81 resultados para Ancelmo Góis


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Remote sensing and geographical information technologies were used to discriminate areas of high and low risk for contracting kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis. Satellite data were digitally processed to generate maps of land cover and spectral indices, such as the normalised difference vegetation index and wetness index. To map estimated vector abundance and indoor climate data, local polynomial interpolations were used based on the weightage values. Attribute layers were prepared based on illiteracy and the unemployed proportion of the population and associated with village boundaries. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to estimate the relationship between environmental variables and disease incidence across the study area. The cell values for each input raster in the analysis were assigned values from the evaluation scale. Simple weighting/ratings based on the degree of favourable conditions for kala-azar transmission were used for all the variables, leading to geo-environmental risk model. Variables such as, land use/land cover, vegetation conditions, surface dampness, the indoor climate, illiteracy rates and the size of the unemployed population were considered for inclusion in the geo-environmental kala-azar risk model. The risk model was stratified into areas of "risk"and "non-risk"for the disease, based on calculation of risk indices. The described approach constitutes a promising tool for microlevel kala-azar surveillance and aids in directing control efforts.


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AbstractOBJECTIVEIdentifying factors associated to survival after cardiac arrest.METHODAn experience report of a cohort study conducted in a university hospital, with a consecutive sample comprised of 285 patients. Data were collected for a year by trained nurses. The training strategy was conducted through an expository dialogue lecture. Collection monitoring was carried out by nurses via telephone calls, visits to the emergency room and by medical record searches. The neurological status of survivors was evaluated at discharge, after six months and one year.RESULTSOf the 285 patients, 16 survived until hospital discharge, and 13 remained alive after one year, making possible to identify factors associated with survival. There were no losses in the process.CONCLUSIONCohort studies help identify risks and disease outcomes. Considering cardiac arrest, they can subsidize public policies, encourage future studies and training programs for CPR, thereby improving the prognosis of patients.


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The structural stability and restructuring ability of a soil are related to the methods of crop management and soil preparation. A recommended strategy to reduce the effects of soil preparation is to use crop rotation and cover crops that help conserve and restore the soil structure. The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify the homogeneous morphological units in soil under conventional mechanized tillage and animal traction, as well as to assess the effect on the soil structure of intercropping with jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.). Profiles were analyzed in April of 2006, in five counties in the Southern-Central region of Paraná State (Brazil), on family farms producing maize (Zea mays L.), sometimes intercropped with jack bean. The current structures in the crop profile were analyzed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and subsequently principal component analysis (PCA) to generate statistics. Morphostructural soil analysis showed a predominance of compact units in areas of high-intensity cultivation under mechanized traction. The cover crop did not improve the structure of the soil with low porosity and compact units that hamper the root system growth. In areas exposed to animal traction, a predominance of cracked units was observed, where roots grew around the clods and along the gaps between them.


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Map units directly related to properties of soil-landscape are generated by local soil classes. Therefore to take into consideration the knowledge of farmers is essential to automate the procedure. The aim of this study was to map local soil classes by computer-assisted cartography (CAC), using several combinations of topographic properties produced by GIS (digital elevation model, aspect, slope, and profile curvature). A decision tree was used to find the number of topographic properties required for digital cartography of the local soil classes. The maps produced were evaluated based on the attributes of map quality defined as precision and accuracy of the CAC-based maps. The evaluation was carried out in Central Mexico using three maps of local soil classes with contrasting landscape and climatic conditions (desert, temperate, and tropical). In the three areas the precision (56 %) of the CAC maps based on elevation as topographical feature was higher than when based on slope, aspect and profile curvature. The accuracy of the maps (boundary locations) was however low (33 %), in other words, further research is required to improve this indicator.


