77 resultados para 3 Comorbidity Indexes
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the Women's Health Questionnaire. METHODS: In order to evaluate the Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ), an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at the women's menopause outpatient clinic of a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. There were studied 87 women in perimenopause or menopause, defined as experiencing at least one year's absence of menstrual flow. The following variables were collected: demographic data, clinical variables (Kupperman index and correlate numeric scale) and quality of life indexes (SF-36 and utility). RESULTS: The WHQ proved to be a questionnaire easily translated into Portuguese and well-adjusted to Brazilian women. The internal consistency of the overall WHQ was excellent (Cronbach alpha =0.83; 95% CI: 0.71-0.91). Test-retest reliability was also excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]=0.92; 95% IC: 0.86-0.96) and had good absolute agreement (0.84; 95% CI: 0.71-0.92). A satisfactory clinical validity was observed. The construct validity was corroborated by clear associations with others scales. A good index of responsiveness after the intervention was reached. CONCLUSIONS: The Portuguese version of the WHQ is of easy and fast administration and understanding. Its measuring properties were related, allowing its use in the evaluation of Brazilian climacteric women's quality of life for various purposes.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of implementing long-stay beds for patients of low complexity and high dependency in small hospitals on the performance of an emergency referral tertiary hospital. METHODS For this longitudinal study, we identified hospitals in three municipalities of a regional department of health covered by tertiary care that supplied 10 long-stay beds each. Patients were transferred to hospitals in those municipalities based on a specific protocol. The outcome of transferred patients was obtained by daily monitoring. Confounding factors were adjusted by Cox logistic and semiparametric regression. RESULTS Between September 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014, 97 patients were transferred, 72.1% male, with a mean age of 60.5 years (SD = 1.9), for which 108 transfers were performed. Of these patients, 41.7% died, 33.3% were discharged, 15.7% returned to tertiary care, and only 9.3% tertiary remained hospitalized until the end of the analysis period. We estimated the Charlson comorbidity index – 0 (n = 28 [25.9%]), 1 (n = 31 [56.5%]) and ≥ 2 (n = 19 [17.5%]) – the only variable that increased the chance of death or return to the tertiary hospital (Odds Ratio = 2.4; 95%CI 1.3;4.4). The length of stay in long-stay beds was 4,253 patient days, which would represent 607 patients at the tertiary hospital, considering the average hospital stay of seven days. The tertiary hospital increased the number of patients treated in 50.0% for Intensive Care, 66.0% for Neurology and 9.3% in total. Patients stayed in long-stay beds mainly in the first 30 (50.0%) and 60 (75.0%) days. CONCLUSIONS Implementing long-stay beds increased the number of patients treated in tertiary care, both in general and in system bottleneck areas such as Neurology and Intensive Care. The Charlson index of comorbidity is associated with the chance of patient death or return to tertiary care, even when adjusted for possible confounding factors.
Os A.A. analisam as alterações histopatológicas observadas em 378 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar da localidade de Três Braços Estado da Bahia, dos quais 307 eram de portadores de lesões exclusivamente cutâneas, 54 de portadores de lesões exclusivamnte mucosas e 17 de portadores de lesões cutâneo-mucosas. A infiltração histiolinfoplasmocitária, na maioria dos casos, parece desempenhar o papel de resposta celular inespecífica à presença de um irritante tecidual, porém, nos casos de forma mucosa, não se pode afastar a possibilidade de que esse infiltrado esteja participando de uma reação de tipo autoagressivo. O plasmócito constitui um elemento quase constante nas lesões desenvolvidas, mas não tem sido observado nas lesões residuais, quer em via de cura ou já cicatrizadas; sua presença nestes casos denota, quase sempre, tendência à recidiva. Os mastdcitos foram observados em lesões tanto da forma cutânea como da forma mucosa, mas predominavam nas primeiras. Seu número foi significantemente maior no padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Neerótico Granulomatosa, onde os fenômenos necróticos são bem desenvolvidos. Os eosinófilos apresentaram associação significativa com os mastócitos, confirmando a existência de um eixo bidirecional entre estás duas células, o qual deve participar da modulação inflamatória, na Leishmaniose Tegumentar. Dois tipos de reação granulomatosa foram observados: um desorganizado, em relação, muitas vezes, com a necrose tissular, e outro organizado, mais raro, do tipo tuberculóide. O primeiro foi interpretado como de origem pós-necrótica, surgindo com a redução da carga parasitária, propiciada pelos fenômenos necróticos: eliminado o antígeno e mantidos os níveis de anticorpos, surgem as condições necessárias ao estabelecimento do granuloma, semelhante àquele observado nas lesões por imunocomplexo em excesso de anticorpos. O outro tipo de reação foi o granuloma de células epiteliódes, que surgiu em dois grupos de pacientes. Nos pacientes jovens, com doença de curto tempo de evolução e intradermorreação não exacerbada, este tipo de granuloma talvez seja a expressão da Hipersensibilidade Granulomatosa Específica, descrita por EPSTEIN (1977). No outro grupo de pacientes, havia em todos intradermorreação exacerbada. Nestes casos a hipersensibilidade granulomatosa, associando-se ã hipersensibilidade mediada por células agora ampliada pelo seqüestro do antígeno , reforçaria o processo granulomatoso, através da reverberação do estímulo antígênico; isso tornaria o tratamento mais difícil e pior o prognóstico para o caso.
