87 resultados para Arboreal Ants


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ABSTRACT Nodal glands are found in one third of the Polygalaceae genera and have valuable taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary significance. In Brazil, they occur in five of the eleven genera already registered. However, there is still a controversy regarding the origin of these structures. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphology and the origin of nodal glands inCaamembeca spectabilis, in order to increase the structural and functional knowledge of these glands in the genera. Samples of nodal regions were collected, fixed and processed according to the methods of light microscopy and electron scanning. Ants were observed and identified along the stem axis. The glucose in exudate allows us to classify these glands as extrafloral nectaries. They are located in pairs on the nodal region. However, its origin is in the leaf trace. In the longitudinal section, the nectaries were present in the apex of cells with anticlinal walls impregnated with suberin, which represents the first record for the family. In this region there is also the formation of a hole by lysis. The secretory tissue is surrounded by phloem. Xylem vessels were observed only on the basis of the nectary, where there are also idioblasts with crystals in druse type. We have studied the ontogeny of the glands nodal in Caamembeca spectabilis and unveiled that these glands are linked to the leaves as stipular nectaries. In addition, the new findings presented here may add support for the understanding of morphology and anatomy of nodal glands in Caamembeca.


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We analyzed the alimentary tract of 66 specimens of Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1969 from the Serra do Sudeste, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Forty specimens (60.6%) had prey items in their gut. The diet consisted mainly of small invertebrate prey, such as termites, insect larvae and ants. The most abundant prey item was termites, found in 62.5% of the non empty stomachs. The high number of individual prey items in the majority of stomachs, the small size of the regular prey items, and the absence of gut content in specimens of A. munoai kept alive for about two days, indicate that this species forages very frequently. The predominance of fossorial prey items and the occasional records of nomadic ants lead us to suggest that A. munoai usually feeds underground, and occasionally forages on the surface.


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We analyzed the diet and microhabitat use for two Hylodinae anurans (Cycloramphidae), Hylodes phyllodes Heyer & Cocroft, 1986 and Crossodactylus gaudichaudii Duméril & Bibron, 1841, living in sympatry at an Atlantic Rainforest area of Ilha Grande, in southeastern Brazil. The two species live syntopically at some rocky streams. The two species differed strongly in microhabitat use. Hylodes phyllodes occurred mainly on rocks, whereas C. gaudichaudii was observed mostly on the water. Regarding diet, coleopterans, hymenopterans (ants), and larvae were the most important prey item consumed by both species. Data suggest that microhabitat use appears to be an important parameter differentiating these frogs with respect to general resource utilization.


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Leptodactylus(Lithodytes) lineatus (Schneider, 1799) is an Amazonian leaf litter frog considered rare or uncommon in several studies on anuran communities. Despite being a widely distributed frog in Amazonian forests, knowledge of the biology and ecology of this species is relatively scarce. This species has been reported to live in association with leaf-cutter ant nests (Atta spp.) during the breeding period. In this paper we present data on the seasonality of this species and some reproductive information gathered at a locality of Rondônia state, northwestern Brazil. Field work was carried out between April 2001 and March 2002, with the use of pitfall traps with drift fences as a survey method. Leptodactylus (L.) lineatus had a higher capture frequency in this locality compared to that of other studies carried out in other Amazonian localities, possibly because this species has secretive habits, such as calling and breeding from nests of leaf-cutting ants, and are difficult to find during visual encounter surveys. The breeding period occurs between October and March. Calling males and egg-bearing females were found between September and February and juvenile recruitment occurred mainly from the end of the rainy season to the beginning of the dry season (February to June). Males and females show sexual dimorphism in SVL, females being significantly larger than males. The number of ovarian eggs per female varies from 110 to 328 and analyses indicate that there is a significant correlation with SVL.


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Reproductive modes and size-fecundity relationships are described for anurans from Picinguaba, a region of Atlantic rainforest on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. We observed 13 reproductive modes, confirming a high diversity of modes in the Atlantic rainforest. This diversity of reproductive modes reflects the successful use of diversified and humid microhabitats by anurans in this biome. We measured the snout-vent length of 715 specimens of 40 species of anurans. The size-fecundity relationship of 12 species was analyzed. Female snout-vent lengths explained between 57% and 81% of clutch size variation. Anurans with aquatic modes laid more eggs than those with terrestrial or arboreal modes. Larger eggs were deposited by species with specialized reproductive modes.


