Hospital based studies were conducted to investigate the occurrence of Plasmodium/intestinal helminth co-infections among pregnant Nigerian women, and their effects on birthweights, anaemia and spleen size. From 2,104 near-term pregnant women examined, 816 (38.8%) were found to be infected with malaria parasites. Among the 816 parasitaemic subjects, 394 (48.3%) were also infected with intestinal helminths, 102 (12.5%) having mixed helminth infections. The prevalence of the helminth species found in stool samples of parasitaemic subjects examined was, Ascaris lumbricoides (19.1%), hookworm (14.2%), Trichuris trichiura (7%) Schistosoma mansoni (3.4%), Enterobius vermicularis (2%), Hymenolepis sp. (1.6%) and Taenia sp. (1%). Mothers with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infection had neonates of higher mean birthweights than those presenting both Plasmodium and intestinal helminth infections and this effect was more pronounced in primigravids. The mean haemoglobin values of malarial mothers with intestinal helminth infections were lower than those with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infections but these were not statistically significant. Severe splenomegaly was predominant among parasitaemic gravidae who also harboured S. mansoni infection in two of the hospitals studied.
Antimalarial drugs including the antifolate, pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine (PS), can modulate the prevalence and intensities of gametocytaemia following treatment of acute malaria infections. They may also directly influence the transmission and spread of drug insensitivity. Little is known of the effects of co-trimoxazole (Co-T), another antifolate antimalarial, on gametocytes in children with acute malaria infections. We compared the effects of Co-T and PS on the prevalence and intensities of gametocytaemia and gametocyte sex ratios in 102 children aged 0.5-12 years presenting with acute and uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Compared to pre-treatment, both drugs significantly increased gametocyte carriage post-initiation of treatment. However, gametocyte carriage was significantly lower on day 14 in those treated with Co-T than PS. Significant increase in gametocytaemia with time occurred in PS - but not Co-T-treated children. Kaplan-Meier survival curve of the cumulative probability of remaining gametocyte-free in children who were agametocytaemic at enrolment showed that by day 7 of follow up, children treated with PS had a significantly higher propensity to have developed gametocytes than in Co-T-treated children (Log-rank statistic 5.35, df = 1, P = 0.02). Gametocyte sex ratio changes were similar following treatment with both drugs. PS and Co-T treatment of acute malaria infections in children from this endemic area is associated with significant increases in prevalence and intensities of gametocytaemia but these effects are more marked in those treated with PS than Co-T.
To determine the repellent activity of Ocimum gratissimum volatile oil against Simulium damnosum (blackflies), a 12 month (January-December 2003) field study was conducted in three onchocerciasis endemic communities (Idomido, Obio camp, and Ikot Adaha) in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The result revealed that topical application of 20% (v/v) concentration of the oil with liquid paraffin as a base, reduced the biting rate of S. damnosum by 90.2, 81.6, and 79.7%, in Idomido, Obiocamp, and Ikot Adaha respectively. The oil gave protection against the bite of S. damnosum for at least 3 h. A total of 710 adults S. damnosum were caught by individuals treated with Ocimum oil, as against 4296 caught by the control group. When the flies caught by the treated individuals were dissected none of them was infected with microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus. Human-vector contact and onchocerciasis transmission could be reduced by the topical application of the volatile oil during the peak biting periods of the vector.
The effects of pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (PS), chloroquine plus chlorpheniramine, a H1 receptor antagonist that reverses chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in vitro and in vivo (CQCP), and amodiaquine plus pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (AQPS) on gametocyte production were evaluated in 157 children with acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated falciparum malaria who were treated with these drugs. PS was significantly less effective than CQCP or AQPS at clearing asexual parasitaemia or other symptoms of malaria. Gametocyte carriage on days 3, 7, and 14 were significantly higher in those treated with PS. The ratio of the density (per µl blood) of peripheral young gametocyte (PYG), that is, < stage III to peripheral mature gametocyte (PMG), that is, stage IV and V, an index of continuing generation of gametocytes, rose to 1 by day 7 of treatment in those treated with PS, but remained consistently below 1 in the other treatment groups. PYG-PMG density ratio increased significantly from day 0-14 in those treated with PS and CQCP (chi2 = 76, P = 0.000001 and chi2 = 42.2, P = 0.00001, respectively) but decreased significantly in those treated with AQPS (chi2 = 53.2, P = 0.000001). Both PS-sensitive and -resistant infections generated PYG (18 of 29 vs 13 of 20, chi2 = 0.04, P = 0.93) but PYG was present only in those with resistant response to CQCP. Combination of PS with amodiaquine (AQ), that is, (AQPS) resulted in less production of PYG, but in this setting, PYG was not indicative of response to AQPS. These data indicate that PS enhanced production or release of young gametocytes when used alone, but generated less young gametocytes when used in combination with AQ. PYG may be used as an indicator of response to CQCP but not PS or PS-based combination drugs.