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Peatlands are soil environments that store carbon and large amounts of water, due to their composition (90 % water), low hydraulic conductivity and a sponge-like behavior. It is estimated that peat bogs cover approximately 4.2 % of the Earth's surface and stock 28.4 % of the soil carbon of the planet. Approximately 612 000 ha of peatlands have been mapped in Brazil, but the peat bogs in the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM) were not included. The objective of this study was to map the peat bogs of the northern part of the SdEM and estimate the organic matter pools and water volume they stock. The peat bogs were pre-identified and mapped by GIS and remote sensing techniques, using ArcGIS 9.3, ENVI 4.5 and GPS Track Maker Pro software and the maps validated in the field. Six peat bogs were mapped in detail (1:20,000 and 1:5,000) by transects spaced 100 m and each transect were determined every 20 m, the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates, depth and samples collected for characterization and determination of organic matter, according to the Brazilian System of Soil Classification. In the northern part of SdEM, 14,287.55 ha of peatlands were mapped, distributed over 1,180,109 ha, representing 1.2 % of the total area. These peatlands have an average volume of 170,021,845.00 m³ and stock 6,120,167 t (428.36 t ha-1) of organic matter and 142,138,262 m³ (9,948 m³ ha-1) of water. In the peat bogs of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, advanced stages of decomposing (sapric) organic matter predominate, followed by the intermediate stage (hemic). The vertical growth rate of the peatlands ranged between 0.04 and 0.43 mm year-1, while the carbon accumulation rate varied between 6.59 and 37.66 g m-2 year-1. The peat bogs of the SdEM contain the headwaters of important water bodies in the basins of the Jequitinhonha and San Francisco Rivers and store large amounts of organic carbon and water, which is the reason why the protection and preservation of these soil environments is such an urgent and increasing need.


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The graphical representation of spatial soil properties in a digital environment is complex because it requires a conversion of data collected in a discrete form onto a continuous surface. The objective of this study was to apply three-dimension techniques of interpolation and visualization on soil texture and fertility properties and establish relationships with pedogenetic factors and processes in a slope area. The GRASS Geographic Information System was used to generate three-dimensional models and ParaView software to visualize soil volumes. Samples of the A, AB, BA, and B horizons were collected in a regular 122-point grid in an area of 13 ha, in Pinhais, PR, in southern Brazil. Geoprocessing and graphic computing techniques were effective in identifying and delimiting soil volumes of distinct ranges of fertility properties confined within the soil matrix. Both three-dimensional interpolation and the visualization tool facilitated interpretation in a continuous space (volumes) of the cause-effect relationships between soil texture and fertility properties and pedological factors and processes, such as higher clay contents following the drainage lines of the area. The flattest part with more weathered soils (Oxisols) had the highest pH values and lower Al3+ concentrations. These techniques of data interpolation and visualization have great potential for use in diverse areas of soil science, such as identification of soil volumes occurring side-by-side but that exhibit different physical, chemical, and mineralogical conditions for plant root growth, and monitoring of plumes of organic and inorganic pollutants in soils and sediments, among other applications. The methodological details for interpolation and a three-dimensional view of soil data are presented here.


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ABSTRACT In recent years, geotechnologies as remote and proximal sensing and attributes derived from digital terrain elevation models indicated to be very useful for the description of soil variability. However, these information sources are rarely used together. Therefore, a methodology for assessing and specialize soil classes using the information obtained from remote/proximal sensing, GIS and technical knowledge has been applied and evaluated. Two areas of study, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, totaling approximately 28.000 ha were used for this work. First, in an area (area 1), conventional pedological mapping was done and from the soil classes found patterns were obtained with the following information: a) spectral information (forms of features and absorption intensity of spectral curves with 350 wavelengths -2,500 nm) of soil samples collected at specific points in the area (according to each soil type); b) obtaining equations for determining chemical and physical properties of the soil from the relationship between the results obtained in the laboratory by the conventional method, the levels of chemical and physical attributes with the spectral data; c) supervised classification of Landsat TM 5 images, in order to detect changes in the size of the soil particles (soil texture); d) relationship between classes relief soils and attributes. Subsequently, the obtained patterns were applied in area 2 obtain pedological classification of soils, but in GIS (ArcGIS). Finally, we developed a conventional pedological mapping in area 2 to which was compared with a digital map, ie the one obtained only with pre certain standards. The proposed methodology had a 79 % accuracy in the first categorical level of Soil Classification System, 60 % accuracy in the second category level and became less useful in the categorical level 3 (37 % accuracy).


