135 resultados para 153-924


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INTRODUCTION: Domestic dogs are the most important reservoir in the peridomestic transmission cycle of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. The genetic variability of subpopulations of this parasite circulating in dogs has not been thoroughly analyzed in Brazil, even though this knowledge has important implications in the clinical-epidemiological context. METHODS: The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the phenotypic variability of 153 L. chagasi strains isolated from dogs originating from the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro (n = 57) and Belo Horizonte (n = 96), where the disease is endemic. Strains isolated only from intact skin were selected and analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis using nine enzyme systems (6PG, GPI, NH1 and NH2, G6P, PGM, MDH, ME, and IDHNADP). RESULTS: The electrophoretic profile was identical for all isolates analyzed and was the same as that of the L. chagasi reference strain (MHOM/BR/74/PP75). Phenetic analysis showed a similarity index of one for all strains, with the isolates sharing 100% of the characteristics analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that the L. chagasi populations circulating in dogs from Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte belong to a single zymodeme.


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INTRODUCTION: Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax species has shown signs of severity, recorded with increasing frequency in the medical literature. This study aimed to characterize the signs of severe malaria by Plasmodium vivax in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: A descriptive cohort study of patients assisted in the field and a historical and concurrent study of a series of cases among hospitalized patients were undertaken to identify the clinical and laboratory signs of severity. RESULTS: A total of 153 patients were included in the study, 13 of whom were hospitalized. Males made up the majority, numbering 103 (67.3%). The age of the patients ranged from 10 to 70 years, 92.2% were natives of the State of Maranhão, and 65% of the patients had had malaria before. The average time elapsed between symptom onset and diagnosis among outpatients was three days, while among hospitalized patients this average reached 15.5 days, a statistically significant difference (p=0.001). The parasitemia ranged from 500 to 10,000 parasites/µl in 92.8% of cases. The clinical and laboratory manifestations of severity were vomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, drowsiness, mental confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness, agitation, bleeding, pale skin, coughing and dyspnea, thrombocytopenia, anemia, elevation of nitrogenous compounds, and elevated transaminases and bilirubin. CONCLUSIONS: The monitoring of malaria patients with Plasmodium vivax showed the possibility of aggravation, the intensity of which varied in different circumstances, especially the interval time between falling ill and diagnostic confirmation.


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Introduction: Little information is available concerning infection by Leishmania infantum in cats. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a serological study in domestic cats. Methods: Serum samples (n=153) obtained from animals living in the Cities of Recife and Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were tested by ELISA/S7® (Biogene). Results: Anti-L. infantum antibodies were detected in 3.9% (6/153) of the cats. All seroreagent animals were from Petrolina. Conclusions: These results serve as an important alert, and future studies are needed to better understand the possible role of cats in the epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in this area.


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PURPOSE: To study the gastric and colorectal cancer mortalities and their relation to the urban-industrialization in Baixada Santista, located in the southeastern region of Brazil. METHODS: Selected from the registries of the State System of Data Analysis Foundation (SEADE) were 1105 deaths due to gastric cancer (ICD 153--154) and 690 due to colorectal cancer (ICD 151) that occurred from 1980 to 1993 in males, above 10 years of age, residing in Baixada Santista. For each of these types of cancer, the standardized mortality rates, age-adjusted by world population in the 1960s, for 4 industrialized and 4 non-industrialized urban communities in that region were calculated. The ratios among those rates were calculated in order to compare the mortality in the periods 1980--93, 1980--1986, and 1987--1993. RESULTS: Standardized mortality rates for colorectal cancer were significantly higher in industrialized area, with ratios of 1.6 [95% CI 1.22 -- 2.29], 1.6 [95% CI 1.2 -- 2.0], and 1.6 [95% CI 1.3 -- 2.0] in the periods 1980--86, 1987--1993 and 1980--93, respectively. Gastric cancer did not show any statistical difference between the industrialized and non-industrialized areas, but there was a significant decrease in BS from the period 1980--1986 to 1987--1993. CONCLUSIONS: The significant elevation of colorectal cancer mortality in the industrialized area could be related to exposure to numerous carcinogens such as aromatic hydrocarbon, organic-chloride, metals, and industrial-port dust present in the region. Alternatively, the non-significant difference in gastric cancer between industrialized and non-industrialized areas and significant decrease in the last few years could be predominately reflecting the advances in the quality of life in urban areas. These results require further case-control studies that could help with the analysis of the associations among cancer and environmental factors (occupational, urban-industrial, habit, and life condition) and genetic susceptibility.


