246 resultados para Córrego Barroso


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OBJECTIVE To test whether the occupational conditions of professional truck drivers are associated with amphetamine use after demographic characteristics and ones regarding mental health and drug use are controlled for.METHODS Cross-sectional study, with a non-probabilistic sample of 684 male truck drivers, which was collected in three highways in Sao Paulo between years 2012 and 2013. Demographic and occupational information was collected, as well as data on drug use and mental health (sleep quality, emotional stress, and psychiatric disorders). A logistic regression model was developed to identify factors associated with amphetamine use. Odds ratio (OR; 95%CI) was defined as the measure for association. The significance level was established as p < 0.05.RESULTS The studied sample was found to have an average age of 36.7 (SD = 7.8) years, as well as low education (8.6 [SD = 2.3] years); 29.0% of drivers reported having used amphetamines within the twelve months prior to their interviews. After demographic and occupational variables had been controlled for, the factors which indicated amphetamine use among truck drivers were the following: being younger than 38 years (OR = 3.69), having spent less than nine years at school (OR = 1.76), being autonomous (OR = 1.65), working night shifts or irregular schedules (OR = 2.05), working over 12 hours daily (OR = 2.14), and drinking alcohol (OR = 1.74).CONCLUSIONS Occupational aspects are closely related to amphetamine use among truck drivers, which reinforces the importance of closely following the application of law (Resting Act (“Lei do Descanso”); Law 12,619/2012) which regulates the workload and hours of those professionals. Our results show the need for increased strictness on the trade and prescription of amphetamines in Brazil.


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Um surto de leptospirose humana por atividade recreacional ocorreu no município de São José dos Campos em novembro de 1987, envolvendo um grupo de pessoas que, ao participarem de uma festa de confraternização em um clube na periferia da cidade, banharam-se em uma piscina de água natural. Após a realização da investigação epidemiológica e laboratorial, observou-se alta prevalência do sorotipo pomona na análise sorológica (91%) e não se conseguiu isolar o agente etiológico nas amostras de água da piscina do clube. Os dados epidemiológicos e laboratoriais sugerem que a fonte de infecção tenha sido a água da piscina contaminada por dejetos de suínos e de outros animais domésticos dos locais adjacentes a água do córrego que alimentava a piscina do clube.


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Five cases of Listeria monocytogenes bacteriemia were observed from April to December 1985, among renal transplant recipients from the same hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. The patients were adults (mean age: 40.6 years), and the basic complain was fever, with no report of meningeal syndrome. Laboratory tests revealed the presence of two serovars, 1/2a and 4b, which were classified into three lysotypes. The four strains of serovar 4b showed the same antibiotype, with resistance to cefoxitin, clindamycin, oxacillin and penicillin.


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Introduction: Maternal HIV infection and related co-morbidities may have two outstanding consequences to fetal health: mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) and adverse perinatal outcomes. After Brazilian success in reducing MTCT, the attention must now be diverted to the potentially increased risk for preterm birth (PTB) and intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). Objective: To determine the prevalence of PTB and IUGR in low income, antiretroviral users, publicly assisted, HIV-infected women and to verify its relation to the HIV infection stage. Patients and Methods: Out of 250 deliveries from HIV-infected mothers that delivered at a tertiary public university hospital in the city of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil, from November 2001 to May 2012, 74 single pregnancies were selected for study, with ultrasound validated gestational age (GA) and data on birth dimensions: fetal weight (FW), birth length (BL), head and abdominal circumferences (HC, AC). The data were extracted from clinical and pathological records, and the outcomes summarized as proportions of preterm birth (PTB, < 37 weeks), low birth weight (LBW, < 2500g) and small (SGA), adequate (AGA) and large (LGA) for GA, defined as having a value below, between or beyond the ±1.28 z/GA score, the usual clinical cut-off to demarcate the 10th and 90th percentiles. Results: PTB was observed in 17.5%, LBW in 20.2% and SGA FW, BL, HC and AC in 16.2%, 19.1%, 13.8%, and 17.4% respectively. The proportions in HIV-only and AIDS cases were: PTB: 5.9 versus 27.5%, LBW: 14.7% versus 25.0%, SGA BW: 17.6% versus 15.0%, BL: 6.0% versus 30.0%, HC: 9.0% versus 17.9%, and AC: 13.3% versus 21.2%; only SGA BL attained a significant difference. Out of 15 cases of LBW, eight (53.3%) were preterm only, four (26.7%) were SGA only, and three (20.0%) were both PTB and SGA cases. A concomitant presence of, at least, two SGA dimensions in the same fetus was frequent. Conclusions: The proportions of preterm birth and low birth weight were higher than the local and Brazilian prevalence and a trend was observed for higher proportions of SGA fetal dimensions than the expected population distribution in this small casuistry of newborn from the HIV-infected, low income, antiretroviral users, and publicly assisted pregnant women. A trend for higher prevalence of PTB, LBW and SGA fetal dimensions was also observed in infants born to mothers with AIDS compared to HIV-infected mothers without AIDS.


