112 resultados para Esterase-6
Foi comparada, em laboratório, a atividade moluscicida do extrato hexânico da casca da castanha do caju - Anacardium occidentalel L. (EHCCC), do complexo de cobre (II), docomplexo de chumbo (II) e do ácido anacárdico com objetivo de encontrar entre eles um produto que apresentasse maior estabilidade que o ácido anacárdico. Este foi preparado tratando o EHCCC com hidróxido de chumbo (II) ou com o sulfato de cobre mais hidróxido de sódio ou com hidróxido de cobre (II). Em seguida, o complexo de chumbo (II) ou os complexos de cobre (II)preparados foram tratados com uma solução de ácido sulfúrico diluída. As misturas dos dez produtos obtidos foram testadas sobre caramujos adultos de Biomphalaria glabrata nas concentrações de la 10 ppm. Os mais ativos foram o complexo de cobre (II), obtido com sulfato de cobre mais hidróxido de sódio, e o ácido anacárdico (hidróxido de chumbo) que apresentaram atividade a partir da concentração de 4 ppm. O teor de chumbo do ácido anacárdico (hidróxido de chumbo) foi acima das normas recomendadas pelos Padrões de Saúde Pública dos Estados Unidos.
The authors evaluated the isoniazid acetylating phenotype and measured hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activities plus serum sulfadoxin levels in 39 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (33 males and 6 females) aged 17 to 58 years. Twenty one (53.84%) of the patients presented a slow acetylatingphenotype and 18(46.16%) a fast acetylating phenotype. Glucose-6-phosphate- dehydrogenase (G6PD) acti vity was decreased in 5(23.80%) slow acetylators and in 4(22.22%) fast acetylators. Glutathione reductase activity was decreased in 14 (66.66%) slow acetylators and in 12 (66.66%) fast acetylators. Serum levels of free and total sulfadoxin Were higher in slow acetylator (p < 0.02). Analysis of the resultspermitted us to conclude that serum sulfadoxin levels are related to the acetylatorphenotype. Furthermore, sulfadoxin levels were always above 50 µg/ml, a value considered therapeutic. Glutathione reductase deficiency observed in 66% of patients may be related to the intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, among them riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin, inpatients with paracoceidioidomycosis.
Vaccination of infants with conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines has been proven to reduce Hib meningitis by 95% and pneumoniae by 20%. The routine use of Hib vaccine is facilitated by the introduction of combination vaccines into the EPI (Expanded Plan of Immunization). The objective of this study was to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an extemporaneously mixed DTPw/Hib (diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis) combination, using the technology of two Brazilian manufacturers, against a licensed DTPw/Hib European combination in 108 infants vaccinated at 2, 4 and 6 months according to the local national schedule. The Brazilian combination was highly immunogenic with Hib seroprotection rates (anti-PRP > 0.15 mg /ml of 98% after 2 doses and 100% after 3). Also for tetanus and pertussis the new Brazilian combination was as immunogenic as the European counterpart, except the diphtheria seroprotection rates and titers were lower. There was also no clinically relevant difference in reactogenicity. If these feasibility results are confirmed, the Brazilian DTPw/Hib combination should help to boost the uptake of Hib vaccination in Brazil.
Humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated in 44 C57BL/6 mice immunized with the Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens CRA and FRA. Both antigens induced cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity response. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 were high in CRA immunized mice. IgG3 was the predominant isotype. Although no difference in antibody levels was observed in FRA-immunized mice when compared to control mice, both antigens were able to induce lymphoproliferation in immunized mice. Significant differences were observed between incorporation of [³H]- thymidine by spleen cell stimulated in vitro with CRA or FRA and the control group. These results suggest that CRA and FRA could be involved in mechanisms of resistance to Trypanosoma cruzi infection.
Testou-se, em camundongos C57BL/6 inoculados com a cepa MHOM/BR/PH8 de Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, terbinafina via oral 100mg/kg/dia, por 20 dias, solução salina 0,9% via oral como controle e stibogluconato de sódio 400mg SbV/kg/dia via subcutânea como padrão-ouro. A terbinafina mostrou-se ineficaz, clínica e parasitologicamente, e pelo ensaio por diluição limitante, quando comparada aos controles.
Os antígenos recombinantes Cytoplasmic Repetitive Antigen e Flagellar Repetitive Antigen de Trypanosoma cruzi foram inoculados em camundongos BALB/c e C57BL/6 e o seu efeito avaliado a nível hematológico e histopatológico. Os resultados mostraram que o padrão histológico normal dos órgãos e o perfil hematológico dos camundongos não foram modificados sugerindo que esses antígenos não parecem causar dano ao animal.
O efeito adverso da primaquina na dose de 0,50mg/kg/dia foi investigado em onze pacientes com malária vivax (três com deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase). Alterações clínicas e laboratoriais indicaram hemólise aguda apenas nos enzimopênicos, o que fez com que o tratamento fosse interrompido. Nossos resultados sugerem a necessidade do emprego de um teste de triagem para a deficiência de G6PD em áreas endêmicas de malária vivax a fim de se evitar complicações causadas pelo uso da primaquina.