An epidemiological study for histoplasmosis coccidioidomycosis and cryptococcosis made in five areas of the province of Córdoba is presented. The data obtained showed a global positivity of 41.1% for histoplasmin 26.7% for coccidioidin and 14.1% for cryptococcin. In some areas, the Rio III basin and Traslasierra, the histoplasmosis infection indexes were much higher, 53,3% and 73.1% respectively. The index of positive skin tests with Cryptococcus antigen in Traslasierra was also very high: 31.9%.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar a desnutrição protéico-energética associada a parasitose intestinal em grupo de 149 crianças de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 3 a 72 meses, da cidade de Mirassol D'Oeste, na região do Projeto Polonoroeste em Mato Grosso. De cada criança foram coletados os seguintes dados: sexo, peso, idade e amostra de fezes para exame parasitológico. Os dados peso/idade obtidos foram analisados pelos critérios de GOMEZ. Utilizou-se como padrão de referência o National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS). Para diagnóstico dos parasitas intestinais executou-se o método de Hoffman, Pons e Janer. O grupo estudado constitui-se em sua maioria de crianças desnutridas, sendo a forma leve de desnutrição mais comum que as formas moderada e grave. As enteroparasitoses foram encontradas em 69% das amostras examinadas. A "Giardia lamblia" foi o protozoário mais comum e o "Ancilostomídeo" o helminto mais encontrado. O teste X² não mostrou relação de dependência entre o estado nutricional e a freqüência de enteroparasitoses.
Performance indexes of the peroxidase antibody test were compared to that of the fluorescent antibody test. The peroxidase antibody test had a statistically higher sensitivity and negative predictive value and a higher efficiency than the fluorescent antibody test but its specificity and positive predictive value were within the 95% confidence limits for the values found for the fluorescent antibody test. Such differences did not change when Chagas' disease and visceral leishmaniasis sera were included in index calculations. Statistical analysis showed that the two tests have a substantial degree of agreement but the immunofluorescent test had a specificity index and a positive predictive value equal to 100.0% when Chagas' disease and visceral leishmaniasis sera were not included in the calculations of the performance index; in this instance, a positive test result equals a disclosure of the disease attribute due to the inexistence of false positive results. The enzyme/ protein ratio of the peroxidase conjugate, resulting in heavy or light-labeled conjugates may pose technical problems to its use in serology tests.
Quatro grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus) não isogênicos foram infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercárias (das cepas LE e SJ do S. mansoni) não irradiadas (grupos controles) e irradiadas com 3 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, com a finalidade de observar o efeito da irradiação gama sobre a fertilidade das fêmeas e a sobrevida dos vermes no sistema porta. A partir do 33º dia ocorre uma certa estabilidade na população dos vermes sobreviventes, ficando esta população constante, notadamente em relação à cepa LE, até o final das observações (90º dia). Concluiu-se que esta dose de radiação gama impede a produção de ovos dos vermes em 98,1% dos camundongos infectados, sendo mortos todos os ovos detectados; as fêmeas são mais resistentes à irradiação e o efeito desta sobre a mortalidade dos machos somente se torna estatisticamente significativo a partir do 61º dia de infecção. O longo tempo de permanência de vermes adultos irradiados estéreis no sistema porta de camundongos e o seu provável envolvimento no desenvolvimento de imunoproteção, tipo imunidade concomitante sem as implicações imunopatológicas para o hospedeiro, são discutidos nesse trabalho.
In an attempt to find a better T. cruzi antigen and possible immunological markers for the diagnosis of different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, amastigote and trypomastigote antigens obtained from immunosuppressed mice infected with T. cruzi (Y strain) were assessed in comparison with conventional epimastigote antigens. A total of 506 serum samples from patients with acute and with chronic (indeterminate, cardiac and digestive) forms, from nonchagasic infections, and from healthy individuals were assayed in immunofluorescence (IF) tests, to search for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Amastigote proved to be the most convenient antigen for our purposes, providing higher relative efficiency indexes of 0.946, 0.871 and 0.914 for IgG, IgM and IgA IF tests, respectively. Anti-amastigote antibodies presented higher geometric mean titers (GMT) than anti-trypomastigote and anti-epimastigote. Anti-amastigote IgG antibodies were found in all forms of Chagas' disease, and predominantly IgA antibodies, in chronic digestive and in acute forms, as well as IgM antibodies, in latter forms. Thus, tests with amastigote antigen could be helpful for screening chagasic infections in blood banks. Practical and economical aspects in obtaining amastigotes as here described speak in favour of its use in developing countries, since those from other sources require more complex system of substruction, specialized personnel or equipment.
