114 resultados para Epidural-anesthesia


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of transient and sustained variations in cardiac load on the values of the end-systolic pressure-diameter relation (ESPDR) of the left ventricle. METHODS: We studied 13 dogs under general anesthesia and autonomic blockade. Variations of cardiac loads were done by elevation of blood pressure by mechanical constriction of the aorta. Two protocols were used in each animal: gradual peaking and decreasing pressure variation, the "transient arterial hypertension protocol" (TAH), and a quick and 10 min sustained elevation, the "sustained arterial hypertension protocol"(SAH). Then, we compared the ESDR in these two situations. RESULTS: Acute elevation of arterial pressure, being it "transitory" or "sustained", did not alter the heart frequency and increased similarly the preload and after load. However, they acted differently in end systolic pressure-diameter relation. It was greater in the SAH than TAH protocol, 21.0±7.3mmHg/mm vs. 9.2±1.2mmHg/mm (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The left ventricular ESPDR values determined during sustained pressure elevations were higher than those found during transient pressure elevations. The time-dependent activation of myocardial contractility associated with the Frank-Starling mechanism is the major factor in inotropic stimulation during sustained elevations of blood pressure, determining an increase in the ESPDR values.


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OBJECTIVE: One of the most exciting potential applications of percutaneous therapy is the treatment of abdominal aneurysms. METHODS: Of 230 patients treated with a self-expanding polyester-lined stent-graft for different aortic pathologies at our institution, we selected 80 abdominal aneurysm cases undergoing treatment (from May 1997 to December 2002). The stent was introduced through the femoral artery, in the hemodynamic laboratory, with the patient under general anesthesia, with systemic heparinization, and induced hypotension. RESULTS: The procedure was successful in 70 (92.9%) cases; 10 patients with exclusion of abdominal aortic aneurysms were documented immediately within the hemodynamic room and 5 patients persisted with a residual leak. Two surgical conversions were necessary. Additional stent-grafts had to be inserted in 3 (3.7%) cases. In the follow-up, 91.4% of patients were alive at a mean follow-up of 15.8 months. CONCLUSION: We believe that stent-grafts are an important tool in improving the treatment of abdominal aneurysms, and this new policy may change the conventional medical management of these patients.


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Background: Pitavastatin is the newest statin available in Brazil and likely the one with fewer side effects. Thus, pitavastatin was evaluated in hypercholesterolemic rabbits in relation to its action on vascular reactivity. Objective: To assess the lowest dose of pitavastatin necessary to reduce plasma lipids, cholesterol and tissue lipid peroxidation, as well as endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Methods: Thirty rabbits divided into six groups (n = 5): G1 - standard chow diet; G2 - hypercholesterolemic diet for 30 days; G3 - hypercholesterolemic diet and after the 16th day, diet supplemented with pitavastatin (0.1 mg); G4 - hypercholesterolemic diet supplemented with pitavastatin (0.25 mg); G5 - hypercholesterolemic diet supplemented with pitavastatin (0.5 mg); G6 - hypercholesterolemic diet supplemented with pitavastatin (1.0 mg). After 30 days, total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, glucose, creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were measured and LDL was calculated. In-depth anesthesia was performed with sodium thiopental and aortic segments were removed to study endothelial function, cholesterol and tissue lipid peroxidation. The significance level for statistical tests was 5%. Results: Total cholesterol and LDL were significantly elevated in relation to G1. HDL was significantly reduced in G4, G5 and G6 when compared to G2. Triglycerides, CK, AST, ALT, cholesterol and tissue lipid peroxidation showed no statistical difference between G2 and G3-G6. Significantly endothelial dysfunction reversion was observed in G5 and G6 when compared to G2. Conclusion: Pitavastatin starting at a 0.5 mg dose was effective in reverting endothelial dysfunction in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.


