412 resultados para modelo 3M


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This work expands the classical Nelson and Winter model of Schumpeterian competition by including two sectors and a North-South dynamics, with a view to analyzing how different institutions and technological regimes affect the processes of convergence and divergence in the international economy. The results suggest that convergence may emerge out of the efforts for imitation in the South when the technological regime is cumulative. But when the regime is science-based, imitation is not enough for a successful catching-up. In this case convergence requires the South to invest in innovation as well. The work also analyses the robustness of the model results using Montecarlo techniques.


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Inflation targeting: the conventional analysis and an alternative model. This article has two aims: the first one is to present a formal model of the monetary policy identified generally as "inflation targeting policy", an instrument of intervention of the central bank, through the short run nominal interest rate. The second aim is to discuss and criticize the theoretical assumptions of the model specially the concepts of "natural rate of interest" and of potential product presented by the "augmented Philips curve"; and to present a more realistic control of inflation targeting which does not assume the hypotheses above, and in which inflation targeting is based on the control of real rate of interest.


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This short chapter aims to make an adaptation to a small and financially integrated economy of the monetary / financial model presented by J. M. Keynes in his General Theory of Employment, interest and money. So, this has as a goal, particularly, to adapt the chapters 15 and 17 of the General Theory basically concerned to the speculative motivations to define the composition of the assets portfolio.


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The effect of reelection intention on public health expenditures: An analysis based on reputation models. The political model of reputational-building argues that if the incumbent politician aspires to be reassigned, he/she must act in the voters' interest to obtain their approval and consequently their votes. Considering that voters are sensitive to public health expenditures, we check how reputational incentives shift municipal spending patterns in electoral years. The empirical tests for 3.004 Brazilian municipalities show an increase of health expenditures in those cities in which incumbents are trying to maintain their jobs. In addition, we find an increment in health expenditures where mayors forfeit their chance of being reelected to the benefit of a party mate.


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Inflation target, real exchange rate and external crisis in a Kaleckian model. Which role should the real exchange rate play in an inflation target regime? In this paper this point is discussed from the point of view of the conditions required for avoiding an external crisis. With this objective, a dynamic Kaleckian model is presented focusing on the stability of the external debt to capital ratio. The main conclusion is that policy makers should monitor closely the evolution of the real exchange rate in order to make compatible the inflation target regime with external stability.


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RESUMO O debate acerca de modelos alternativos de crescimento econômico para o Brasil tem revelado a quase unânime posição de que, como evidenciado pelas recentes baixas taxas de crescimento, o modelo de crescimento puxado pelo consumo doméstico teria se esgotado. Neste artigo, procuro examinar o significado mais amplo do experimento de crescimento liderado pelo consumo de massas e a validade empírica de alguns dos tradeoffs citados no debate, como entre consumo e investimento e investimento do governo e consumo do governo, e sugerir que se levem em consideração, como unidade de avaliação do experimento, as brechas de consumo necessário, discricionário e de bens públicos da população brasileira. As brechas sugerem um ainda importante espaço para redistribuição e avanço na provisão de bens públicos sociais. O potencial dos serviços públicos sociais de contribuir para o crescimento econômico com equilíbrio social e sustentabilidade ambiental emerge da análise como a aposta que ainda não foi feita.


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Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar duas maneiras de compreender a liberdade: a liberdade negativa do liberalismo, definida como a esfera do livre agir do indivíduo pela ausência de impedimentos externos, e que se norteia pelo paradigma jurídico dos direitos individuais; e a liberdade política do republicanismo, que se define como não-dominação e se orienta pelo paradigma das virtudes cívicas da cidadania. Um outro propósito consiste em mostrar que a oposição entre o ponto de vista jurídico-liberal e o republicanismo não está na aceitação ou na recusa da liberdade e dos direitos individuais. A divergência repousa, antes, sobre a maneira pela qual essa liberdade e direitos podem ser fundamentados: se pela via do individualismo e subjetivismo, que subordina a sociedade e o direito como instrumentos para a realização e proteção dos direitos individuais, ou pela via comunitarista e cívica. Desse modo, o conceito republicanismo de liberdade, sem abandonar a conquista liberal do pluralismo e da liberdade negativa, pode contribuir para uma efetiva ampliação e garantia dos princípios democráticos de uma sociedade moderna.