45 resultados para Beta-adrenergic agonist
Abstract: New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) is a bacterial enzyme that renders the bacteria resistant to a variety of beta-lactam antibiotics. A 20-year-old man was hospitalized several times for surgical treatment and complications caused by a right-sided vestibular schwannoma. Although the patient acquired several multidrug-resistant infections, this study focuses on the NDM-1-producing Acinetobacter spp. infection. As it was resistant to all antimicrobials tested, the medical team developed a 20-day regimen of 750mg/day metronidazole, 2,000,000IU/day polymyxin B, and 100mg/day tigecycline. The treatment was effective, and the patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança e eficácia da braquiterapia intracoronariana usando o sistema Beta-CathTM na prevenção da recorrência de restenose intra-stent (RIS), por meio da análise dos resultados clínicos, angiográficos e pelo ultra-som intracoronariano (USIC). MÉTODO: Foram submetidos à angioplastia com cateter-balão, seguida de beta-radiação intracoronariana com o sistema Beta-CathTM (90Sr/Y) 30 pacientes com RIS em artérias coronárias nativas e, posteriormente, avaliados. RESULTADOS: Incluíram-se lesões reestenóticas complexas (77% do tipo difuso-proliferativo) com extensão elevada (18,66±4,15 mm). O sucesso da braquiterapia foi de 100%. A dose média utilizada foi de 20,7±2,3 Gy, liberada em um período médio de 3,8±2,1 min. No seguimento tardio, o diâmetro luminal mínimo (DLM) intra-stent diminuiu discretamente (1,98±0,30mm para 1,84±0,39 aos 6 meses, p=0,13), com uma perda tardia de 0,14±0,18 mm. O DLM intra-segmentar foi significativamente menor do que o intra-stent (1,55±0,40mm vs.1,84±0,39mm, p=0,008), associando-se à perda tardia (0,40±0,29mm vs. 0,14±0,18mm; p=0,0001). No USIC, observou-se discreto incremento do tecido neointimal em 6,8±14,3 mm³ aos 6 meses (p=0,19) e a percentagem de obstrução volumétrica aumentou em 4,7±7,5%. A reestenose binária e a revascularização do vaso-alvo recorreram em 17% dos casos; houve 1 caso (3%) de oclusão tardia, associada a infarto do miocárdio. A sobrevida livre de eventos foi de 80%. CONCLUSÃO: O manejo da reestenose intra-stent com a beta-radiação intracoronariana mostrou-se procedimento seguro e eficaz, com alta taxa de sucesso imediato, representando uma opção terapêutica para a inibição da hiperplasia neointimal.
OBJETIVO: Estudar os marcadores moleculares para os genes da cadeia pesada da beta-miosina cardíaca e da proteína-C de ligação à miosina em familiares de portadores de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 12 famílias que realizaram anamnese, exame físico, eletrocardiograma, ecocardiograma e coleta de sangue para o estudo genético através da reação em cadeia da polimerasse. RESULTADOS: Dos 227 familiares 25% eram acometidos, sendo 51% do sexo masculino com idade média de 35±19 (2 a 95) anos. A análise genética mostrou ligação com o gene da b-miosina cardíaca em uma família e, em outra, ligação com o gene da proteína C de ligação à miosina. Em cinco famílias foram excluídas ligações com os dois genes; em duas, a ligação com o gene da proteína C de ligação à miosina, porém para o gene da b-miosina os resultados foram inconclusivos; em duas famílias os resultados foram inconclusivos para os dois genes e em uma foi excluída ligação para o gene da b-miosina mas ficou inconclusivo para o gene da proteína C de ligação à miosina. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso meio, talvez predominem outros genes que não aqueles descritos na literatura, ou que existam outras diferenças genéticas relacionadas com a origem de nossa população e/ou fatores ambientais.