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The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its diet composition at the field and capture rate on leaf-cutting ants based on laboratory experiments. This study comprises the first approach that documents the diet of L. mirabilis in wheat and oat fields of central Argentina. We identified 1,004 prey items collected from its webs during the last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), who represented more than 86% of the total. Meanwhile, in the capture rate experiences we registered a high proportion of ants captured by spiders at the beginning of experiences, capturing the half of the ants from total in the first four hours. Summarizing, we reported a polyphagous diet of this spider species in wheat and oat fields. Ants were the most important prey item of this spider, as found in other Latrodectus spiders around the world.


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It is well-known that diverse groups of vegetation with an analogous but not identical floristic composition show an ecological similarity which leads to a determined type of vegetation. Starting from this fact it becomes evident that the scope of phytosociological work is the establishing of the significance of the species within the association and the discovery of the rules which govern associations. The floristic surveys made in the field have to be analysed statistically so as to obtain satisfactory results. The usefulness of this method depends largely on the possibilities of comparing the results with previous studies of the same kind, in the same country, or elsewhere. The method used in this paper is that of measuring circumferences and counting individuals in the different associations studied because it permits the presentation of the results in tables which show the phytosociological complexity of the Brazilian rain-forests. The classical method of characteristics is valuable because the more evolved an association is the less sociable are the species it contains, so that such groups do not show clear differences between species but rather between sinusia or strata of individuals. Five tables are presented in which several of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics are studied with a view to discussing their value in relation to groups and species. They are: I - Abundance (number of individuals). II - Density (distance in meters between the individuals belonging to each stratum). III - Basal coverture (circles measured in square meters of the mean projection of the individuals on the surface). IV - Basal area (mean circle in square meters occupied by individuals on the surface). V - Frequency, abundance and sociability in relation to occurrence. TABLE I. This table indicates first the number of individuals in relation to the sinusia studied: next, the sum total of the individuals belanging to the strata are given for each association, thus providing the numeric value of the sinusia: finally, the relation between the total number of individuals in the association and the total for the sinusium thus fursnishing the abundance per sinusium, in the classic sence, that is the percentage, or rather the relative number, of the elements which compose the group. CONCLUSIONS. The general character of abundance of the regional vegetation of Ilheos may be summed up in the following way: as an association evolves towards permanent equilibirum the number of individuals the inferior strata diminishes in relation to those of the superior strata which increase. For the shrub sinusium, two important facts were observed: a) in a given association the number of elements of the inferior strata diminishes as the diameter of the individuals increases; b) the percentage of individuals belonging to the shrub sinusium in the sere diminishes as the association evolve. In the subarboreal sinusium it is seen that: in the sere the number of subarboreal individuals does not vary much; whereas in the climax or the prisere there is a fall owing to the equilibrum of the biologic forms. In the arboreal sinusium the following conclusion can be deduced from analogous facts: the number of individuals of the lower strata diminishes as circumference increases. Also, in the sere there is a progressive sequence for the individuals belonging to the superior strata. TABLE II. The relation between the mean distances of individuals belonging to the same stratum and the area of an association is equal to the density. The table shows that the mean density of the association and the distance between the individuals belonging to the strata of the same sinusium in relation to the total number of individuals belonging to the association. CONCLUSIONS. As rule, the density of individuals in the associations studied follows a very general character or at least a regional one: the distance between the individuals in the diverse strata varies according to their abundance and sociability. Two other facts of some sociological importance are: a) in identical strata of the same sere the density of individuals oscillates in an analogous manner in teh subclimaces and varies in the stages which have reached equilibrium. b) the density of individuals varias in accordance with the sinusium and the distances between individuals of the same sinusium varg in accordance with the strata. TABLE III. This table presents the mean basal individual coverture, that is the mean projection of the frond of the various individuals belonging to the same stratum. The means were obtained by measurement in the field, of 100 individuals belonging to each stratum and their projection on the surface. In the latoratory these measurements were converted into mean circles (in square meters) and the result was multiplied by the individuals belonging to the strata corresponding to the sinusium of each association. The result obtained is named basal coverture. CONCLUSIONS. As a rule, the basal coverture of the vegetation of the county of Ilhéus indicates that: in the evolution of the vegetation the basal coverture of the arbustive sinusium diminishes progressively whereas that of the arboreal one increases. The special norms obtained are: 1) in the shrub sinusium the basal coverture seems to follow a uniform norm, that is, in stages of evolution of the subclimax the basal coverture oscillates with a certain uniformity. 2) in the subarboreal sinusium this fact is related to the vitality and age of the species, as in the subclimax the number of young trees is large and the vitality of the species very variable. This permits the conclusion that: in the sere the basal coverture increases with the evolution of the vegetation and diminishes when an equilibrium is reached. 3) in the tree sinusium the climax association of the prisere and subsere seem to obey a binomial rule, as the coverture (density-abundance) increases until a determined stratum is reached and...


