44 resultados para 307-U1317D
OBJETIVO: avaliar as taxas de mortalidade e morbidade de doentes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio (RVM) com circulação extracorpórea (CEC) que utilizaram rotineiramente o ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório (ETEio). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, observacional com avaliação de prontuários de 360 doentes no período entre abril de 2010 a abril de 2012. Foram analisados: idade, peso, altura sexo, EUROscore, diabete melito, fração de ejeção e artérias acometidas. Os desfechos foram compilados no intra e no pós-operatório (infarto do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral, disfunção renal, hemodiálise, fibrilação atrial, tempo de internação no centro de tratamento intensivo). RESULTADOS: foram incluídos 53 doentes, com 27 recebendo a monitoração. Foram excluídos 307 porque não foram operados pela mesma equipe cirúrgica. Os dois grupos foram homogêneos quanto a idade, peso e sexo, porém, a fração ejeção foi menor no grupo que recebeu o ecotransesofágico (G ETEio: 56,3%; G Não ETEio: 65,9% ± 11; p=0,01). Nos doentes em que não foi utilizado o ETEio, a mortalidade foi maior (G ETEio: 0% e G Não ETEio: 7,6%; p=0,01). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à incidência de acidente vascular encefálico, infarto agudo do miocárdio, fibrilação atrial aguda e lesão renal. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização do ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório em pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio, com circulação extracorpórea, diminuiu a mortalidade perioperatória; orientou quanto a utilização dos fármacos inotrópicos e vasodilatadores e contribuiu para uma melhor evolução dos doentes.
Objective: To develop and validate an instrument for measuring the acquisition of technical skills in conducting operations of increasing difficulty for use in General Surgery Residency (GSR) programs. Methods: we built a surgical skills assessment tool containing 11 operations in increasing levels of difficulty. For instrument validation we used the face validaity method. Through an electronic survey tool (Survey MonKey(r)) we sent a questionnaire to Full and Emeritus members of the Brazilian College of Surgeons - CBC - all bearers of the CBC Specialist Title. Results: Of the 307 questionnaires sent we received 100 responses. For the analysis of the data collected we used the Cronbach's alpha test. We observed that, in general, the overall alpha presented with values near or greater than 0.70, meaning good consistency to assess their points of interest. Conclusion: The evaluation instrument built was validated and can be used as a method of assessment of technical skill acquisition in the General Surgery Residency programs in Brazil.
Objetivos: investigar se a adição do swab de algodão à espátula de Ayre e o seu prévio umedecimento com solução salina fisiológica aumentam a obtenção de células endocervicais nos esfregaços colpocitológicos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo diagnóstico, randômico e simples cego envolvendo três técnicas de colheita (espátula de Ayre, combinação espátula de Ayre-swab de algodão seco e combinação espátula de Ayre-swab de algodão úmido). Foram avaliados 307 esfregaços preparados por estudantes de Medicina e residentes de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. Resultados: não houve aumento significativo na obtenção de células endocervicais (colunares e/ou metaplásicas), nem com a adição do "swab" seco (p = 0,2), tampouco com a do swab umidecido (p = 0,8). Conclusões: concluiu-se que, principalmente quando as colheitas forem realizadas por profissionais em treinamento e na ausência de outro dispositivo de coleta endocervical mais eficiente, é mais econômico utilizar apenas a espátula de Ayre no preparo do esfregaço.
Abortos e mortes neonatais são causas importantes de perdas reprodutivas na bovinocultura. Abortos causados por anomalias congênitas são esporádicos, mas podem ocorrer de forma epidêmica. Um levantamento retrospectivo realizado no setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul incluiu 307 casos de aborto bovino submetidos de setembro de 2001 a março de 2007. Em dez casos (3,5%), foram observadas anomalias congênitas, das quais, artrogripose, Amorphus globosus e fenda palatina (palatosquise) foram as mais freqüentes. Causas infecciosas foram investigadas, mas somente infecção por BVDV foi detectada por imunoistoquímica em um aborto com porencefalia.