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Eight patients with leptospirosis were studied with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au. The radiocolloidal hepatic distribution was altered, presenting a non-homogeneous tiver concentration in seven cases, and a minute to moderate splenic visualization in five. Two patients presented doubtful splenic image, and one seemed to be normal. Liver scanning with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au is demonstra ted to be a good liver function test.


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Os aa. estudaram as alterações ultra-estruturais do hepatócito na forma aguda, toxêmica, da esquístossomose em sete pacientes, membros de uma mesma família, infectatos em idênticas condições em um córrego existente no município de Sabará (MG) e não tratados especificamente para a esquistossomose. O estudo vem confirmar a nossa assertiva de que, na esquistossomose, não hâ um ataque direto e sistematizado aos hepatócitos e que as lesões destes são secundárias e decorrem, principalmente, das alterações do sistema vascular estromático. Nos sete casos estudados as alterações ultra-estruturais foram inespecfficas, pouco acentuadas e se caracterizaram sobretudo pelas modificações das organelas citoplasmáticas (dilatação das cisternas do reticulo, apagamento das cristas mitocondriais, desacoplamento de ribossomas, acúmulo de glicogênio). Foi freqüente, também, a presença de lisossomosvolumosos, inclusões e corpos residuais nos hepatócitos Estes achados à microscopia eletrônica espelham o comportamento funcional do hepatócito na vigência da forma aguda, toxêmica, da esquistossomose e explicam o freqüente encontro de células claras à microscopia óptica.


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Estagiários do Internato Rural da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG realizaram levantamento da prevalência da esquistossomose mansoni e de parasitoses intestinais em 20 escolas da área rural do município de Jaboticatubas, MG. Foi feita avaliação sumária das condições de habitação e saneamento, e os escolares foram submetidos a exame clínico e parasitológico de fezes. Observou-se que 15,43% dos escolares apresentaram ovos de S. mansoni nas fezes, o que representou a parasitose de maior prevalência. Foram encontrados 13,76% de exames com a presença de G. lamblia; 12,89% de S. stercoralis; 11,13% de A. lumbricoides; 9,96% de ancilostomideos; 9,57% de E. histolytica, tendo os outros parasitas apresentado prevalências inferiores às citadas. Todas as crianças que apresentaram ovos de parasitas nas fezes foram tratadas. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a esquistossomose mansoni é um grave problema de saúde pública e que medidas na área do saneamento básico se fazem necessárias para controle da endemia.


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Centopéias são animais invertebrados do filo dos artrópodes e da classe Chilopoda . Este trabalho objetiva estudar o perfil dos acidentes por centopéias notificados pelo "Centro de Informações Toxicológicas de Belém" (CIT-Belém). Foram estudados 76 protocolos registrados no período de março de 1998 a março de 2000. Corresponderam a 16,7% dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos, superados apenas pelo ofidismo (44,4%) e escorpionismo (20,5%). O local do acidente foi a residência em 86,8% dos casos. A faixa etária 20 - 49 anos foi a mais acometida (64,4 %) e 61,8 % dos casos registrados pertenciam ao sexo feminino. Membros superiores foram a parte do corpo mais acidentada (47,4%). Dor local ocorreu em 95,8 % dos pacientes e edema local leve em 52,1%. O tratamento foi predominantemente sintomático; 94,7% evoluíram para a cura e ignora-se a evolução nos outros 5,3 %. Sugere-se que o acidente por centopéia é benigno e doméstico e que tratamentos analgésicos são suficientes.