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a funcionalidade da oleoresina de páprica microencapsulada em goma-arábica e amido de arroz/gelatina, incorporada nos sistemas-modelo bolo e gel de gelatina. Avaliou-se a cor por meio de medida instrumental e aceitação sensorial por atributos de aparência e aceitação global. O pigmento encapsulado solubilizou-se, tingiu e se distribuiu uniformemente nos bolos, os quais apresentaram boa aceitação global. Nos géis, a goma apresentou desempenho superior ao amido/gelatina quanto à aparência, porém, todos os tratamentos obtiveram baixa aceitação global. A presença da oleoresina microencapsulada não interferiu negativamente no sabor, aroma ou textura dos sistemas analisados.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir, para as condições edafoclimáticas do Brasil, níveis aceitáveis de dispersão de alguns parâmetros biológicos, utilizados em estudos de impacto ambiental de novas tecnologias usadas na cultura da soja. Dois ensaios com soja convencional e transgênica foram conduzidos em 11 municípios de seis estados e no Distrito Federal; os parâmetros avaliados foram: carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, respiração basal e quociente metabólico microbiano, eletroforese do DNA do solo em géis desnaturantes (DGGE), fixação biológica do nitrogênio, população de rizóbios, número e massa de nódulos secos, ocupação dos nódulos pelas estirpes de Bradyrhizobium, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea, nitrogênio total e nitrogênio como ureídos na parte aérea. A variabilidade temporal de: carbono e nitrogênio, da biomassa microbiana, da respiração basal e do quociente metabólico microbiano foi adequada, e o coeficiente de variação máximo aceitável foi estimado em 35%. A homogeneidade entre repetições, tratamentos e coletas foi confirmada por DGGE. Em solos pobres em nitrogênio, os parâmetros de massa de nódulos e massa da parte aérea, com coeficiente de variação máximo de 33 e 18%, respectivamente, foram adequados para avaliar a fixação biológica do N, que contribuiu com 72 a 88% do nitrogênio total da parte aérea.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e validar um conjunto mínimo de parâmetros para o monitoramento, em campo, da microbiota do solo e da fixação biológica do N2 (FBN) pela soja. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em áreas de plantios comerciais (safra 2002/2003) e experimentais (safra 2004/2005), em blocos ao acaso. O C e o N da biomassa microbiana (CBM e NBM) mostraram-se adequados para a avaliação quantitativa da microbiota do solo e ambos os parâmetros foram correlacionados significativamente, portanto, apenas um deles precisa ser determinado. Foram obtidas correlações positivas e significativas entre a massa da parte aérea seca das plantas (MPAS) e o CBM e o NBM. A análise do DNA total do solo por eletroforese em géis desnaturantes (DGGE) detectou alterações qualitativas na microbiota do solo, relacionadas à homogeneidade da área e a diferenças entre tratamentos, áreas e coletas. A massa de nódulos secos (MNS) foi o melhor parâmetro para a avaliação da nodulação. Correlações significativas foram constatadas entre a MPAS e o N total acumulado na parte aérea (NTPA). Resultados semelhantes foram observados entre a MPAS e o N de ureídos (NTU). O monitoramento da FBN pela soja pode ser realizado apenas pela determinação da MNS e da MPAS.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características reológicas e físico-químicas da gelificação térmica do surimi de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). Utilizaram-se quatro tratamentos térmicos, três estágios duplos - pré-aquecimentos a 60ºC durante 30, 45 e 60 min, seguidos de aquecimento a 90ºC por 15 min, e um único aquecimento direto a 90ºC por 15 min - e três formulações: duas com inibidores protéicos - soroalbumina bovina + alfa2-macroglobulina e clara de ovo - e uma sem inibidores. Amostras com inibidores protéicos e aquecimento direto alcançaram melhor gelificação, pelo incremento no módulo de elasticidade e decréscimo no ângulo de fase. Os géis pré-aquecidos apresentaram grande oscilação dos parâmetros viscoelásticos, o que comprometeu a formação da rede protéica tridimensional, formada durante a gelificação térmica do surimi. A concentração de peptídeos solúveis não sofreu alteração significativa, mesmo durante os estágios duplos, o que indica a ausência de proteólise, além de mostrar a proteção pelosinibidores àmatriz protéica.