Abutilon theophrasti and Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) are major weeds that affect cropping systems worldwide. Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the effects of temperature, pH, water and salinity stress, and planting depth on seed germination and seedling emergence of Velvetleaf and Barnyardgrass. For Velvetleaf, the base, optimum and ceiling germination temperatures were estimated as 5, 35 and 48 ºC, respectively. Seed germination was sensitive to drought stress and completely inhibited by a potential of -0.6 MPa, but it was tolerant to salinity. Salinity stress up to 45 mM had no effect on the germination of Velvetleaf, but germination decreased with increasing salt concentration. Drought and salinity levels for 50% inhibition of maximum germination were -0.3 MPa and 110 mM, respectively. Seed germination of Velvetleaf was tolerant to a wide range of pH levels. For Barnyardgrass, the base, optimum and ceiling germination temperatures were estimated as 5, 38 and 45 ºC, respectively. Seed germination was tolerant to drought stress and completely inhibited by a potential of -1.0 MPa. Salinity stress up to 250 mM had no effect on seed germination. Drought and salinity levels for 50% inhibition of maximum germination were -0.5 MPa and 307 mM, respectively. A high percentage of seed germination was observed at pH=5 and decreased to 61.5% at acidic medium (pH 4) and to 11% at alkaline medium (pH 9). Maximum seedling emergence of Velvetleaf and Barnyardgrass occurred when the seeds were placed on the surface of the soil or at a depth of 1 cm.
Many clinical and epidemiological studies have demonstrated the relationship between serum ferritin and ischemic heart disease. In the present study we evaluated the relationship between coronary heart disease (CHD) and serum ferritin levels in patients submitted to coronary arteriography. We evaluated 307 patients (210 (68.7%) males; median age: 60 years) who were submitted to coronary angiography, measurement of serum ferritin and identification of clinical events of ischemic heart disease. Serum ferritin is reported as quartiles. Ninety-six patients (31.27%) had normal coronary angiography (group 1) and 211 (68.73%) had coronary heart disease (group 2). Of the patients with CHD, 61 (28.9%) had serum ferritin levels higher than 194 ng/ml (4th quartile), as opposed to only 14 (14.58%) of those without CHD (P = 0.0067). In the 2nd quartile, 39 patients (18.48%) had CHD, while 35 patients (36.46%) had normal coronary arteries (P = 0.00064). Multivariate analysis of the data showed that the difference between groups was not statistically significant (P = 0.33). We conclude that there is no independent relationship between coronary heart disease and increased levels of serum ferritin.
The repercussions of secondary hyperparathyroidism on the nutritional status of chronic renal failure patients have not been well established. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the nutritional indices of hemodialysis patients with and without secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sixteen hemodialysis patients with serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels higher than 420 pg/ml (hyperparathyroidism group) were matched for gender, age and length of dialysis treatment to 16 patients with serum PTH between 64 and 290 pg/ml (control group). The following parameters were assessed: anthropometric indices (body mass index, skinfold thickness, midarm muscle circumference and body fat), 4-day food diaries, protein catabolic rate, biochemical indices (blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, albumin, ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus, serum alkaline phosphatase, PTH, pH and HCO3) and dialysis efficiency. We did not observe differences in the anthropometric indices between the two groups. Only calcium intake was significantly different between groups (307.9 mg/day for the hyperparathyroidism group vs 475.8 mg/day for the control group). Protein catabolic rate tended to be higher in the hyperparathyroidism group compared to the control group (1.3 vs 0.9 g kg-1 day-1; P = 0.08). Except for blood urea nitrogen (86.4 vs 75.7 mg/dl), alkaline phosphatase (175 vs 65 U/l) and PTH (898 vs 155 pg/ml), no other differences were found between groups in the biochemical indices studied. PTH was directly correlated with protein catabolic rate (r = 0.61; P<0.05) and length of dialysis (r = 0.53; P<0.05) only in the hyperparathyroidism group. Considering the indices used, we could not demonstrate the deleterious effect of high PTH levels on the nutritional status of hemodialysis patients. Indirect evidence, however, suggests an action of PTH on protein metabolism.
Mechanical ventilation with high tidal volumes (V T) has been shown to induce lung injury. We examined the hypothesis that this procedure induces lung injury with inflammatory features. Anesthetized male Wistar rats were randomized into three groups: group 1 (N = 12): V T = 7 ml/kg, respiratory rate (RR) = 50 breaths/min; group 2 (N = 10): V T = 21 ml/kg, RR = 16 breaths/min; group 3 (N = 11): V T = 42 ml/kg, RR = 8 breaths/min. The animals were ventilated with fraction of inspired oxygen of 1 and positive end-expiratory pressure of 2 cmH2O. After 4 h of ventilation, group 3, compared to groups 1 and 2, had lower PaO2 [280 (range 73-458) vs 517 (range 307-596), and 547 mmHg (range 330-662), respectively, P<0.05], higher wet lung weight [3.62 ± 0.91 vs 1.69 ± 0.48 and 1.44 ± 0.20 g, respectively, P<0.05], and higher wet lung weight/dry lung weight ratio [18.14 (range 11.55-26.31) vs 7.80 (range 4.79-12.18), and 6.34 (range 5.92-7.04), respectively, P<0.05]. Total cell and neutrophil counts were higher in group 3 compared to groups 1 and 2 (P<0.05), as were baseline TNF-alpha concentrations [134 (range <10-386) vs 16 (range <10-24), and 17 pg/ml (range <10-23), respectively, P<0.05]. Serum TNF-alpha concentrations reached a higher level in group 3, but without statistical significance. These results suggest that mechanical ventilation with high V T induces lung injury with inflammatory characteristics. This ventilatory strategy can affect the release of TNF-alpha in the lungs and can reach the systemic circulation, a finding that may have relevance for the development of a systemic inflammatory response.
