152 resultados para Granuloma Piogénico


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This study was performed in order to define Schistosoma mansoni antigens able to function as modulator agents in BALB/c mice granulomatous hypersensitivity to parasite egg. The antigens P-24, P-35 and P-97 were purified by affinity chromatography from a fraction of S. mansoni adult worm antigenic preparation, denominated PIII, involved in the inhibition of granulomatous response to eggs. Immunization of mice with these antigens, in the presence of Corynebacterium parvum and Al(OH)3 as adjuvant, induced a significant protection degree against challenge infection, as observed by the decrease on worm burden recovered from portal system. In vitro blastogenesis assays revealed that purified antigens were able to induce significant proliferation of spleen cells from S. mansoni-infected mice. This protection was correlated to significant decrease in granuloma size induced by PIII. From these results, we concluded that PIII preparation contains antigens capable of mediating protective anti-parasite immunity and down-regulating granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs.


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Hepatic Schistosoma mansoni periovular granulomas undergo changes in size, cellular composition and appearance with time. This phenomenom, known as "immunological modulation", has been thought to reflect host immunological status. However, as modulation has not been observed outside the liver, participation of local factors, hitherto little considered, seems crucial. Components of the extracellular matrix of periovular granulomas of the mouse were particularly studied in three different organs (liver, lung and intestine) and during three periods of infection time (acute, intermediate and chronic) by means of histological, biochemical and imunofluorescence techniques, while quantitative data were evaluated by computerized morphometry, in order to investigate participation of local factors in granuloma modulation. Results confirmed modulation as a exclusively hepatic phenomenom, since pulmonary and intestinal granulomas, formed around mature eggs, did not change size and appearance with time. The matricial components which were investigated (Type I, III and IV collagens, fibronectin, laminin, proteoglycans and elastin) were found in all granulomas and in all organs examined. However, their presence was much more prominent in the liver. Elastin was only found in hepatic granulomas of chronic infection. The large amount of extracellular matrix components found in hepatic granulomas was the main change responsible for the morphological aspects of modulation. Therefore, the peculiar environment of the liver ultimately determines the changes identified in schistosomal granuloma as "modulation".


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An increasing amount of evidences points to angiogenesis as playing a paramount role in fibrosis development. However, granulomas in general, and periovular schistosomal granulomas in particular, are considered avascular structures, although they usually result in dense areas of focal fibrosis. In order to clarify this apparent paradox, the presence of blood vessels was systematically searched in hepatic schistosomal granulomas of mice, during different stages of the infection, and at different stages of granuloma evolution, by means of vascular injections of colored masses, demonstration of laminin in vascular basement membranes and by ultra structural analysis. Vascular proliferation appeared evident at the early stages of granuloma formation, gradually decreasing thereafter, older granulomas becoming almost avascular structures, sometimes delimited at the periphery by a rich vascular network.


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This paper centers on some whole-istic organizational and functional aspects of hepatic Schistosoma mansoni granuloma, which is an extremely complex system. First, it structurally develops a collagenic topology, originated bidirectionally from an inward and outward assembly of growth units. Inward growth appears to be originated from myofibroblasts derived from small portal vessel around intravascular entrapped eggs, while outward growth arises from hepatic stellate cells. The auto-assembly of the growth units defines the three-dimensional scaffold of the schistosome granulomas. The granuloma surface irregularity and its border presented fractal dimension equal to 1.58. Second, it is internally regulated by intricate networks of immuneneuroendocrine stimuli orchestrated by leptin and leptin receptors, substance P and Vasoactive intestinal peptide. Third, it can reach the population of ± 40,000 cells and presents an autopoietic component evidenced by internal proliferation (Ki-67+ Cells), and by expression of c-Kit+ Cells, leptin and leptin receptor (Ob-R), granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF-R), and erythropoietin (Epo-R) receptors. Fourth, the granulomas cells are intimately connected by pan-cadherins, occludin and connexin-43, building a state of closing (granuloma closure). In conclusion, the granuloma is characterized by transitory stages in such a way that its organized structure emerges as a global property which is greater than the sum of actions of its individual cells and extracellular matrix components.


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Mycobacterium fortuitum is a rapidly growing nontuberculous Mycobacterium that can cause a range of diseases in humans. Complications from M. fortuitum infection have been associated with numerous surgical procedures. A protective immune response against pathogenic mycobacterial infections is dependent on the granuloma formation. Within the granuloma, the macrophage effector response can inhibit bacterial replication and mediate the intracellular killing of bacteria. The granulomatous responses of BALB/c mice to rapidly and slowly growing mycobacteria were assessed in vivo and the bacterial loads in spleens and livers from M. fortuitum and Mycobacterium intracellulare-infected mice, as well as the number and size of granulomas in liver sections, were quantified. Bacterial loads were found to be approximately two times lower in M. fortuitum-infected mice than in M. intracellulare-infected mice and M. fortuitum-infected mice presented fewer granulomas compared to M. intracellulare-infected mice. These granulomas were characterized by the presence of Mac-1+ and CD4+ cells. Additionally, IFN-γmRNA expression was higher in the livers of M. fortuitum-infected mice than in those of M. intracellulare-infected mice. These data clearly show that mice are more capable of controlling an infection with M. fortuitum than M. intracellulare. This capacity is likely related to distinct granuloma formations in mice infected with M. fortuitum but not with M. intracellulare.


