216 resultados para César, Cayo Julio, 100-44 a. C..
Foi avaliado o impacto do uso do leite em pó integral fortificado com 9 mg de ferro e 65 mg de vitamina C para cada 100 g de pó, sobre os níveis de hemoglobina de crianças menores de 2 anos, em 107 crianças de creches municipais e 228 de uma Unidade Básica de Sade (UBS), por um período de 6 meses. Antes de se iniciar a intervenção, 66,4% das crianças das creches e 72,8% da UBS apresentavam níveis de hemoglobina inferiores a 11,0 g/dl. Ao final dos 6 meses de uso do leite fortificado, esses percentuais reduziram-se para 20,6% nas creches e 18,0% na UBS. A média da hemoglobina, antes de se iniciar o experimento, foi de 10,3 g/dl nas creches e 10,5 g/dl na UBS. Decorridos 6 meses esses valores subiram para 11,6 g/dl nas duas populaões estudadas. Em relaão à condição nutricional, avaliada pelo critério de Gomez, verificou-se que, nas creches, 57% das crianças acompanhadas apresentaram melhoria na sua condição nutricional, 41,1% ficaram inalteradas e apenas 1,9% pioraram. Na UBS, 11,4% apresentaram melhora, 70,6% ficaram inalteradas e 18% pioraram, o que mostrou uma diferença de resposta quanto à recuperaão da condição nutricional, quando o leite enriquecido foi utilizado em ambiente aberto e fechado. Concluiu-se que a utilizaão de alimentos fortificados apresenta-se como excelente alternativa para o controle da carência de ferro em populaões de crianças menores de 2 anos.
OBJETIVO: Determinar os fatores associados à interrupção do acompanhamento clnico ambulatorial de pacientes com infecção pelo HIV. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo do tipo prospectivo não-concorrente (coorte histórica) no município de Belo Horizonte, MG, em um ambulatório público de referência para atendimento de pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/Aids. Foram revisados registros médicos para se avaliar os fatores associados à interrupção do acompanhamento clnico por pacientes soropositivos para o HIV admitidos no serviço entre 1993 e 1995. Os pacientes deveriam ter comparecido a pelo menos uma consulta de retorno no prazo de sete meses. A análise estatística incluiu chi2 e Relative Hazard - RH com intervalo de 95% de confiança (IC) estimado pelo Modelo de Regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: A incidência acumulada da interrupção do acompanhamento clnico foi de 54,3% entre os 517 pacientes incluídos no estudo (tempo médio de acompanhamento =24,6 meses; incidência pessoa tempo =26,5/100 pessoas-ano). A análise multivariada mostrou que realizar menos que duas contagens de linfócitos T CD4+ (RH =1.94; IC 95% =1.32-2.84) não realizar medida de carga viral (RH =14.94; IC 95% =5.44-41.04), comparecer a seis retornos ou menos (RH =2.80; IC 95% =1.89-4.14), não mudar de categoria clnica (RH =1.40; IC 95% =1.00-1.93) e não usar anti-retroviral, (RH =1.43; IC 95% =1.06-1.93) estava associado a um maior risco de interromper o acompanhamento clnico no serviço estudado. CONCLUSÕES: Foi alta a taxa de interrupção do acompanhamento clnico aos pacientes estudados, sugerindo que a interrupção do acompanhamento pode ser uma função que vise a priorizar os pacientes com pior situaão clnica, podendo ser um marcador de futura aderência ao uso de anti-retroviral.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de pacientes adultos residentes no município de São Paulo que evoluíram para óbito associado à tuberculose, segundo fatores biológicos, ambientais e institucionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, abrangendo todos os óbitos por tuberculose (N=416) ocorridos em 2002, entre maiores de 15 anos. Os dados analisados foram obtidos do Sistema Municipal de Informaões de Mortalidade, prontuários hospitalares, Serviço de Verificaão de Óbitos e Sistema de Vigilância de Tuberculose. Os cálculos dos riscos relativos e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) tiveram como referência o sexo feminino, grupo de 15 a 29 anos, e os naturais do Estado de São Paulo. A análise comparativa usou o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e o exato de Fisher para variáveis categóricas e o teste Kruskal-Wallis para variáveis contínuas. RESULTADOS: Do total de óbitos, 78% apresentavam a forma pulmonar; o diagnóstico foi efetuado após a morte em 30% e em unidades de atendimento primário em 14% dos casos; 44% não iniciaram tratamento; 49% não foram notificados; 76% eram homens e a mediana da idade foi de 51 anos; 52% tinham até quatro anos de estudo, 4% eram prováveis moradores de rua. As taxas de mortalidade aumentavam com a idade, sendo de 5,0/100.000 no município, variando