FUNDAMENTO: O papel do sistema adrenérgico na remodelação induzida pelo tabagismo é desconhecido. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência do propranolol na remodelação induzida pela exposição à fumaça de cigarro. MÉTODOS: Ratos foram alocados em três grupos: 1) C, n=10 - animais controle; 2) F, n=10 - animais expostos à fumaça de cigarro; 3) BB, n=10 - animais expostos à fumaça de cigarro e que receberam propranolol (40 mg/kg/dia). Após dois meses, os animais foram submetidos a estudo ecocardiográfico e morfométrico. Utilizou-se análise de variância (ANOVA) de uma via (média ± desvio padrão) ou Kruskal-Wallis (mediana e intervalo interquartil). RESULTADOS: O Grupo BB apresentou menor frequência cardíaca que o Grupo F (C = 358 ± 74 btm, F = 374 ± 53 bpm, BB = 297 ± 30; P = 0,02). O Grupo F apresentou maiores diâmetros diastólicos (C = 18,6 ± 3,4 mm/kg, F = 22,8 ± 1,8 mm/kg, BB = 21,7 ± 1,8 mm/kg; P = 0,003) e sistólicos (C = 8,6 ± 2,1 mmkg, F = 11,3 ± 1,3 mm/kg, BB = 9,9 ± 1,2 mm/kg; P = 0,004) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), ajustado ao peso corporal (PC) e tendência de menor fração de ejeção (C = 0,90 ± 0,03, F = 0,87 ± 0,03, BB =0,90 ± 0,02; P = 0,07) que o Grupo C. O Grupo BB apresentou tendência de menor relação VE/PC que o Grupo F (C = 1,94 (1,87 - 1,97), F = 2,03 (1,9-2,1) mg/g, BB = 1,89 (1,86-1,94); P = 0,09). CONCLUSÃO: A administração de propranolol atenuou algumas variáveis da remodelação ventricular induzida pela exposição à fumaça do cigarro em ratos.
Abstract Background: More than 50% of the patients with heart failure have normal ejection fraction (HFNEF). Iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) scintigraphy and cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) are prognostic markers in HFNEF. Nebivolol is a beta-blocker with vasodilating properties. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of nebivolol therapy on CPET and123I-MIBG scintigraphic parameters in patients with HFNEF. Methods: Twenty-five patients underwent 123I-MIBG scintigraphy to determine the washout rate and early and late heart-to-mediastinum ratios. During the CPET, we analyzed the systolic blood pressure (SBP) response, heart rate (HR) during effort and recovery (HRR), and oxygen uptake (VO2). After the initial evaluation, we divided our cohort into control and intervention groups. We then started nebivolol and repeated the tests after 3 months. Results: After treatment, the intervention group showed improvement in rest SBP (149 mmHg [143.5-171 mmHg] versus 135 mmHg [125-151 mmHg, p = 0.016]), rest HR (78 bpm [65.5-84 bpm] versus 64.5 bpm [57.5-75.5 bpm, p = 0.028]), peak SBP (235 mmHg [216.5-249 mmHg] versus 198 mmHg [191-220.5 mmHg], p = 0.001), peak HR (124.5 bpm [115-142 bpm] versus 115 bpm [103.7-124 bpm], p= 0.043), HRR on the 1st minute (6.5 bpm [4.75-12.75 bpm] versus 14.5 bpm [6.7-22 bpm], p = 0.025) and HRR on the 2nd minute (15.5 bpm [13-21.75 bpm] versus 23.5 bpm [16-31.7 bpm], p = 0.005), but no change in peak VO2 and 123I-MIBG scintigraphic parameters. Conclusion: Despite a better control in SBP, HR during rest and exercise, and improvement in HRR, nebivolol failed to show a positive effect on peak VO2 and 123I-MIBG scintigraphic parameters. The lack of effect on adrenergic activity may be the cause of the lack of effect on functional capacity.
Os autores apresentam neste trabalho os resultados de experimento de enraizamento de estacas de amoreira (Morus alba L., var. Catânia 1) com o emprego de hormônio vegetal sintético, ácido Beta indolacético (100 ppm) e soluções de cloreto de cálcio (2,5 5,00 10,00 iônios Ca++/1.000 ml) . Aquela variedade, uma das mais produtiva em folhas que por sua vez se apresentam mais ricas em elementos nutritivos à alimentação do bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori L.), dificilmente se propaga pela estaquia natural, o que impede seu cultivo no sistema de "cepo". Depois das estacas da amoreira (Morus alba L., var. Catânia 1) terem sido preparadas e tratadas durante 24 horas em vasilhames de polietileno, foram no dia 24 de outubro de 1973, plantadas na posição invertida em substrato ,areia grossa lavada) contido em estufim. A retirada das estacas e consequentemente a conclusão do experimento, verificou-se 110 dias após seu plantio.