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O granuloma reparador de células gigantes é lesão óssea rara, correspondendo a cerca de 7% de todos os tumores ósseos benignos da mandíbula, com maior incidência no sexo feminino. Embora seja considerada resposta a um trauma, este antecedente nem sempre está presente. O aspecto radiológico característico é de lesão lítica, uni ou multiloculada, com afilamento da cortical, podendo apresentar calcificações no seu interior. Neste trabalho relatamos os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos de cinco casos de granuloma reparador de células gigantes envolvendo a mandíbula e o maxilar, e as principais características que permitem o diagnóstico diferencial com outras lesões fibro-ósseas que acometem a face.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os principais aspectos radiográficos e epidemiológicos das lesões de células gigantes (granulomas centrais de células gigantes e tumores marrons do hiperparatireoidismo). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 26 lesões de células gigantes diagnosticadas em 22 pacientes divididos em dois grupos, um deles composto por 17 pacientes que não tinham hiperparatireoidismo (grupo A) e o outro formado por cinco pacientes portadores de tal distúrbio (grupo B). RESULTADOS: O sexo feminino (72,7%) foi o mais acometido. As lesões ocorreram mais freqüentemente na segunda década de vida, com média de idade de 27 anos. A mandíbula (61,5%) foi o arco mais envolvido. Radiograficamente, 57,7% das lesões eram multiloculares e 42,3% eram uniloculares com limites definidos. Todas as 26 lesões provocaram expansão óssea, 15,4% produziram reabsorção radicular, 50% causaram deslocamento dentário e 11,5% produziram dor. Na mandíbula, 18,7% das lesões cruzavam a linha média. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões na mandíbula e o grupo B mostrou igualdade na distribuição das lesões entre os arcos. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões multiloculares e 33,3%, uniloculares. O grupo B apresentou 62,5% das lesões uniloculares e 37,5%, multiloculares. CONCLUSÃO: As lesões de células gigantes podem manifestar-se, radiograficamente, com um amplo espectro, desde pequenas lesões uniloculares de crescimento lento até extensas lesões multiloculares. Elas apresentam características de benignidade, embora algumas lesões possam demonstrar um comportamento localmente agressivo.


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A rara síndrome do granuloma letal da linha média apresenta difícil diagnóstico, em razão da grande variedade de doenças que podem causá-la e um desconhecimento pela maioria da classe médica. No presente artigo relatamos caso de paciente com esta doença, provocada por carcinoma epidermoide, chamando a atenção para os diagnósticos diferenciais e aspectos clínico-radiológicos que podem auxiliar no diagnóstico.


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The authors report a case of the 15 year old young man, from endemic zone of schistosomiasis and with a chronic schistosomiasis, was admitted complaining of continuous pain in the right upper quadrant, spreaded to epigastrium and right lower quadrant which, began 10 days before. It was associated to fever, anorexia, hepatomegaly, esplenomegaly and signs of peritoneal irritation without clinical improvement. At laparotomy multiple liver microabscesses were found. Excluded the classic etiology, a liver biopsy was done and showed Schistossoma mansoni eggs. surrounded by the same inflamatory cells of microabscesses. This suggested that they have been the predisposing cause for the formation of liver abscesses, as shown in the literature. Schistosomiasis can be complicated with pylephlebitis, immunodepression and granulomatous reaction, centrallobular necrosis and a raise in the infection risk. The described data suggest the schistosomiasis as the etiology of hepatic microabscesses, mainly in endemic zones.


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Pyogenic hepatic abscess by a foreign body is a rare disease and its diagnosis is habitually made during necropsy. The authors present a case of a woman operated because of a pyogenic hepatic abscess, in the interior of which bristle made of material of vegetable origin were encountered and identified in the laboratory as the principal rib of a leaf, known in Brazil as piaçava. The hepatic abscess was drained and the patient was discharged. The probable mechanism for the formation of the hepatic abscess consisted of the accidental ingestion, perforation of the intestines and penetration in the liver.


