55 resultados para AG-69-6
The objective of this work was to study the toxicity of pymetrozine and thiamethoxam to the cotton aphid parasitoid Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake and to the whitefly predator Delphastus pusillus (LeConte). Cotton leaves containing mummies of the parasitoid A. gossypii were collected and treated with seven concentrations of both insecticides. Parasitoid emergence was not affected by pymetrozine and ranged from 59.9% to 75.0%, but decreased with the increase of thiamethoxam concentrations ranging from 30.2% to 69.6%. Cotton leaves infested by whitefly and treated with recommended rates of both insecticides were collected three hours, three days and six days after spraying and colonized with larvae and adults of D. pusillus. Predators released on thiamethoxam-treated leaves experienced mortality from 70% to 100%, while those released on pymetrozine-treated leaves showed mortality from 0% to 20%. Topical toxicity from both insecticides was studied on larvae, pupae and adults of D. pusillus. The survival of predator after six days of exposure to 400, 600 and 800 mg/L of pymetrozine a.i. was higher than 69.6%, and to 25, 100 and 200 mg/L of thiamethoxam a.i. was lower than 8.7%. The toxicity data for A. gossypii and D. pusillus characterize the pymetrozine as harmless for both species, and thiamethoxam of low to moderate toxicity for A. gossypii treated mummies, and high toxicity for D. pusillus.
Abstract Objective: To propose an algorithm to determine the necessity for ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration (US-FNA) in preoperative axillary lymph node staging of patients with invasive breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Prospective study developed at National Cancer Institute. The study sample included 100 female patients with breast cancer referred for axillary staging by US-FNA. Results: The overall US-FNA sensitivity was set at 79.4%. The positive predictive value was calculated to be 100%, and the negative predictive value, 69.5%. The US-FNA sensitivity for lymph nodes with normal sonographic features was 0%, while for indeterminate lymph nodes it was 80% and, for suspicious lymph nodes, 90.5%. In the assessment of invasive breast tumors stages T1, T2 and T3, the sensitivity was respectively 69.6%, 83.7% and 100%. US-FNA could avoid sentinel node biopsy in 54% of cases. Conclusion: Axillary ultrasonography should be included in the preoperative staging of all patients with invasive breast cancer. The addition of US-FNA in cases of lymph nodes suspicious for malignancy may prevent more than 50% of sentinel lymphadenectomies, significantly shortening the time interval to definitive therapy.
Este estudo teve por objetivo realizar o inventário arbóreo-urbano em 24 bairros do Município de Salto de Pirapora, SP, por meio da avaliação quali-quantitativa. Para tanto, foram obtidas informações relacionadas à: espécie arbórea, situação da copa e do tronco, orientação do tronco, fitossanidade, interceptação das raízes no passeio, necessidade de tratos silviculturais, altura total e altura da primeira bifurcação, assim como características do espaço viário. Foram registrados 868 indivíduos, dos quais 679 foram catalogados em 71 espécies arbóreas. A espécie de maior frequência foi Caesalpinia pluviosa, representando 13,6% do total, seguida de Ficus benjamin (10,4%), Lagerstroemia indica (5,0%) e Terminalia catappa (4,8%). Quanto à condição do tronco, 68,8% dos indivíduos arbóreos não apresentaram problemas; 85,7% das árvores observadas possuíam orientação simpodial adequada; poucas árvores apresentavam danos relacionados à fitossanidade que poderiam interferir em sua integridade e, ou, longevidade; 