825 resultados para chave para espécies
Data on the genus Ophyra and on its known neotropical species are presented as well as a key to segregate them.
Five new species Eudorylas Aczél are described from Maracá Ecological Station, Roraima, Brazil, namely: E. aquinoi, E. bentoni, E. caccabatus, E. megasurstylus and E. souzalopesi.
Some species of Amphibia and Reptilia are listed as new hosts of spargana, from material deposited in the Helminthological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute. It is discussed the difficulties in identifying the larvae (Sparganum) and also the identification of adults of Luheella species from South America. The histopathology induced by spargana in the liver of a species of Amphibia is briefly described.
Hermanlentia n. gen. of Tribe Triatomini, with a List of Species of Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) - Hermanlentia n. gen. was established in the tribe Triatomini, based on differences of external morphology, phallic structures and chromatic characters of Triatoma matsunoi Fernandez-Loayza 1989, in relation to other species of Triatoma. The head is long with disproportionally small eyes 1:0,16; the relation of the head and the pronotum is 1: 0,4; and the coloration of the hemelytron is whitish. Characters of the male genitalia that distinguish the new genus are the articulatory apparatus with twice the size of the aedeagus, phallosoma with fingerlike apex, 1 + 1 dorsal conjuntive processes with the inner edge toothed, and absence of endosoma process and vesica
Geographical Distribution and Alti-latitudinal Dispersion of Some Genera and Species of the Tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) - With the currently known distribution of genera and species of the tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919, maps and diagrams were prepared, showing the geographical area occupied by the species and their respective dispersion in grades of latitude and altitude. Two genera are not treated: Panstrongylus Berg, 1879, already published and Triatoma Laporte, 1832, that is being published partially in several articles. Genus Eratyrus Stal, 1859, has two species, while Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939, Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo & Joerg, 1940, Paratriatoma Barber, 1938 and recently created genus Hermanlentia Jurberg & Galvão, 1997, have only one each. The study of these maps and diagrams permits a better knowledge about some ecological requirements of Chagas' disease vectors and detects gaps in the geographical distribution, where the species were not found but probably they could be prevalent
The objective of this work was to analyze the morphological, morphometrical, and histological characteristics of eggs of four triatomine bugs species still not studied, in order to understand phylogenetic aspects and to facilitate parameters used in taxonomy, with the purpose of a specific and generic characterization of these vectors in public health. The eggs of each species had come from the collections of the Laboratory of Triatomine bugs and Culicid mosquitoes of the Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP (Faculty of Public Health/USP). The morphologic studies were carried out through optic microscopy (OM) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The eggs were measured with the help of the digital paquimeter Starrett® 727. In relation to histological measures, Microtome Leica RM 2145® was used. Similarities were evidenced in the exocorial architecture of the eggs when they were studied by OM and SEM. This similarity among the eggs suggests a recent speciation, probably derived from common ancestry, representing a monophyletic group. Some structures were also detected by the histological cuts. The study has contributed to the magnification and recognition in generic and specific terms of the Triatominae subfamily. These new data will be able to subsidize a better understanding to determine roles for each vector species and to facilitate parameters to be used in taxonomy.
Key to adult flies of dipterous species (Muscidae, Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae) associated to human habitats in Brazil. An identification key for the main 33 species of Muscidae, Anthomyiidae and Fanniidae occurring in association to human habitats in Brazil is presented. Most of the characters used for identification of the species are illustrated. Based on literature records, a list of the 65 anthropic species known to Brazil is also included.
Sharpshooter leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae) in citrus groves of the area of Bebedouro, SP, with description of a new species of Acrogonia Stål. Sixteen species of Cicadellidae, subfamily Cicadellinae, were collected and identified: 11 of the tribe Cicadellini and five of the tribe Proconiini. The ten most common species, together with a new species, are characterized based on external morphology and male genitalia: Acrogonia citrina Marucci & Cavichioli sp. nov.; Bucephalogonia xanthophis (Berg, 1879); Dilobopterus costalimai Young, 1977; Ferrariana trivittata (Signoret, 1854); Hortensia similis (Walker, 1851); Macugonalia cavifrons (Stål, 1862); M. leucomelas (Walker, 1851); Oncometopia facialis (Signoret, 1854); Plesiommata corniculata Young, 1977 and P. mollicella (Fowler, 1900). The leafhopper samples were collected in citrus groves and in adjacent habitats (woods, swamp, cultivable plain, spontaneous vegetation of the grove, coffee crop and sugarcane) at the counties of Bebedouro and Monte Azul Paulista and in the district of Turvínia. The collecting methods were: insect net, yellow sticky cards, portable suction trap and Malaise trap. Identification keys were elaborated for the 16 species. There is a great diversity of Cicadellinae species in the citric groves. In the three areas sampled, it was collected a larger number of species of the tribe Cicadellini than of the tribe Proconiini. In the Bebedouro area, the vector species of Xylella fastidiosa, A. citrina sp. nov., B. xanthophis, D. costalimai and O. facialis, were collected in the citrus groves and in all adjacent habitats.
The Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) of the Estação Ecológica of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, with emphasis on the Pimplinae species. In one annual cycle 83,712 insects were captured, of which 2,339 were Ichneumonidae, belonging to 17 subfamilies; they were collected by a Malaise trap placed in a montane semidecidual seasonal forest, inside the campus. Among the collected ichneumonids there were 13 genera and 30 species of Pimplinae, of which Pimpla croceiventris was the most frequent species. The species richness of Pimplinae was greater in the ecological station in Belo Horizonte, MG than in other localities studied.
