88 resultados para Braff, Menalton 1938


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The writers report experiments performed with filtrates of old cultures od colon bacilli upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. According to the experiments the writers suppose to exist one or more substances in the filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli with physiological activity upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. Such activity is essentially characterised by a rapid increase of the intestine tonus. When the Ringer-Tyrode solution containing the filtrate is removed and replaced by a fresh one, the increase of the tonus disappears. Liver-broth medium causes a somewhat increase of the tonus of the gut but much less in intensity.


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This paper deals with experiments of propination of small doses of filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli to normal rabbits by stomach tube. The experiments have demonstrate that the propination of the filtrates produces a decrease of weight in the animals in experience. The loss of weight just after the first propination of the filtrate to the rabbit and continues progressively leading to emaciation and death if new doses are given. If the propination was too much prolonged the animals goes to death, notwithstanding the propination of the filtrates being discontinued.


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A Leishmania chagasi localisa-se principalmente nas cellulas reticulo-endotheliaaes dos tecidos. No sangue peripherico, o protozoario é visto com maior facilidade nos periodos iniciaes da infecção, quando pode ser observado livre, mais frequentemente no plasma de polynucleares e raramente no interior de macrophagos. Nas phases ulteriores, o parasito é raro no sangue peripherico e, quando encontrado, acha-se localisado no plasma de cellulas mononucleares. No interior dos leucocytos polynucleares apresentam as leishmanias signaes evidentes de degeneração, emquanto que nos macrophagos manteem o aspecto morphologico normal e as formas de multiplicação ocorrem com frequencia. Nos periodos agudos predominam os aspectos histo-pathologicos que traduzem intensa actividade do systema reticulo-endothelial e, nos periodos chronicos, a proliferação do tecido intesticial. O quadro hematologico é o de uma anemia sem signaes periphericos de regeneração. Os orgãos hematopoieticos demonstram signaes de perturbação funccional traduzida pelo exaggero da actividade que, entretanto, não leva á elaboração completa de globulos vermelhos, e á formação de granulocytos em número sufficiente. O quadro evolutivo da doença é o de uma anemia progressiva accompanhada de cachexia.


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A case of ganglioneuroma in the neck of a girl sixteen years old first noticed at the age of fifteen months is reported. The tumor successfully removed at operation has the size of an orange and is in relation by its internal surface with the trachea, oesophagus and vertebral column. Anteriorly it is crossed by the left common carotid and internal jugular vein which are meanwhile dissociated. Although this suggests an origin from the pneumogastric nerve no convincing proof of such an origin was obtained.


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A study of and addicional collection of Argentine ixodidae is made on material send to the Author by Professor Salvador Mazza of Departamento de pathologia do Norte - Jujuy and Professor Doello Jurado of the Museu Rivadavia. There was examined 37 lots of Ixodidae. Among them there were found the nymph of Ixodes auritulus Nn. and 3 other species already known on the South American fauna and from which there was til yet no record in Argentine; they are Ixodes ricinus, Amblyomma parvum and Amblyomma pseudo-concolor.