During routine investigations, we are surprised to find that therapy for bone metastases is sometimes delayed for a considerable period of time. To determine the extent of this delay and its causes, we reviewed the medical records of symptomatic patients seen at our hospital who had been recently diagnosed as having bone metastases for the last four years. The treatment delay was defined as the interval between presentation with symptoms and definitive treatment for bone metastases. The diagnostic delay was defined as the interval between presentation with symptoms and diagnosis of bone metastases. The results of diagnostic radiological examinations were also reviewed for errors. The study population included 76 males and 34 females with a median age of 66 years. Most bone metastases were diagnosed radiologically. Over 75% of patients were treated with radiotherapy. The treatment delay ranged from 2 to 307 days, with a mean of 53.3 days. In 490 radiological studies reviewed, we identified 166 (33.9%) errors concerning 62 (56.4%) patients. The diagnostic delay was significantly longer for patients with radiological errors than for patients without radiological errors (P < 0.001), and much of it was due to radiological errors. In conclusion, the treatment delay in patients with symptomatic bone metastases was much longer than expected, and much of it was caused by radiological errors. Considerable efforts should therefore be made to more carefully examine the radiological studies in order to ensure prompt treatment of bone metastases.
The aim of the present study was to compare the clinical findings and polysomnography results obtained at public and private clinics in Brazil, the follow-up after diagnosis, and the therapeutic aspects related to continuous positive airway pressure. Patients who snore and who have obstructive sleep apnea were retrospectively divided into two groups, i.e., public clinic (N = 307) and private clinic (N = 317). Data concerning age, sex, body mass index (BMI), neck circumference, medical history, sleepiness scale, follow-up after diagnosis, and acceptance of continuous positive airway pressure therapy were collected. Mean age was 50 ± 12 (range: 15-80) for public patients and 48 ± 12 years (range: 19-91) for private patients. Mean BMI was 30 ± 6 (range: 19-67) for public patients and 31 ± 6 kg/m² (range: 21-59) for private patients. The public clinic had a significantly higher frequency of women than the private clinic (M:F ratio of 2.0:1 and 6.9:1, respectively). The condition of private patients (apnea-hypopnea index = 31 ± 25) was more severe than that of public patients (apnea-hypopnea index = 25 ± 24 events/h; P = 0.0004). In the public and private clinics, 19 and 15% of patients were snorers, respectively, and 81 and 85% of them had sleep apnea. After diagnosis, follow-up was longer in the private group. The continuous positive airway pressure acceptance was similar for both groups (32 vs 35%), but patients from the public clinic abandoned treatment more than private ones (65 vs 13%). Social status was significant in terms of the severity of obstructive sleep apnea age and gender distribution. Private patients look for a diagnosis earlier in the course of the disease than public patients, adhere more to follow-up, and abandon continuous positive airway pressure treatment less than public patients do.
In the present study we determined the efficacy of the measurement of fecal cortisol and androgen metabolite concentrations to monitor adrenal and testicular activity in the jaguar (Panthera onca). Three captive male jaguars were chemically restrained and electroejaculated once or twice within a period of two months. Fecal samples were collected daily for 5 days before and 5 days after the procedure and stored at -20ºC until extraction. Variations in the concentrations of cortisol and androgen metabolites before and after the procedure were determined by solid phase cortisol and testosterone radioimmunoassay and feces dry weight was determined by drying at 37ºC for 24 h under vacuum. On four occasions, fecal cortisol metabolite levels were elevated above baseline (307.8 ± 17.5 ng/g dry feces) in the first fecal sample collected after the procedure (100 to 350% above baseline). On one occasion, we did not detect any variation. Mean (± SEM) fecal androgen concentration did not change after chemical restraint and electroejaculation (before: 131.1 ± 26.7, after: 213.7 ± 43.6 ng/g dry feces). These data show that determination of fecal cortisol and androgen metabolites can be very useful for a noninvasive assessment of animal well-being and as a complement to behavioral, physiological, and pathological studies. It can also be useful for the study of the relationship between adrenal activity and reproductive performance in the jaguar.