de zero a 35, conforme o distrito. Para 82 de 232 pacientes com registro de tratamento, havia referência de tratamento anterior, e desses, 41 o haviam abandonado. Constatou-se presença de diabetes (16%), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crnica (19%), HIV (11%), tabagismo (71%) e alcoolismo (64%) nos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Homens acima de 50 anos, migrantes e residentes em distritos com baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano apresentam maiores riscos de óbito. A pouca escolaridade e apresentar co-morbidades são características importantes. Observou-se baixa participaão das unidades básicas de sade no diagnóstico e a elevada sub-notificaão.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the effects of social inequities on the health and nutrition of children in low and middle income countries. METHODS: We reviewed existing data on socioeconomic disparities within-countries relative to the use of services, nutritional status, morbidity, and mortality. A conceptual framework including five major hierarchical categories affecting inequities was adopted: socioeconomic context and position, differential exposure, differential vulnerability, differential health outcomes, and differential consequences. The search of the PubMed database since 1990 identified 244 articles related to the theme. Results were also analyzed from almost 100 recent national surveys, including Demographic Health Surveys and the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. RESULTS: Children from poor families are more likely, relative to those from better-off families, to be exposed to pathogenic agents; once they are exposed, they are more likely to become ill because of their lower resistance and lower coverage with preventive interventions. Once they become ill, they are less likely to have access to health services and the quality of these services is likely to be lower, with less access to life-saving treatments. As a consequence, children from poor family have higher mortality rates and are more likely to be undernourished. CONCLUSIONS: Except for child obesity and inadequate breastfeeding practices, all the other adverse conditions analyzed were more prevalent in children from less well-off families. Careful documentation of the multiple levels of determination of socioeconomic inequities in child health is essential for understanding the nature of this problem and for establishing interventions that can reduce these differences.
O tétano integra o elenco das doenças de notificaão compulsoria no Estado de São Paulo, desde 1978, e o seu comportamento, desde então, revela as seguintes tendências: incidência declinante, embora ainda superior a existentes em áreas de maior riqueza social, e letalidade elevada, ainda que constante. Neste contexto, estudou-se 133 casos de tétano acidental ocorridos em residentes do Estado de São Paulo, em 1989, investigados e confirmados pelo Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica. As informaões analisadas são as que constam da ficha epidemiológica do referido Sistema. A incidência foi de 0,41 por 100.000 habitantes e a letalidade de 44,36%. A partir da interpretaão dos dados descritivos foi possível identificar a existência de grupos sob maior risco: pessoas idosas, residentes nas regiões noroeste e oeste do Estado, e pertencentes às categorias ocupacionais de "atividades domésticas", "lavrador" e "aposentados", propondo-se, desse modo, que sejam objeto de atenção especial, ao lado dos já conhecidos grupos de gestantes e crianças. Destaca-se ainda a existência de 18,3% de casos nos quais não se identificou um traumatismo em data definida (como, por exemplo, os doentes com lesões por Tunga penetrans). Em relaão ao tempo, a maior incidência ocorreu no mês de maio. Examinou-se, também, a letalidade ocorrida no Hospital das Clnicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP), o único do Estado a manter Unidade de Terapia Intensiva destinada especificamente ao tetânico, comparando-a com a letalidade ocorrida no conjunto dos Hospitais do Estado; a letalidade no HCFMUSP foi de 34,5% e no Conjunto dos Hospitais de 49,5%, sendo que esta diferença não se revelou significante, estatisticamente. Discutiu-se os requisitos necessários para um aprofundamento do estudo do papel da atenção médica na evolução do doente com tétano - destacando-se a necessidade de se considerar, simultaneamente, a gravidade da doença e as características do tratamento - buscando-se, assim, contribuir para o encaminhamento de aprimoramentos no atendimento ao paciente com tétano.
