132 resultados para Female cercariae
The influence of two factors, age and previous experience, on the oviposition hierarchy preference of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) females was studied. Two populations were analyzed: one reared in laboratory during 17 years and the other captured in nature. In the first experiment the oviposition preference for four fruits, papaya, orange, banana and apple was tested at the beginning of oviposition period and 20 days past. The results showed that the wild females as much the laboratory ones had an oviposition preference hierarchy at the beginning of peak period of oviposition. However this hierarchic preference disappeared in a later phase of life. In the second experiment the females were previously exposed to fruits of different hierarchic positions and afterwards their choice was tested in respect to the oviposition preference for those fruits. The results showed that there was an influence of the previous experience on the posterior choice of fruits to oviposition when the females were exposed to fruits of lower hierarchic position.
Dyad encounters between male and female adults of Akodon azarae (Fischer, 1829) were analyzed by means of observational techniques in a natural closure during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. The animals were held in observation during 21 days, with daily 15-minute recordings of interindividual separation distance, relative displacements, characteristics of the male-female interaction, copulation, and construction and exclusive or shared use of nests by each pair. The couples, which bred successfully, showed, on average, the longest separation distance between male and female allowed by the closure. During the first two weeks of gestation the females exhibited more displacements than their respective mates did. The male-pregnant female encounters were significantly more aggressive than those recorded between pairs which did not breed successfully. During the non-breeding season a shorter average distance between individuals and a frequent use of nests shared by the pair were recorded. The results obtained are discussed within the framework of the social system of A. azarae.
At present not only is the site of fertilization in ticks still unknown but it is also unclear as to how this mystery can be solved. Signs of fertilization can be observed throughout the female genital tract and these can be clues for the elucidation of the unsolved questions relating to ticks fertilization. In Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) the most important signs are the following: the final eversion of the acrosomal canal in females ready for oviposition; the presence of small tubules, resembling the subplasmalemal process of the spermatozoon between the oviduct cells; budding nuclei throughout the female genital tract; and the two Feulgen and DAPI positive areas in the oocyte at vitelogenesis. These morphological characteristics suggest that fertilization takes place in the internal cylinder which extends from the uterus to the ovary itself.
Physalaemus henselii (Peters, 1872) is a little known leiuperid frog that has not been studied since the 1960s. Herein, we redescribe its advertisement call, and assess the female sexual cycle and the reproductive period on the basis of the macroscopic analysis of the ovaries and field observations. The Ovarian Size Factor (OSF) was calculated. The study was made in Departamento de Rivera, northern Uruguay. The advertisement call consists of short (177 ± 21ms), multipulsed (20 ± 3 pulses/note) notes, with a note repetition rate of 1.57 ± 0.13 notes/s. Physalaemus henselii has a female sexual cycle with unimodal distribution of gravid females, which are present from February to September. The OSF and the ratio "females with mature oocytes / females without mature oocytes" reached the highest values from April to June. The number and size of oocytes were positively correlated with female size. The smallest female (SVL =18.94mm, weight =0.78g) with mature oocytes was found in July. The observed sexual cycle with a single annual reproductive period during the cold season (autumn and early winter), is an uncommon fact for anuran species in the region.
Acanthagrion cuyabae Calvert, 1909 was described based on a male from State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The female of this species was described based on morphological characters of four individuals collected in copula from State of Mato Grosso do Sul, and three other specimens of same locality. Acanthagrion cuyabae is here revalidated based on morphological characters of the female. Illustrated keys to the groups of Acanthagrion Selys, 1876 and species of the viridescens group occurring in Brazil are provided.
Based onmale and female, Psychoda simillima Tonnoir, 1929 is redescribed, with a discussion of generic and subgeneric classifications. This is the first record for Chile as well as the first description of a female for this species.
A description is given of a female sand fly (Diptera: Psychodidae - Phlebotominae) similar to Brunptomyia spinosipes (Floch & Abonnenc, 1943).
We studied by sanning electron microscopy the number, types, structure and distribution of the antennal sensilla of the medical important ceratopogonid Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi). There are about 174 sense organs on the antenmal flagellum which are classified as sensilla chaetica; sharp-tipped and blunt-tipped (type I and II) sensilla trichodea; sensilla basiconica; sensilla coeloconica; sensilla ampullacea and styloconic-type sensilla. The role of antennal sensory organs are discussed regarding the host preference of the biting midges.
