168 resultados para Biliary enteric fistula
Videolaparoscopy is the estabilished treatment for chronic or acute cholecystitis, with low complications rates. Among operative complications, biliar peritonitis, biliar fistula and common bile duct injuries despite rare, can be difficult to treat. The autors present the results of videolaparoscopic treatment of choleperitoneum in four patients submitted previously to a conventional cholecystectomy. Among operative complications, biliar peritonites, biliary fistula and common bile duct injuries. No complications related to laparoscopic procedure were observed.
A case of gastrocolic fistula(GCF) in a patient with duodenal stenosis who had previously undergone gastroenteric anastomosis is reported. The patient went through hemigastrectomy, partial colectomy and segmental enterectomy with bloc resection. Reconstruction was carried out through Billroth II gastrojejunostomy, jejunojejunostomy and end-to-end anastomosis of the colon. The patient had good post-operative evolution and was discharged from hospital seven days after surgery. GCF should be suspected in patients presenting weight loss, diarrhea and fecal vomiting, mainly with history of peptic ulcer surgery, gastric or colonic malignancy and use of steroidal and nonsteroidal antiinflamatory drugs. Barium enema is the choice test for diagnosis, however, the benign or malignant nature of the lesion should always be evaluated through high digestive endoscopy. Clinical treatment with oral H2-antagonists and discontinuing ulcerogenic medications might be indicated in some cases; surgical treatment is indicated in cases of malignant disease and might be indicated in cases of peptic disease as it treats GCF and also the baseline disease. Some advise upwards colostomy at first. The most used technique is bloc resection, including the fistulous tract, hemigastrectomy and partial colectomy. Gastrectomy, fistulous tract excision and colon suturing may be performed in some cases. The mortality rate is related to metabolic disorders and the recurrence with the use of antiinflammatory drugs.
The authors conducted a revisional study of intraepithelial papillary lesions of the bile ducts, characterized by being a kind of rare, intraductal growing cholangiocarcinoma. Articles published in the last 10 years were reviewed. The authors considered that the adenoma-carcinoma development is an important feature to warrant prophylactic measures through excisions. The histological type and biomolecular behavior may have relevance in the postoperative course of such lesions, which have a better prognosis when compared with other histological types.
Accuracy of doppler ultrasonography in the evaluation of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula maturity
Sapovirus of the Caliciviridae family is an important agent of acute gastroenteritis in children and piglets. The Sapovirus genus is divided into seven genogroups (G), and strains from the GIII, GVI and GVII are associated with infections in swine. Despite the high prevalence in some countries, there are no studies related to the presence of porcine enteric sapovirus infections in piglets in Brazil. In the present study, 18 fecal specimens from piglets up to 28 days were examined to determine the presence of sapovirus genome by RT-PCR assay, using primers designed to amplify a 331 bp segment of the RNA polymerase gene. In 44.4% (8/18) of fecal samples, an amplified DNA fragment was obtained. One of these fragments was sequenced and submitted to molecular and phylogenetic analysis. This analysis revealed high similarity, with nucleotides (87%) and amino acids (97.8%), to the Cowden strain, the GIII prototype of porcine enteric calicivirus. This is the first description of sapovirus in Brazilian swine herds.