69,6% não interferiam, de forma direta, na calçada; 32,8% das árvores necessitavam de podas por estarem acima da fiação elétrica; 0,5% necessitava de substituição; e 5,7% precisavam ser removidas. Com relação à altura total das árvores, 63,0% apresentavam crescimento menor que 5 m; e 65,3% com altura da primeira bifurcação do tronco inferior a 1,80 m. O Bairro Primavera destacou-se pelo maior número de árvores em sua urbanização. Em contrapartida, o Jardim Amélia apresentou apenas um indivíduo. Dessa forma, observou-se que cada bairro possuía sua particularidade, e ações de manutenção e enriquecimento, tanto relacionadas ao número de espécies quanto à quantidade de indivíduos, deveriam ser consideradas no planejamento urbano-arbóreo daquele município.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho diagnóstico da citologia obtida pela CPER, aquele obtido pela EE-PAAF e a concordância entre patologistas gerais (PG) e especialistas (PE) em pacientes com estenose biliar. MÉTODOS: Incluímos pacientes com estenose biliar identificados pela CPER. A EE-PAAF foi realizada apenas em áreas com efeito de massa ou da parede espessada do ducto biliar. O padrão-ouro foi a cirurgia, histologia e/ou o seguimento. As amostras teciduais foram consideradas: malignas, suspeitas, atípicas, insuficientes ou benignas. Os espécimes obtidos por cada método foi interpretado (cego) por um PG e outro PE. RESULTADO: 46 pacientes foram incluídos (37 malignos e 9 benignos). O diagnóstico final foi de tumor pancreático (26), biliar (11), pancreatite crônica (8) e estenose inflamatória do ducto biliar (1). Sensibilidade e acurácia da CPER foram 43,2% e 52,2% para o PG e 51,4% e 58,7% para o PE. Sensibilidade e acurácia da EE-PAAF foi 52,8% e 58,5% para o PG e 69,4% e 73,2% para o PE. A combinação entre a CPER e EE-PAAF demonstrou maior sensibilidade e acurácia para ambos PG (64,9% e 69,6%) e PE (83,8% e 84,8%), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A citologia obtida pelo escovado da via biliar durante a CPER e as amostras teciduais colhidas pela EE-PAAF tem rendimento semelhante para o diagnóstico das estenoses biliares. No entanto, a combinação dos métodos resulta em uma maior acurácia. Além disso, espera-se que a interpretação das amostras ocorra com maior precisão pelo PE se comparado ao PG.
Objetivos: estudar a prevalência de sífilis congênita (SC) em um hospital universitário da região sul do Brasil, destacando seu papel como indicador de qualidade da assistência pré-natal. Método: estudo descritivo dos casos de SC ocorridos no HG-UCS, no período de 1 de junho de 2000 a 31 de maio de 2001, com base nos critérios diagnósticos propostos pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 1998). Resultados: a prevalência de sífilis congênita observada foi de 1,5% (27 casos em 1739 nascimentos). O coeficiente de SC encontrado foi de 15,5 casos por 1000 nascidos vivos. Das 23 gestantes (85,2%) que relataram acompanhamento pré-natal prévio, em apenas 16 (69,6%) casos o diagnóstico de sífilis materna foi realizado antes do parto. Somente 4 gestantes (17,4%) foram adequadamente tratadas durante o pré-natal, de modo a prevenir a transmissão vertical da doença. Em 8 casos (29,6%) constatou-se a associação da sífilis materna com outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. O coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal por SC foi de 1,15 por 1000 nascidos vivos (2 mortes perinatais). Conclusões: os autores reafirmam a importância da SC como indicador de saúde perinatal, visto ser uma doença totalmente passível de prevenção durante o pré-natal. A elevada prevalência de SC observada permite questionar a qualidade da atenção pré-natal disponível à população estudada.