Characteristics of primary and recrudescent Plasmodium falciparum infections were evaluated in 25 children who did not recover after amodiaquine (AQ) treatment. Recrudescence was detected by a thick blood smear and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Over half of recrudescent events occurred after 14 days of initiation of treatment and were associated with relatively low asexual parasitaemia. We examined the gametocyte sex ratio (GSR) in these children and in age and gender-matched controls that had AQ-sensitive (AQ-S) infections (n = 50). In both AQ-S and AQ-resistant (AQ-R) infections, the GSR was female-biased pre-treatment and became male-biased by the third day after treatment initiation. However, gametocyte males persisted after this period in children with AQ-R infections. AQ-recrudescent infections are relatively low (25 of 612.4%) in children from this endemic area.
In Nigeria, schistosomiasis, caused predominantly by the species Schistosoma haematobium, is highly endemic in resource-poor communities. We performed a school-based survey in two rural communities in Osun State (Southwestern Nigeria) and assessed macrohaematuria, microhaematuria and proteinuria as indirect indicators for the presence of disease. Urine samples were inspected macroscopically for haematuria and screened for microhaematuria and proteinuria using urine reagent strips. The microscopic examination of schistosome eggs was used as the gold standard for diagnosis. In total, 447 schoolchildren were included in this study and had a 51% prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis. The sensitivity of microhaematuria (68%) and proteinuria (53%) for infection with S. haematobium was relatively low. In patients with a heavy infection (>500 eggs/10 mL), the sensitivity of microhaematuria was high (95%). When the presence of macrohaematuria and the concomitant presence of microhaematuria and proteinuria were combined, it revealed a sensitivity of 63%, a specificity of 93% and a positive predictive value of 91%. Macrohaematuria also showed high specificity (96%) and a positive predictive value of 92%, while sensitivity was < 50%. These data show that combining urine reagent strip tests (presence of proteinuria and microhaematuria) and information on macrohaematuria increased the accuracy of the rapid diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis in an endemic rural West African setting. This simple approach can be used to increase the quality of monitoring of schistosomiasis in schoolchildren.
O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar o padrão de aleitamento materno exclusivo nos primeiros seis meses de vida de crianças nascidas em um Hospital Amigo da Criança e os fatores que contribuíram para o desmame precoce. Estudo de coorte prospectivo com 261 mães e crianças. Os dados foram avaliados utilizando-se a análise de sobrevivência através da construção da curva de Kaplan-Meier e teste de Log-Rank para a análise univariada. Foi realizada análise multivariada utilizando-se o modelo de Regressão de Cox com riscos proporcionais. Ao longo dos seis meses, o aleitamento materno exclusivo praticado com 30, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias foi 75%, 52%, 33%, 19% e 5,7%, respectivamente. Na análise multivariada, as variáveis que mostraram risco para o desmame precoce foram a intercorrência mamária hospitalar e, na consulta de retorno, a posição inadequada e a associação das duas anteriores. A Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança favoreceu o aleitamento materno exclusivo.
A densidade populacional do ácaro vetor de Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), Brevipalpus phoenicis, num talhão, é o principal indicador para a tomada de decisão de medidas de controle da leprose dos citros. Há pouca informação sobre o crescimento da incidência de plantas com leprose dos citros isoladamente ou em conjunto com a população do ácaro. Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o progresso temporal da população de B. phoenicis e da incidência de leprose dos citros e a relação entre essas populações, sob condições naturais de epidemia. Dois talhões de laranja doce, cvs. Valência e Natal, foram monitorados de 2002 a 2004, em intervalos de 22 dias, em média. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e estimativas da taxa de progresso da doença foram bastante baixas, variando de 0,0126 a 0,0448 para 'Valência' e de 0,0044 a 0,0525 para 'Natal'. A quantidade de inóculo inicial nos ramos cresceu significativamente de um ciclo para outro. Ao final do período, a incidência foi de 32% das plantas de 'Valência' e de 6,8% na cv. Natal. Apesar de não ser sistêmica, a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inóculo de ano para ano, especialmente nos ramos. A incidência não esteve correlacionada com a presença de ácaros na planta em levantamentos anteriores, mas apresentou correlação positiva significativa (P<0,001) com a própria incidência da doença registrada anteriormente. Isto indica que a presença de sintomas, e não somente a de ácaros, deve ser considerada em amostragens visando controle da doença.
