48 resultados para FT-IR ATR
A series of novel disulfonamide derivatives were synthesized and characterized by FT-IR, ¹H NMR and MS techniques. In order to prepare new disulfonamides, at first we synthesized new diamines containing a pyridine ring. Then, they have been reacted with sulfonyl chlorides to give corresponding disulfonamides.
FUNDAMENTO: A correlação entre aumento de gordura visceral e de resistência à insulina coloca o diâmetro abdominal sagital e o perímetro da cintura como instrumentos potenciais para a predição de resistência à insulina. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade de diferentes aferições do diâmetro abdominal sagital e do perímetro da cintura e analisar o poder discriminante dos mesmos para predizer resistência à insulina. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 190 homens adultos. O diâmetro abdominal sagital (menor cintura, maior diâmetro abdominal, nível umbilical e ponto médio entre as cristas ilíacas) e o perímetro da cintura (nível umbilical, menor cintura, imediatamente acima da crista ilíaca e ponto médio entre a crista ilíaca e a última costela) foram aferidos em quatro locais diferentes. A resistência à insulina foi avaliada pelo índice HOMA-IR. RESULTADOS: Todas as medidas apresentaram correlação intraclasse de 0,986-0,999. Tanto o diâmetro abdominal sagital aferido na menor cintura (r=0,482 e AUC=0,739±0,049) como o perímetro da cintura aferido no ponto médio entre a última costela e a crista ilíaca (r=0,464 e AUC=0,746±0,05) apresentaram maiores correlações com o HOMA-IR, bem como um melhor poder discriminante para o HOMA-IR segundo a análise ROC (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: O diâmetro abdominal sagital e o perímetro da cintura mostraram-se altamente reprodutíveis. O diâmetro abdominal sagital (menor cintura) e o perímetro da cintura (ponto médio crista ilíaca e última costela) apresentaram melhor desempenho em predizer o HOMA-IR. Investigações em outros grupos da população brasileira devem ser realizadas para viabilizar a utilização desses indicadores de resistência à insulina na população como um todo de forma padronizada.
FUNDAMENTO: O sobrepeso e a obesidade são um importante problema de saúde pública na sociedade pela sua associação com diversas doenças crônicas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a prevalência e a distribuição de sobrepeso e obesidade, usando diferentes medidas antropométricas, e identificar o melhor indicador antropométrico intimamente relacionado aos fatores de risco de Doenças Cardiovasculares (DCV) em população iraniana urbana. MÉTODOS: O presente estudo transversal foi realizado com 991 homens e 1.188 mulheres de 15 a 64 anos. Foram medidos Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), Circunferência Abdominal (CA), Relação Cintura-Quadril (RCQ), Relação Cintura-Altura (RCA) e porcentagem de gordura corporal. Foi obtida amostra de sangue em jejum. Foram avaliados os fatores de risco cardiovascular, incluindo glicemia de jejum, triglicerídeos, colesterol total (col-T), colesterol de baixa densidade (LDL-colesterol) e colesterol da lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL-colesterol). RESULTADOS: Em relação ao IMC, 49% dos homens e 53% das mulheres estavam acima do peso ou obesos, e 10,2% dos homens e 18,6% das mulheres encontravam-se obesos. Tanto nos homens quanto nas mulheres, a prevalência de sobrepeso esteve maior entre aqueles com 40-49 anos de idade, e a prevalência de obesidade esteve maior entre aqueles com 50 anos ou mais. Usando a análise de regressão múltipla, IMC, RCA e RCQ explicaram o maior percentual de variação de triglicerídeos, razão entre col-T e HDL-colesterol e LDL-colesterol em homens, respectivamente, ao passo que RCQ explicou o maior percentual de variação de triglicerídeos e CA explicou o maior percentual de variação da razão entre col-T e HDL-colesterol e LDL-colesterol em mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados indicam que RCQ e RCA foram os indicadores antropométricos que melhor previram fatores de risco cardiovascular em homens e RCQ e CA, em mulheres.
Eighteen circular blocks of resins cured either by a LED or a halogen lamp (20, 40 and 60 s), had their top (T) and bottom (B) surfaces studied using a FT-Raman spectrometer. Systematic changes in the intensity of the methacrylate C=C stretching mode at 1638 cm-1 as a function of exposure duration were observed. The calculated degree of conversion (DC) ranged from 45.0% (B) to 52.0% (T) and from 49.0% (B) to 55.0% (T) for the LED and halogen lamp, respectively. LED and halogen light produced similar DC values with 40 and 60 s of irradiation.
The aim of this work was to develop and validate an analytical methodology for determination of artemisinin used as antimalaric. The method was based on high performace liquid chromatography, using a CN column with mobile phase composed of methanol : H2O 50:50 (V/V). The results showed that the method presented linearity from 50 to 1500 µg/mL. It was considered selective, accurate, precise according to the specific resolution from ANVISA, the Brazilian regulatory agency.
Titania-supported Ir catalysts were used in the hydrogenation of furfural. Reactions were carried out in a stirred batch type reactor at 0.62MPa and 363K using a 0.10M solution of furfural in a 1:1 mixture n-heptane -ethanol as solvent. Catalysts containing 2 wt% of Ir were reduced in H2 flow at different temperatures in the range 473-773K. The catalysts were characterized by H2 chemisorption, TEM, TPR, TPD of NH3 and XPS. Conversion of furfural is higher at lower reduction temperatures, but leads to byproducts whereas reduction at higher temperatures shows selectivity to furfuryl alcohol close to 100%.