Pesquisamos os anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV em amostras de soros provenientes de 799 candidatos a doadores, que tiveram suas unidades de sangue ou derivados transfundidas a 111 receptores. O anti-HBc e o anti-HCV foram reagentes, em respectivamente 9 e 2,1% dos doadores testados. Observamos que entre os 111 receptores, 44 haviam recebido pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva e 67 haviam sido transfundidos somente com unidades anti-HBc negativas. Houve um risco 4,5 vezes maior de aquisição de hepatite por vírus C pelos receptores que receberam pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva Se a pesquisa do anti-HBc fosse realizada na triagem sorológica dos doadores de sangue, cerca de 56% dos casos de HVC nos receptores saiam evitados. A populaão de receptores que recebeu pelo menos uma unidade anti-HCV reagente, apresentou um risco 29 vezes maior de adquirir esta hepatite, quando comparada aos receptores transfundidos com todas as unidades anti-HCV negativas. A realizaão do teste para a pesquisa do anti-HCV na triagem dos doadores de sangue, preveniria 79% dos casos de HVC pós-transfusionais. Os candidatos a doadores brasileiros parecem ser acometidos simultânea ou sequencialmente, pelos vírus B e C das hepatites, pois, 44,4% dos doadores anti-HCV positivos, também foram anti-HBc positivos. A realizaão dos testes para as pesquisas dos anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV, nas triagens hemoterápicas, está indicada para prevenir a transmissão de hepatites pós-transfusionais, em nosso meio.
The response to interferon treatment in chronic hepatitis NANB/C has usually been classified as complete, partial or absent, according to the behavior of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT). However, a more detailed observation of the enzymatic activity has shown that the patterns may be more complex. The aim of this study was to describe the long term follow-up and patterns of ALT response in patients with chronic hepatitis NANB/C treated with recombinant interferon-alpha. A follow-up of 6 months or more after interferon-a was achieved in 44 patients. We have classified the serum ALT responses into six patterns and the observed frequencies were as follows: I. Long term response = 9 (20.5%); II. Normalization followed by persistent relapse after IFN = 7 (15.9%); III. Normalization with transient relapse = 5 (11.9%); IV. Temporary normalization and relapse during IFN = 4 (9.1%); V. Partial response (more than 50% of ALT decrease) = 7 (15.9%); VI. No response = 12 (27.3%). In conclusion, ALT patterns vary widely during and after IFN treatment and can be classified in at least 6 types.
The present study assessed the clinical significance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes and their influence on response to long term recombinant-interferon-alpha (r-IFN-ACE="Symbol">a</FONT>) therapy in Brazilian patients. One hundred and thirty samples from patients previously genotyped for the HCV and with histologically confirmed chronic hepatitis C (CH-C) were evaluated for clinical and epidemiological parameters (sex, age, time of HCV infection and transmission routes). No difference in disease activity, sex, age or mode and time of transmission were seen among patients infected with HCV types 1, 2 or 3. One hundred and thirteen of them were treated with 3 million units of r-IFN-ACE="Symbol">a</FONT>, 3 times a week for 12 months. Initial response (IR) was significantly better in patients with genotype 2 (100%) and 3 (46%) infections than in patients with genotype 1 (29%) (p < 0.005). Among subtypes, difference in IR was observed between 1b and 2 (p < 0.005), and between 1b and 3a (p < 0.05). Sustained response (SR) was observed in 12% for (sub)type 1a, 13% for 1b, 19% for 3a, and 40% for type 2; significant differences were found between 1b and 2 (p < 0.001), and between 1b and 3a (p < 0.05). Moreover, presence of cirrhosis was significantly associated with non response and response with relapse (p < 0.05). In conclusion, non-1 HCV genotype and lack of histological diagnosis of cirrhosis were the only baseline features associated with sustained response to treatment. These data indicate that HCV genotyping may have prognostic relevance in the responsiveness to r-IFN-ACE="Symbol">a</FONT> therapy in Brazilian patients with chronic HCV infection, as seen in other reports worldwide.