An experiment was laid down in a screen house to determine the distribution of weed seeds at different soil depths and periods of cultivation of sugarcane in Ilorin, Nigeria. Soil samples from different depth levels (0-10 cm, 11-20 cm and 21-30 cm) were collected after harvesting of canes from three different land use fields (continuous sugarcane cultivation for > 20 years, continuous sugarcane cultivation for < 10 years after long fallow period and continuous sugarcane cultivation for < 5 years after long fallow period) in November, 2012. One kilogram of the sieved composite soil samples was arranged in the screen house and watered at alternate days. Germinating weed seedlings were identified, counted and then pulled out for the period of 8 months. Land use and soil depth had a highly significant (p £ 0.05) effect on the total number of weeds that emerged from the soil samples. The 010 cm of the soil depth had the highest weed seedlings that emerged. There was an equal weed seed distribution at the 11-20 cm and 21-30 cm depths of the soil. Sugarcane fields which have been continuously cultivated for a long period of time with highly disturbing soil tillage practices tend to have larger seed banks in deeper soil layers (11-20 cm and 21-30 cm) while recently opened fields had significantly larger seed banks at the 0-10 cm soil sampling depth.
Basado en una reciente investigacion etnografica entre los Embera-Chami de la région plurietnica del Valle del Cauca (Colombia) el examen de escenarios de encuentros interénicos encuadrados por la legislacion multicultural permite vislumbrar la paradojica interdependencia entre la institucionalizacion de un concepto culturalista singularizante de "la" cultura y la homogeneizacion politica de los grupos etnicos. La "estatizacion" de las relaciones inter-étnicas, concomitante a la competicion por la visibilidad, entre grupos de igual estatus en la legislacion nacional e internacional aparecen como dimensiones emergentes del campo interétnico, mientras que se confirma el papel performativo de la ritualizacion en la circulacion y la apropriacion de discursos y practicas. Los escenarios descritos que corresponden a múltiples situaciones semejantes evidencian también que la apropiación multidireccional y uso contextual de conceptos genéricos provenientes del espacio académico, nacional e internacional - como "médico tradicional", "derecho ancestral", "reforzamiento cultural", o "chamanismo" - construyen campos de paradojas. Permiten a los actores étnicos de construir y visibilizar una singularidad cultural aislacionista conforme al concepto oficializado de "cultura" pero al mismo tiempo empujan a una mayor apertura de las "zonas de contacto" interétnicas donde circulan una mayor variedad de prácticas y discursos que antes de la institucionalización del multiculturalismo.
Today the Washington Consensus on development lies in tatters. The recent history of the developing world has been unkind to the core claim that a nation that opens its economy and keeps government's role to a minimum invariably experiences rapid economic growth. The evidence against this claim is strong: the developing world as a whole grew faster during the era of state intervention and import substitution (1950-1980) than in the more recent era of structural adjustment (1990-2005); and the recent economic performance of both Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africaregions that truly embraced neoliberalismhas lagged well behind that of many Asian economies, which have instead pursued judicial and unorthodox combinations of state intervention and economic openness. As scholars and policy makers reconstruct alternatives to the Washington Consensus on development, it is important to underline that prudent and effective state intervention and selective integration with the global economy have been responsible for development success in the past; they are also likely to remain the recipes for upward mobility in the global economy in the future."
Nella storiografia filosofica spagnola non esiste, probabilmente, una definizione ambigua e problematica come quella che riguarda la cosiddetta "Scuola di Barcellona". La tesi principale di questo articolo è che tale scuola non giunse mai a nascere, ma ne esistette soltanto una forma embrionale che non poté maturare perché, in conseguenza della situazione politica venutasi a creare con la guerra civile (1936-1939), i suoi componenti si dispersero nell'esilio. Ciò nonostante, è possibile riconoscere alcuni tratti comuni, seppur labili e (forse) non sostanziali, nella diaspora degli intellettuali catalani che rendono possibile definirla, con le dovute cautele, "Scuola di Barcellona". Tali caratteristiche comuni si possono far risalire a colui che, in un certo senso, fu il fondatore della scuola, essendo il principale maestro delle nuove leve filosofiche della Catalogna all'inizio del XX secolo: Jaume Serra Hunter.
Tra le figure più importanti del dibattito filosofico italiano del Novecento, Antonio Banfi ha svolto nell'Italia del secondo dopoguerra anche un ruolo politico di rilievo come senatore del PCI. La sua interpretazione del marxismo ha presentato una forte accentuazione umanistica. Tra i suoi scolari filosofi e storici della filosofia come Giulio Preti, Enzo Paci, Remo Cantoni, Paolo Rossi. Il saggio prende in esame la prima fase della riflessione filosofica di Banfi, nella quale ha una importanza decisiva la conoscenza diretta del dibattito tedesco tra le due guerre mondiali, in primo luogo della fenomenologia di Husserl e della ontologia di N. Hartmann. I Principi di una teoria della ragione - libro apparso alla fine degli anni '20 - e poi una serie di incisivi saggi degli anni '30 documentano una conoscenza approfondita e critica di un dibattito di cui mostrerà di nutrirsi in misura decisiva l'interpretazione di Banfi non solo di Hegel, ma anche di Marx.