Restructure of the genus Deois Fennah; description of a new genus and new species (Homoptera, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae). The genus Deois Fennah is reviewed and some changes in the taxonomy are introduced. The genus and its four subgenera are redefined, having now the following composition: 1) subgenus Deois (Deois) with: D. (D.) correntina (Berg, 1879), D. (D.) grandis Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) knoblauchii (Berg, 1879) (formerly in D. (Pandysia)), D. (D.) morialis (China & Myers, 1934), D. (D.) mourei Cavichioli & Sakakibara, 1994, D. (D.) piraporae Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) pseudoflavopicta (Lallemand, 1938) comb. nov. (formerly in Mahanarva) = D. (D.) similis Sakakibara, 1979 syn. nov., D. (D.) rubropicta Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) spinulata sp. nov., D. (D.) terrea (Germar, 1821), D. (D.) uniformis (Distant, 1909). 2) subgenus Deois (Pandysia) with: D. (P.) bergi sp. nov., D. (P.) crenulata sp. nov., D. (P.) schach (Fabricius, 1787) = Sphenorhyna transiens Walker, 1851 syn. nov.. 3) Deois (Fennahia) with: D. (F.) coerulea (Lallemand, 1924), D. (F.) flexuosa (Walker, 1851). 4) Deois (Acanthodeois) with: D. (A.) flavopicta (Stål, 1854), Deois (A.) incompleta (Walker, 1851). The genus Orodamnis Fennah, 1953 stat. nov. (formerly Deois (Orodamnis)) with: Orodamnis rhynchosporae (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov. The genus Deoisella gen. nov. is described for: Deoisella fasciata sp. nov. (type species) and Deoisella picklesi (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov.
Systematics, phylogeny and geographical distribution of the South American species of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and Centris (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, including a phylogenetic analysis of the "Centris group" sensu Ayala, 1998 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Centridini). A cladistic analysis with the objective of testing the hypothesis of monophily of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and of studying its phylogenetic relationships with the other subgenera that belong to the Centris group, sensu Ayala, 1998, and the relationships among the species that occur in South America, is presented. Centris (Paracentris) is a group of New World bees of amphitropical distribution, especially diversified in the Andes and in the xeric areas of South and North America. Thirty-one species were included in the analysis, four considered as outgroup, and 49 characters, all from external morphology and genitalia of adult specimens. Parsimony analyses with equal weights for the characters and successive weighting were performed with the programs NONA and PAUP, and analyses of implied weighting with the program PeeWee. The strict consensus among the trees obtained in all the analyses indicates that C. (Paracentris), as previously recognized, is a paraphyletic group. In order to eliminate that condition, the subgenera C. (Acritocentris), C. (Exallocentris) and C. (Xerocentris), all described by SNELLING (1974) are synonymized under C. (Paracentris). The subgenus C. (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, previously considered a synonym of C. (Paracentris), is reinstated, but in a more restricted sense than originally proposed and with the following species: Centris brethesi Schrottky, 1902; C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918; C. chilensis (Spinola, 1851), C. mixta mixta Friese, 1904, and C. mixta tamarugalis Toro & Chiappa, 1989. Centris mixta, previously recognized as the only South American species of the subgenus C. (Xerocentris), a group supposedly amphitropical, came out as the sister-species of C. buchholzi. The following South American species were recognized under Centris (Paracentris): Centris burgdorfi Friese, 1901; C. caelebs Friese, 1900; C. cordillerana Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. euphenax Cockerell, 1913; C. flavohirta Friese, 1900; C. garleppi (Schrottky, 1913); C. klugii Friese, 1900; C. lyngbyei Jensen-Haarup, 1908; C. mourei Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. neffi Moure, 2000; C. nigerrima (Spinola, 1851); C. toroi sp. nov.; C. tricolor Friese, 1900; C. unifasciata (Schrottky, 1913), and C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000. The relationships among the subgenera of the "Centris group" were: (Xanthemisia (Penthemisia (Centris s. str. - Paracentris))). Centris xanthomelaena Moure & Castro 2001, an endemic species of the Caatinga and previously considered a C. (Paracentris), came out as the sister group of C. (Centris) s. str. A new species of C. (Paracentris) from Chile is described: Centris toroi sp. nov. Lectotypus designations and redescriptions are presented for Centris burgdorfi, C. caelebs, C. lyngbyei, C. tricolor, C. autrani Vachal, 1904 and C. smithii Friese, 1900. New synonyms proposed: C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918 = Centris wilmattae Cockerell, 1926 syn. nov.; C. caelebs Friese, 1900 = Paracentris fulvohirta Cameron, 1903. The female of C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000 and the male of C. xanthomelaena are described.
New species and revalidation in Hippopsis Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Agapanthini). New species described: H. arriagadai from Paraguay; H. bivittata from Peru; H. nigroapicalis from Ecuador; H. brevicollis from Brazil (Minas Gerais) and H. tibialis from Brazil (São Paulo). H. freyi Breuning, 1955 is revalidated.
Species of Adelpha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae) occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Based on literature, collections and sampled butterflies, a list of twelve species of Adelpha Hübner occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State is presented, including host plants. Adelpha epizygis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha falcipennis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha goyama Schaus, 1902 and Adelpha isis (Drury, 1782) are new reports to Rio Grande do Sul. The species are illustrated and keyed.
Alphomelon brasiliensis sp. nov. (from São Paulo) and A. rugosus sp. nov. (from Rio Grande do Sul) are described and a key to species is presented.
Agalliana goianensis sp. nov., Agalliana alutacea sp. nov., Agalliana truncata sp. nov., all from Brazil, are described.