273 resultados para Baker, Amy J. L


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The genus Heliconia is not much studied and the number of existing species in this genus is still uncertain. It is known that this number relies between 150 to 250 species. In Brazil, about 40 species are native and known by many different names. The objective of this paper was to characterize morphometrically and to identify the NOR (active nucleolus organizer regions) by Ag-NOR banding of chromosomes of Heliconia bihai (L) L. Root meristems were submitted to blocking treatment in an amiprofos-methyl (APM) solution, fixed in methanol-acetic acid solution for 24 hours, at least. The meristems were washed in distilled water and submitted to enzymatic digestion with pectinase enzyme. The slides were prepared by dissociation of the root meristem, dried in the air and also on hot plate at 50°C. Subsequently, some slides were submitted to 5% Giemsa stain for karyotype construction and to a solution of silver nitrate (AgNO3) 50% for Ag-NOR banding. The species H. bihai has 2n = 22 chromosomes, 4 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes and 7 pairs of metacentric chromosomes, and graded medium to short (3.96 to 0.67 μM), with the presence of active NOR in pairs 1 and 2 and interphase cells with 2 nucleoli. These are the features of a diploid species.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de seleção de clones de batata para fritura, com base em índices de seleção. Os experimentos foram realizados em Pelotas, RS, e em Canoinhas, SC. Foi avaliado um conjunto de clones-elite, pertencentes ao Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Batata, da Embrapa (F53-01-06, F85-01-06, F7426-06, F81-01-06, F63-01-06, F52-02-06, F74-23-06, F79-01-06, F68-04-06, F80-03-06), e as testemunhas Ágata e Asterix. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições e parcelas compostas por duas linhas de dez plantas. Foram avaliados os caracteres ciclo vegetativo, massa de tubérculos comerciais, número de tubérculos comerciais, percentagem de massa de tubérculos comerciais, massa média de tubérculos, peso específico e cor de palitos fritos. Os dados foram submetidos a análises de variância individual e conjunta. Foram estimados os ganhos diretos e por índices de seleção de Smith e Hazel, Pesek e Baker e Williams e as distâncias ao ideótipo. Foi verificado que é possível a utilização de índices de seleção, com base no desvio padrão genotípico, na seleção de clones de batata para fritura. O índice da distância ao ideótipo foi superior aos demais, indicando ganhos positivos, para todos os caracteres, em ambos os locais.


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The production of medicinal plants as raw material for industry must associate quality with biomass formation and, with this purpose, the application of plant growth regulators has been studied in these crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a biostimulant on growth, inflorescence production and flavonoid content in marigold. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and the treatments consisted of increasing doses of the biostimulant (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 mL L-1) applied by foliar spraying in ten consecutive applications. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and ten repetitions. The number of leaves and flowerheads and dry matter of roots increased linearly with increasing doses of the growth promoter, with 20%, 36.97% and 97.28% increases, respectively, compared with the control. The total dry mass and shoot dry mass showed maximum values at the highest dose tested of 15 mL L-1 (with increases of 40.09% and 46.30%, respectively). Plant height and flavonoid content reached the highest values at a dose of 6 mL L-1. The biostimulant promoted the development of marigold and positively influenced the synthesis of the secondary compound of medicinal interest. Among the tested doses, the application of rates between 6 and 9 mL L-1 of the biostimulant is recommended for more efficient large-scale production of marigold.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the substrate, cuttings collection time, the position and the cutting depth, and the propagation environment on rooting of 'Purple Valinhos' fig tree cuttings in Southwestern Paraná, Brazil. Two experiments were carried out at UTFPR, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, with hardwoods cuttings from Roxo de Valinhos fig tree. The first experiment used a randomized block design, in 3 x 3 x 2 factorial (substrate x environment x collection time), with four replications of 10 cuttings per plot. The cuttings were collected in the first fifteen days of July and August. The substrates were sand, soil and the mixture of these [1:1 (v / v)]. The environments used were open sky, tunnel with plastic cover and tunnel with half-shade black net cover. The second experiment used a randomized block design, 2 x 2 x 3 factorial (shoot cutting position x soil cover x shoot cutting depth), with four replications of 12 cuttings per plot. In the factor position, the vertically (0 º inclination) and inclined (45 º inclination) shoot cuttings were evaluated. Soil cover was tested with mulching plastic cover or not. The tested depths were 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 in relation to the total length of the shoot cutting. In both experiments, the following were analyzed: rooting and mortality indices, number of leaves and primary shoots, length of the three largest roots per cutting. It was conclude that, the protected environment with plastic cover on sand as substrate must recommended for the rooting of fig estaca, collecting them in the first half of July. The inclination position and cutting depth of the estaca and the substrate coverage with plastic mulching did not influence the results.


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Because of the increasing demand of the industry for the production of essential oils, studies highlight the genetic variability of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum species according to their patterns of spatial distribution, showing the Amazon region as the source of superior genetic material in the production of safrole and dillapiole. Thus, the objective this study was to characterize the morphology and the phytochemistry of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum populations in the Active Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Acre to generate subsidies for the genetic improvement of these species. The results showed that the average values for leaf width and length were 141.67 and 48.04 mm, and petioles length and diameter measurements were 2.83 and 1.78 mm for P. hispidinervum and 189.22; 67.74; 6.03 and 2.22 mm for P. aduncum respectively. The average height and canopy volume measurements were 2.39 m and 6.30 m3 and 2.70 m and 7.78 m3 respectively for each species. For P. hispidinervum, the population with higher performance indried yield and content of safrole was population 02, with 3.9%, and the population 04 showed 94.3% safrole content, both with genetic material from the region of Acrelândia and Plácido de Castro. To P. aduncum, the populations with better performance were 207, 208 and 209, forming a homogeneous group with dried yield average of 3.8% and dillapiol content of 84-85%. Such populations are indicated for selection in breeding program of these species due to better performance.