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A fibrobroncoscopia é um procedimento útil no diagnóstico da histoplasmose, quando o material clínico é processado adequadamente. São apresentados dez casos de histoplasmose disseminada em pacientes com SIDA, com avaliação micológica em cultivo, nos meios Mycosel® e ágar-Sabouraud cloranfenicol de espécimes clínicos colhidos por fibrobroncoscopia. A positividade do cultivo em Mycosel® foi de 60%, enquanto no ágar-Sabouraud cloranfenicol foi de 20%, evidenciando a importância do meio seletivo no isolamento do Histoplasma capsulatum var capsulatum de espécimes clínicos potencialmente contaminados, bem como a importância das informações clínicas para o laboratório, sendo esta a chave para o diagnóstico correto.


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A análise fenotípica de 255 amostras do gênero Listeria isoladas de material clínico humano, tanto de indivíduos doentes (220-86,3%), como de aparentemente normais (35-13,7%) de várias regiões do país e colecionadas no período de 1969 a 2000, permitiu caracterizar a distribuição de sorovares de Listeria monocytogenes. Nas faixas etárias de 0 a 10 e de 41 a 60 anos, predominaram os isolamentos de líquido cefalorraquidiano sobre os de sangue, incluindo dos transplantados renais. Somente dos hemocultivos foi possível detectar os sete sorovares de Listeria monocytogenes. No cômputo geral, o sorovar 4b foi o mais incidente (154-60,3%) secundado por ¹/2 a (74-29%) nos três decênios considerados, além de ocorrerem em quase todas as regiões do país. Os dados deste estudo evidenciaram a circulação de L. monocytogenes na espécie humana, provocando quadros graves de meningite e septicemia, bem como, revelando a figura do portador assintomático, razão pela qual são recomendadas novas investigações bacteriológicas, subsidiadas por análises clínico-patológicas e epidemiológicas.


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Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are the main infectious agents associated with oral and genital ulcerations. These infections are now widely recognized as sexually transmitted diseases. Among treatment options, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown promising clinical results as a longer-lasting suppression therapy. Two clinical cases are described with recurrent labial herpes for which LLLT was used. Following treatment, both patients remained symptom free during the 17-month clinical follow-up period.


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IntroductionThe year 2009 marked the beginning of a pandemic caused by a new variant of influenza A (H1N1). After spreading through North America, the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1) 2009 spread rapidly throughout the world. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of pandemic influenza in a tropical/semi-arid region of Brazil.MethodsA retrospective study analyzed all suspected cases of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 reported in the Ceará State through the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases during the pandemic period between 28 April, 2009 and November 25, 2010.ResultsA total of 616 suspected cases were notified, 58 (9.4%) in the containment phase and 558 (90.6%) in the mitigation phase. Most cases were of affected young people resident in the City of Fortaleza, the largest urban center in the State of Ceará. The most frequent symptoms presented by the cases with confirmed infection were fever, cough, myalgia, arthralgia, and nasal congestion. Mortality rate was 0.0009/1,000 inhabitants and lethality was 5.6%. Deaths were observed only in the mitigation phase. Mortality rates were similar for both sexes but were higher in the age group under 5 years.ConclusionsThe study suggests that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in this tropical/semi-arid region had a lower magnitude when compared to states in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil.


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Introduction The cryopreservation of rabies virus has been described in detail in the literature. To date, little information is available on the use of cryoprotective agents for cold preservation of this virus, and the available data focus only on short-term virus preservation. In this study, we investigated the medium-term cryopreservation of samples of rabies virus using different cryopreservation protocols. Methods The cryopreservation protocols for the rabies virus samples were performed at -20°C and were divided according to the variables of time and cryoprotectant type used. The laboratory tests (intracerebral inoculation of mice, viral titration and direct immunofluorescence) were performed at regular intervals (360 and 720 days) to assess the viability of the viral samples according to the different preservation techniques used. Results After 1 year of cryopreservation, the fluorescence intensity of intracellular corpuscles of the rabies virus and the median survival time of the mice differed between the positive controls and the treatments with the cryoprotectants. After 2 years, most of the samples subjected to the cryopreservation protocols (including the controls) did not produce fluorescence. However, the virus samples exposed to the cryoprotectant sucrose (68% solution) responded positively in the direct immunofluorescence assay and in the intracerebral inoculation of the mice. Conclusions Medium-term cryopreservation of the rabies virus inactivates the viral sample. However, the cryoprotectant agent sucrose (68%) produces a preservative effect in cryopreserved rabies virus samples.