Diagnostic performance indexes of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and efficiency were determined for dot-ELISA and IgG-ELISA tests in 340 leishmaniasis sera. Sensitivity of the dot-ELISA was significantly lower than IgG-ELISA's; the two tests had indexes of specificity and positive predictive value of the same magnitude. Seventy-eight sera gave a negative dot-ELISA test result and a positive IgG-ELISA test result. When sera were classified according to different criteria as how to interpret this diversity, the kappa statistic did not corroborate the classification indicating that the two tests display a substantial strength of agreement. The results presented indicate that performance indexes accrued in a survey where variables arc well known may be extrapolated to other population studies if the disease presents itself as highly prevalent (due to a selection bias or not) and may be expected to discriminate a disease status among test positives.
In the São Paulo State, Brazil, where the Biomphalaria tenagophila is the intermediate host, the Ribeira Valley is an important endemic schistosomiasis mansoni area. During last eleven years there has been intense control measures focusing on schistosomiasis. The efforts have been concentrated in the municipalities of Pedro de Toledo and Itariri. We determined the susceptibility of B. tenagophila to sympatric strain of S. mansoni, both recently isolated from Itariri field. In 1988, this strain was isolated and maintained in the experimental model: Swiss mice - sympatric B. tenagophila. The second generation of the worm was evaluated. The snail were divided in the three groups of 60 snails each. One group was exposed to 1 miracidium and other to 10. The third group was the control. The mortality and the shedding of cercariae were checked during 78 days. After that, the positive snails were observed until they ceased to shed cercariae. The exposed molluscs showed mortality rates of 23% and 31% and infection indexes were of 8% and 60% to 1 and 10 miracidia respectively. The mortality was of 22% in the control group. The periods of shedding cercariae in the two groups were 82 and 104 days. We can conclude that B. tenagophila is an effective intermediate host to the sympatric strain of S. mansoni sympatric strain
Two groups of patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) maintenance were evaluated for their antibody response to non-structural c100/3 protein and structural core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Forty-six patients (Group 1) never presented liver abnormalities during HD treatment, while 52 patients (Group 2) had either current or prior liver enzyme elevations. Prevalence rates of 32.6% and 41.3% were found for anti-c100/3 and anti-HCV core antibodies, respectively, in patients with silent infections (Group 1). The rate of anti-c100/3 in patients of Group 2 was 71.15% and reached 86.5% for anti-HCV core antibodies. The recognition of anti-c100/3 and anti-core antibodies was significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. A line immunoassay composed of structural and non-structural peptides was used as a confirmation assay. HBV infection, measured by the presence of anti-HBc antibodies, was observed in 39.8% of the patients. Six were HBsAg chronic carriers and 13 had naturally acquired anti-HBs antibodies. The duration of HD treatment was correlated with anti-HCV positivity. A high prevalence of 96.7% (Group 2) was found in patients who underwent more than 5 years of treatment. Our results suggest that anti-HCV core ELISA is more accurate for detecting HCV infection than anti-c100/3. Although the risk associated with the duration of HD treatment and blood transfusion was high, additional factors such as a significant non-transfusional spread of HCV seems to play a role as well. The identification of infective patients by more sensitive methods for HCV genome detection should help to control the transmission of HCV in the unit under study.
The currently used pre-exposure anti-rabies immunization schedule in Brazil is the one called 3+1, employing suckling mouse brain vaccine (3 doses on alternate days and the last one on day 30). Although satisfactory results were obtained in well controlled experimental groups using this immunization schedule, in our routine practice, VNA levels lower than 0.5 IU/ml are frequently found. We studied the pre-exposure 3+1 schedule under field conditions in different cities on the State of São Paulo, Brazil, under variable and sometimes adverse circumstances, such as the use of different batches of vaccine with different titers, delivered, stored and administered under local conditions. Fifty out of 256 serum samples (19.5%) showed VNA titers lower than 0.5 IU/ml, but they were not distributed homogeneously among the localities studied. While in some cities the results were completely satisfactory, in others almost 40% did not attain the minimum VNA titer required. The results presented here, considered separately, question our currently used procedures for human pre-exposure anti-rabies immunization. The reasons determining this situation are discussed.