49 resultados para 157-951
Em levantamento nematológico realizado durante quatro anos (1977-1981), envolvendo 157 amostras de raízes e solo da rizosfera de bananeiras (Musa spp.) coletadas em diversos estados brasileiros, obtiveram-se as seguintes porcentagens, de amostras positivas e densidades populacionais em 10g de raízes, respectiva mente para as espécies de nematóides identificadas: Helicotylenchus dihystera (23,5%-272), Heliootylenchus multicinctus (80,2%-1770), Macroposthonia ornata (1,2%-122), Meloidogyne spp.(55,4%--725), Radopholus sinilis (43,3%-1326), Rotylenchulus reniformis (7,6%-225) e Tylenchus sp. (0,6%-114). H. multicinatus foi a espécie mais abundante e distribuída. R. similis foi encontrado somente em áreas cultivadas com bananeiras Cavendish, com elevadas populações associadas a marcantes sintomas de presença do parasito. Meloidogyne spp. e //. dihyslera foram espécies amplamente distribuídas e possivelmente causem danos econômicos. A ocorrência ainda restrita de R. similis sugere a adoção de enérgicas medidas de controle visando a impedir a sua disseminação no País e a proteção de outros cultivos eventuais hospedeiros.
O trabalho foi conduzido em área de pasto já formado e rebaixado, situado na Fazenda Canchim (UEPAE de São Carlos EMBRAPA), São Carlos - SP, em Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, fase arenosa. Com a finalidade de avaliar a concentração e acúmulo de micronutrientes a partir dos 30 dias após o rebaixamento até aos 180 dias. A área foi adubada com nitrogênio correspondendo à 250 kg de sulfato de amônio por hectare. Em intervalos de 30 dias após o rebaixamento até aos 180 dias, foram coletadas quatro metros quadrados das plantas ao acaso, sem sub dividir em folhas e caules O material seco à 80°C, foi analisado para Cu, Zn, B, Mn e Fe. Os autores concluíram que: . A concentração de cobre é mais elevada aos 30 dias com 7,63ppm. . A concentração de zinco é maxima aos 180 dias com 22,66 ppm e mínima aos 120 dias com 12, 42ppm . A concentração de boro e maxima aos 150 dias com 11,76 ppm e mínima aos 60 dias com 1,69 ppm. . A concentração de manganês é máxima aos 180 dias com 133,85 ppm e mínima aos 30 dias com 49,64 ppm. . A concentração de ferro é máxima aos 180 dias com 236,25 ppm e mínima aos 90 dias com 136,22ppm . O acúmulo de cobre é máximo aos 90 dias. . O acúmulo de boro de mangês é máximo aos 180 dias. . O acúmulo de zinco e ferro não diferiu nas diferentes idades. A exportação de micronutrientes contida na produção máxima de 1.425 kg de matéria seca por hectare obedece a seguinte ordem: ferro - 286 g; manganês - 157 g; zinco - 23g; boro - 13,2g e cobre 7,6 g.
A fim de pesquisar o efeito dos níveis de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 e 300 ppm de cálcio na solução nutritiva sobre a composição de micronutrientes no milheto forrageiro, foi conduzido um experimento na casa de vegetação, durante trita e oito dias. Após este período as plantas foram coletadas e divididas em folhas adjacentes a espiga, folhas não adjacentes, espigas e colmos que foram secas a 70°-80°C e analisadas para B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Os micronutrientes acumularam-se na seguinte ordem: B-157,7 mg nas folhas adjacentes; 1308,5 mg nas folhas não adjacentes; Zn - 152,3 mg nos nos colmos e 1254,6 mg nas espigas; Cu - 10,3 mg nas folhas adjacentes e 118,5 mg nas espigas; Fe - 344,8 mg nas folhas e 4344,1 mg nos colmos e até 1749,3 mg nas folhas não adjacentes; Mn - 120,5 mg nos colmos e 1749,9 nas folhas não adjacentes. Verificaram, ainda, os autores que os níveis de cálcio reduziram a concentração de Zn, Cu, Fe e Mn nas plantas. Os níveis de cálcio não reduziram a absorção de B. Finalmente constataram que sob o ponto de vista de nutrição animal os níveis de cálcio não afetaram os requerimentos mínimos dos elementos.