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de metemoglobinemia em indivíduos deficientes da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase durante o tratamento da infecção malárica com primaquina. Foram selecionados pacientes com diagnóstico para malária por Plasmodium vivax ou mista V+F (Plasmodium vivax + Plasmodium falciparum), Grupo 1: com 74 indivíduos com diagnóstico clínico de metemoglobinemia e Grupo 2: 161 indivíduos sem diagnóstico clínico de metemoglobinemia. Quanto à deficiência da G6PD, nos Grupos 1 e 2, houveram 51,3% (38) e 8,7% (14) de indivíduos enzimopênicos, respectivamente, demonstrando através de tais dados, significância estatística na associação com a metemoglobinemia somente nos indivíduos do Grupo 1 (p<0,05). A comparação da relação da metemoglobinemia à deficiência da G6PD mostrou haver uma possível associação de indivíduos enzimopênicos desenvolverem metemoglobinemia com maior freqüência.
This study compared the serum levels of IL-6, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, in children under 1 year of age with and without dengue. Sera were collected from a total of 41 children living in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia (27 patients with dengue and 14 controls). The results showed higher cytokine levels in children with dengue than without dengue, with statistically significant differences for IL-6 and IFN-gamma. No statistically significant differences were found between clinical forms, although IL-6 and IFN-gamma levels were higher in dengue fever cases than in dengue hemorrhagic fever cases. On the other hand, TNF-alpha levels were higher in dengue hemorrhagic fever than in dengue fever. The levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were higher in secondary infection than in primary infection, although IFN-gamma levels were higher in primary infection. These results suggest that IL-6, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma are involved in dengue infection independently of the clinical form.
Exantema viral é considerado problema comum em regiões tropicais, afetando principalmente crianças. Diversos exantemas cutâneos estão associados a infecções por Enterovirus. Amostras biológicas provenientes de uma criança apresentando exantema generalizado foram enviadas ao Laboratório de Vírus Entéricos do Instituto Adolfo Lutz para a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial. Amostra viral isolada em RD (human rhabdomyosarcoma cells) foi submetida à reação em cadeia pela polimerase apresentando um produto de 437 pares de base, característico de gênero Enterovirus. O sorotipo echovirus 6 (E-6) foi identificado por ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta. Em adição, as amostras pareadas de soro apresentaram soroconversão para E-6. Até o momento, não há relatos do envolvimento de E-6 associado a doenças exantemáticas no Brasil, enfatizando a importância da vigilância epidemiológica para essas doenças e suas complicações.
The reactivation of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) in patients with AIDS can result in an acute and severe diffuse meningoencephalitis. We describe the epidemiological, clinical and outcome findings of five patients with diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and central nervous system involvement (CNS) due to HHV-6. Fever was present in all the patients. Meningeal compromise, seizures and encephalitis were present in some of the patients. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens was positive for HHV-6 in all the patients. HHV-6 should be included among opportunistic and emerging pathogens that involve the CNS in patients with AIDS.
INTRODUCTION: Operational classification of leprosy based on the number of skin lesions was conceived to screen patients presenting severe forms of the disease to enable their reception of a more intense multidrug regimen without having to undergo lymph smear testing. We evaluated the concordance between operational classification and bacilloscopy to define multibacillary and paucibacillary leprosy. METHODS: We selected 1,213 records of individuals with leprosy, who were untreated (new cases) and admitted to a dermatology clinic in Recife, Brazil, from 2000 to 2005, and who underwent bacteriological examination at diagnosis for ratification of the operational classification. RESULTS: Compared to bacilloscopy, operational classification demonstrated 88.6% sensitivity, 76.9% specificity, a positive predictive value of 61.8%, and a negative predictive value of 94.1%, with 80% accuracy and a moderate kappa index. Among the bacilloscopy-negative cases, 23% had more than 5 skin lesions. Additionally, 11% of the bacilloscopy-positive cases had up to 5 lesions, which would have led to multibacillary cases being treated as paucibacillary leprosy if the operational classification had not been confirmed by bacilloscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Operational classification has limitations that are more obvious in borderline cases, suggesting that in these cases, lymph smear testing is advisable to enable the selection of true multibacillary cases for more intense treatment, thereby contributing to minimization of resistant strain selection and possible relapse.
INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the early events in the interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its host. To understand the effect of carbohydrates in the interaction between the fungus and epithelial cell in culture, we analyzed the influence of different carbohydrate solutions on the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to CCL-6 cells in culture. METHODS: Fungal cells were cultivated with the epithelial cell line, and different concentrations of D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine, sorbitol and fructose were added at the beginning of the experiment. Six hours after the treatment, the cells were fixed and observed by light microscopy. The number of P. brasiliensis cells that were adhered to the CCL-6 monolayer was estimated. RESULTS: The number of adhesion events was diminished following treatments with D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine and D-galactosamine as compared to the untreated controls. Sorbitol and fructose-treated cells had the same adhesion behavior as the observed in the control. P. brasiliensis propagules were treated with fluorescent lectins. The FITC-labeled lectins WGA and Con-A bound to P. brasiliensis yeast cells, while SBA and PNA did not. CONCLUSIONS: The perceptual of adhesion between P. brasiliensis and CCL-6 cells decreased with the use of D-mannose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucosamine. The assay using FITC-labeled lectins suggests the presence of N-acetyl-glucosamine, α-mannose and α-glucose on the P. brasiliensis cell surface. An enhanced knowledge of the mediators of adhesion on P. brasiliensis could be useful in the future for the development of more efficient and less harmful methods for disease treatment and control.