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The present paper is a simple introduction to the ecological requirements of Cephaelis ipecacuanha and only a few preliminary conclusions are reached. Cephaelis ipecacuanha has the habit of a forest plant, which is closely connected with the meteorological and floristic factors. This makes it very necessary to study its ecolo-gical relationships carefully, so as to understand its productivity in accordance with its mi¬croclimatic and microedaphic reactions. Conclusions: 1 — Within the ecological range of Cephaelis ipecacuanha, some zones show more fa¬vourable phytosociological conditions than other zones. Consequently, the vegetative and biological types must be investigated in different associations. a — The most favourable vegetative and biological types encountered, in regard to the phytosociological characteristcs of Cephaelis ipecacuanha, were found respectively in the rain forest on the slopes of the Serra dos Parecis and in the serclimax of the river Galera and its tributaries. b — The phytosociological optimum of Cephaelis ipecacuanha was seen in the Vochysietum (Vochysia sp.) which corresponds to number 11 of the original text. It can be defined as follows: shading by vegetation approximately 90%, as the herbaceous sinusium covers 90% of the area worked in, though the arboreal and arbustive coverture is only 65% and 60% respectviely. The inclination is pratically nil (less than 5°) but the drainage is good because the soil is deep and silicous-humous, thus facilitating infiltration by the rain water which inundates the ground temporarily during the periods of floods. The pH oscillates between 5 and 6, denoting a slightly acid soil.


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In this paper of the catalogue of south brazilian arboreal pollen grains, the autor deals with the Papilionatae. The Mimosoideae and Caesalpinioideae are yet in preparation, so that a discussion of the three subfamilies (or families) is not possible. In relation with the systematical subdivision of the Papilionatae, we found a large correspondence with the morphology of the present pollen grains. The group of Phaseoleae contains the genera Mucuna, Erythrina and Dioclea; the grains of the studied species are very different one from another; the first of the genera possesses very volumous grains, with three colpori and a reticulated superficies; the second has three-porated pollen grains with a large reticulated superficies, and the third, Dioclea, is yet different; it possesses oblated grains, each three-colporated, with a thick sexine and a psilated superficies. So, we can say, that Phaseoleae is a erypalynous group. Dalbergieae, with the genera: Andira, Dalbergia, Lonchocarpus, Machaerium, Platymiscium and Pterocarpus (and Dahlstedtia, the only exception), has very uniform pollen grains, and may be considered stenopalynous. It is not possible to include the genus Dahlstedtia into this group. A little exception is represented by Pterocarpus violaceus, because of the reticulated sexine of its grains, while the others, also three-colporated, possess a tectate-reticulated sexine. The genera Myrocarpus and Ormosia, from Sophoreae, are very more similar to the Dalbergieae as to any other genus of the Phaseoleae.


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In the present paper of our Catalogue of South Brazilian Arboreal Pollen grains, we have examined the subfamily Caesalpinioideae from the Leguminosae. The Papilionatae were already studied in an earlier paper, the corresponding study of the Mimosoideae will follow soon; in consequence of this, we can not yet compare the pollen grains of the three named subfamilies, on with another. The grains of the examined species were classified in correspondance with the taxonomical groups. We found that the Bauhinieaes constitute an eurypalynous group, but the Cassieae is stenopalynous, and the two species from the Eucaesalpinioideae possess also different forms of pollen grains. From the other groups, Cynometreae and Swartzieae were examined, infortunately only one species from each one. Like the facts observed in the Papilionatae, we find here also the typical form of pollen grains, characterized by three colpori and a fine reticulated superficial structure.


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In order to finish the study of pollen grains of arboreal Leguminosae from south brazilian rain forests, this part of our Pollen Catalogue deals with the subfamily Mimosoideae. The grains of all examined species are grouped, from tetrads (like Mimosa taimbensis) to polyads with 32 grains (like Inga lentiscifolia). In relation to the morphology of these polyads, the pollen grains from the present species were distributed in five different groups. However, these groups are not in correspondence with the five Tribus in which these species are distributed, in opposition with our observations in Papilionatae and Caesalpinioideae. We were no able to found clear separations between the pollen grains of the subfamilies studies. The tricolporated type, a little prolate, occurs frequently in the three subfamilies, whereas the Mimosoideae are caracterized by polyads. However this last subfamily may present also isolated grains.