Biliary atresia, the most common cause of liver transplantation in children, remains a challenge for clinicians and investigators. The development of new therapeutic options, besides the typical hepatoportoenterostomy, depends on a greater understanding of its pathogenesis and how it relates to the clinical phenotypes at diagnosis and the rate of disease progression. In this review, we present a perspective of how recent research has advanced the understanding of the disease and has improved clinical care protocols. Molecular and morphological analyses at diagnosis point to the potential contributions of polymorphism in the CFC1 and VEGF genes to the pathogenesis of the disease, and to an association between the degree of bile duct proliferation and long-term outcome. In experimental models, cholangiocytes do not appear to have antigen-presenting properties despite a substantial innate and adaptive immune response that targets the biliary epithelium and produces duct obstruction. Initial clinical trials assessing the efficacy of corticosteroids in decreasing the inflammation and improving outcome do not show a superior effect of corticosteroids as an adjuvant treatment following hepatoportoenterostomy. The best outcome still remains linked to an early diagnosis and surgical treatment. In this regard, the Yellow Alert campaign by the Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria and the inclusion of the Stool Color Card in the health booklet given to every neonate in Brazil have the potential to decrease the age of diagnosis, shorten the time between diagnosis and surgical treatment, and improve the long-term outcome of children with this devastating disease.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic and slowly progressive cholestatic liver disease of autoimmune etiology. A number of questions regarding its etiology are unclear. CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in self-tolerance and, for unknown reasons, their relative number is reduced in PBC patients. B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) is a key survival factor during B-cell maturation and its concentration is increased in peripheral blood of PBC patients. It has been reported that activated B cells inhibit Treg cell proliferation and there are no BAFF receptors on Tregs. Therefore, we speculated that excessive BAFF may result in Treg reduction via B cells. To prove our hypothesis, we isolated Tregs and B cells from PBC and healthy donors. BAFF and IgM concentrations were then analyzed by ELISA and CD40, CD80, CD86, IL-10, and TGF-β expression in B cells and Tregs were measured by flow cytometry. BAFF up-regulated CD40, CD80, CD86, and IgM expression in B cells. However, BAFF had no direct effect on Treg cell apoptosis and cytokine secretion. Nonetheless, we observed that BAFF-activated B cells could induce Treg cell apoptosis and reduce IL-10 and TGF-β expression. We also showed that BAFF-activated CD4+ T cells had no effect on Treg apoptosis. Furthermore, we verified that bezafibrate, a hypolipidemic drug, can inhibit BAFF-induced Treg cell apoptosis. In conclusion, BAFF promotes Treg cell apoptosis and inhibits cytokine production by activating B cells in PBC patients. The results of this study suggest that inhibition of BAFF activation is a strategy for PBC treatment.
Biliary atresia (BA) is classically described at the neonatal age. However, rare cases of BA in older infants have also been reported. We report four cases of late-onset BA in infants older than 4 weeks (3 males, 1 female), and describe the diagnostic and management difficulties. One of the cases had a late-onset (29 weeks) presentation with a successful surgical procedure. We highlight the importance of this unusual differential diagnosis in infants with cholestatic syndrome, who may benefit from Kasai surgery, regardless of age.
The aim of this study was to assess the contamination of oysters (Crassostrea gigas), harvested in six different regions of the South Bay of Santa Catarina Island, with Coliforms at 45 ºC, Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp., positive coagulase staphylococci, and Salmonella sp. over a period of one year. One hundred eighty oyster samples were collected directly from their culture sites and analyzed. Each sample consisted of a pool of 12 oysters. All of the samples analyzed showed absence of Salmonella, 18 (10%) samples showed presence of Escherichia coli, 15 (8.3%) samples were positive for V. alginolyticus, and Vibriocholerae was detected in 4 samples (2.2%). The counts of positive-coagulase staphylococci varied from <10 to 1.9 x 102 CFU.g-1, whereas the counts of Coliforms at 45 ºC and E. coli ranged from <3 to 1.5 x 102 MPN.g-1 and <3 and 4.3 x 10 MPN.g-1, respectively. Counts of V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus ranged between <3 and 7 MPN.g-1, for both microorganisms. This suggests the need for monitoring these Vibrios contamination in oysters. Based on the results of the microbiological assays, the samples analyzed showed acceptable bacteriological quality, i.e., they were within the parameters established by Brazilian Legislation.
Foi desenvolvido um meio modificado de cultura para isolamento e caracterização de enterobactérias, visando especialmente salmonelas fermentadoras da lactose. No chamado "Meio modificado" as colônias das duas estirpes de Salmonella (lactose positivas e lactose negativas) apresentam a morfologia idêntica, o que não ocorre quando são empregados os meios rotineiros à base de lactose, para isolamento de enterobactérias. Esse meio é uma modificação do meio de Hektoen Enteric Agar, do qual retirou-se lactose e adicionou-se xilose e L-lisina. Foi verificado que há possibilidade de diferenciar-se os diversos grupos de enterobactérias, empregando um meio de cultura sem lactose e usando como sistema diferenciador xilose e L-lisina. O meio modificado foi também avaliado quantitativamente comparando o seu poder enriquecedor ou inibitório, ao dos meios de Hektoen Enteric Agar, Brilliant Green Agar e SS Agar para diferentes grupos de enterobactérias.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of town planning, infrastructure, sanitation and rainfall on the bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. METHODS: Water samples obtained from deep and shallow wells, boreholes and public taps were cultured to determine the most probable number of Escherichia coli and total coliform using the multiple tube technique. Presence of enteric pathogens was detected using selective and differential media. Samples were collected during both periods of heavy and low rainfall and from municipalities that are unique with respect to infrastructure planning, town planning and sanitation. RESULTS: Contamination of treated and pipe distributed water was related with distance of the collection point from a utility station. Faults in pipelines increased the rate of contamination (p<0.5) and this occurred mostly in densely populated areas with dilapidated infrastructure. Wastewater from drains was the main source of contamination of pipe-borne water. Shallow wells were more contaminated than deep wells and boreholes and contamination was higher during period of heavy rainfall (p<0.05). E. coli and enteric pathogens were isolated from contaminated supplies. CONCLUSIONS: Poor town planning, dilapidated infrastructure and indiscriminate siting of wells and boreholes contributed to the low bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. Rainfall accentuated the impact.
OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access for patients with end-stage renal disease. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a nationally representative sample of Brazilian end-stage renal disease patients in dialysis and transplant centers during 2007. The sample comprised only patients who received hemodialysis as a primary therapy modality and reported the type of vascular access for their primary hemodialysis treatment (N=2,276). Data were from the TRS Project - "Economic and Epidemiologic Evaluation of Modalities of Renal Replacement Therapy in Brazil". Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access in these patients. RESULTS: About 30% of the patients studied had an arteriovenous vascular access. The following factors were associated with a lower likelihood of having an arteriovenous vascular access as a primary type of access: time of hemodialysis start since the diagnosis of chronic renal failure < 1 year; shorter dialysis therapy; having no private health insurance; living in the central-western, northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil; and living in the northern region plus having no private health insurance. In the final model there was found a positive association between the outcome and pre-dialysis care and no were association with socioeconomic and comorbidity variables. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that the focus should on pre-dialysis care to increase the establishment of an arteriovenous vascular access before starting hemodialysis in Brazil.
Considering that the number of day-care centers for pre-school-age children has expanded rapidly in developing countries, and that these institutions presenting conditions that facilitate the transmission of many enteric agents, a parasitological survey was carried out in three municipal day-cares from Botucatu: two in the urban area (one in downtown area and the other one in the city periphery area) and the third in the rural area. Three separate stool specimens were collected from 147 children ranging from 0 to 72 months old and 20 staff members. Each stool specimen was processed by Lutz and zinc sulfate flotation methods. The frequency of giardiasis observed among children of downtown, periphery and rural day-cares was 69.6%, 52.7% and 69.6%, respectively. Only one employee was positive for G. lamblia. The examination of three stool specimens increased the positivity for G. lamblia: from the ninety three final positive examinations, 24 (25.5%) and 8 (8.5%) were positives only after examination of the second and third samples, respectively. Others intestinal organisms like Ascaris lumbricoides (20.4%), Trichuris trichiura (19.0%). Hymenolepis nana (8.8%), Entamoeba coli (22.4%) and Blastocystis hominis (32.0%) were frequently found in the children. There was no significant association among localization of the day-cares, sex of the children and the levels of G. lamblia infection. According to the age, G. lamblia was found mainly in children between 12 to 47 months old.
OBJECTIVES: To find the existing clinical evidence on interventions for leptospirosis. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of any intervention on leptospirosis through systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). DATA SOURCE: The sources of studies used (where there were no limitations concerning language, date, or other restrictions) were: EMBASE, LILACS, MEDLINE, the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Database, and the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Randomized Trials register. SELECTION OF STUDIES: Type of Study: All systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. Participants: patients with clinical and/or laboratorial diagnosis of leptospirosis, and subjects potencially exposed to leptospirosis as defined by the authors Interventions: any intervention for leptospirosis (as antibiotics or vaccines for prevention or treatment). DATA COLLECTION: The assessment will be independently made by the reviewers and cross-checked. The external validity was assessed by analysis of: studies, interventions, and outcomes. DATA SYNTHESIS: Located 163 studies using the search strategy described above, at the electronic databases above. Only 2 hits were selected, which are protocols of systematic reviews of Cochrane Collaboration, and not full reviews. One of the protocols evaluates antibiotics for treatment, and the other evaluates antibiotics for prevention of leptospirosis. CONCLUSIONS: There were not complete systematic reviews on interventions for leptospirosis. Any interventions for leptospirosis, such as prevention and treatment remains unclear for guidelines and practice.