47 resultados para Faidherbe, Léon (1818-1889) -- Portraits


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A biologia de Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1818) (Lep., Pierididae) foi estudada. O material utilizado foi coligido em Campinas e Piracicaba (Estado de São Paulo), durante os meses de dezembro de 1951 e janeiro de 1952 e constituiu-se principalmente de posturas do inseto. O número máximo de ovos, obtido de uma fêmea, em condições de laboratório, foi de 202, sendo registradas algumas observações sobre o comportamento da borboleta durante a oviposição na natureza. Os ovos e as posturas são descritos. A incubação exigiu cerca de 4 dias. Durante a vida larvária, a espécie passa por 5 estádios, sofrendo, portanto, 4 ecdises. São descritas as lagartas em tôdas essas idades. O ciclo completo, de ôvo a imago, andou ao redor de 22 dias. O 5º. estádio larval mostrou-se, de todos, o mais longo, consumindo 3 até 6 dias. O período de crisálida abrangeu 6 a 7 dias. Os adultos viveram, em insetário, 5 a 9 dias, quer em presença ou em ausência de uma mecha de algodão hidrófilo em-bebida de uma mistura de água e mel. Unicamente um caso de parasitismo foi verificado, os Autores concluindo que, nestas regiões de São Paulo, na época em que as observações foram feitas, a espécie é muito pouco perseguida por agentes naturais de controle. O parasito foi identificado pelo Professor Luis De Santis, da Universidade de La Plata (Rep. Argentina), como Pteromalus caridei Brèthes, 1913, interessante Hymenoptera da família Pteromalidae. Os Autores procuraram esclarecer a ação do pardal - Passer domesticus domesticus (L.) - com relação às lagartas de A. m. orseis, uma vez que há, entre olericultures, a crença de que o referido Ploceidae constitui inimigo do Lepidoptera em estudo. As observações colhidas não permitiram uma conclusão, sendo, contudo, de molde a negar a ação do pássaro como devorador das lagartas.


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Os autôres estudam o pulgão Cerosipha forbesi (Weed, 1889) (= Aphis forbesi), que vive sobre o morangueiro (Fragaria spp.), inseto provavelmente ainda não assinalado na literatura entomológica brasileira.


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Dans le travail présent, Serrasentis sagittifer est redécrit et la validité du nom et des espèces qui lui sont assimilées est discutée.


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En el estudio helmintológico de anfibios del género Telmatobius Wiegmann, 1834, y del pez Orestias luteus Valenciennes, 1839, de las zonas de Arequipa, Puno y del Lago Titicaca, se han encontrado nematodes de los géneros Hedruris Nitzsch, 1821 y Falcaustra Lane, 1915. Se redescribe Hedruris orestiae Moniez, 1889 y se describen cuatro especies nuevas: Hedruris moniezi sp. n., Falcaustra condorcanquii sp. n., Falcaustra pumacahuai sp. n. y Falcaustra tiahuanaquensis sp. n.


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Os a.a confirmaram em laboratório a ocorrência de enterramento no repertório comportamental de Biomphalaria glabrata. Verificaram que os indivíduos enterrados se recuperaram com maior rapidez, depois de um período de 20 dias de dessecação, do que os outros que permaneceram sobre o solo. Estudos mais detalhados a respeito são necessários para avaliar a importância epidemiológica desse comportamento.