The study reports the changes ocurred in feeding ecology of fish species during a tropical river reservoir formation. It was analysed the stomachal contents of 399 individuals belonging to four species of genus Leporinus (L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849, n=157; L.friderici (Bloch, 1794), n=87; L. octofasciatus Steindachner, 1917, n=107; L.amblyrhynchus Garavello & Britski, 1987, n=48) during formation of Nova Ponte reservoir, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1993 and 1994. Specimens were separated by sampling period, according with the rate of filling of the reservoir, and standard lenght classes. The species had included in diet vegetal and animal items of autochtone and alochtone origin in several proportions. L. amblyrhynchus fed on basically dipterans in all the sampling periods and length classes. L. elongatus had presented a diverse diet, with predominance of dipterans and vegetal items, and changed the consumed items proportions along the sampling periods and between lenght classes. L. friderici diet was composed mainly by terrestrial insects during the rapid filling period, that were later substituted by fishes and vegetal items. Ontogenetic trophic changes were observed in this species. L. octofasciatus presented a well characterized herbivorous diet, without trophic ontogeny, but with a opportunistic character. Just three pair-species, L. amblyrhynchus-L. elongatus, L. friderici-L. octofasciatus and L. elongatus-L. octofasciatus, have presented some high value of trophic overlap in at least one sampling period. In spite of the fishes of the genus Leporinus being classified like omnivorous in a general way, the differences found between diets of these four species suggest that there is structuration of trophic niches in the reservoir.
A região costeira de Itaipu, Rio de Janeiro é guarnecida por três ilhas, formando uma enseada semi-abrigada porém com ampla comunicação com o mar. Esta enseada recebe o aporte de águas do complexo lagunar Itaipu-Piratininga, além da influência de massas d'água oceânicas, constituindo uma área de intensa atividade pesqueira artesanal. Utilizando-se dados provenientes do monitoramento mensal da pesca artesanal (arrastos-de-praia, redes de emalhe e linha de mão), de arrastos experimentais em zona de arrebentação, censos visuais sub-aquáticos (ilhas da Menina, Mãe e Pai) e um experimento multiamostral na lagoa de Itaipu, elaborou-se uma lista de espécies de peixes que ocorrem na região, observando-se as suas conectividades e afinidades aos diversos habitats locais, incluindo a enseada, os recifes rochosos, a zona de arrebentação e a lagoa de Itaipu. Foram identificadas 183 espécies, sendo 26 Elasmobranchii, agrupados em 13 famílias e 157 espécies de Actinopterygii (63 famílias). A pesca de arrasto-de-praia capturou o maior número de espécies (112), seguida das redes de emalhe (94) e da linha de mão (35). Os arrastos na zona de arrebentação (picaré), capturaram apenas 49 espécies (oito exclusivas), principalmente juvenis e sem importância comercial. Os censos visuais identificaram um total de 41 espécies, sendo 21 exclusivas e de caráter críptico. No interior da lagoa de Itaipu foram registradas 46 espécies, 18 exclusivas de caráter ocasional. A análise de agrupamento, incluindo 106 espécies de ocorrência não exclusiva, resultou na formação de oito grupos. Os grupos A e B foram constituídos por espécies associadas exclusivamente às atividades de pesca na enseada, incluindo algumas espécies de interesse comercial. O grupo C reuniu as espécies comuns às pescarias cujos juvenis ocorrem na zona de arrebentação. O grupo D classificou espécies de ocorrência comum à pesca e às ilhas. O grupo E foi representado por espécies associadas à pesca e ocorrentes na lagoa (mugilídeos, gerreídeos e clupeídeos); o grupo F, por espécies ausentes apenas nas ilhas; o grupo G, por espécies ausentes apenas na lagoa e o grupo H, por espécies comuns a todas as áreas amostradas. Comparativamente a outras áreas do sudeste brasileiro, a região costeira de Itaipu representa uma importante área de agregação de diversidade e biomassa da ictiofauna, possibilitando a formação de associações de espécies e a conectividade entre os diferentes habitats locais.