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The purposes of this study were to determine the distribution and climatic patterns of current and future physic nut (Jatropha curcas) cultivation regions in Mexico, and to identify possible locations for in vivo germplasm banks establishment, using geographic information systems. Current climatic data were processed by Floramap software to obtain distribution maps and climatic patterns of regions where wild physic nuts could be found. DIVA-GIS software analyzed current climatic data (Worldclim model) and climatic data generated by CCM3 model to identify current and future physic nut cultivation regions, respectively. The distribution map showed that physic nut was present in most of the tropical and subtropical areas of Mexico, which corresponded to three agroclimatic regions. Climate types were Aw2, Aw1, and Bs1, for regions 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Nontoxic genotypes were associated with region 2, and toxic genotypes were associated with regions 1 and 3. According to the current and future cultivation regions identified, the best suitable ones to establish in vivo germplasm collections were the coast of Michoacán and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, located among the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética de cultivares de soja com marcadores microssatélites selecionados e caracterizados quanto à informatividade para uso em gel de agarose. O DNA de 23 cultivares de soja foi amplificado com 283 marcadores microssatélites em gel de agarose a 3%. Posteriormente, 53 marcadores que apresentaram polimorfismo facilmente detectável nos géis de agarose foram utilizados na caracterização de 53 cultivares. Nessas cultivares foram detectados 124 alelos, com média de 2,34 alelos por loco, e os valores de conteúdo de informação polimórfica variaram entre 0,16 e 0,66, com média de 0,47. As frequências alélicas variaram de 0,02 a 0,91, com média de 0,43. A distância genética calculada variou de 0,02 a 0,73, com média de 0,47. A menor distância observada foi entre as cultivares CD201 e CD208, e a maior distância entre CD210 e BRSMT Uirapuru. Os marcadores utilizados possibilitaram a identificação das 53 cultivares avaliadas. Os locos microssatélites de soja, avaliados em gel de agarose, apresentam elevada informatividade. É possível detectar variabilidade significativa no germoplasma brasileiro de soja avaliado, mesmo entre cultivares elite, quando se usa marcadores moleculares microssatélites selecionados por sua informatividade.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer padrões alélicos e estimar as distâncias genéticas baseadas em marcador SSR de 44 cultivares de cebola adaptadas às condições de cultivo tropicais e subtropicais do Brasil. Para visualização da similaridade genética, utilizou-se o dendrograma UPGMA gerado da matriz de distâncias do coeficiente de Jaccard, com base em 40 alelos de 13 locos SSR. O DNA total foi extraído pelo método CTAB 2x, e os produtos de PCR foram analisados em géis de poliacrilamida desnaturante 6% e corados com nitrato de prata. O número de pares de bases foi estimado pelo método da mobilidade inversa, com base em regressão de produtos de tamanho conhecido. A média da heterozigosidade dos locos SSR foi 0,58. Os 40 alelos dos 13 locos SSR foram suficientes para distinguir as 44 cultivares de cebola. O maior número de alelos em comum foi observado entre as cultivares Yellow Granex e Henry's Special PRR e o menor, entre as cultivares Baia Periforme Super Precoce e Excel. Os sete grupos principais de cultivares identificados no dendrograma apresentaram concordância com a genealogia conhecida e o tipo agronômico das cultivares avaliadas. Os locos SSR selecionados são adequados para melhoramento e proteção de cultivares da espécie.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar e caracterizar estirpes nativas de Bacillus thuringiensis tóxicas a Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Cento e seis estirpes pertencentes ao Banco de Bactérias de Invertebrados, da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, foram testadas quanto à toxicidade a D. saccharalis, e, as mais tóxicas, caracterizadas por métodos bioquímicos e moleculares. Das 106 estirpes testadas, 16 causaram 100% de mortalidade em 24 horas. As três estirpes mais tóxicas apresentaram concentração letal média entre 8 e 43 ng cm-2. O perfil proteico das 16 estirpes mostrou a presença de proteínas de 130 e 65 kDa, e a caracterização molecular mostrou a presença dos genes tipo cry1 e cry2: cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac e cry2Aa. A concentração letal média de esporos e cristais obtidos a partir de estirpes recombinantes, que expressavam individualmente os genes cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac e cry2Aa, variou entre 222 e 610 ng cm-2, valores muito superiores aos das estirpes nativas mais tóxicas, que apresentavam possibilidade de expressão simultânea desses genes. Este resultado é indicativo de que há sinergia entre as toxinas. Há interação entre as toxinas de B. thuringiensis e seus receptores na broca-do-colmo da cana-de-açúcar.