Direct infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the negative ion mode, ESI(-)-MS and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used together with partial least squares (PLS) as a tool to determine B3 adulteration (B3 - mixture of 3% v/v of biodiesel in diesel) with kerosene and residual oil.
We propose an analytical method based on fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy to detect the adulteration of petrodiesel and petrodiesel/palm biodiesel blends with African crude palm oil. The infrared spectral fingerprints from the sample analysis were used to perform principal components analysis (PCA) and to construct a prediction model using partial least squares (PLS) regression. The PCA results separated the samples into three groups, allowing identification of those subjected to adulteration with palm oil. The obtained model shows a good predictive capacity for determining the concentration of palm oil in petrodiesel/biodiesel blends. Advantages of the proposed method include cost-effectiveness and speed; it is also environmentally friendly.
In this study, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to classify blends produced from diesel S500 and different kinds of biodiesel produced by the TDSP methodology. The different kinds of biodiesel studied in this work were produced from three raw materials: soybean oil, waste cooking oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil. Methylic and ethylic routes were employed for the production of biodiesel. HCA and PCA were performed on the data from attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, showing the separation of the blends into groups according to biodiesel content present in the blends and to the kind of biodiesel used to form the mixtures.
We report the single-step derivatization reaction of a biopolymer based onL -lysine with D -biotin analogs:Co -poly(L -lysine)-graft-(ε-N -[X-D-biotinyl]-L -lysine) (PLL-X-Biotin). The valeric acid carboxylate of D -biotin is activated to an NHS ester for direct modification of amine groups in proteins and other macromolecules. NHS esters react by nucleophilic attack of an amine in the carbonyl group, releasing the NHS group, and forming a stable amide linkage. NHS-X-Biotin is the simplest biotinylation reagent commercially available. In contrast withD -biotin, it has a longer spacer arm off the valeric acid side chain allowing better binding potential for avidin or streptavidin probes. Derivatization of poly(L -lysine) (PLL) with NHS-X-Biotin led to a copolymer PLL-X-Biotin. UV-Visible, IR-FT and 1H NMR characteristics derived from synthesis are briefly discussed.
Drug trafficking and the introduction of new drugs onto the illicit market are one of the main challenges of the forensic community. In this study, the chemical profile of a new designer drug, 2-(4-iodine-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-n-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]etamine or 25I-NBOMe was explored using thin layer chromatography (TLC), ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), attenuated total reflection with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(ATR-FTIR), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR MS). First, the TLC technique was effective for identifying spots related to 25C-, 25B- and 25I-NBOMe compounds, all with the same retention factor, Rf ≈ 0.50. No spot was detected for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine, 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine or lysergic acid diethylamide compounds. ATR-FTIR preserved the physical-chemical properties of the material, whereas GC-MS and ESI-MS showed better analytical selectivity. ESI(+)FT-ICR MS was used to identify the exact mass (m/z428.1706 for the [M + H]+ ion), molecular formula (M = C18H22INO3), degree of unsaturation (DBE = 8) and the chemical structure (from collision induced dissociation, CID, experiments) of the 25I-NBOMe compound. Furthermore, the ATR-FTIR and CID results suggested the presence of isomers, where a second structure is proposed as an isomer of the 25I-NBOMe molecule.
A combined experimental and Density functional theory (DFT) B3LYP/6-311+G* study on the IR spectra of four stable isomers of 2-N,N-dimethylaminecyclohexyl 1-N',N'-dimethylcarbamate was performed. Our theoretical calculations reveal that two new isomers of this compound exist and may be more stable than the known isomers. In addition the entropy, heat capacity, and the enthalpy content of the stable isomers are computed by fitting the calculated data to a standard Shomate equation and IR spectra for the two new isomers are presented.
Um método envolvendo a pré-concentração e redissolução anódica em condições de voltametria de pulso diferencial empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado (EPCM) com uma resina de troca iônica Amberlite IR120 foi proposto para a determinação de íons chumbo em álcool combustível. O procedimento é baseado em um pico de oxidação do analito observado em -0,53 V(vs. Ag/AgCl) em solução de HCl. As melhores condições experimentais encontradas foram: 5% (m/m) da Amberlite IR120 para a construção do eletrodo, solução de HCl 0,1 mol L-1, velocidade de varredura de 10 mVs-1, tempo de pré-concentração de 15 min e amplitude de pulso de 100 mV. Utilizando essas condições, o EPCM apresentou uma resposta linear entre a corrente de pico anódica e a concentração de íons chumbo para o intervalo entre 9,9 x 10-9 e 1,2 x 10-6 mol L-1 e um limite de detecção de 7,2 x 10-9 mol L-1. Valores de recuperação entre 96 % e 102 % foram encontrados para amostras de álcool combustível enriquecidas com Pb2+ em níveis de 10-7 mol L-1. O efeito da presença de outros íons concomitantes sobre a resposta voltamétrica do eletrodo também foi avaliado.
The aim of this present work was to provide a more fast, simple and less expensive to analyze sulfur content in diesel samples than by the standard methods currently used. Thus, samples of diesel fuel with sulfur concentrations varying from 400 and 2500 mgkg-1 were analyzed by two methodologies: X-ray fluorescence, according to ASTM D4294 and by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). The spectral data obtained from FTIR were used to build multivariate calibration models by partial least squares (PLS). Four models were built in three different ways: 1) a model using the full spectra (665 to 4000 cm-1), 2) two models using some specific spectrum regions and 3) a model with variable selected by classic method of variable selection stepwise. The model obtained by variable selection stepwise and the model built with region spectra between 665 and 856 cm-1 and 1145 and 2717 cm-1 showed better results in the determination of sulfur content.