52 resultados para Elliot, Jesse Duncan, 1782-1845.
OBJECTIVE To propose a method of redistributing ill-defined causes of death (IDCD) based on the investigation of such causes.METHODS In 2010, an evaluation of the results of investigating the causes of death classified as IDCD in accordance with chapter 18 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by the Mortality Information System was performed. The redistribution coefficients were calculated according to the proportional distribution of ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation in any chapter of the ICD-10, except for chapter 18, and used to redistribute the ill-defined causes not investigated and remaining by sex and age. The IDCD redistribution coefficient was compared with two usual methods of redistribution: a) Total redistribution coefficient, based on the proportional distribution of all the defined causes originally notified and b) Non-external redistribution coefficient, similar to the previous, but excluding external causes.RESULTS Of the 97,314 deaths by ill-defined causes reported in 2010, 30.3% were investigated, and 65.5% of those were reclassified as defined causes after the investigation. Endocrine diseases, mental disorders, and maternal causes had a higher representation among the reclassified ill-defined causes, contrary to infectious diseases, neoplasms, and genitourinary diseases, with higher proportions among the defined causes reported. External causes represented 9.3% of the ill-defined causes reclassified. The correction of mortality rates by the total redistribution coefficient and non-external redistribution coefficient increased the magnitude of the rates by a relatively similar factor for most causes, contrary to the IDCD redistribution coefficient that corrected the different causes of death with differentiated weights.CONCLUSIONS The proportional distribution of causes among the ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation was not similar to the original distribution of defined causes. Therefore, the redistribution of the remaining ill-defined causes based on the investigation allows for more appropriate estimates of the mortality risk due to specific causes.
Introduction: Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a natural parasite found in lung arteries of rats, which in humans may cause eosinophilic meningitis. Objective: To report the first case of eosinophilic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Case report: A male patient, 11 years old, living in the southern area of São Paulo, was admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Department with ongoing headaches for three days, but no fever or any other complaint. The presence of snails and rodents was reported in the peridomicile. The child was awake, lucid, oriented; muscular strength preserved, isochoric, photo reagent pupils and terminal nuchal rigidity - Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) = 15. The laboratory tests showed a mild leukocytosis with 1736 eosinophils/mm3 and the CSF analysis disclosed 160 leukocytes/mm3 with 36% of eosinophils. The bacterial culture was negative. Computed Cerebral Tomography showed no alterations. The RT-PCR assay for detecting Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae and DNA was negative. ELISA antibodies for IgG anti-A. cantonensis was negative in serum and undetermined in CSF and samples collected five days after the onset of symptoms. Seroconversion was observed in the sample collected 135 days later. Conclusion: the epidemiological and clinical data, the CSF alterations with eosinophilia and the seroconversion strongly suggest Angiostrongylus cantonensis eosinophilic meningitis.
SUMMARY The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of hemoplasmas in a rural Brazilian settlement's population of human beings, their dogs and horses, highly exposed to tick bites; to identify the tick species parasitizing dogs and horses, and analyze factors associated with their infection. Blood samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were screened using a pan-hemoplasma SYBR green real-time PCR assay followed by a species-specific TaqMan real-time PCR. A total of 59/132 (44.7%) dog samples were positive for hemoplasmas (21 Mycoplasma haemocanisalone, 12 ' Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum' alone and 21 both). Only 1/100 (1.0%) human sample was positive by qPCR SYBR green, with no successful amplification of 16S rRNA or 23 rRNA genes despite multiple attempts. All horse samples were negative. Dogs >1 year of age were more likely to be positive for hemoplasmas ( p= 0.0014). In conclusion, although canine hemoplasma infection was highly prevalent, cross-species hemoplasma transmission was not observed, and therefore may not frequently occur despite overexposure of agents and vectors.