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Background: Pazopanib (PZP) may induce prolonged cardiac repolarization and proarrhythmic effects, similarly to other tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Objectives: To demonstrate PZP-induced prolonged cardiac repolarization and proarrhythmic electrophysiological effects and to investigate possible preventive effects of metoprolol and diltiazem on ECG changes (prolonged QT) in an experimental rat model. Methods: Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley adult male rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 6). The first group (normal group) received 4 mL of tap water and the other groups received 100 mg/kg of PZP (Votrient® tablet) perorally, via orogastric tubes. After 3 hours, the following solutions were intraperitoneally administered to the animals: physiological saline solution (SP), to the normal group and to the second group (control-PZP+SP group); 1 mg/kg metoprolol (Beloc, Ampule, AstraZeneca), to the third group (PZP+metoprolol group); and 1mg/kg diltiazem (Diltiazem, Mustafa Nevzat), to the fourth group (PZP+diltiazem group). One hour after, and under anesthesia, QTc was calculated by recording ECG on lead I. Results: The mean QTc interval values were as follows: normal group, 99.93 ± 3.62 ms; control-PZP+SP group, 131.23 ± 12.21 ms; PZP+metoprolol group, 89.36 ± 3.61 ms; and PZP+diltiazem group, 88.86 ± 4.04 ms. Both PZP+metoprolol and PZP+diltiazem groups had significantly shorter QTc intervals compared to the control-PZP+SP group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Both metoprolol and diltiazem prevented PZP-induced QT interval prolongation. These drugs may provide a promising prophylactic strategy for the prolonged QTc interval associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor use.


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In this paper the A. A. report the observations about the general anesthesia by chloral hydrate on the veterinary surgery. The observations were made on emasculation practices of horses, mules and hogs. It was possible to establish the following conclusions: 1) The choral hydrate presents low cost, it harmless, and is of easy application. 2) The more recommendable dosis for equine and swine were : 12-13 g per 100 k of body weight, in destilled water solution at 30 and 20%, respectively. 3) The anaethestic was injected by intravenous way with good results; in horses and mules the applications were made in the jugular; in swine, in the anterior vena cava, as was described by Carle and Dewhirst, because it was impracticable in the ear vein. 4) The dosis applied produced deep narcosis not lasting to long and with no danger to the animal's life. 5) In the case of fattening hogs, it must be made a discount of about 40% on the body weight, to calculate dosis to be employed. 6) The tables A and B show the results, that may be considered as good.


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1. A secção dos vagos na cobaya produza morte em prazos que variam de meia hora a algumas horas. 2. A morte se dá por intensas lesões pulmonares, caracterisadas por congestão e edema. 3. As cobayas introduzidas em camaras em que a atmosphera tem altas tensões de gaz carbonico, caem anesthesiadas ao fim de alguns segundos, seguindo-se logo depois a morte. Na autopsia, se encontram lesões pulmonares muito semelhantes ás que se verificam nas cobayas vagotomisadas. 4. Nas cobayas profundamente anesthesiadas pelo chloral, a sobrevida á vagotomia é muito maior que nas cobayas não anesthesiadas. Nesses casos a morte muitas vezes se dá quando o animal vem a despertar da anesthesia. 5. Foram feitas novas experiencias que demonstram produzir a novocaina uma interrupção completa de todas as fórmas de conductibilidade dos nervos. 6. Quando se produz a secção physiologica pela novocaina dos vagos na cobaya, observam-se modificações do typo respiratorio que se caracterisam por diminuição consideravel da frequencia e augmento da amplitude. A respiração não apresenta porém, o typo francamente dyspneico, istoé, ella não se faz com difficuldade. 7. A secção physiologia dos pneumogastricos permitte uma sobrevida muito maior que a secção cirurgica. 8. A morte nas condições da conclusão precedente se dá pelas mesmas lesões pulmonares que se encontram habitualmente depois de secção cirurgica, mas é produzida unicamente pela irritação dos pneumogastricos exercida pelas gotteiras de borracha e pelo algodão, depois que a novocaina é absorvida e que se dissipa a anesthesia local. 9. Quando se operam as secções dos vagos com irritações variaveis as sobrevidas são differentes. 10. A sangria immediata não tem effeito sobre o tempo de vida da cobaya vagotomisada. 11. A sangria tardia parece augmentar ligeiramente essa sobrevida. Todos os factos expostos neste trabalho demonstram: 1) De um lado a irritação sem secção dos vagos na cobaya produz congestões e edemas pulmonares que levam o animal á morte; 2) a secção sem irritação não dá logar a esses phenomenos. Dahi a conclusão principal destas pesquizas: se porventura existem excitações normalmente transmittidas pelos vagos aos centros nervosos respiratorios, não é a falta dessas excitações a causa primeira dos phenomenos produzidos pela vagotomia bilateral. Esses phenomenos são devidos a irritações do pneumogastrico. A dyspnéa encontrada nos animaes vagotomisados parece ser tambem um effeito directo ou indirecto dessas irritações. Conquanto pouco inclinados a admittir que seja essa dyspnéa a causa directa das lesões pulmonares, reconhecemos que essa questão não pode ser ainda inteiramente resolvida. As irritações dos vagos podem ter influencia sobre muitas e variadas funcções, cujas perturbações assim produzidas, têm um papel preponderante no mechanismo da morte consecutiva á dupla vagotomia. Temos o prazer de agradecer ao Snr. Dr. Paulo de Proença o seu valioso auxilio prestado em todo o curso das pesquizas que foram expostas neste trabalho.


