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This paper describes a study about the causes for the dropout of chemistry undergraduate students at UFMG in the nineties. The students' social and economic profile was outlined. It was observed a correlation between family income and academic performance and between failure at the beginning of the course and the dropout, but it seems that family income doesn't affect markedly the dropout. The endogenous and exogenous causes contribute equally for the dropout. The authors suggest that the dropout could be significantly reduced if the endogenous causes such as large classes, inadequate curricula and programmes, poor teaching and the unapproachability on the part of the teachers were faced.
This study aimed the investigation of the reasons that led undergraduate students of the Chemistry course at Universidade de Brasília to abandon the course before its conclusion. From the former students' point of view, the reasons that led them to leave the course were related to aspects of their academic life prior to university entrance, expectations which failed to be met by the course, the intricate nature of the academic system, personal and social experiences. Abandonment is a consequence of the problems he encounters during the course and takes on a connotation of protest, more than of failure.
This paper describes the studies of the performance and the efficiency of the Degree in Chemistry (nocturne) course at the UFC. The study embraces the period of its foundation (1995) until the current days. In general, the course has enhanced its efficiency, with an evident improvement presented by the students, which are more confident with strong indicative of better social prestige.
The problem of the dropping out of the graduate chemistry courses is not new in the Brazilian University. What are the principal factors for this dropping out? Are there rules to measure this dropping out? In this work we present our experience in the Chemistry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro to deal with this problem.
Capital Flows, External Fragility and Currency Regimes: A Theoretical Review. The major integration and deregulation of the international financial markets increased the degree of interdependence and risk of incompatibility between the financial and monetary policy adopted by different countries. The consequences of these facts are the financial instability and the currency crisis. In this article we develop arguments advocating that independent of the currency regime adopted the national policy makers should take into account, between other factors, the major capital mobility and the integrations of markets. One of the corollaries of our analyses is that countries should pursue policies that reduces the degree of short-term capital volatile by the adoption of capital controls or though measures of prudential supervision.
The aim of this paper is to carry out an empirical analysis about the relation between Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Growth having as object of study the experience of 16 countries of Latin America with annual data for the period 1986-2000. The econometrical calculations do not corroborate the hypothesis that the liberalization of Capital Account would stimulate the economic growth. The results suggest an adverse effect of the liberalization of the Capital Account on the real growth gross domestic product per capita of the countries.
This article evaluates the effects that monetary policy actions exert on Brazilian stock market. By the measures defined to estimate the surprise caused by Comitê de Política Monetária do Banco Central do Brasil (COPOM) decisions, it was verified that to a hypothetic unexpected 1% increase in the target rate is associated an 1.3% average fall of Bovespa Index. Additional tests did not show distinct reactions caused by direction decisions, neither evidences from relevant recent economic events or decision contexts having influences on the surprise responses.
Ensaio comparativo, contrastando as políticas externas das administrações Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, com base em suas características gerais e nas tomadas de posição em relação a um conjunto de temas da agenda internacional, nomeadamente: multilateralismo e Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas; OMC, negociações comerciais multilaterais e cooperação Sul-Sul; terrorismo; globalização e capitais voláteis; FMI e política de condicionalidades; Brasil como líder; América do Sul; Mercosul; Argentina; Europa; relação com os Estados Unidos e Alca, ademais dos instrumentos diplomáticos mobilizados por cada um dos governos. Os elementos de ruptura são mais evidentes no estilo do que na substância da diplomacia brasileira, que continua a ostentar fortes traços de continuidade.
Neste artigo procura-se associar os estudos teóricos relacionados à temática centro-periferia, multi-level governance, federalismo cooperativo e positive and negative integration à realidade empírica das unidades subnacionais no seio do Mercosul. São ainda efetuadas pesquisas de campo junto a atores políticos e representações de agentes econômicos a fim de privilegiar fontes primárias de informação e desta forma analisar comparativamente os impactos do Mercado Comum do Sul na economia política dos estados de Pernambuco, Bahia, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, assim como em suas respectivas capitais.
A assinatura de tratados bilaterais de investimento por países em desenvolvimento é vista como uma estratégia para competir por capitais estrangeiros escassos. Este artigo discute possíveis padrões cooperativos na América do Sul partindo do conceito de bom clima de investimentos e considerando os acordos argentinos com outros paises em desenvolvimento.
Após uma análise dos modelos econômicos de privatização e dos instrumentos financeiros inovadores, apresentamos os aspectos relevantes das Ações Preferenciais Resgatáveis (APR) brasileiras, como uma forma de obter recursos junto ao mercado de capitais e suas características mais importantes. Tendo o exemplo da bem-sucedida nacionalização da subsidiária da Massey Perkins, sugerimos a utilização de APRs na privatização brasileira, como uma maneira de captar recursos de longo prazo para o novo acionista controlador e obter melhores preços para as ações a serem vendidas pelo Governo sem ter que esperar um mercado bursátil em alta depois do uso das "moedas podres".