Adult mice were submitted to different degrees of protein restriction for five weeks (4.75, 9.5,14.25 and 19% of protein in isocaloric diets with normal content of mineral and vitamins), being subsequently infected with two strains of Trypanosoma cruzi: 10(5) trypomastigotes of Y strain or 14(5) trypomastigotes of CL strain. The same diet was maintained for all animals and the infection wasfollowed up by evaluation of blood parasites, mortality and intensity of lesions in the heart and skeleton muscle. Only severe protein restriction (4.75%) induced decrease in resistance to the infection with both the Y and CL strains of T. cruzi, which resulted in higher parasitemia and mortality. The inflammatory lesions in heart and skeleton muscle were less extensive in groups with severe protein restriction despite the increased number of parasite in muscle cells. Depression of immune mechanisms could be responsiblefor the reduced resistance and reduced inflammatory reaction after T. cruzi infection in severely protein restricted animals.
Soil conditions under pasture were examined in a range of sites representing the sequence of conversion of forest to pasture at two locations in the vicinity of Ilha de Maracã, Roraima. Comparisons were made with adjacent savana. Soil bulk densities shown to increase after forest clearance and soil chemical data indicate that the initial beneficial effects on nutrient supply of burning forest debris are rather short-lived. Very low levels of available phosphorus prevail in areas of savanna and cultivated pasture of all ages. Variations in the status of older cultivated pastures are mainly attributable to different grazing levelt.
The geomorphological materials and forms of the Maraca area of Roraima, Brazil are described, an their sgnificance for land development examined. Significant contrasts are noted in areas presently under rainforest and savanna vegetation. Lateritic gravels and extensive shetwash accumulations in savanna areas constrast with incipient or absent plinthite development, few gravels and limited evidence of colluvium under rainforest. Terrain is in general relatively highly-dissected. Slope profiles are characterised, particularly within the savanna zone, by a relatively steep lower concavity. These contrasts are sharply-demarcated by the present savanna/rainforest bondary, unexpectedly in view of the generally accepted hypothesis of repeated contraction an expansion of Amazonian rainforest throughout the Pleistocene. It is concluded that geomorphological conditions in the Maraca area are not favorable for land develoment.
The effects of food concentration and temperature on embryonic and postem-bryonic duration of three tropical species, Daphnia gessneri(1.5mm), Diaphanosoma sarsi(1.2mm) and Moina reticulata(0.8mm), were investigated as part of life cycle studies which included growth, body size and reproduction. These are the very first experimental studies undertaken on these species. The long-term growth experiments were performed under controlled laboratory conditions at all combinations of temperature (22"C, 27"C and 32"C) and constant food concentration (0.03, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mgC/L) of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus acutus.Animals were examined twice daily throughout their life cycle from the neonate to third adult instar. In all three species, temperature exerted the most powerful influence on embryonic duration but there was also a smaller food effect. In D. gessneri,postembry-onic durations remained more or less the same at food levels 0.25 mgC/L but were influenced by temperature. At food concentrations of 0.1 mgC/L or lower, postembryonic durations became increasingly prolonged, particularly at high temperatures. This threshold concentration is affected by temperature: in D. gessneri,it was 0.1 mgC/L at 22oC and 27oC but higher at 32oC (between 0.25 and 0.50 mgC/L). At the same temperature of 27oC, the food threshold level varied between species: it was higher (0.25 mgC/L) for D. sarsiand lower (0.05 mgC/L) for M. reticulatacompared with D. gessneri(0.1 mgC/L). In both embryonic and postembryonic durations there is a body size effect as the absolute durations were longest in the largest species and shortest in the smallest species In all three species, prolongation of postembryonic duration at combinations of high temperature and lowered food levels was accompanied by increased number of juvenile instars.