Penicillin tolerance among 67 strains of beta-hemolytic streptococci was examined by determining the ratio of the minimal bactericidal concentration to the minimal inhibitory concentration as 32 or greater. Tolerance was demonstrated in 15 group A strains and in 11,7, and 4 of groups B, C and G, respectively. Thereafter the effects of a subminimal inhibitory concentration (1/2MIC) of penicillin on the bacterial products of four tolerant and four nontolerant strains (two of each Lancefield group) were analyzed and compared. The antibiotic caused a marked increase in the expression of the group carbo-hydrates for strains of group B. Penicillin was found to reduce the cell-bound hemolysin activities of the four tolerant strains and to increase the activity of the other (free) form of nontolerant groups A, C and G hemolysins. Penicillin caused an increase in the extracellular hyaluronidase activities of one group A and groups B, C and G streptococci. With added antibiotic the production of deoxyribonuclease by tolerant groups A, C and G was greatly enhanced and that of the group B streptococcus was arrested.
Clone CL B5 of Trypanosoma cruzi is a beta-galactosidase expressing organism that was genetically transfected to be used for in vitro pharmacological screening. Biological parameters were determined, evaluating growth kinetics of epimastigotes, metacyclogenesis, infectivity to mammalian cell lines, parasitemia kinetics in mice and sensibility to nifurtimox and benznidazole. Differences in relation to other strains and CL parental strain were found, the most important being the incapability to produce death to mice in spite of the high inoculum used. However, it possesses the required features to be used for in vitro drug screening. Data obtained demonstrate that heterogeneity of T. cruzi appears even among clones of the same strain, and that these differences found do not prevent the use of clone CL B5 for the purpose that was engineered.
Ethanolic crude extracts from the roots of Chaptalia nutans, traditionally used in Brazilian folk medicine, were screened against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by using the disk diffusion test technique. S. aureus with 14 mm inhibition zone was considered susceptible. E. coli and P. aeruginosa without such a zone were considered resistant. As a result of this finding, the ethanolic crude extract was fractionated on silica gel column chromatography into five fractions. The ethyl acetate fraction was active against S. aureus and Bacillus subtilis. Further column chromatography separation of the ethyl acetate fraction afforded 30 fractions, which were assayed against S. aureus. Fractions 16 and 17 showed inhibition zones with S. aureus, indicating the presence of active compounds, and were subjected to purification by repeated preparative thin layer chromatography. The pure compound 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-nutanocoumarin inhibited B. subtilis and S. aureus at concentrations of 62.5 µg/ml and 125 µg/ml, respectively. The antibacterial property of C. nutans appears to have justified its use for the treatment of wounds, which are contaminated through bacterial infections.
beta-glucan, one of the major cell wall components of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been found to enhance immune functions. This study investigated in vivo and in vitro effects of beta-glucan on lymphoproliferation and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by splenic cells from C57BL/6 female mice. All experiments were performed with particulate beta-glucan derived from S. cerevisiae. Data demonstrated that both, i.p administration of particulate beta-glucan (20 or 100 µg/animal) and in vitro stimulation of splenic cells (20 or 100 µg/ml of culture) decreased lymphoproliferation and IFN-gamma production induced by concanavalin A. These results suggest that beta-glucan can trigger a down-modulatory effect regulating a deleterious immune system hyperactivity in the presence of a strong stimulus.
Four methods (chromogenic, acidimetric, inhibition, and iodometric) for demonstration of the beta-lactamase production by 70 isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, were evaluated in Cuba. There was 100% correlation between all beta-lactamase methods and the standardized penicillin dilution susceptibility test for penicillinase-non-producing N. gonorrhoeae. For penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae strains, there was a perfect correlation between the chromogenic method and penicillin susceptibility testing, but one and two strains failed to give a positive result for beta-lactamase with the inhibition/acidimetric and the iodometric methods, respectively. There was a high concordance between the chromogenic method, considered as gold standard and the rest of penicillinase tests evaluated: Kappa Index (KI) = 0.98 for inhibition/acidimetric methods and KI = 0.97 for the iodometric method. The four methods evaluated were accurate, reproducible, easily readable, economical, and ease to use for screening primary isolates of N. gonorrhoeae in Cuba. We recommended the use of the inhibition method, when testing the penicillinase activity in gonococcal isolates in provincial and municipal reference laboratories.