A study was undertaken to compare the susceptibility of laboratory-reared female Lutzomyia longipalpis to infection by different species or strains of New World Leishmania. The sand flies proved to be highly susceptible to infection by a strain of Le. guyanensis, with flagellates developing in all (18/18) of the specimens examined. A lower infection rate of 37 per cents (10/27) was recorded in flies exposed to infection by a strain of Le. amazonensis. Flagellates developed in 13 per cents (6/46) of the sand flies that glood fed on dogs in the earlly stage of experimental infection with an old laboratory strain of Le. chagasi. In contrast, promastigotes did not develop in sand flies that blood fed on dogs with naturally acquired Le. chagasi. The naturally infected dogas were in an advanced stage of disease. Flagellates developed in 9// (3/32) of the sand flies that blood fed on lesions of hamsters infected with a strain of Le. braziliensis and in 9 per cents (3/34) of those that fed on hamsters with lesions due to a parasite fo the mexicana complex (strain MHOM/BR/73/BH121). Sand flies did not develop flagellate infections after blood feeding on hamsters bearing lesions induced by strain MHOM/BR/71/BR49. Factors influencing the susceptibility of Lu. longipalpis to infection by New World species of Leishmania are discussed.
Acini in in the salivary glands of female tick specimens of Amblyomma ajennense unfed at both postnymphal and adult phases, were studied. The salivary glands are consisted by three acini, one agranular and two granular. The agranular acini are directly attached to the anterior portion of the main salivary duct, consisting of cells without valve. A relatively large, clear, central cell occupies most of the alveolar midsection. The central cell is in contact with the acini lumen. Granular acini consist of approximately seven to fourteen cells (type II acini) or seven to sixteen (type III acini). The type II acini have three types of granular cells ("a", "b" and "c") and valve; the type III acini have another three types of granular cells ("d", "e" and "f") also presenting a valve.
Twenty specimens of Nectomys squamipes born in captivity, were infected with 500 cercariae by the transcutaneous route. Coprologic examinations were carried out from the 5th to 23rd week after infection. On the 7th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 23rd weeks the animals were sacrificed and perfused. The oogram was performed in segments of the small intestine (proximal, medial and distal portions) and the large intestine. The average pre-patent period was of 42 days. The average number of eggs varied from 350 on 6th week, to 800 on the 13th. From the 14th week on, the average number of eggs eliminated was lower than 50 per gram of feces. The recovery of worms kept steady on the 7th, 8th, and 12th week (16.85%; 15.45% and 11.95%), decreasing to 7.70% on the 16th week and 8.45% on the 23rd week. The proportion of male/female worms was about the same on the first two weeks, but from the 12th week on, the proportion was: 1,4/1 on the 12th week; 2,5/1 on the 16thweek and 1,8/1 on the 23rd weekThese observations suggest that N. squamipes may used as an experimental model for schistosomiasis mansoni, to wich it develops resistance mechanism, useful for immunity studies.
A 1% (W/V) formulation of Niclosamide (2', 5-Dichloro-4-nitrosalicylanilide) (TAP) was tested on Cebus apella monkeys as a topical prophylatic against schistosomiasis mansoni. Two experiments were conducted using the same formulation. In the first experiment, the TAP provided complete protection against schistosomiasis for 3 days. Of the 4 monkeys treated with TAP 7 days before exposure to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, 2 were completely protected. The remaining 2 monkeys of the 7 day treatment group had a 78% or greater reduction in adult worm buderns when compared to the placebo treated monkeys. The second experiment was designed determine the time between day 3 and 7 when the TAP no longer provided complete protection. However, all of the TAP treated monkeys in this experiment were completely protected, even the monkeys treated 7 days earlier. In both experiments, all monkeys used as infection controls and those receiving only the placebo became infected and showed typical experimental schistosomiasis. These results demonstrate that the TAP could provide fast acting, short-term protection to people who must enter cercariae infested water.
The description of Lernaeenicus longiventris is expanded and revised, based on specimens collected from the skin and fins of mullets, Mugil platanus Gunther, 1880, from 21 locations in coastal waters of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
A hundred-sixty paraffin-embedded specimens from female cervical lesions were examined for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16 and 18 infections by non-isotopic in situ hybridization. The data were compared with histologic diagnosis. Eighty-eight (55) biopsies contained HPV DNA sequences. In low grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN I), HPV infection was detected in 78.7 of the cases, the benign HPV 6 was the most prevalent type. HPV DNA was detected in 58 of CIN II and CIN III cases and in 41.8 of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Histologically normal women presented 20 of HPV infection. Oncogenic HPV was found in 10 of these cases, what may indicate a higher risk of developing CINs and cancer. Twenty-five percent of the infected tissues contained mixed infections. HPV 16 was the most common type infecting the cervix and its prevalence raised significantly with the severity of the lesions, pointing its role in cancer pathogenesis. White women presented twice the cervical lesions of mulatto and African origin women, although HPV infection rates were nearly the same for the three groups (approximately 50). Our results showed that HPV typing by in situ hybridization is a useful tool for distinguishing between low and high risk cervical lesions. Further studies are required to elucidate risk factors associated with HPV infection and progression to malignancy in Brazilian population.