OBJETIVO: avaliar se a presença de resistência à insulina (RI) modifica fatores de risco cardiovascular em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP). MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual 60 mulheres com SOP, com idade entre 18 e 35 anos e sem uso de hormônios, foram avaliadas. A RI foi avaliada por meio do quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI). RI foi definida como QUICKI <0,33. As seguintes variáveis foram comparadas entre o grupo com e sem RI: antropométricas (peso, altura, circunferência da cintura, pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca), laboratoriais (homocisteína, interleucina-6, fator de necrose tumoral-α, testosterona, fração de androgênios livre, colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos, proteína C reativa e insulina, glicose) e ultrassonográficas (distensibilidade e espessura íntima-média da carótida e dilatação mediada por fluxo da artéria braquial). RESULTADOS: Dezoito mulheres (30%) apresentaram RI. As mulheres com RI, comparadas às sem RI, apresentaram diferenças significativas nos seguintes marcadores antropométricos (SOP com RI e sem RI respectivamente): índice de massa corporal (35,5±5,6 versus 23,9±4,8 kg/m², p<0,01;), cintura (108,1±11,53 versus 79,5±11,1 cm, p<0,01) e pressão arterial sistólica (128,0±10,8 versus 114,0±8,9 mmHg, p<0,01) e pressão arterial diastólica (83,6±9,6 versus 77,0±7,5 mmHg, p=0,01). Também foram observadas diferenças significativas nos seguintes marcadores laboratoriais: triglicerídeos (120,0±56,5 versus 77,7±53,4 mg/dL, p=0,01), HDL (43,06±6,3 versus 40,4±10,8, p=0,01) e proteína C reativa (7,9±10,5 mg/L versus 2,6±3,2 mg/L, p<0,01), insulina (28,0±18,1 versus 5,3±2,4 µU/mL, p<0,01) e glicose (93,5±10,0 versus 87,5±8,7 mg/dL, p=0,02). Adicionalmente, dois dos três marcadores ultrassonográficos de risco cardiovascular também foram diferentes entre os grupos: distensibilidade carotídea (0,24±0,05 versus 0,30±0,08 mmHg-1, p<0,01) e espessura íntima-média da carótida (0,52±0,08 versus 0,43±0,09 mm, p<0,01). Além disso, a proporção de síndrome metabólica foi maior nas mulheres com RI (nove casos=50% versus três casos=7,1%, p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: mulheres com SOP e RI apresentam diferenças significativas em vários marcadores ultrassonográficos, séricos e antropométricos que apontam para uma elevação no risco cardiovascular, quando comparadas a mulheres com SOP sem RI. Diante desses dados, a determinação sistemática da avaliação de RI em mulheres com SOP pode ajudar a identificar pacientes de risco cardiovascular.
OBJETIVOS: Analisar o perfil sociodemográfico e comportamental dos parceiros sexuais, a proporção daqueles inadequadamente tratados e os motivos da não realização do tratamento. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo cuja coleta de dados ocorreu de maio a outubro de 2008, em cinco maternidades públicas de Fortaleza, Ceará. Foram aplicados questionários às parturientes internadas com sífilis que informaram ter parceiro sexual fixo. Foram analisadas as variáveis sociodemográficas e as relacionadas à comunicação, diagnóstico e tratamento dos parceiros sexuais. Os dados foram digitados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences e foram analisados por meio de distribuições de frequências, de medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 56 parturientes. Os parceiros sexuais tinham média de idade de 29 anos, menos de 7 anos de estudo (50%), atividade laboral (82,1%), renda familiar inferior a 1 salário-mínimo (6,4%). Eram o pai da criança 92,9 e 69,6% moravam com a parturiente. Faziam uso de álcool e drogas 50 e 12%, respectivamente. Foram comunicados do diagnóstico 75,0% parceiros, a comunicação foi feita pela própria mulher em 78,6% casos e ficaram sabendo do resultado do exame de VDRL antes ou durante o pré-natal, 59,5%. Não revelaram o diagnóstico 25,0% mulheres e os motivos alegados foram: desconhecer a importância do tratamento do parceiro (50,0%), não ter estado com este parceiro após o diagnóstico (42,9%) e estar brigada (7,1%). Dos que souberam do diagnóstico antes ou durante o pré-natal, 56,0% foram tratados e 6 (42,8%) foram considerados adequadamente tratados. Dentre os que não receberam tratamento, 63,6% se recusaram por não se sentir doentes, não acreditar no tratamento e medo de injeção. CONCLUSÕES: Os parceiros são comunicados do diagnóstico de sífilis da gestante; entretanto, poucos são adequadamente tratados.