Screening blood donations for anti-HCV antibodies and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) serum levels generally prevents the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) by transfusion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screening policy in identifying potentially infectious blood donors capable to transmit hepatitis C through blood transfusion. We have used a reverse transcriptase (RT)-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to investigate the presence of HCV-RNA in blood donors. The prevalence of HCV-RNA positive individuals was compared with the recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2) results in order to assess the usefulness of both tests as confirmatory assays. Both tests results were also compared with the EIA-2 OD/C ratio (optical densities of the samples divided by the cut off value). ALT results were expressed as the ALT quotient (qALT), calculated dividing the ALT value of the samples by the maximum normal value (53UI/l) for the method. Donors (n=178) were divided into five groups according to their EIA anti-HCV status and qALT: group A (EIA > or = 3, ALT<1), group B (EIA > or = 3, ALT>1), group C (1<=EIA<3, ALT<1), group D (1<=EIA<3, ALT>1) and group E (EIA<=0.7). HCV sequences were detected by RT-nested PCR, using primers for the most conserved region of viral genome. RIBA-2 was applied to the same samples. In group A (n=6), all samples were positive by RT-nested PCR and RIBA-2. Among 124 samples in group B, 120 (96.8%) were RIBA-2 positive and 4 (3.2%) were RIBA-2 indeterminate but were seropositive for antigen c22.3. In group B, 109 (87.9%) of the RIBA-2 positive samples were also RT-nested PCR positive, as well as were all RIBA-2 indeterminate samples. In group C, all samples (n=9) were RT-nested PCR negative: 4 (44.4%) were also RIBA-2 negative, 4 (44.4%) were RIBA-2 positive and 1 (11.1%) was RIBA-2 indeterminate. HCV-RNA was detected by RT-nested PCR in 3 (37.5%) out of 8 samples in group D. Only one of them was also RIBA-2 positive, all the others were RIBA-2 indeterminate. All of the group E samples (controls) were RT- nested PCR and RIBA-2 negative. Our study suggests a strong relation between anti-HCV EIA-2 ratio > or = 3 and detectable HCV-RNA by RT-nested PCR. We have also noted that blood donors with RIBA-2 indeterminate presented a high degree of detectable HCV-RNA using RT-nested PCR (75%), especially when the c22.3 band was detected.
As little is known about liver histology in the co-infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis G virus (HGV), HGV RNA was investigated in 46 blood donors with hepatitis C, 22 of them with liver biopsy: co-infection HCV / HGV (n = 6) and HCV isolated infection (n = 16). Besides staging and grading of inflammation at portal, peri-portal and lobular areas (Brazilian Consensus), the fibrosis progression index was also calculated. All patients had no symptoms or signs of liver disease and prevalence of HGV / HCV co-infection was 15.2%. Most patients had mild liver disease and fibrosis progression index, calculated only in patients with known duration of infection, was 0.110 for co-infection and 0.130 for isolated HCV infection, characterizing these patients as "slow fibrosers". No statistical differences could be found between the groups, although a lesser degree of inflammation was always present in co-infection. In conclusion co-infection HCV / HGV does not induce a more aggressive liver disease, supporting the hypothesis that HGV is not pathogenic.
