137 resultados para 4-aminoantipyrine


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SUMMARY The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report one case of DENV-1/DENV-4 co-infection in human serum detected by molecular tests. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype V and II for DENV-1 and DENV-4, respectively.


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Dengue is currently a major public-health problem. Dengue virus (DENV) is classified into four distinct serotypes, DENV 1-4. After 28 years of absence, DENV-4 was again detected in Brazil in 2010 in Roraima State, and one year later, the virus was identified in the northern Brazilian states of Amazonas and Pará, followed by Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In Minas Gerais, the first confirmed case of DENV-4 occurred in the municipality of Frutal in 2011 and has now been isolated from a growing number of patients. Although DENV-2 is associated with the highest risk of severe forms of the disease and death due to the infection, DENV-4 has also been associated with severe forms of the disease and an increasing risk of hemorrhagic manifestations. Herein, the first fatal case of confirmed DENV-4 in Brazil is reported. The patient was an 11-year-old girl from the municipality of Montes Claros in northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. She had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura as a comorbid condition and presented with a fulminant course of infection, leading to death due to hemorrhagic complications. Diagnosis was confirmed by detection of Dengue-specific antibodies using IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and semi-nested RT-PCR. Primary care physicians and other health-care providers should bear in mind that DENV-4 can also result in severe forms of the disease and lead to hemorrhagic complications and death, mainly when dengue infection is associated with coexisting conditions.


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There are few studies on the role of innate immune response in dermatophytosis. An investigation was conducted to define the involvement of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) 2 and 4 in localized (LD) and disseminated (DD) dermatophytosis due to T. rubrum. Fifteen newly diagnosed patients, eight patients with LD and seven with DD, defined by involvement of at least three body segments were used in this study. Controls comprised twenty skin samples from healthy individuals undergoing plastic surgery. TLR2 and TLR4 were quantified in skin lesions by immunohistochemistry. A reduced expression of TLR4 in the lower and upper epidermis of both LD and DD patients was found compared to controls; TLR2 expression was preserved in the upper and lower epidermis of all three groups. As TLR4 signaling induces the production of inflammatory cytokines and neutrophils recruitment, its reduced expression likely contributed to the lack of resolution of the infection and the consequent chronic nature of the dermatophytosis. As TLR2 expression acts to limit the inflammatory process and preserves the epidermal structure, its preserved expression may also contribute to the persistent infection and limited inflammation that are characteristic of dermatophytic infections.


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Os autores trataram 13 indivíduos com a doença de Chagas, 4 na fase aguda e 9 na fase crônica, forma indeterminada, com o CL 71.366 do Laboratório Lederle, usando diferentes esquemas terapêuticos nos dois grupos. Embora a droga fosse relativamente bem suportada pela maioria dos indivíduos, todos os chagásicos, após o tratamento, continuavam com parasitemia demonstrável pelos xenodiagnósticos, apesar do controle de cura não ter sido rigoroso. Concluem os autores pela ineficácia do medicamento no tratamento da doença de Chagas, nos esquemas utilizados.


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Realizou-se estudo do tipo duplo anonimato em 18 pacientes com hepatite aguda benigna. O gruoo experimental foi testado com uma provável droga de ação antiviral: 1-BETA-D-RIBOFURANOSIL, 1,2,4-TRIAZOLE-3- CARBOXAMIDE. O grupo controle ingeriu um placebo de lactose. Teve-se especial cuidado na seleção de pacientes, incluindo apenas pacientes que preenchessem critérios bem estabelecidos. Os pacientes foram seguidos semanalmente, avaliando-os clínica e laboratorialmente. Os resultados não evidenciaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, sugerindo-se estudos com casuística mais numerosa e em regime de internação hospitalar.


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An electron microscopy study shows that the administration of a single dose (500 mg/kg, p.o.) of 2-amino-5-(1-methyl-5-nitro-2-imidazolyl)-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole induces in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi results in degenerative lesions of the intracellular stages. Ultrastructural alterations are detected as early as 6 hours after the drug administration and destruction of the parasites occurs within 18 - 36 hours. Trypomastigotes are cleared from the bloodstream 4 to 6 hours after treatment. The combined effect on both developmental stages is apparently responsible for the in vivo ejfects of this drug which is the most active drug ever tested in our laboratory in experimental Chagas' disease.