Over the past two decades, nosocomial infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella spp. have become a major problem all around the world. This situation is of concern because there are limited antimicrobial options to treat patients infected with these pathogens, and also because this kind of resistance can spread to a wide variety of Gram-negative bacilli. Our objectives wereto evaluate among in-patients at a publicuniversity tertiary-care hospital with documented infection due to Klebsiella spp., which were the risk factors (cross-sectional analysis) and the clinical impact (prospective cohort) associated with an ESBL-producing strain. Study subjects were all patients admitted at the study hospital between April 2002 and October 2003, with a clinically and microbiologically confirmed infection caused by Klebsiella spp. at any body site, except infections restricted to the urinary tract. Of the 104 patients studied, 47 were infected with an ESBL-producing strain and 57 with a non-ESBL-producing strain. Independent risk factors associated with infection with an ESBL-producing strain were young age, exposure to mechanical ventilation, central venous catheter, use of any antimicrobial agent, and particularly use of a 4th generation cephalosporin or a quinolone. Length of stay was significant longer for patients infected with ESBL-producing strains than for those infected with non-ESBL-producing strains, although fatality rate was not significantly affected by ESBL-production in this cohort. In fact, mechanical ventilation and bacteremia were the only variables withindependent association withdeath detected in this investigation.
Este trabalho dá continuidade aos estudos sobre a fauna de Coleoptera do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Paraná (PROVIVE). Teve como objeto conhecer a diversidade diferencial, ou seja, avaliar as mudanças que ocorrem na composição de espécies em áreas que sofreram ação antrópica. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de coletas através de armadilha malaise, de setembro de 1999 a agosto de 2000 (52 semanas), em cinco áreas reconhecidas como sendo diferentes habitats num capão de araucária (Floresta Ombrófila Mista), em diferentes níveis de conservação e de manejo:1) uma área de borda de mata (campo - floresta); 2) uma área com povoamento de Araucaria angustifolia, sem manejo; 3) uma área em estágio inicial a intermediário de sucessão vegetal; 4) uma área em estágio intermediário a avançado de sucessão vegetal e 5) uma área em estágio avançado de sucessão vegetal. Foram coletados 10.822 indivíduos de 1.659 espécies. A aplicação de diferentes índices de diversidade beta (b), baseados em medidas de continuidade de espécies e de ganho e perda de espécies, resultaram em altas taxas de mudança, indicando alta diversidade diferencial entre as áreas, onde já havia sido constatada a existência de alta diversidade inventarial (a). A área que mais se diferenciou na composição de espécies foi a borda de mata. As áreas em sucessão vegetal foram as mais assemelhadas entre si, em níveis crescentes da menos para a mais conservada. A alta riqueza de espécies e alta diversidade na composição de espécies de Coleoptera observadas no capão de araucária de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, corroboram outros estudos que indicaram ser possível envolver uma grande quantidade da riqueza regional de espécies se for mantido um mosaico de habitats em uma paisagem, envolvendo diferentes níveis de conservação e encraves com plantio de árvores nativas. A fauna de Coleoptera apresentou uma diversidade de composição de espécies que mostram ser um táxon sensível às alterações ambientais em pequena escala espacial, característica importante para ser um indicador de condições ambientais em áreas florestadas.
ABSTRACTMales of Euglossa mandibularis were consistently captured in scent traps baited with β-ionone in areas of Mixed Ombrophylous Forests or transition between this latter physiognomy and Montane Semideciduous Forest at Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Paraná state, Brazil. Geographic records for the species and sampling effort (including or not β-ionone among the offered compounds) along Atlantic Forest biome are presented and discussed. We also discuss seasonal and geographic variation in collection of scents by orchid bees.
The enzyme beta-glucosidase hydrolyses the isoflavone glucosides developing aglycones, which are compounds with anticancer effects, that are also related with the astringency observed in soybean flavor. Due to the importance of this enzyme, a study was carried out to determine beta-glucosidase activity in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivars with different contents of isoflavone glucosides (enzyme substrate). The enzyme activity was determined in 51 soybean cultivars sowed in Londrina (latitude 23ºS), in Paraná State, Brazil, and in the cultivar IAS 5 from soybean production regions of different Brazilian states. Among the cultivars, a range of variability of 176.1 to 96.3 units of enzyme activity (cultivars IAC-2 and Embrapa 2, respectively) was observed. A significant variability among cultivars could suggest genetic differences. In the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, the cultivar IAS 5 presented similar average of beta-glucosidase activity: 132.1, 131.9 and 132.5 units, respectively. Among locations in the states, the cultivar IAS 5 presented a variability for enzyme activity from 138.8 to 124.8 units, which were statistically different. In spite of statistics, the numerical values were not too different to assume that environmental conditions affected enzyme activity. A non-significative correlation for isoflavone glucoside concentrations and enzyme activity was observed among cultivars.