82 resultados para Graduação : Ensino superior


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Business games have become a popular choice of pedagogical technique for teaching in higher education. The objective of a business game is to offer students the opportunity to learn by doing, engaging them in a simulated experience of the real-world. This paper discusses how a business game has been played by undergraduate chemistry students in a Quality Management course. The responses from the teaching evaluation questionnaires revealed that they not only improved their quality management practices, but also enjoyed working in teams. The level of participation by students was good and the classroom activities provided a meaningful learning experience.


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We live in a context in which knowledge develops continuously and rapidly. This generates a social dynamics that demands constant adaptation from those living in society and also from educational institutions. Education for this new society needs to be rethought. Universities, anchored in tradition, still use a transmission/reception model of education. A data-collecting instrument applied to undergraduate chemistry students at the end of the course in organic chemistry investigated some concepts essential to the education of a chemist, such as interatomic and intermolecular interactions and Lewis structure. We observed that students have difficulty dealing with these concepts, and we believe that this is related to the type of class they had/have and to the way the concepts are presented in the college textbooks.


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The goal of this study was to examine the means used by textbook authors to introduce, define, and explain the electronegativity concept in high school and introductory college chemistry textbooks. Results obtained showed that most textbooks lacked history precedence and did not deal with the conceptual understanding and manifesting a strong standardization of characteristics that, from our point of view, do not favor the teaching-learning of the electronegativity concept.


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This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.


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This work is part of a study that focused on analyzing the contributions of didactic activities related to scientific language rhetoric characteristics aimed at developing students' abilities to identify such characteristics in chemistry scientific texts and critical reading of those texts. In this study, we present the theoretical basis adopted to determine the scientific discourse characteristics and for the production of the didactic material used in those activities. Latour, Coracini and Campanario studies on persuasive rhetorical strategies present in scientific articles aided the production of such material.


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The importance of teaching scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry courses is well recognized. This paper provides an overview of didactic activities in which students engage to improve these skills. The study was based on an extensive literature review performed on the Journal of Chemical Education and on the Journal of College Science Teaching, in the years spanning from 1991 to 2010, and on The Chemical Educator, from 1996 to 2010. The findings from the study provided an opportunity to expand the knowledge on the variety of methods and contents used to teach scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry education, as well as to deepen our understanding of the effects of different approaches to teaching on performance in practice.


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The aim of this paper was to analyze the historical approaches to the periodic table in general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities in the twentieth century. Textbooks were qualitatively analyzed according to the following criteria: position of the discussion about the periodic table in the book; presence or absence of a specific chapter on the subject; presentation of attempts to classify chemical elements before Mendeleev; presentation of the construction process of the periodic table by Mendeleev; identification of problems in the original table; discussion of Mendeleev's predictions about unknown elements; organization of the periodic table; periodic properties presented and discussed; and the enunciation of the periodic law. The analysis revealed different approaches at specific periods of the twentieth century, from more descriptive approaches to emphasis on attempts to explain the periodic table in terms of atomic orbitals. These changes point to different ways of understanding chemistry during the period studied.


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This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.


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In light of the theory of relationship with know of Bernard Charlot, aiming to understand the unique stories of the subject through a positive lecture, i.e., understanding the reality and the way the subjects read and interpret the world, this article attempts identify how higher education students solve an investigative case and learn the scientific knowledge using this theory. For this, we used narrative as a discourse genre to collect the data of 34 students who participated in the small group activities. After content analysis, the results showed that all groups of students solve the case in a similar way and in three stages, prevailing relations with know with the world, with others and with yourself. However, even if the resolution is similar, chemical learning differs between different groups and differs between the scientific content present in the case. From these results it is possible to identify the effectiveness of learning depends on the epistemic and identity relationships with know of each subject (relationship with yourself) because to learn the student must enter into an intellectual activity (investigative case), stay on it and develop the relationships with known necessary to master the normativity (chemical language).


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar como as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação são utilizadas como possibilidade pedagógica para criar um ambiente de aprendizado e que contribuições podem trazer para a interdisciplinaridade prevista nas atuais diretrizes curriculares nacionais do ensino médico. A análise de dados enfatizou os seguintes temas: o projeto político- pedagógico no âmbito das diretrizes curriculares do ensino médico; as tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no enfoque interdisciplinar; seus entraves na práxis pedagógica. As reflexões preliminares apontaram para os seguintes aspectos: a importância do projeto político pedagógico como norteador dos objetivos do ensino; a integração interdisciplinar como um processo para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino; as TIC como um instrumento facilitador da aprendizagem; as dificuldades dos discentes frente à seleção de informações no ambiente virtual; e, finalmente, o desafio para a formação do médico generalista.


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Os autores relatam a experiência de adoção de ações interdisciplinares no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no curso de Odontologia da Universidade Severino Sombra (USS), as quais foram realizadas com fomento do Pró-Saúde. O objetivo do trabalho é descrever as etapas da construção da proposta, a metodologia adotada, as dificuldades e resistências enfrentadas, assim como os resultados e seus desdobramentos. A partir do relato é possível concluir que as ações interdisciplinares podem ser praticadas no ensino superior desde que haja uma diretriz no projeto pedagógico, uma equipe docente comprometida com a inovação metodológica e gestores institucionais empenhados em efetuar mudanças.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os riscos ocupacionais a que se expõem os trabalhadores dos setores florestais de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior do Estado de Minas Gerais, propondo medidas preventivas e corretivas que minimizem ou eliminem tais condições. A análise foi realizada com observações nos ambientes de trabalho e das Comunicações de Acidente em Serviço (CAS), verificando-se alto índice de acidentes no trabalho. Constatou-se a existência de fatores de riscos em todos os setores analisados, destacando o agente físico por ruído, o agente ergonômico por trabalhos com cargas excessivas e o risco de acidentes pelo uso de máquinas perigosas.


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O propósito deste trabalho foi estudar a visão dos estudantes de administração sobre o ensino da responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) nos cursos de graduação. Foi feita uma revisão de literatura que abordou o conceito de RSC e suas dimensões, bem como sua inserção no ensino superior de administração. Em seguida, foram realizadas 30 entrevistas em profundidade com alunos de administração do Rio de Janeiro próximos ao período de formatura. Os resultados mostraram que os entrevistados se preocupam com o tema e consideram a RSC importante. Muitos avaliaram que o espaço dado ao tema na graduação é insuficiente e que o assunto é abordado de forma superficial. Vários declararam ter aprendido mais sobre RSC em meios externos, como revistas, jornais, trabalho. Confrontando-se os conhecimentos dos entrevistados com a literatura, observou-se uma visão limitada da RSC. Verificouse que os entrevistados têm dúvidas e questionamentos sobre RSC, essencialmente relativas ao próprio conceito e à sua aplicação na prática da administração. De modo geral, os resultados sugerem que os entrevistados estão sensibilizados para o tema. Mais que teoria, porém, eles desejam saber como a RSC pode ser posta em prática dentro das organizações. O final do trabalho traz recomendações às instituições de ensino e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.


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Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo principal analisar a inserção de conteúdos relativos a Custos na disciplina Administração Aplicada à Enfermagem das Escolas de Graduação em Enfermagem do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 28 docentes.O estudo foi do tipo descritivo, exploratório, correlacional com abordagem quantitativa. Os resultados permitiram constatar que 19 (67,86%) docentes ministram esse tema na graduação, não havendo correlação ou associação estatisticamente significativa entre o ensino do Tema Custos, o número de pós-graduções do docente e o tipo de instituição em que o docente trabalha (Pública ou Privada).