Avaliou-se a eficiência dos piretróides deltametrina e permetrina em lagartas e mariposas de Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) e Nystalea nyseus (Cramer, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Cinco pontos de amostragem foram estabelecidos em cada parcela e as avaliações feitas 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação dos inseticidas. Após a última avaliação foi feita uma pulverização a alta dosagem nos pontos de amostragem e contado o número total de insetos remanescentes nesses pontos para permitir o cálculo da porcentagem de eficiência em relação à mortalidade da testemunha. Evidenciou-se rápida ação larvicida da deltametrina e permetrina contra as duas espécies desfolhadoras. Esses inseticidas contudo, não foram eficientes contra os adultos dessas espécies e mostraram baixa seletividade cm favor de outros insetos, principalmente moscas parasitóides.
Avaliar a dieta, o ritmo alimentar e a taxa de consumo diária de alimento dos peixes pode permitir estimar a relação entre a alimentação e o crescimento, a pressão de predação sobre espécies de presas, a limitação alimentar durante estações do ano e a competição intra e inter-específica. Estas informações são desconhecidas para C.monoculus na Amazônia Central e aqui são apresentados dados sobre a ecologia trófica desta espécie durante quatro estações hidrológicas. A área de estudo incluía três lagos de várzea na Amazônia Central, durante os períodos de agosto de 1997 a julho de 1998. Os estudos da dieta e do ritmo alimentar foram feitos através das análises dos conteúdos estomacais. A taxa de evacuação gástrica foi estimada experimentalmente. O consumo diário de alimento foi calculado a partir dos modelos de Elliot & Persson e de Eggers. A intensidade de alimentação da espécie foi baixa durante a seca. A dieta do C. monoculus foi basicamente piscívora e composta de nove famílias de peixes e uma de camarão, apresentando variações no decorrer das estações hidrológicas e com o tamanho do peixe. A taxa de evacuação gástrica foi 16,9% h-1. O consumo diário de alimento, que não foi diferente nas quatro estações hidrológicas, teve média igual a 2,23% do peso corporal. Este valor é baixo comparado a outros estudos estimados para peixes tropicais. Indicando que esta espécie come relativamente pouco.
As espécies de Scarabaeinae coletadas em seis diferentes sistemas de uso da terra em Benjamin Constant, AM, Brasil, são listadas com comentários gerais sobre os gêneros e espécies registradas. Os besouros foram capturados com armadilhas do tipo pitfall iscadas com fezes humanas. Foram coletados 6792 indivíduos pertencentes a 63 espécies, 18 gêneros e seis tribos (Ateuchini, Canthonini, Coprini, Oniticellini, Onthophagini e Phanaeini). As espécies mais frequentes foram Pseudocanthon aff. xanthurus (Blanchard 1845), Eurysternus caribaeus (Herbst 1789), Eurysternus hypocrita Balthasar 1939, Onthophagus aff. acuminatus Harold 1880, Onthophagus aff. haematopus Harold 1875 e Onthophagus aff. bidentatus (Drapiez 1819). Foi encontrado um novo gênero de Scarabaeinae ainda não descrito e provavelmente outras espécies novas.
This study characterized morphologically Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977 from cultivated fingerlings of "pirarucu" Arapaima gigas in Peru. Body and gill smears were air-dried at room temperature, impregnated with silver nitrate and/or stained with gomori trichromic. Prevalence was 100%. Trichodina heterodentata was considered a medium-sized trichodinid with mean body diameter of 56.0+ 5.25 (47.3-76.0) μm, denticulate ring 28.21± 2.71 (20-34.7) μm, adhesive disc 45.7±3.8 (37.1-57.3) μm diameter and number of denticles of 20.7± 2.6 (12-24). The present study reports not only the first occurrence of T. heterodentata in Peru but also the first record of this trichodinid infesting A. gigas. Camparative tables of all reports of T. heterodentata are also presented.