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Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer is a fatal disease, with a median survival of 14 months. Systemic chemotherapy is the most common approach. However the impact in overall survival and quality of life still a controversy. OBJECTIVES: To determine differences in overall survival and quality of life among patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer non-metastatic to the brain treated with best supportive care versus systemic chemotherapy. PATIENTS: From February 1990 through December 1995, 78 eligible patients were admitted with the diagnosis of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer . Patients were divided in 2 groups: Group A (n=31 -- treated with best supportive care ), and Group B (n=47 -- treated with systemic chemotherapy). RESULTS: The median survival time was 23 weeks (range 5 -- 153 weeks) in Group A and 55 weeks (range 7.4 -- 213 weeks) in Group B (p=0.0018). In both groups, the incidence of admission for IV antibiotics and need of blood transfusions were similar. Patients receiving systemic chemotherapy were also stratified into those receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 and those receiving other combination regimens (platinum derivatives associated with other drugs, n=22). Patients receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 had a higher incidence of febrile neutropenia and had their cycles delayed for longer periods of time than the other group. These patients also had a shorter median survival time (51 versus 66 weeks, p=0.005). CONCLUSION: In patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, non-metastatic to the brain, chemotherapy significantly increases survival compared with best supportive care.


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Ten new taxa are described: Ficus aripuanensis C.C. Berg & F. Kooy, F. blephariohylla Vásquez Avila, F. cremersiiC.C. Berg, F. insipida Willd. ssp. scabra C.C. Berg, F. jacobii Vázquez Avila, F. laurentana Vázquez Avila, F. leiophylla C.C. Berg, F. piresiana Vázquz Avila & Berg, F. roraimensis C.C. Berg, F. vittataVázquez Avila.


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This paper records 65 leaf-inhabiting sac fungi collected in Amazonas and Roraima during 1977-78 as part of Projeto Flora Amazônica. Lembosia miconiae (Ryan) Farr is a new combination.


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Bees visiting flowers of Bertholletia excelsa. (Brazil Nut tree) and Couratari tenuicarpa were collected, their behavior described and the pollen found clinging to their dorsal thorax and stored on their legs was identified. Female bees of Xylocopa frontalis(Olivier) and males of Eulaema mocsaryi (Friese) are apparently effective pollinators of Couratari in igapó near Manaus. Female bees of Euplusia seabrai Moure in litt., Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius), Epicharis rustica (Olivier) and Eulaema nigrita(Lepeletier), as well as male bees of Eulaema cingulata(Fabricius) and Eulaema nigrita are apparently effective pollinators of adult Brazil Nut trees in the Aleixo plantation near Manaus. Only large bees capable of uncurling the floral androecium can effectively pollinate Couratari or Bertholletia.Pollen analysis indicated that all bees captured carried pollen of the host tree in question and had been foraging on flowers of plant species common in secondary growth. Secondary growth near the Aleixo plantation supports a bee guild which appeared to effectively pollinate almost every flower on the Brazil Nut tree studied. Proximity to primary forest (and to those Euglossine bee species which occur only in primary forest) therefore does not appear to be necessary for pollination of Brazil Nut trees.In the Aleixo plantation chronic low fruit set is probably due to some factor other than pollination. Since natural occurrences of Brazil Nut trees to the north and south of Manaus are associated with a higher soil fertility, low production at the Aleixo plantation may be due to deficiencies of the soil.


