36 resultados para Fairclough, Norman


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The objectives of this work were to determine the heliotropic movements of the upper trifoliates for two soybean cultivars, BR 16 and Embrapa 48, during a daily cycle, in three phenological stages and two water regimes, and to estimate the impact of irrigation and daily leaflet movements on agronomic characteristics and grain yield. Heliotropic movements were studied in three phenological stages: V4-V6, V7-V10, and R5 in irrigated and non-irrigated plots. For each stage, the leaflet elevation and azimuth were measured hourly. Under a low (V4-V6 stage) and mid (V7-V10 stage) leaf area index (LAI) the diaheliotropism was slightly more frequent and intensive in non-irrigated than in irrigated plants, only at early morning and late afternoon hours. At R5 stage (high LAI) the paraheliotropism of superior trifoliates was predominant and more intensive in non-irrigated plants. The heliotropic movements are correlated to carbon gain, but not to environment (light intensity or temperature), for measurements at 11h. 'Embrapa 48' expresses greater paraheliotropism than 'BR 16' at high LAI, while 'BR 16' displays lower heliotropic plasticity under irrigation. In spite of significant heliotropic differences, genotype and water availability treatments did not influence the final grain yield.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es la selección de un modelo para estimación de carbono en Tipo Forestal Roble-Raulí y Coigüe. La recolección de datos se realizo en la Reserva Nacional Malleco. Cada sitio fue representado por un grupo de 5 parcelas (cuadradas, de lado 35m, superficie 1225m2), ubicadas en un transecto según la pendiente más fuerte. Fueron estimados los volúmenes de madera con y sin corteza de la totalidad de los individuos por medio de funciones para cada especie del tipo forestal en estudio. La cantidad de carbono almacenado a nivel de fuste de las parcelas fue estimada aplicando la función universal de carbono. En cada parcela se contabilizaron los árboles por clase diamétrico de DAP, siendo definidas las clases a partir del DAP mínimo de 3 cm y con una amplitud de 5 cm. Fueron ajustados los modelos de Spurr, Meyer, Stoate, Naslund y Schumacher-Hall. El modelo Schumacher-Hall presento el mejor ajuste de acuerdo a los indicadores estadísticos considerados, además de una mejor distribución de residuales.


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A gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) é estruturada pela combinação não covalente de duas subunidades, alfa (alfahCG) e beta (betahCG), sintetizadas separadamente pelo tecido trofoblástico normal, mola hidatiforme, coriocarcinoma, células hipofisárias e tecidos tumorais de diversos tipos histológicos. A síntese da cadeia peptídica e sua glicosilação na célula secretora envolve complexa ação de várias enzimas. Esta complexidade resulta na secreção de moléculas heterogêneas. As diferentes formas moleculares secretadas podem ser encontradas no soro, urina e líquido amniótico de gestantes; soro, urina e vesículas em pacientes com mola hidatiforme ou coriocarcinoma e em fluidos biológicos de mulheres não grávidas e homens normais ou acometidos de tumores de diferente origem embrionária. Tanto a molécula hCG nativa, intacta,como suas subunidades nas formas livres e as variantes hCG hiperglicosilada (H-hCG), hCG clivada (N-hCG) e fragmento-núcleo de betahCG (CF-betahCG) têm aplicabilidade clínica relevante. Dependendo da forma molecular mais prevalente ou da proporção da molécula variante/molécula hCG intacta numa determinada condição clínica, há indicação para a dosagem específica de uma ou mais destas moléculas. Este texto revê o conhecimento básico e analisa o uso da hCG e suas variantes na detecção precoce da gravidez ectópica ou gestantes em risco de abortamento, na identificação precoce de anomalias cromossômicas êmbrio-fetais e estima o risco da gestação de evoluir com pré-eclâmpsia ou crescimento intra-uterino restrito. Examina, ainda, fora da gravidez, o emprego destas moléculas como marcadores laboratoriais de tumores com diferentes tipos histológicos e seguimento após a terapia inicial. Conclui-se ser útil o uso da dosagem de hCG e suas moléculas variantes na prática clínica, mas a dificuldade no desenvolvimento e obtenção de ensaios mais sensíveis e específicos restringe a aplicação mais universal destes marcadores hormonais.


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Sixty-one cystic fibrosis patients admitted for check-up or antibiotic treatment were enrolled for genetic and clinical evaluation. Genetic analysis was performed on blood samples stored on neonatal screening cards using PCR techniques to determine the presence of DF508 mutations. Clinical evaluation included Shwachman and Chrispin-Norman scores, age at onset of symptoms and diagnosis, spirometry, awake and sleep pulse oximetry, hyponychial angle measurement and presence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization. Eighteen patients (29.5%) were homozygous for the DF508 mutation, 26 (42.6%) had one DF508 mutation and 17 (27.9%) were noncarriers, corresponding to a 50.8% prevalence of the mutation in the whole population. Analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison of genetic status with continuous variables or by the chi-square test and logistic regression for dichotomous variables showed no significant differences between any two groups for a = 0.05. We conclude that genetic status in relation to the DF508 mutation is not associated with pulmonary status as evaluated by the above variables


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The strategy described in the present paper offers details about the possibility for Brazil to play a more substantial role in the gene revolution. If successfully applied, the powerful science-based technology currently available in Brazil can contribute to extend the benefits of the gene revolution to the poorest countries, very much like the Green Revolution did in the past, thereby reducing the hunger syndrome which claimed the lives of millions of people in some Asian countries, particularly Pakistan and India, decades ago. In his visit to Brazil in February 2004, Norman Borlaug had the opportunity to witness the success of Brazilian agriculture. At a Conference held at ESALQ - Superior School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, he stated that the 21st century revolution will come from Brazil in the area of agriculture. He also said that reducing hunger is essential for the world to achieve socioeconomic stability. A central question remains unanswered: who will fund this revolution? The FAO 2003-2004 Annual Report listed the barriers preventing the gene revolution from reaching the poorest countries: inadequate regulatory procedures - Intellectual Property Rights and Biosafety, poorly functioning seed delivering systems and weak domestic plant breeding capacity; all are discussed in this paper.