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No processamento industrial da manga, os subprodutos, caroço e casca são, normalmente, descartados sem o devido aproveitamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as características físico-químicas e funcionais dos amidos nativo e acidificado do caroço (amêndoa) de manga, da variedade Tommy Atkins, pesquisando uma nova fonte de amido e formas de melhorá-la e contribuir para a utilização de resíduos da indústria alimentícia. As amêndoas foram retiradas manualmente dos caroços de manga e procedeu-se a extração do amido. O amido nativo foi acidificado, sendo o agente promotor da modificação o ácido clorídrico. Verificou-se a composição química do amido nativo. Determinaram-se também as propriedades funcionais e de pasta do amido nativo e do acidificado. Para a composição centesimal, o amido nativo apresentou 71,56% de amido, 7,30% de lipídeos e 5,6% de proteínas. Os amidos nativo e acidificado demonstraram baixa resistência à elevação da temperatura, com intumescimento máximo a 75 oC, sendo seus valores 9,395 e 6,861 g/g, respectivamente. A solubilidade mostrou-se crescente, à medida que houve elevação da temperatura, sendo seu valor máximo 48,03% para o amido acidificado. O amido nativo expôs maior capacidade de absorção de água, óleo e claridade da pasta. O referido amido ainda apresentou maior pico de viscosidade, viscosidade mínima, quebra de viscosidade, viscosidade final, retrogradação e temperatura de pasta do que os do amido acidificado. O amido nativo pode ser indicado para compor sopas desidratadas e produtos cárneos, enquanto o acidificado pode ser usado em alimentos congelados e refrigerados e na indústria de balas.


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RESUMOA batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas L.) é um vegetal muito cultivado nos países tropicais, usado na alimentação humana e na animal, sendo uma boa fonte de energia, sais minerais e vitaminas. Constitui, ainda, fonte de polifenóis antioxidativos, entre eles, antocianinas e ácidos fenólicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de diferentes extratos de folhas frescas de batata-doce, frente a bactérias de interesse alimentar, e correlacioná-la com os teores de polifenóis totais e de antocianinas. Foram avaliados teores de polifenóis totais e de antocianinas, bem como a atividade antibacteriana de extratos alcoólicos, de infusão e de decocção de folhas de dois acessos de batata-doce, em Porto Alegre, RS, frente a três agentes de interesse em alimentos e alimentação, quais sejam, inóculos padronizados de SalmonellaEnteritidis (ATCC 11076), Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 25923) e Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229). A avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, expressa em intensidade de atividade de inibição bacteriana (IINIB) e em intensidade de atividade de inativação bacteriana (IINAB), foi baseada em testes de diluição em sistema de tubos múltiplos; as antocianinas foram determinadas por meio de pH diferencial e os polifenóis pelo método de Folin & Ciocalteu. Os extratos alcoólicos inibiram e, ou, inativaram todos os inóculos testados, não obstante o Staphylococcus aureus ter sido significativamente mais resistente. Os extratos obtidos por decocção e infusão, além de apresentarem concentrações muito baixas de antocianinas e menores teores de polifenóis do que os seus correspondentes alcoólicos, não apresentaram atividade antibacteriana. A atividade antibacteriana dos extratos testados foi positivamente correlacionada com os compostos fenólicos e, ou, antocianinas.


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ABSTRACT Maintaining cantaloupe melon at field temperature impairs conservation as it speeds up cell metabolism and transpiration, and, consequently, reduces shelf life. This study aimed to evaluate the conservation of Torreon hybrid cantaloupe using the hydrocooling treatment. Fruits were harvested at the commercial maturity stage (60 days after planting), in the morning, at the Nova California Farm, municipality of Mossoró-RN, in September 2007. One set of fruit was immersed in chilled water at 5 ºC for 5 min, at the packing house, while the remaining set was not hydro cooled. Then, both sets (treated and untreated with hydrocooling) were pre-cooled in air forced tunnels at 7 ºC, until the temperature in the pulp reached 10 ºC. Both fruit sets were stored for 0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days under modified atmosphere at 3 ± 1 oC and 90 ± 5% RH. After each storage period, the fruits were incubated in an atmosphere-controlled chamber at 20 ± 2 oC and 80 ± 5% de RH, for seven days. The following characteristics were evaluated: external and internal appearance, mass loss, soluble solids, firmness and titrable acidity. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized split-plot design with four replications of three fruits. The plots consisted of the hydrocooling conditions (with and without fruit soaking in chilled water), and the sub-plots consisted of the storage times (0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days).The treatment with hydrocooling was efficient in keeping the firmness and soluble solids of the fruits and shortened the pre-cooling time in the cooling tunnel. However, hydrocooling did not increase fruit shelf-life.


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La sociologie pragmatique française (SP), inspirée des travaux de Luc Boltanski et Laurent Thévenot, est de plus en plus utilisée par les études organisationnelles en management. Pourtant, la dimension critique de cette approche n'a pas encore été intégrée au profit de la connaissance en management et organisations (MOK). Dans cet article, nous explicitons l'apport que cette sociologie peut représenter pour les études critiques en management (CMS). En tant que science de la science des acteurs, nous suggérons que la SP est fertile pour développer une approche de performativité critique. En particulier, nous démontrons que l'approche permet de mettre en lumière les nouvelles formes de domination plus complexes s'exerçant dans les organisations contemporaines. En utilisant des études empiriques d'organisations mobilisant la SP, nous montrons comment les concepts de compromis et d'épreuve développés par cette approche présentent un outillage permettant de renouveler la critique des organisations au profit de la MOK.