Utilizando o método de deslocamento modal para a identificação das idades, estimou-se o crescimento do siri-azul Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 em duas áreas de pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre fevereiro de 2005 e março de 2006 no Saco da Mangueira e Saco do Arraial por meio de arrasto de rede de portas da pesca artesanal. Coletou-se um total de 2.609 animais, sendo 1.193 machos e 1.416 fêmeas. Para obtenção das curvas de crescimento utilizou-se o modelo de von Bertalanffy. As curvas foram validadas pela sua adequação ao ciclo de vida e aspectos biológicos da espécie. O tamanho máximo de largura de carapaça (LCmáx) utilizado foi mantido fixo em todas as análises (LCmáx=162,71mm; ± d.p.=3,10 para machos e LCmáx=157,78mm; ± d.p.=5,45 para fêmeas), sendo esses valores médios das maiores medidas obtidas em mais de 20 anos de coletas no estuário. Os parâmetros de crescimento e longevidade foram estimados para machos (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-6.07; 1.195 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0041/dia; t o=-5,84; 1.102 dias) e fêmeas (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0040/dia; t o=-6,22; 1.153 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-5.91; 1.181 dias). As curvas de crescimento estimadas nesse trabalho denotam que a espécie atinge o tamanho mínimo de captura praticamente no primeiro ano de vida (120mm).
Devido à falta de estruturas rígidas para determinação de idade em crustáceos, métodos que se baseiam na determinação de idade através da distribuição da freqüência de comprimentos são comumente utilizados. Neste trabalho, foi comparado o crescimento do siri-azul, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, em laboratório e a partir de indivíduos de campo. Os indivíduos de laboratório, após a coleta, tiveram seu crescimento acompanhado individualmente. A temperatura foi mantida constante (25±2°C) e a salinidade a 20±5. Os indivíduos do campo foram coletados entre 2002 e 2004 em pontos pré-determinados no estuário da Laguna dos Patos, com rede de portas. A biometria, nos dois casos, constou da medida da largura da carapaça (LC mm). As estimativas das curvas de crescimento, segundo o modelo de Bertalanffy para os indivíduos de campo, foram obtidas pelo acompanhamento do deslocamento modal (MPA). O tamanho máximo de largura de carapaça utilizado foi mantido fixo em todas as análises (157,78 mm para fêmeas e 162,71 mm para machos). Para os indivíduos mantidos em laboratório, os parâmetros e a longevidade obtidos foram k=0,001/dia; t o=-1,53; longevidade de 3117 dias (8,5 anos) para machos e k=0,002/dia; t o=-29,5; longevidade de 2795 dias para fêmeas (7,7 anos). Os parâmetros de crescimento e a longevidade estimados para os animais coletados em campo foram k=0,004/dia; t o=-4,23; 1267 dias (3,5 anos) para machos e k=0,004/dia; t o=-3,71; 1260 dias (3,45 anos) para fêmeas. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre animais de laboratório e de campo, sugerindo que a espécie responde de forma diferente ao ambiente em que está inserida.
Transmission of Chagas disease is realized through contamination of ocular conjunctiva, mucosa or skin with infected dejections eliminated by the insect vectors of Schizotrypanum cruzi (Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus and Rhodnius prolixus). The triatomid bugs live in holes and craks in the walls, in beds, behind trunks, etc. Found in primitive mud huts covered with thatched roofs, and so the human dwellers have many chances to contract the disease, reinfections being reasonably more to expect than a single inoculation. Experimental work reproducing those natural conditions is welcomed as some important features in the pathologic picture of the disease such as the extensive myocardial fibrosis seen in chronic cases are still incompletely known. Microscopic changes were studied in the heart muscle of seven Cebus monkeys infected by S. cruzi. This animal survives the acute stage of the disease and so is particularly suited to experiments of long duration in which several inoculations of S. cruzi are performed. Three different strains of S. cruzi isolated from acute cases of Chagas' disease were employed. One monkey was injected in the skin with infected blood and necropsied after 252 days. Two monkeys were three times, and one, eight times infected in skin, one of them with contaminated blood, and two with contaminated blood and dejections from infected bugs. The necropsies were performed after 35, 95 and 149 days. One monkey was three times inoculated through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, two times with dejections from infected bugs), and one time through the wounded buccal mucosa, and necropsied after 134 days. Another monkey was six times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with contaminated blood, three times with dejections from infected bugs) and two times injected in the skin with infected blood, and necropsied after 157 days. Finally, another monkey was nine times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, and three times with dejections from infected bugs), and five times injected in the skin (four times with contaminated blood, and one time with dejections from infected