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of sonographic endometrial thickness and hysteroscopic characteristics in predicting malignancy in postmenopausal women undergoing surgical resection of endometrial polyps. METHODS: Five hundred twenty-one (521) postmenopausal women undergoing hysteroscopic resection of endometrial polyps between January 1998 and December 2008 were studied. For each value of sonographic endometrial thickness and polyp size on hysteroscopy, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated in relation to the histologic diagnosis of malignancy. The best values of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of malignancy were determined by the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: Histologic diagnosis identified the presence of premalignancy or malignancy in 4.1% of cases. Sonographic measurement revealed a greater endometrial thickness in cases of malignant polyps when compared to benign and premalignant polyps. On surgical hysteroscopy, malignant endometrial polyps were also larger. An endometrial thickness of 13 mm showed a sensitivity of 69.6%, specificity of 68.5%, PPV of 9.3%, and NPV of 98% in predicting malignancy in endometrial polyps. Polyp measurement by hysteroscopy showed that for polyps 30 mm in size, the sensitivity was 47.8%, specificity was 66.1%, PPV was 6.1%, and NPV was 96.5% for predicting cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Sonographic endometrial thickness showed a higher level of accuracy than hysteroscopic measurement in predicting malignancy in endometrial polyps. Despite this, both techniques showed low accuracy for predicting malignancy in endometrial polyps in postmenopausal women. In suspected cases, histologic evaluation is necessary to exclude malignancy.
Viral hepatitis constitutes a major health issue, with high prevalence among injecting drug users (IDUs). The present study assessed the prevalence and risk determinants for hepatitis B, C and D viruses (HBV, HCV and HDV) infections among 102 IDUs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Serological markers and HCV-RNA were detected by enzyme immunoassay and nested PCR, respectively. HCV genotyping was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HBs were found in 7.8, 55.8 and 24.7% of IDUs, respectively. In the final logistic regression, HBV infection was independently associated with male homosexual intercourse within the last 5 years (odds ratio (OR) 3.1; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-8.8). No subject presented anti-delta (anti-HD). Anti-HCV was detected in 69.6% of subjects, and was found to be independently associated with needle sharing in the last 6 months (OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.3-9.2) and with longer duration of iv drug use (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-8.7). These data demonstrate that this population is at high risk for both HBV and HCV infection. Among IDUs from Rio de Janeiro, unprotected sexual intercourse seems to be more closely associated with HBV infection, whereas HCV is positively correlated with high risk injecting behavior. Comprehensive public health interventions targeting this population and their sexual partners must be encouraged.
We investigated the effects of hippocampal lesions with ibotenic acid (IBO) on the memory of the sound-context-shock association during reexposure to the conditioning context. Twenty-nine adult pigeons were assigned to a non-lesioned control group (CG, N = 7), a sham-lesioned group (SG, N = 7), a hippocampus-lesioned experimental group (EG, N = 7), and to an unpaired nonlesioned group (tone-alone exposure) (NG, N = 8). All pigeons were submitted to a 20-min session in the conditioning chamber with three associations of sound (1000 Hz, 85 dB, 1 s) and shock (10 mA, 1 s). Experimental and sham lesions were performed 24 h later (EG and SG) when EG birds received three bilateral injections (anteroposterior (A), 4.5, 5.25 and 7.0) of IBO (1 µl and 1 µg/µl) and SG received one bilateral injection (A, 5.25) of PBS. The animals were reexposed to the training context 5 days after the lesion. Behavior was videotaped for 20 min and analyzed at 30-s intervals. A significantly higher percent rating of immobility was observed for CG (median, 95.1; range, 79.2 to 100.0) and SG (median, 90.0; range, 69.6 to 95.0) compared to EG (median, 11.62; range, 3.83 to 50.1) and NG (median, 7.33; range, 6.2 to 28.1) (P<0.001) in the training context. These results suggest impairment of contextual fear in birds who received lesions one day after conditioning and a role for the hippocampus in the modulation of emotional aversive memories in pigeons.