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Visando à aplicação sistemática de parâmetros comportamentais como indicadores da ação tóxica de moluscicidas empregados no combate aos hospedeiros intermediários do Schistosoma mansoni, um procedimento para avaliação quantitativa do efeito de dose sobre o comprotamento de Biomphalaria glabrata foi desenvolvido, com base no paradigma recomendado pela O.M.S. para ensaios biológicos e envolvendo registro comportamental por cenematografia ocm lapso de tempo: caramujos com 5 7/8 ± 1/8 giros eram subemtidos a diferentes concentrações subletais de sulfato de cobre durante 24 horas e em seguida transferidos para recuperação em água destilada desionizada; a partir da análise dos registros foram computados (a) a freqüência total de subidas à superfície por indivíduo, (b) a frqüência total de saídas da água por indivíduo e (c) a proporção média de indivíduos no terço superior do recipiente de teste. O método Litchfield-Wilcoxon foi empregaod para determinação de índices de referência (denominados "concentrações de efieto comportamental de 50%" ou CEC50) em relação a cada parâmetro, e os valores obtidos - (a) 0,010, (b) 0,006 e (c) 0,029 ppm de cobre - não só evidenciaram a exeqüibilidade da aplicação sistemática de critérios comportamentais de toxidade, como se revelaram capazes de detectar o efieto tóxico do produto em concentrações muito infereiores às obtidas nas determinações convencionais de letalidade. Os dados também mostraram alterações na atividade dos caramujos em decorrência do ciclo de iluminação dia-noite. Embora o esclarecimento dos aspectos etológicos envolvidos no problema do controle químico do vetor dependa da análise das relações entre o indivíduo e seu ambiente natural, estudos de laboratório com mensurações acuradas de parâmetros relacionados a comportamentos de proteção podem fornecer subsídios relevantes a respeito.


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The process of light orientation by the snail Biomphalaria glabrata was studied using the selection technique in a Y-shaped aquarium under vertical or horizontal lighting schemes. Snail behavior was measured on the basis of distance (cm) covered per hour, direction of locomotion, and localization of the animal in the aquarium. A comparison was made of the action of the light stimulus on young and adult animals of albino populations from Santa Luzia (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) and of a melanic population from Touros (State of Rio Grande do Norte) studied in groups and separately. All groups studied were attracted to light. Analysis of the data suggests the exitence of two orientation mechanisms with respect to light in these animals, i.e. high photo-orthokinesia and positive phototaxis, which influence their motion in the environment. This evidence permitted us to discuss features of the distribution dynamics of these mollusks in the environment and their relationship with the larval phases of Schistosoma mansoni, for which they act as intermediated hosts.


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Experiments were carried out using aqueous extracts from leaves and flowers of Laurus nobilis on Biomphalaria glabrata. Treatments were performed on blastula stage (± 15 h after first cleavage) and on adult snails (11-18 mm). In both instances they were exposed for 24 h to different concentrations of the extracts on snails (200 to 2500 ppm) and embryos (20 to 300 ppm) at 25 ± 1ºC. The embryos were observed for a period of 20 days after treatment and the snails for 10 days. Results obtained with leaf aqueous extracts have shown a degree of toxicity on embryos starting at a concentration of 125 ppm, the flower extract being effective at 35 ppm. The malformation obtained with the different concentrations falls into the unespecific type category, however some cephalic and shell malformations were found in embryos treated with concentrations over 50 ppm (leaves) and 25 ppm (flowers). The LD90 on adult snails obtained by treatments with flower and leaf extract was observed at concentrations of 340 ppm and 1900 ppm respectively.


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The adult form of Nybelinia (Syngenes) rougetcampanae Dollfus, 1960 is described, parasitizing one specimen of Sphyrna lewni (Griffith & Smith, 1834) out of the five ones necropsied and one out of six Nothorhynchus pectorosus (Garman, 1884) was found harbouring N. (N.) bisculata (Linton, 1889). The finding of these cestodes under Trypanorhyncha in sharks captured off the coast of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, amplifies their known geographical distribution and adds new host records for these parasites.


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We describe a biphallic specimen of Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) from the municipality of Caeté, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The conformation of the two penial complexes, with a common genital pore on the left side. suggests that both have copulatory capacity. Based on a review of literature type of biphally appears to be reported for the first time in planorbids.