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Tendo verificado uma acção hyperglobulinogena do tetrachloreto de carbono, thynol e essencia de chenopodio, quando administrados ao homem como vermifugos, procuramos averiguar qual o mechanismo destas hyperglobulias. Para isso tomamos duas substancias tambem hyperglobulinogenas (chloroformio e chloretona) e escolhemos o cão para animal de experiencia. Observamos que, com anesthesias prolongadas pelo chloroformio e pela chloretona, tal como naquellas substancias applicadas ao homem como vermicidas, apparecem intensas hyperglobulias no sangue circulante. constatamos ainda uma rapidez extraordinaria no augmento de hematias (1 a 2 horas após o inicio da anesthesia), e a existencia de um nivel maximo para este augmento, que não é ultrapassado apezar de novas anesthesias prolongadas. Entretanto, em cães esplenectomisados este effeito das anesthesias prolongadas desapparece inteiramente em sua acção sobre o sangue. em todos os casos, tanto em homem como em cães (esplenectomisados ou não), ao par da hyperglobulia, notou-se sempre estados hypotensivos as vezes bastantes accentuados. Estes resultados nos levaram a concluir que no mechanismo das hyperglobulias de origem toxica, o factor principal está em uma contracção esplenica, (provocada provavelmente pela hypotensão observada), contracção está, que resulta em um lançamento na corrente circulatoria do sangue concentrado (lama esplenica) que normalmente se acha em reserva no baço.


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Studies have been carried out on the method of Britton and Silvette modified by Reinecke and Kendall, for the evaluation of cortico-adrenal extracts, based on the deposition of glycogen in the liver of adrenaletomized rats. The test was performed in a total of 180 normal and adrenalectomized rats. The extracts tested were: a) an aqueous extract of cortico-adrenal cortex prepared by the Swingle and Pfiffner technique; b) the same extract added with ascorbic acid (Supracortin Labor); c) desoxycorticosterone acetate (Percortol Ciba and Syncortyl Roussell). Male rats were used, ranging from 40-200g, fed since the 18 th days old with a special diet, in which they were maintained until the day before the injection. Adrenalectomy was performed under urethane anesthesia. The fourth day after operation, food was removed and they were fasted for 24 hours. In the morning of the fifth day, injections of the material to be assayed were given at hourly and two hours intervals, during four to eight hours. One or two hours after the last injection, the animals were sacrified, the livers removed and dropped into a hot 30% solution of potassium hydroxide, and worked by Good, Kramer and Somogyi method. The glycogen was calculated as milligrams per lOOg of body and liver weight. The results obtained are shown in the tables I, II, and III. When several dosages of the same sample of extract were made (5 animals each dose), the amount of glycogen deposited in the liver per lOOg of body and liver weight, was found to be a positive function of the dose injected. The graph 2, shows these results. The synthetic compounds were ineffective. Our results are in agreement with those of Reinecke and Kendall and of Olson et al.


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Objective:to describe the behavior of children during the instructional session of therapeutic play (ITP) in the preoperative period and to verify the behavior presented by them during the perioperative period. Methods: Exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach, developed in a large private hospital in Sao Paulo, in which the behaviors presented by 30 children between three and five years old, undergoing minor surgery were seen at the hospital during the session of TP and in the surgical center, from admission to awaken from anesthesia. Results: Most children participated in the ITP session (21; 70%), entered the surgical room spontaneously (22; 73.3%) without resisting mother separation (24; 80%), collaborating with the anesthetic procedure (16; 53.3%) and quietly awakening from anesthesia (26; 87%). Conclusion: The use of ITP led the child to understand the surgical procedure, making it less traumatic.