The analysis of 58 patients with chronic hepatitis C without cirrhosis and treated with interferon-alpha demonstrated that hepatitis C viral (HCV) load does not correlate with the histological evolution of the disease (p = 0.6559 for architectural alterations and p = 0.6271 for the histological activity index). Therefore, the use of viral RNA quantification as an evolutive predictor or determinant of the severity of hepatitis C is incorrect and of relative value. A review of the literature provided fundamental and interdependent HCV (genotype, heterogeneity and mutants, specific proteins), host (sex, age, weight, etc) and treatment variables (dosage, time of treatment, type of interferon) within the broader context of viral kinetics, interferon-mediated immunological response (in addition to natural immunity against HCV) and the role of interferon as a modulator of fibrogenesis. Therefore, viral load implies much more than numbers and the correct interpretation of these data should consider a broader context depending on multiple factors that are more complex than the simple value obtained upon quantification.
Opportunistic diseases (OD) are the most common cause of death in AIDS patients. To access the incidence of OD and survival in advanced immunodeficiency, we included 79 patients with AIDS treated at Hospital Evandro Chagas (FIOCRUZ) from September 1997 to December 1999 with at least one CD4 count <=100 cells/mm³. The incidence of OD was analyzed by Poisson's regression, and survival by Kaplan Meier and Cox analysis, considering a retrospective (before CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) and a prospective (after CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) period, and controlling for demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics. The confidence interval estipulated was 95%. Mean follow-up period was 733 days (CI = 683-782). During the study 9 (11.4%) patients died. Survival from AIDS diagnosis was a mean of 2589 days (CI = 2363-2816) and from the date of the CD4 count CD4 <=100 cells/mm³ was a mean of 1376 (CI = 1181-1572) days. Incidence of OD was 0.51 pp/y before CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³ and 0.29 pp/y after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. A lower number of ODs before CD4 < 100 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. AIDS diagnosis based on CD4+ counts <= 200 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. Baseline CD4 counts above 50 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.13) and restoration of baseline CD4+ counts above 100 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.16) were associated with a lower risk of death. Controling both variables, only restoration of baseline counts was statistically significant (HR = 0.22, p = 0.04). We found a very low incidence of OD and long survival after CD4 < 100 cells/mm³. Survival was significantly associated with restoration of baseline CD4 counts above 100 cells/mm³.
Airbone fungi are considered important causes of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. The knowledge of these fungi in a city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhalation of fungal allergens. The airborne fungi of Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, were studied during a one year period. Five hundred and twenty Petri dishes with Sabouraud dextrose agar medium were exposed at ten different locations in the city. The dishes exposed yielded one thousand and five hundred and twenty one colonies of twenty four genera. The most predominants were: Aspergillus (44.7%), Penicillium (13.3%), Curvularia (9.8%), Cladosporium (6.8%), Mycelia sterilia (6.0%), Fusarium (3.5%), Rhizopus (3.1%), Drechslera (2.6%), Alternaria (2.4%) and Absidia (2.2%). The results shown that Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mycelia sterilia, Fusarium and Alternaria were found during all months in the year. Absidia was more frequent during the dry season. Anemophilous fungi and the high concentration of spores in the air are important because may result in an increased number of people with allergic respiratory disease.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes and subtypes were determined in hemodialysis patients in the Federal District, Brazil, by sequencing of the 5' noncoding (NC) and nonstructural 5B (NS5B) regions. From 761 patients, 66 anti-HCV-positive samples were tested for HCV RNA. All 51 HCV RNA-positive samples by PCR of the 5' NC region were genotyped as genotypes 1 (90.2%) and 3 (9.8%). Subtype 1a (82.3%) was the most prevalent, followed by subtypes 3a (9.8%), 1b (5.9%) and 1a/1b (2.0%). Forty-two samples could be amplified and genotyped in the NS5B region: 38 (90.5%) as genotype 1, subtypes 1a, and 8 (9.5%) as genotype 3, subtype 3a. For the 42 samples sequenced in both regions, the genotypes and subtypes determined were concordant in 100% and 95.2% of cases, respectively. Two samples presented discrepant results, with the 5' NC region not distinguishing correctly the subtypes 1a and 1b. These findings indicate that the HCV genotype 1, subtype 1a, is the most prevalent among hemodialysis patients in the Federal District, Brazil.