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The repellent effect of the molluscicides Niclosamide (Bayluscide WP 70 (R)), Anacardium occidentale and the latex of Euphorbia splendens on Biomphalaria glabrata was observed through the investigation of the occurrence of escape behavior among molluscs that were exposed to dosages lower than the LD 50. The total number of individuals out of water among the surviving snails in the control group provided a "Natural Escape Index". The comparison between this total and the total number of surviving snails in each group exposed to the different dosages of the molluscicides after 24 hr provided the "Molluscicide Escape Index" and the detection of a "Repellency Range" to these snails. The escape indexes for Niclosamide, A. occidentale and E. splendens were 10, 6.22 and 6.44 respectively. Repellency occurred at the following concentration ranges: 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 ppm Bayluscide, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 ppm A. occidentale and 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 ppm E. splendens. The Natural Escape Index obtained in the control group was zero.


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Using longitudinal and transverse anatomical sections, we observed that the three cristae of the mantle of Biomphalaria glabrata (renal, rectal and dorsolateral cristae) divide the mantle cavity into three chambers which we designated air or pulmonary chamber, water inflow chamber and water outflow chamber. Using videotape filming, we observed the inflow and outflow of air and water into and from the mantle cavity and we related their probable functions such as flotation, oxygen reservoir and transport, excreta circulation and elimination, water skeleton, and modification of specific weight. To determine whether the air bubble may function as a physical gill in this species we submitted three groups of snails to different systems in which water contained the same level of dissolved oxygen whereas the gas phases were atmospheric air, pure nitrogen or pure oxygen. We observed the following parameters: time of permanence on the surface, time of immersion, and frequency at which the snails reached the surface. These results did not demonstrate a physical gill function; morphological analysis of the mantle cavity indicates this possibility


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Temnocephala brevicornis Monticelli 1889, ectosymbiont of Hydromedusa tectifera Cope 1869, is reported for the first time for Argentina. Numerous temnocephalans from Arroyo Villoldo in the locality of Magdalena, Buenos Aires, Argentina were stained in toto to be studied. This commensal species in turtles was originally cited in association with Hydromedusa maximiliani (Mikan) and Hydraspis radiolata Mikan in Brazil. Afterwards, it was found on other fresh water turtle species in Brazil and Uruguay.


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Molluscides have been used as one of the strategies to control schistosomiasis. Many plant extracts with molluscidal effects have been tested, but the action of the latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii is considered the most promising because it meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The objective of this study was to determine the lethal dose and identify the effects of the different doses of latex of E. splendens var. hislopii on the physiology of Biomphalaria glabrata submitted to treatment for 24 h. The concentrations of glucose, uric acid and total proteins in the hemolymph and of glycogen in the digestive gland and cephalopodal mass were determined. The LD50 value was 1 mg/l. The highest escape index was found to be at a concentration of 0.6 mg/l. The results showed that the latex of E. splendens var. hislopii caused a sharp reduction in the reserves of glycogen in the digestive gland and elevation of the protein content in the hemolymph of B. glabrata.


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Biomphalaria glabrata can react through different pathways to Schistosoma mansoni miracidium penetration, according to the degree of resistance/susceptibility presented by different snail strains, which is a genetically determined character, resistance being the dominant feature. However, it has been observed that previous susceptible snail strain may change its reactive behavior along the course of infection, exhibiting later a pattern of cercarial shedding and histopatopathological picture compatible with high resistance. Such observation suggests the possibility of B. glabrata to develop a sort of adaptative immunity face a schistosome infection. To explore on this aspect, the present investigation looked for the behavior of S. mansoni infection in B. glabrata previously subjected to different means of artificial stimulation of its internal defense system. Snails previously inoculated with irradiated miracídia (Group I); treated with S. mansoni antigens (Group II) or with a non-related parasite antigen (Group III) were challenged with 20 viable S. mansoni miracidia, and later looked for cercarial shedding and histopathologic changes at different times from exposition. Nodules of hemocyte accumulations were found at the site of antigen injection. These nodules resembled solid granulomas, and were larger and more frequent in snails injected with S. mansoni products as compared to those injected with Capillaria hepatica. However, the presence of such granulomas did not avoid the S. mansoni challenge infection from developing in a similar way as that seen in controls. The data are indicative that hemocytes are able to proliferate locally when stimulated, such capacity also remaining localized, not being shared by the population of hemocytes located elsewhere within the snail body.