bugs), and necropsied after 233 days. The microscopic picture was uniform presenting, however, considerable individual variations, and was represented by diffuse interstitial myocarditis, frequently more (marked in the right ventricle base of the heart), accompanied by lymphatic stasis. The infiltration consists of macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes, the cellular reaction having sometimes a perivascular distribution, involving the auriculo-ventricular system of conduction, endocardium, epicardium and cardiac sympathetic gangliae. The loss of cardiac muscle fibers was always minimal. Leishmanial forms of S. cruzi in myocardial fibers are scanty and, in two cases, absent. Fatty necrosis in the epicardium was noted in two cases. Obliterative changes of medium-sized branches of coronary arteries (hypersensitivity reaction?) and multiple infarcts of the myocardium was found in one instance. The diffuse myocarditis induced by S. cruzi in several species of monkeys of the genus Cebus observed after 233 days (several inoculations) and 252 days (single inoculation) is not associated with disseminated fibrosis such as is reported in chronic cases of Chagas' disease. Definite capacity of reversion is another characteristic of the interstitial myocarditis observed in the series of Cebus monkeys here studied. The impression was gained that repeated inoculation with S. cruzi may influence the myocardial changes differently according to the period between the reinoculations. A short period after the first inoculation is followed by more marked changes, while long periods are accompanied by slight changes, which suggests an active immunisation produced by the first inoculation. More data are required, however before a definite statement is made on this subject considering that individual variations, the natural capacity of reversion of the interstitial myocarditis and the employement of more than a species of Cebus monkeys probably exerts influence also in the results here reported.
An epidemiological survey was conducted in south east Mexico, in an effort to establish the serological reactivity and carrier status to Babesia bigemina of an indigenous cattle population. The prevalance was obtained through the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT), using an in vitro culture-derived B. bigemina antigen. A specific, digoxigenin-coupled, ~6kb B. bigemina-DNA probe (BBDP), was used to indicate the presence of the parasite. Serum samples from 925 animals of all ages, were obtained within the three regions (I, II, III) of the state of Yucatan and tested by IFAT. In addition, whole blood samples draw from 136 of the same animals of region II were analyzed using the BBDP. Positive IFAT (IFAT+) reactions were observed in 531 sera for a 57% overall prevalence. Regional values were: I = 157 + (56%), II = 266 + (68%) and III = 108 + (42%). Only 32 (23%) of the blood samples tested with BBDP showed distinctive hybridization signal, in contrast with 100 (73%) IFAT + animals. The responses distribution for IFAT vs. BBDP was: +/+ 23, +/- 77, -/+ 9 and -/- 27 respectively. It was found that the analytical sinsitivity of BBDP appears to be low for its utilization is widespread epidemiological surveys. It was considered, however, that the colorimetric probe mifht to be useful to safely detect transmission prone carriers, since it is able to detect parasitemias as low as 0.001%.
The effects of pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (PS), chloroquine plus chlorpheniramine, a H1 receptor antagonist that reverses chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in vitro and in vivo (CQCP), and amodiaquine plus pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (AQPS) on gametocyte production were evaluated in 157 children with acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated falciparum malaria who were treated with these drugs. PS was significantly less effective than CQCP or AQPS at clearing asexual parasitaemia or other symptoms of malaria. Gametocyte carriage on days 3, 7, and 14 were significantly higher in those treated with PS. The ratio of the density (per µl blood) of peripheral young gametocyte (PYG), that is, < stage III to peripheral mature gametocyte (PMG), that is, stage IV and V, an index of continuing generation of gametocytes, rose to 1 by day 7 of treatment in those treated with PS, but remained consistently below 1 in the other treatment groups. PYG-PMG density ratio increased significantly from day 0-14 in those treated with PS and CQCP (chi2 = 76, P = 0.000001 and chi2 = 42.2, P = 0.00001, respectively) but decreased significantly in those treated with AQPS (chi2 = 53.2, P = 0.000001). Both PS-sensitive and -resistant infections generated PYG (18 of 29 vs 13 of 20, chi2 = 0.04, P = 0.93) but PYG was present only in those with resistant response to CQCP. Combination of PS with amodiaquine (AQ), that is, (AQPS) resulted in less production of PYG, but in this setting, PYG was not indicative of response to AQPS. These data indicate that PS enhanced production or release of young gametocytes when used alone, but generated less young gametocytes when used in combination with AQ. PYG may be used as an indicator of response to CQCP but not PS or PS-based combination drugs.