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A survey of the carrion fauna was made at two sites in Curitiba, State of Paraná, with the objective of describing the insects associated with carrion and setting up a preliminary data-base for medico-legal purposes in south Brazil. Vertebrate exclusion experiments were carried out in each season between 1994 and 1995 with a 250 g laboratory-bred rat (Rattus norvegicus). Five stages of decomposition were identified: fresh, bloated, decaying, dry and adipocere-like. Some species showed seasonal and site preference and so could be used to identify the probable place and season where death took place. Sarconesia chlorogaster (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was restricted to an open field site and to cooler months. Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Diptera, Calliphoridae) and Pattonella resona (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) were restricted to the forest site and warmer months. Phaenicia eximia (Diptera, Calliphoridae) and Oxyletrum discicolle (Coleoptera, Silphidae) were present at both sites throughout the year and could be useful for population level analysis. Dissochaetus murray (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) was present throughout the year at the forest site and was associated with the adipocere-like stage. Ants played an important role producing post-mortem injuries to the carcasses. Insects of 32 species are reported as being useful in community level approaches


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Triatomine bug species such as Microtriatoma trinidadensis, Eratyrus mucronatus, Belminus herreri, Panstrongylus lignarius, and Triatoma tibiamaculata are exquisitely adapted to specialist niches. This suggests a long evolutionary history, as well as the recent dramatic spread a few eclectic, domiciliated triatomine species. Virtually all species of the genus Rhodnius are primarily associated with palms. The genus Panstrongylus is predominantly associated with burrows and tree cavities and the genus Triatoma with terrestrial rocky habitats or rodent burrows. Two major sub-divisions have been defined within the species Trypanosoma cruzi, as T. cruzi 1 (Z1) and T. cruzi 2 (Z2). The affinities of a third group (Z3) are uncertain. Host and habitat associations lead us to propose that T. cruzi 1 (Z1) has evolved in an arboreal, palm tree habitat with the triatomine tribe Rhodniini, in association with the opossum Didelphis. Similarly we propose that T. cruzi (Z2) and Z3 evolved in a terrestrial habitat in burrows and in rocky locations with the triatomine tribe Triatomini, in association with edentates, and/or possibly ground dwelling marsupials. Both sub-divisions of T. cruzi may have been contemporary in South America up to 65 million years ago. Alternatively, T. cruzi 2 (Z2) may have evolved more recently from T. cruzi 1 (Z1) by host transfers into rodents, edentates, and primates. We have constructed a molecular phylogeny of haematophagous vectors, including triatomine bugs, which suggests that faecal transmission of trypanosomes may be the ancestral route. A molecular clock phylogeny suggests that Rhodnius and Triatoma diverged before the arrival, about 40 million years ago, of bats and rodents into South America.


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Large-scale trials of a trapping system designed to collect silvatic Triatominae are reported. Live-baited adhesive traps were tested in various ecosystems and different triatomine habitats (arboreal and terrestrial). The trials were always successful, with a rate of positive habitats generally over 20% and reaching 48.4% for palm trees of the Amazon basin. Eleven species of Triatominae belonging to the three genera of public health importance (Triatoma, Rhodnius and Panstrongylus) were captured. This trapping system provides an effective way to detect the presence of triatomines in terrestrial and arboreal silvatic habitats and represents a promising tool for ecological studies. Various lines of research are contemplated to improve the performance of this trapping system.


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The current persistence of Triatoma infestans, and therefore of Chagas disease transmission, in the Andean valleys of Bolivia and the Gran Chaco (precisely where wild populations of the vector are widespread), indicates a possible relationship between these two occurrences. This paper provides an overview of the current knowledge regarding wild T. infestans in Bolivia. The different morphs of the wild vector, their known distributions and some traits of their biology and ecology are presented. Particularly interesting is the considerable behavioural and chromatic plasticity that is displayed by wild T. infestans. According to the biogeographic region, different morphs of the vector occur in rupicolous habitats (common form and Mataral morph in Andean wild T. infestans) or arboreal ones ("dark morph" populations from the Chaco). The high genetic variability found at the microgeographical scale in Andean wild T. infestans favours the hypothesis that the Andes were the centre of origin and dispersal of T. infestans throughout South America. The relevant question regarding the origin of domestic populations is also addressed. Finally, current considerations of the epidemiological significance of wild T. infestans are discussed in the context of recent discoveries. Even if several observations support the epidemiological risk represented by wild T. infestans, the climatic and environmental conditions of their distribution areas would not favour the continued flow of triatomines between sylvatic refuges and domestic environments.