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Alguns efeitos farmacológicos da folha, talo e bulbo do alho foram investigados. Os extratos foram preparados por triturarão em solução etanólica 50%. Após evaporação a concentração final foi ajustada para 100 mg sólidos/ml. A dose utilizada foi de 1 g sólidos/kg por via oral. Vários efeitos (discretos) foram observados em comundongos, tais como diarréia, ptose e piloereção. Em ratos observou-se efeito hipoglicêmico do bulbo, efeitos analgésicos e hiperalgésicos dos três extratos e em ratos com hipertensão espontânea (mas não em ratos normotensos) um pronuciado efeito antihipertensivo de longa duração.


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Os efeitos de princípios ativos de S.revaudiana sobre parâmetros endócrinos de ratos foram estudados após administração crônica (60 dias) de extrato aquaso bruto(decocto) concentrado nas folhas desse planeta, começando em idade pré-púbere (25 a 30 dias de idade). Foram feitas as seguintes determinações: glicemia, níveis séricos de T3, T4 e T3R, união de [3H] R1881 à fração citosólica de próstata, teor de zinco em próstata, testículo, glândula salivar submandibular e pâncreas, e conteúdo hídrico em testículo e próstata. Estudou-se também a curva de ganho de peso corporal e os pesos terminais de testículo, próstata, vesícula seminal, glândula submandibular e adrenal. Os resultados deixaram potente que o grupo experimental não diferiu do controle significativamente em nenhum dos parâmetros analisados, exceto quanto ao peso de vesícula seminal, que diminuiu em 608, tanto em termos absolutos como em relação ao peso corporal. Conclui-se que os parâmetros endócrinos estudados no rato não são fundamentalmente alterados por doses farmacológicas de princípios ativos de S.rebaudiana.


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Das partes áereas das espécies vegetais Mikania triangularis, M. diversifolia, M. smilacina, M.microlepsis e Wedelia paludosa (Compositae) foram isolados ácidos diterpênicos em grande quantidade. Estes ácidos devem estar correlacionados às ações medicinais atribuídas a essas espécies. Da espécie Solidago microglossaisolou-se, como constituinte principal do extrato etanólico das partes áereas, a quercetrina, glicosídeo de reconhecida atividade contra a fragilidade capilar, justificando em parte o emprego desta substituição à Arnica montana.


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RESUMONo presente trabalho foram estudados os sintomas externos e internos pré-mortais em lagartas de Ascia monuste monuste infectadas com um produto (Dipel) à base de Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Sorotipo H3a:3b). Tais sintomas são importantes nas avaliações das doenças de insetos no campo.Para os estudos da histopatologia foram analisadas as alterações ocorridas no tecido e c´leilas do epitélio intestinal a nível de microscópia ótica e eltrônica. Tais alterações resultam na morte das lagartas infectadas.


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RESUMOFoi investigado, no presente trabalho, a patogenicidade de Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (sorotipo H3a: 3b) dos produtos comerciais Dipel e Bactospeine para lagartas de Ascia monuste monuste. Por meio de bioensaios, avaliou-se a alta susceptibilidade das lagartas dessa espécie ao bacilo, revelando a possibilidade do uso deste no controle de A. monuste monuste.


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RESUMODuas variedades químicas de Hyptis mutabilis foram estudadas. Uma delas, a variedade A, contém α e β-pineno, α e β-feladreno e β-cariofileno como os principais constituintes de seu óleo essencial. A outra variedade B, apresentou α-cimeno , 1,8-cineol, timol, β-cariofileno e β-elemeno como os seus principais componentes.


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Trabalhando em três áreas da Amazônia Brasileira, capturamos 22 espécies de Culicoides, dos quais quatros deles não haviam sido encontradas, na região: C. efferus Fox, C. lahillei Wirth & Blanton, C. spurius Wirth & Blanton e C. verecundus Macfie. Distribuimos os insetos por área e conforme a altura em que foram capturados com armadilhas CDC; e apresentamos os nomes das 63 espécies até agora assinaladas na parte brasileira da bacia Amazônica.