Fetal hemoglobin (HbF), encoded by the HBG2 and HBG1 genes, is the best-known genetic modulator of sickle cell anemia, varying dramatically in concentration in the blood of these patients. This variation is partially associated with polymorphisms located in the promoter region of the HBG2 and HBG1 genes. In order to explore known and unknown polymorphisms in these genes, the sequences of their promoter regions were screened in sickle cell anemia patients and correlated with both their HbF levels and their βS-globin haplotypes. Additionally, the sequences were compared with genes from 2 healthy groups, a reference one (N = 104) and an Afro-descendant one (N = 98), to identify polymorphisms linked to the ethnic background.The reference group was composed by healthy individuals from the general population. Four polymorphisms were identified in the promoter region of HBG2 and 8 in the promoter region of HBG1 among the studied groups. Four novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located at positions -324, -317, -309 and -307 were identified in the reference group. A deletion located between -396 and -391 in the HBG2 promoter region and the SNP -271 C→T in the HBG1 promoter region were associated with the Central African Republic βS-globin haplotype. In contrast, the -369 C→G and 309 A→G SNPs in the HBG2 promoter region were correlated to the Benin haplotype. The polymorphisms -396_-391 del HBG2, -369 SNP HBG2 and -271 SNP HBG1 correlated with HbF levels. Hence, we suggest an important role of HBG2 and HBG1 gene polymorphisms on the HbF synthesis.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is associated with neuroplasticity and synaptic strength, and is decreased in conditions associated with chronic stress. Nevertheless, BDNF has not yet been investigated in psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory systemic disease that is exacerbated by stress. Therefore, our aim was to determine BDNF plasma levels in psoriasis patients and healthy controls. Adult patients (n=94) presenting with psoriasis for at least 1 year were enrolled, and age- and gender-matched with healthy controls (n=307) from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Participants had neither a previous history of coronary artery disease nor current episode of major depression. BDNF plasma levels were determined using the Promega ELISA kit. A general linear model was used to compare BDNF levels in psoriasis patients and controls, with age, gender, systolic blood pressure, serum fasting glucose, blood lipid levels, triglycerides, smoking status, and body mass index examined. After adjusting for clinical and demographic variables, significantly decreased BNDF plasma levels were observed in psoriasis patients (P=0.01) (estimated marginal means of 3922 pg/mL; 95%CI=2660-5135) compared with controls (5788 pg/mL; 95%CI=5185-6442). Similar BDNF levels were found in both mild and severe cases of psoriasis. Our finding, that BDNF is decreased in psoriasis, supports the concept of a brain-skin connection in psoriasis. Further studies should determine if BDNF is increased after specific psoriasis treatments, and associated with different disease stages.
Spirulina maxima é uma cianobactéria de grande interesse para a produção de substâncias nutritivas e terapêuticas. É mesofílica, essencialmente fotoautotrófica, sendo suas principais fontes de nitrogênio os nitratos, uréia ou sais de amônio em meios com alta alcalinidade [1, 2, 3, 10, 16]. Spirulina maxima foi cultivada em fermentadores, expostos a luz com intensidade de 2400lux, contendo 3L do meio proposto por PAOLETTI, PUSHPARAJ & TOMASELLI [7] com concentração de 2,5g/L de KNO3, em meio modificado com 0,2g/L de KNO3 e em meio sem fonte de nitrogênio, denominados respectivamente meios 2,5N, 0,2N e SN, visando observar as alterações provocadas em sua composição final. Em culturas crescidas a 35ºC observou-se redução do teor de proteínas na massa celular seca de 28,84% e de 32,87%, aumento do teor de carboidratos de 30,34% e de 54,21% e aumento dos lipídios totais de 287,90% e 277,37%, quando se utilizou os meios 0,2N e SN, respectivamente, em comparação com o meio 2,5N. O teor de cinzas mostrou variação desprezível. Quando a temperatura de cultivo foi reduzida para 25ºC, ocorreu uma redução do teor de proteínas da massa seca de 40,28% e 39,02%, aumento de teor de carboidratos de 88,90% e de 91,15% e aumento do teor de lipídios totais em 321,25% e de 307,08%, quando se utilizou os meios 0,2N e SN em comparação com o meio 2,5N, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram alterações sensíveis na composição da biomassa seca, com a diminuição do teor de nitrogênio e da temperatura de cultivo, exceto no teor de cinzas que não foi significativo.