the extension to the lung tissue being not widespread. 3-Cases IV and V are tumors of the lower and median portion of the trachéa, squamous cell carcinoma in structure, which form marked contrast with the tumors originating in the larger bronchi: the tumor process never invades the lung parenchyma by continuous extension. In Case V extension to the mediastinal lymph-nodes is observed, and a tumor of the size of an orange is found in the anterior mediastinum: that tumor mass and the upper lobe of the right lung were only adherent by fibrous tissue of inflammatory origin and the tumor did not extend into the lung tissue.