This study was undertaken to identify the phlebotomine fauna and species abundance in domiciliary and peridomiciliary (hen-house and guava-tree) environments, on a lake shore, a cultivated area of coffee and banana, and a forested area of Conceição da Aparecida municipality, southeastern the state of Minas Gerais, to provide information for the control and epidemiological surveillance of leishmaniasis in this area. The captures were carried out monthly between May 2001 and November 2002, with automatic light and Shannon traps. A total of 1444 sand flies were captured, 951 (76.5%) with automatic light traps and 493 (23.5%) with the Shannon trap. Thirteen species were captured, the most frequent being Nyssomyia whitmani (62.7%), Migonemyia migonei (21.4%), Pintomyia fischeri (6.9%), and Evandromyia lenti (3.6%). Species abundance was determined using the automatic light traps installed in the six environments. The most abundant species according to the standardized index of species abundance were Ny. whitmani (1.0) and Mg. migonei (0.82). In view of the dominance of these two species, known vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in other Brazilian areas, their participation in the transmission of the disease in this county is suggested. The diversity and evenness indexes in the domicile were the lowest due to the high frequency (83%) of Ny. whitmani. The capture of Lutzomyia longipalpis, rarely recorded in the south-eastern and southern regions of Minas Gerais, is also noteworthy.
Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.
The aim of the present study is to investigate genetic polymorphisms in Taenia solium metacestodes from different Brazilian geographical areas and to relate them to antibody recognition in serum samples of neurocysticercosis (NC) patients. Metacestodes were obtained from the Distrito Federal (DF), Bahia, Minas Gerais (MG) and São Paulo (SP) regions of Brazil. Samples of human sera from 49 individuals with NC, 68 individuals with other helminthiasis and 40 healthy volunteers were analysed (157 individuals in total). Antigens were prepared and used in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blotting assays to detect specific immunoglobulin G antibodies. Genetic distances between metacestode populations were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Our results show that there was a higher frequency of reactivity in the DF region in the sera from NC patients (p < 0.05), while discrimination between active and inactive NC was seen only in extracts from the MG and SP regions (p < 0.05). Using RAPD, the sample from the DF region presented a greater increase compared to the other regions. A relationship between genetic polymorphisms among T. solium metacestodes from different areas in Brazil and the differences in antibody detection in patients with NC were established.
Diarrhoeal disease is still considered a major cause of morbidity and mortality among children. Among diarrhoeagenic agents, Shigella should be highlighted due to its prevalence and the severity of the associated disease. Here, we assessed Shigella prevalence, drug susceptibility and virulence factors. Faeces from 157 children with diarrhoea who sought treatment at the Children's Hospital João Paulo II, a reference children´s hospital in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were cultured and drug susceptibility of the Shigella isolates was determined by the disk diffusion technique. Shigella virulence markers were identified by polymerase chain reaction. The bacterium was recovered from 10.8% of the children (88.2% Shigella sonnei). The ipaH, iuc, sen and ial genes were detected in strains isolated from all shigellosis patients; set1A was only detected in Shigella flexneri. Additionally, patients were infected by Shigella strains of different ial, sat, sen and set1A genotypes. Compared to previous studies, we observed a marked shift in the distribution of species from S. flexneri to S. sonnei and high rates of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resistance.
This original study describes the intra-urban distribution of cases of leprosy in residents under 15 years old in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; the study also identifies the environment in which Mycobacterium leprae is being transmitted. The cases were distributed by operational classification, clinical forms, type of contact and the addresses were geo-referenced by neighborhood. Between 2007 and 2011, were reported 145 cases of leprosy in target population living in Salvador, corresponding to detection rates of 6.21, 6.14, 5.58, 5.41 and 6.88/100,000 inhabitants, respectively. The spatial distribution of the disease was focal. Of the 157 neighborhoods of Salvador, 44 (28.6%) notified cases of leprosy and in 22 (50%) of these were detected more than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The infectious forms were found in 40% of cases. Over 90% of cases had been living in Salvador for more than five years. Overall, 52.6% reported having had contact with another infected individual inside the household and 25% in their social circle. In Salvador, M. leprae transmission is established. The situation is a major concern, since transmission is intense at an early age, indicating that this endemic disease is expanding and contacts extend beyond individual households.