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The collagen structure of isolated and in situ liver granuloma from Swiss Webster mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni was sequentially and three-dimensionally analyzed during different times of infection (early acute, acute, transitional acute-chronic, and chronic phases) by laser scanning confocal microscopy and electron scanning variable vacuum microscopy. The initial granuloma structure is characterized by vascular collagen residues and by anchorage points (or fiber radiation centers), from where collagenous fibers are angularly shed and self-assembled. During the exudative-productive stage, the self-assembly of these fibers minimizes energy and mass through continuous tension and focal compression. The curvature or angles between collagen fibers probably depends on the fibroblastic or myofibroblastic organization of stress fibers. Gradually, the loose unstable lattice of the exudative-productive stage transforms into a highly packed and stable architecture as a result of progressive compactness. The three-dimensional architecture of granulomas provides increased tissue integrity, efficient distribution of soluble compounds and a haptotactic background to the cells.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is an extremely important and versatile messenger in biological systems. It has been identified as a cytotoxic factor in the immune system, presenting anti- or pro-inflammatory properties under different circumstances. In murine monocytes and macrophages, stimuli by cytokines or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are necessary for inducing the immunologic isoform of the enzyme responsible for the high-output production of NO, nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). With respect to human cells, however, LPS seems not to stimulate NO production in the same way. Addressing this issue, we demonstrate here that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from schistosomiasis-infected patients and cultivated with parasite antigens in the in vitro granuloma (IVG) reaction produced more nitrite in the absence of LPS. Thus, LPS-induced nitrite levels are easily detectable, although lower than those detected only with antigenic stimulation. Concomitant addition of LPS and L-N-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) restored the ability to produce detectable levels of nitrite, which had been lost with L-NAME treatment. In addition, LPS caused a mild decrease of the IVG reaction and its association with L-NAME was responsible for reversal of the L-NAME-exacerbating effect on the IVG reaction. These results show that LPS alone is not as good an NO inducer in human cells as it is in rodent cells or cell lines. Moreover, they provide evidence for interactions between LPS and NO inhibitors that require further investigation.


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INTRODUÇÃO: a anseníase multibacilar pode causar comprometimento da mucosa oral, com ou sem lesões aparentes. Há poucos estudos que tratam deste assunto na era da multidrogaterapia. OBJETIVO: Verificar a freqüência do comprometimento da mucosa oral em pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em vinte pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar, não-tratados, atendidos consecutivamente em Dracena, São Paulo, entre o período de 2000 e 2002. Foi realizado exame clínico completo da mucosa oral. Os pacientes foram submetidos a biópsias na mucosa jugal, na língua e no palato mole, em alteração ou em pontos pré-estabelecidos. Os cortes foram corados pelas técnicas da hematoxilina-eosina e Ziehl-Neelsen. O encontro de granuloma e bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes ao exame histopatológico determinou o comprometimento específico. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 19 pacientes multibacilares com tempo médio de evolução de 2,5 anos. Ocorreu comprometimento histopatológico específico em apenas um paciente virchowiano, com mucosa oral clinicamente normal, na língua e no palato mole. CONCLUSÕES: 1. Alteração clínica na mucosa oral não implica em comprometimento pela doença, é necessário confirmação histopatológica. 2. Alterações clínicas específicas aparentes são raras. 3. A mucosa oral clinicamente normal pode exibir comprometimento histopatológico específico.


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O colesteatoma é constituído de matriz, perimatriz e conteúdo cístico. Alguns autores afirmam que, em crianças, seu comportamento clínico é mais agressivo do que em adultos. OBJETIVOS: Comparar histologicamente colesteatomas de crianças e adultos. METODOLOGIA: Foram analisados 74 colesteatomas, sendo 35 de pacientes pediátricos (<18 anos) e 39 de adultos (>18 anos). Foram avaliados o número de camadas celulares e hiperplasia na matriz; espessura, epitélio delimitante, fibrose, inflamação e granuloma na perimatriz. A análise estatística foi realizada com o programa SPSS 10.0, utilizando os coeficientes de Pearson e de Spearman, testes t e de qui-quadrado. O número de camadas celulares na matriz foi de 8,2±4,2. A hiperplasia aparece em 17%, a fibrose em 65%, o granuloma em 12% e o epitélio delimitante em 21%. A perimatriz apresentou uma mediana de 80 micrômetros (37 a 232), valor mínimo zero e valor máximo 1.926. O grau histológico de inflamação foi considerado de moderado a acentuado em 60%. Ao aplicarmos o coeficiente de Spearman entre o grau de inflamação e média de camadas celulares da matriz com as variáveis sumarizadoras da medida de espessura da perimatriz encontramos correlações, significativas, com magnitudes de moderadas a grandes (rs=0,5 e P<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Não foram identificadas diferenças morfológicas entre os colesteatomas de adultos e crianças. Encontramos correlação entre a intensidade da inflamação e da média de camadas celulares da matriz com a espessura da perimatriz, o que pode predizer sua agressividade, mais estudos são necessários para definir o papel deste achado na patogênese do colesteatoma.


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Os tumores nasossinusais são patologias pouco freqüentes na prática clínica. Aproximadamente 0,8% de todos os cânceres humanos localizam-se nessa região. Apesar de rara, a neoplasia nasossinusal manifesta-se habitualmente através de sintomas inespecíficos e comuns a inúmeras patologias inflamatórias. Este estudo se propõe a descrever uma série de casos de tumores nasossinusais não-epiteliais raros, incluindo estesioneuroblastoma, granuloma central de células gigantes, plasmocitoma extramedular, hemangiopericitoma sinonasal, neurofibroma e fibroma cemento-ossificante, diagnosticados no Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, SESA/SUS. Faz-se uma breve revisão de literatura de cada patologia, salientando-se a necessidade do diagnóstico anatomopatológico preciso para condução adequada de cada caso.