A cross-sectional study was conducted on HIV-infected adults being treated with antiretroviral drugs at a reference service in Southern Brazil. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and were tested by scales assessing sociocognitive variables. Adherence to treatment was assessed by a self-report inventory developed for the study. Clinical information was obtained from the patients' records. Significance tests were conducted using univariate logistic regressions followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis. A total of 195 patients participated in the study and 56.9% of them reported > or = 95% adherence on the previous two days. In univariate analysis, the odds of adherence increased with self-efficacy (a person's conviction that he/she can successfully execute the behavior required to produce a certain desired outcome) in taking medications as prescribed (OR = 3.50, 95% CI 1.90-6.55), and decreased with perception of negative affect and physical concerns (OR = 0.71, 95% CI 0.53-0.95). The odds were lower for taking antiretroviral medications >4 times a day (OR = 0.44, 95% CI 0.20-0.94) and higher for patients with 8 years of schooling (OR = 2.28, 95% CI 1.12-4.66). In the multivariate analysis, self-efficacy (OR = 3.33, 95% CI 1.69-6.56) and taking medication >4 times a day (OR = 0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.80) were independently associated with adherence. Self-efficacy was the most important predictor of adherence, followed by number of times antiretroviral medication was taken per day. Among sociodemographic and clinical variables, only the number of years of schooling was associated with adherence. Motivational interventions based on self-efficacy may be useful for increasing treatment adherence.
The present study investigates the antinociceptive effect of the pyrazolyl-thiazole derivative 2-(5-trichloromethyl-5-hydroxy-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1 H-pyrazol-1-yl)-4-(4-bromophenyl)-5-methylthiazole (B50) in mice. Male albino Swiss mice (30-40 g) were used in the acetic acid-induced abdominal writhes and tail-immersion tests. B50 caused dose-dependent antinociception (8, 23 and 80 µmol/kg, sc) in the acetic acid writhing assay (number of writhes: vehicle: 27.69 ± 6.15; B50 (8 µmol/kg): 16.92 ± 3.84; B50 (23 µmol/kg): 13.85 ± 3.84; B50 (80 µmol/kg): 9.54 ± 3.08; data are reported as means ± SEM for 9 animals per group). On the other hand, B50 did not cause antinociception in the tail immersion assay. Naloxone (2.75 µmol/kg, sc) prevented B50-induced antinociception (number of writhes: vehicle-saline: 31.11 ± 3.15; vehicle-naloxone: 27.41 ± 3.70; B50 (80 µmol/kg)-saline: 8.70 ± 3.33; B50 (80 µmol/kg)-naloxone: 31.84 ± 4.26; morphine-saline: 2.04 ± 3.52; morphine-naloxone: 21.11 ± 4.26; 8-9 animals per group). The removal of the methyl group of the thiazole ring of B50 or substitution of the bromo substituent with the methyl at position 4 of the phenyl group, which is attached to the thiazole ring of B50, resulted in loss of activity, suggesting that these substituents are important for antinociceptive activity. B50 had no effect on spontaneous locomotion or rotarod performance, indicating that the antinociceptive effect of B50 is not related to nonspecific motor effects. The antinociceptive profile of B50 seems to be closer to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs than to classic opioid agents, since it had no analgesic effect in a thermally motivated test.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive disease of the Caucasian population. Among the various CF mutations, p.F508del is the most frequent, accounting for two-thirds of the global CF chromosomes, although showing great variability among populations. We have studied 115 unrelated CF patients from a mixed population of Minas Gerais (Brazil). To evaluate part of the DNA sequence of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, blood DNA was obtained and PCR was performed using two pairs of primers that anneal to exons 10 and 24 of the CFTR gene. The PCR product was then submitted to automatic sequencing using the ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer. The p.F508del mutation was found in 50 (21.7%) of 230 unrelated CF alleles. Fifteen (13.0%) patients were homozygous for this mutation, while 20 (17.4%) were heterozygous; the remaining 80 (69.6%) patients did not carry the p.F508del mutation. Exon 24 sequence had no change in 75 (65.2%) patients, 21 (18.3%) had the sequence variation 4521G/A, 11 (9.6%) had a not yet described sequence variation 4407T/A and 8 (7.0%) patients had both sequence variations (4521G/A and 4407T/A). The polymorphism 4407T/A results in an amino acid modification from aspartic acid to glutamic acid, which will probably have no function effect in CFTR. This low p.F508del prevalence can be due to the variable ethnic origin of this population from Minas Gerais, which may have a high diversity of CF rare mutations.