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This article is based on a study of a reform in the organisation of maternity services in the United Kingdom, which aimed towards developing a more woman-centred model of care. After decades of fragmentation and depersonalisation of care, associated with the shift of birth to a hospital setting, pressure by midwives and mothers prompted government review and a relatively radical turnaround in policy. However, the emergent model of care has been profoundly influenced by concepts and technologies of monitoring. The use of such technologies as ultrasound scans, electronic foetal monitoring and oxytocic augmentation of labour, generally supported by epidural anaesthesia for pain relief, have accompanied the development of a particular ecological model of birth – often called active management –, which is oriented towards the idea of an obstetric norm. Drawing on analysis of women’s narrative accounts of labour and birth, this article discusses the impact on women’s embodiment in birth, and the sources of information they use about the status of their own bodies, their labour and that of the child. It also illustrates how the impact on women’s experiences of birth may be mediated by a relational model of support, through the provision of caseload midwifery care.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify predictors of red blood cell transfusion (RBCT) after cardiac surgery. METHOD A prospective cohort study performed with 323 adults after cardiac surgery, from April to December of 2013. A data collection instrument was constructed by the researchers containing factors associated with excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery, as found in the literature, for investigation in the immediate postoperative period. The relationship between risk factors and the outcome was assessed by univariate analysis and logistic regression. RESULTS The factors associated with RBCT in the immediate postoperative period included lower height and weight, decreased platelet count, lower hemoglobin level, higher prevalence of platelet count <150x10 3/mm3, lower volume of protamine, longer duration of anesthesia, higher prevalence of intraoperative RBCT, lower body temperature, higher heart rate and higher positive end-expiratory pressure. The independent predictor was weight <66.5Kg. CONCLUSION Factors associated with RBCT in the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery were found. The independent predictor was weight.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To search for the scientific evidence available on nursing professional actions during the anesthetic procedure. METHOD An integrative review of articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, National Cochrane, SciELO databases and the VHL portal. RESULTS Seven studies were analyzed, showing nurse anesthetists' work in countries such as the United States and parts of Europe, with the formulation of a plan for anesthesia and patient care regarding the verification of materials and intraoperative controls. The barriers to their performance involved working in conjunction with or supervised by anesthesiologists, the lack of government guidelines and policies for the legal exercise of the profession, and the conflict between nursing and the health system for maintenance of the performance in places with legislation and defined protocols for the specialty. Conclusion Despite the methodological weaknesses found, the studies indicated a wide diversity of nursing work. Furthermore, in countries absent of the specialty, like Brazil, the need to develop guidelines for care during the anesthetic procedure was observed.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of eugenol as an anesthetic for juvenile common snook, and to determine the minimum effective concentration for use in handling procedures. In the first trial, juvenile common snook were subjected to immersion baths at 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 mg L-1 eugenol concentrations, after which induction and recovery times were evaluated. In the second experiment, the lethal exposure time (LT50) at 75 mg L-1 was estimated. Minimum effective eugenol concentration was 50 mg L-1, andthe stage of deep anesthesia and recovery were, respectively, reached at 126.3 and 208.8 s. At 75 mg L-1, LT50 was 1,314 s, and induction time and recovery were also satisfactory; however, fish cannot tolerate over 229 s exposure.


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Os autores demonstram os principais achados do linfoma adrenal primário nas tomografias computadorizadas (TC) de abdome e crânio e na ressonância magnética (RM) do crânio, apresentando um caso raro de um paciente do sexo masculino, 72 anos de idade, com progressiva deterioração do estado mental, evoluindo, num período de dois meses, com perda da memória recente, desorientação e, finalmente, franco quadro demencial. O paciente foi submetido a investigação por métodos de imagem com TC de crânio (sem administração venosa de contraste iodado), tórax e abdome (sem e com administração venosa de contraste iodado), e RM de crânio (antes e após a administração venosa de gadolínio). Na TC de crânio observaram-se áreas nodulares levemente hiperdensas, adjacentes aos ventrículos laterais. A TC de tórax não mostrou alterações relevantes. Na TC do abdome foram demonstrados nódulos sólidos em ambas as adrenais. A RM de crânio evidenciou impregnação difusa e nodular do epêndima do IV ventrículo, III ventrículo, cornos anteriores e temporais, átrios e corpo dos ventrículos laterais. O diagnóstico definitivo foi realizado através do estudo imuno-histoquímico da peça após biópsia da adrenal. Os autores concluíram, após revisão atualizada da literatura, que a TC e a RM são métodos essenciais na detecção e melhor avaliação de linfomas adrenais primários, principalmente quando associados a envolvimento do sistema nervoso central, e a RM mostra-se mais sensível para a detecção de lesões extracerebrais nos espaços epidural e subdural, principalmente após a administração venosa de gadolínio.


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Disc herniation with posterior epidural migration is a rare and often symptomatic entity. Multiple are the natural barriers that prevent this pattern of migration. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is the diagnostic modality of choice in these cases. The diagnostic dilemma in this case was the contraindication to the use of contrast since the patient was known to have chronic renal failure.