OBJETIVO: Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar um estudo de normatização para o teste de Stroop numa amostra brasileira, tradicionalmente aceita como medida de atenção seletiva e flexibilidade mental, usando como referência a versão Victoria do teste, bem como analisar diferenças no desempenho de estudantes de escolas das redes pública e particular, e também investigar diferenças quanto ao sexo, além de observar se aumento de idade e anos de escolaridade favorecem um melhor desempenho no teste. MÉTODOS: Cento e trinta e dois estudantes de duas escolas (uma particular e outra pública), na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, alunos da 6ªà8ªsérie do ensino fundamental, participaram da pesquisa após levantamento do rendimento escolar e entrevista inicial. RESULTADOS: Aanálise estatística dos resultados revelou que os alunos da escola pública tiveram um desempenho significativamente pior em relação aos da particular. Quanto à variável sexo, os resultados não foram significativos e, em relação à idade, o resultado não foi consistente, revelando que essa variável perde a significância quando analisada à luz das seis medidas dependentes do experimento. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem a influência das diferentes condições socioeconômicas, educacionais e culturais a que estão expostos os alunos das duas escolas como uma possível explicação para as diferenças observadas no desempenho no teste.
OBJETIVO: Investigar o uso da contenção física em hospital psiquiátrico no Rio de Janeiro. MÉTODOS: Um inquérito foi conduzido em agosto de 2009. As informações - sexo, idade, diagnóstico, ocorrência e duração de contenção física - foram coletadas no prontuário. RESULTADO: A amostra consistiu em 66 pacientes, dos quais 59% eram mulheres, com idade média de 44 anos. Durante o período estudado, 24% dos pacientes foram contidos no leito pelo menos uma vez, mas não é prática corrente o registro detalhado do procedimento. Não ocorreram eventos adversos importantes. Não houve associação entre o uso de contenção e variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. CONCLUSÕES: A prática de contenção física parece consistente nas emergências psiquiátricas do Rio de Janeiro: esse mesmo percentual foi observado em estudos conduzidos em três hospitais em outros momentos, 2001 e 2004, e situa-se em uma faixa intermediária em relação aos resultados observados em outros países. Não existem estudos randomizados para se fazer uma avaliação objetiva dos benefícios e riscos dessa prática, mas a segurança e a eficácia dessa intervenção deveriam ser objeto do mesmo escrutínio científico normalmente destinado aos outros tratamentos.
OBJECTIVE: To report the authors' experience with the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (AOLCA) from the pulmonary trunk, emphasizing preoperative data, surgical aspects and midterm results of the follow-up. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 11 patients operated upon at the Royal Brompton Hospital from October, 84 to April, 97. RESULTS: Nine infants had heart failure (HF) and two other children presented with dyspnea and chest pain. All had ECG changes. The echocardiogram identified the anomalous origin of the coronary artery in 7 (64%) patients and hemodynamic studies were performed in 7 patients. All infants were operated upon between the 2nd and 10th month of life. Six patients were treated with aortic reimplantation of the left coronary artery, whereas five were operated upon according to the Takeuchi technique. All patients are alive, with clear improvement of the ECG changes and ventricular function, as evaluated by echocardiography. Two patients operated upon according to the Takeuchi technique required additional surgery due to severe supravalvular pulmonary stenosis. CONCLUSION: AOLCA is a rare disease. Most patients show early signs of severe HF associated with ECG findings. Surgical therapy must be instituted early in the disease, preferentially through aortic implantation of the anomalous coronary artery, with a high possibility of success. Shortly after surgery, clinical and ECG improvement, as well as normalization of left ventricular function, should be expected.
Observational studies have attributed a protective effect to alcohol consumption on the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Alcohol intake in the amount of one to two drinks per day results in an estimated 20-40% reduction in cardiovascular events. An additional protective effect, according to major cohort studies, has been attributed to wine, probably due to antioxidant effects and platelet antiaggregation agents. On the other hand, the influence of different patterns of alcohol consumption and environmental factors may explain a great part of the additional effect of wine. Protection may be mediated by modulation of other risk factors, because alcohol increases HDL-C, produces a biphasic response on blood pressure, and modulates the endothelial function, while it neither increases body weight nor impairs glucose-insulin homeostasis. Alcohol may also have a direct effect on atherogenesis. Despite these favorable effects, the current evidence is not enough to justify prescribing alcohol to prevent cardiovascular disease.