In the present study, we investigated the effects of acute intracerebroventricular (icv) insulin administration on central mechanisms regulating urinary sodium excretion in simultaneously centrally NG-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME)-injected unanesthetized rats. Male Wistar-Hannover rats were randomly assigned to one of five groups: a) icv 0.15 M NaCl-injected rats (control, N = 10), b) icv dose-response (1.26, 12.6 and 126 ng/3 µL) insulin-injected rats (N = 10), c) rats icv injected with 60 µg L-NAME in combination with NaCl (N = 10) or d) with insulin (N = 10), and e) subcutaneously insulin-injected rats (N = 5). Centrally administered insulin produced an increase in urinary output of sodium (NaCl: 855.6 ± 85.1 Δ%/min; 126 ng insulin: 2055 ± 310.6 Δ%/min; P = 0.005) and potassium (NaCl: 460.4 ± 100 Δ%/min; 126 ng insulin: 669.2 ± 60.8 Δ%/min; P = 0.025). The urinary sodium excretion response to icv 126 ng insulin microinjection was significantly attenuated by combined administration of L-NAME (126 ng insulin: 1935 ± 258.3 Δ%/min; L-NAME + 126 ng insulin: 582.3 ± 69.6 Δ%/min; P = 0.01). Insulin-induced natriuresis occurred by increasing post-proximal sodium excretion, despite an unchanged glomerular filtration rate. Although the rationale for decreased urinary sodium excretion induced by combined icv L-NAME and insulin administration is unknown, it is tempting to suggest that perhaps one of the efferent signals triggered by insulin in the CNS may be nitrergic in nature.
The objectives of this study were to determine if protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) could affect the hematologic response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) production, leukocyte migration, and blood leukocyte expression of CD11a/CD18. Two-month-old male Swiss mice were submitted to PEM (N = 30) with a low-protein diet (14 days) containing 4% protein, compared to 20% protein in the control group (N = 30). The total cellularity of blood, bone marrow, spleen, and bronchoalveolar lavage evaluated after the LPS stimulus indicated reduced number of total cells in all compartments studied and different kinetics of migration in malnourished animals. The in vitro migration assay showed reduced capacity of migration after the LPS stimulus in malnourished animals (45.7 ± 17.2 x 10(4) cells/mL) compared to control (69.6 ± 7.1 x 10(4) cells/mL, P ≤ 0.05), but there was no difference in CD11a/CD18 expression on the surface of blood leukocytes. In addition, the production of IL-1β in vivo after the LPS stimulus (180.7 pg·h-1·mL-1), and in vitro by bone marrow and spleen cells (41.6 ± 15.0 and 8.3 ± 4.0 pg/mL) was significantly lower in malnourished animals compared to control (591.1 pg·h-1·mL-1, 67.0 ± 23.0 and 17.5 ± 8.0 pg/mL, respectively, P ≤ 0.05). The reduced expression of IL-1β, together with the lower number of leukocytes in the central and peripheral compartments, different leukocyte kinetics, and reduced leukocyte migration capacity are factors that interfere with the capacity to mount an adequate immune response, being partly responsible for the immunodeficiency observed in PEM.