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Através da prova de 7 dias foi estudado o grau de resistência do Plasmodium falciparum à cloroquina, amodiaquina e sulfadoxina-pirimetamina em Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas médias de parasitas nos dias de seguimento e nas proporções de resistência entre os três medicamentos testados, fazendo com que os autores recomendem a manutenção das 4-aminoquinoleínas como drogas a serem usadas atualmente em infecções não graves por P. falciparum na área de Porto Velho.


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Através da prova de 7 dias foram estudadas as respostas terapêuticas de 96 pacientes com malária falciparum não grave atendidos pela SUCAM em Imperatriz, Maranhão. Esses pacientes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de estudo, tendo o primeiro recebido cloroquina, o segundo amodiaquina e o terceiro a associação sulfadoxina-pirimetamina. Mesmo sem evidenciar significância estatística ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, as diferenças observadas nas respostas as 3 drogas apontam para a associação sulfadoxina-pirimetamina como a que produziu melhores resultados terapêuticos. Recomenda-se a monitorização contínua da resistência nas áreas malarígenas criticas.


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Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos seccionais sobre a doença de Chagas crônica, com intervalo de 4,5 anos, envolvendo as populações urbanas dos municípios de Água Branca, Catingueira, Emas, Imaculada, Mãe D'Àgua, Olho D'Àgua, Piancó e São José de Caiana, situados na região do Sertão do Estado da Paraíba. A evolução da cardiopatia foi avaliada em um grupo de 125 pares de pacientes chagásicos crônicos e não-chagásicos do mesmo sexo, idade e município de origem, através do exame eletrocardiográfico (ECG) de repouso. Foram considerados os seguintes tipos de evolução: inalterada - quando não havia mudança no padrão inicial do ECG; progressiva - quando havia mudança no padrão do ECG de normal para alterado ou pelo agravamento das alterações e normalização do ECG. No grupo de chagásicos a evolução inalterada ocorreu em 101 (80,8%)pacientes, progressiva em 13 (10,4%) e normalização do ECG em 11 (8,8%), enquanto no grupo de não-chagásicos foram observadas as mencionadas evoluções respectivamente em 117 (93,6%), 6 (4,8%) e 2 (1,6%) pacientes. Com esses dados podemos afirmar que a proporção de participação do componente etiológico exclusivamente chagásico na progressão da cardiopatia chagásica crônica foi de 5,9%, estimando-se uma média anual de 1,3%. Não houve diferença significativa nas freqüências de evolução progressiva em relação ao sexo dos pacientes, tanto no grupo de chagásicos como no de não-chagásicos. Por outro lado, a progressão da cardiopatia ocorreu mais precocemente nos chagásicos. A letalidade por cardiopatia foi 1,6% (2 casos) no grupo de chagásicos e de zero no de não chagásicos, no período considerado. Esses dados sobre a morbimortalidade podem ser considerados significativamente inferiores aos encontrados em áreas endêmicas como Virgem da Lapa e Pains-Iguatama, em Minas Gerais, provavelmente expressando o menor poder patogênico da infecção humana pelo Trypanosoma cruzi no Sertão da Paraíba.


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HIV-l isolation was attempted on 72 individuais, including persons with knoum HIV infection and five without proven HIV infection but with indeterminate Western blot patterns, as well as on low-risk HIV seronegative persons. The ahility to detect HIV- 1 frorn culture supernatant by p24 antigen capture assay was evaluated by segregating patients by absolute CD4+ cell counts, clinicai stage of disease, p24 antigenemia and zidovudine use. The likelihood of a p24 positive HIV culture was highest among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts below 200/ul and patients with advanced clinical disease. Use of zidovudine did not affect the rate ofHIV positwity in cultures.


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Vaccination of infants with conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines has been proven to reduce Hib meningitis by 95% and pneumoniae by 20%. The routine use of Hib vaccine is facilitated by the introduction of combination vaccines into the EPI (Expanded Plan of Immunization). The objective of this study was to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an extemporaneously mixed DTPw/Hib (diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis) combination, using the technology of two Brazilian manufacturers, against a licensed DTPw/Hib European combination in 108 infants vaccinated at 2, 4 and 6 months according to the local national schedule. The Brazilian combination was highly immunogenic with Hib seroprotection rates (anti-PRP > 0.15 mg /ml of 98% after 2 doses and 100% after 3). Also for tetanus and pertussis the new Brazilian combination was as immunogenic as the European counterpart, except the diphtheria seroprotection rates and titers were lower. There was also no clinically relevant difference in reactogenicity. If these feasibility results are confirmed, the Brazilian DTPw/Hib combination should help to boost the uptake of Hib vaccination in Brazil.