525 resultados para Triatoma proctata
A situação epidemiológica da doença de Chagas no país foi substancialmente alterada como resultado das ações de controle e de mudanças ambientais, econômicas e sociais, havidas nas últimas décadas no país. A transmissão vetorial domiciliar por Triatoma infestans foi interrompida, e controlada em níveis importantes por espécies nativas de vetor. A transmissão transfusional tende ao esgotamento, desde que se logrou a triagem praticamente integral de candidatos à doação de sangue. A transmissão congênita, ainda que possível, especialmente em algumas áreas, tende também ao progressivo esgotamento em consequência do controle da transmissão vetorial e transfusional. Os mecanismos primordiais de transmissão, relacionados diretamente ao ciclo enzoótico, como a transmissão vetorial extradomiciliar ou por visitação de vetores silvestres aos domicílios, além da transmissão oral, passaram a ter relevância na produção de casos humanos de infecção por Trypanosoma cruzi. Diante deste quadro, os novos desafios a enfrentar em relação à doença de Chagas incluem I) a necessidade de se preservar os níveis de controle alcançados; II) a concepção e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e métodos de vigilância e controle que permitam reduzir os riscos de ocorrência de casos associados à transmissão enzoótica; e, III) a garantia de adequada atenção aos infectados e enfermos crônicos de doença de Chagas.
INTRODUCTION: The present study shows a descriptive analysis of triatomine occurrence and its natural Trypanosoma infection rates in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, between 2006 and 2007. METHODS: Entomological data for the species, such as specimens captured in both intra and peridomiciles and natural infection index, were obtained via domiciliary capture in 147 municipalities from 11 Regional Managements of Health. The database was obtained from a sample of insects (100% infected and 20% non-infected) sent to the Central Laboratory of Pernambuco. RESULTS: A total of 18,029 triatomines were analyzed from 138 municipalities of the state. Triatoma pseudomaculata (35%), Triatoma brasiliensis (34%), and Panstrongylus lutzi (25%) were the most captured species. These species also showed a widespread geographical distribution in the state. Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma petrocchiae, Triatoma melanocephala, Triatoma sordida, Rhodnius nasutus, Rhodnius neglectus, and Triatoma infestans showed more limited geographical distribution and lower relative abundance. The parasitological research showed that 8.8% of the triatomines were naturally infected with flagellates morphologically similar to Trypanosoma cruzi and 91.3% of them were captured inside houses in 113 municipalities. P. lutzi showed the highest rates of natural infection. CONCLUSIONS: After the control of T. infestans, synanthropic species, such as T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata, and P. lutzi, maintain the risk of T. cruzi transmission to humans in the state of Pernambuco. These species are widely distributed, and infected specimens have been found inside houses. Thus, an enhanced surveillance and vector control of Chagas disease is recommended in Pernambuco.
INTRODUCTION: Entomological surveillance of Chagas disease in the Federal District of Brazil (DF), has recorded the following triatomine species: Panstrongylus megistus, P. geniculatus, P. diasi, Rhodnius neglectus, Triatoma pseudomaculata, and T. sordida. We aimed to analyze the spatial and temporal occurrence of triatomine species collected in DF, and their indices of natural infection with trypanosomes. METHODS: The Health State Secretariat of DF recorded triatomines between 2002 and 2010 in 20 administrative regions. This retrospective analysis considered the number of adults and nymphs of each species collected and infected in both intradomicile and peridomicile. RESULTS: A total of 754 triatomines were collected in 252 reported domiciles. Panstrongylus megistus was the most frequent species (65%), followed by T. pseudomaculata (14%). Of the 309 examined insects, only 3 (1%) specimens of P. megistus were infected with flagellates morphologically similar to Trypanosoma cruzi. The spatial occurrence indicated a higher diversity of triatomines and frequency of T. sordida in rural areas. Moreover, there was a predominance of P. megistus in urban areas. The number of records of P. megistus in the rainy season was two times higher than that during the dry season. The largest number of triatomines was collected in November. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of P. megistus specimens infected with trypanosomes in domiciles, shows the potential risk of human infection in DF. Thus, it is essential to continue entomological surveillance, intensifying it in the rainy season and in regions of greater occurrence.
Introduction We attempted to supplement traditional insecticide spraying by treating peridomiciliar food sources with a powder formulation. Methods Two groups of houses were treated with deltamethrin suspension concentrate (SC), one of which had its primary peridomestic food sources treated with deltamethrin 2P. Results Triatoma brasiliensis was the most commonly captured triatomine. Birds, dogs and rodents were the major food sources identified by the precipitin reaction; 554 domestic animals received powder treatment. A sharp reduction in infestation rates was observed in the two groups up to 360 days after spraying. Conclusion The combination SC + 2P did not improve the control of triatomines.
Introduction Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil temporarily (2001-2005) interrupted epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Chagas Disease Control Program (CDCP) in Açucena and to offer suggestions for improving local epidemiological surveillance. Methods This study was conducted in three phases: I) a serological investigation of schoolchildren aged 5 to 15 years using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test performed on blood collected on filter paper followed by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and indirect hemaglutination (IHA) on venous blood for borderline cases and those in the gray zone of reactivity; II) vector evaluation using the data obtained by local health agents during 2006-2010; and III) examination by ELISA, IIF and IHA of serum samples from the inhabitants of houses where infected Triatoma vitticeps was found and evaluation of their knowledge about Chagas disease. Results Five individuals had inconclusive results in the ELISA screening but were seronegative for Chagas disease. The triatomine evaluation revealed the presence of three species: Triatoma vitticeps, Panstrongylus megistus and Panstrongylus diasi. Triatoma vitticeps was the most prevalent and widespread, with a higher (67%) index of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates and evidence of colonization. Most of the inhabitants of the infested houses recognized triatomines and had basic knowledge about Chagas disease. Conclusions Although T. vitticeps is not clearly associated with Chagas disease transmission, these results highlight the importance of maintaining CDCP in endemic areas and the need for greater emphasis on epidemiological surveillance, especially in areas with important vectorial changes or that have been modified by human intervention.
Introduction Biological collections are depositories of information on different species and contribute to the knowledge, protection, conservation and maintenance of biodiversity. Methods A list of triatomine species currently included in the Collection of Chagas Disease Vectors (FIOCRUZ-COLVEC) was prepared from the database made available by the Reference Center on Environmental Information. Results COLVEC curatorship houses 4,778 specimens of triatomines, of which 811 come from other American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, the United States of America, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) and 3,967 are autochthonous from Brazil. Altogether, 56 species of Chagas disease vectors are represented in the COLVEC: two species of the Tribe Cavernicolini Usinger, 1944; fifteen species of the tribe Rhodniini Pinto, 1926, of which 12 are of the genus Rhodnius and 3 are of the genus Psamolestes; and 39 species of the tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919, represented by the genus Dipetalogaster, two species of the genus Eratyrus, two of the genus Meccus, seven of the genus Panstrongylus and 27 of the genus Triatoma. Conclusions This list provides important data on the diversity of triatomines currently included in COLVEC, including the expanded area of Panstrongylus lutzi occurrence in the municipalities Pirapora and Januária, State of Minas Gerais. The maintenance and expansion of the collection ensures the preservation of biodiversity and further studies.
Introduction This work presents the initial findings of a molecular epidemiological investigation of Trypanosoma cruzi in triatomine insects in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Methods A total of 511 triatomines from different regions of the state were examined. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from the intestinal contents of the insects using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers 121/122 targeting DNA kinetoplast (kDNA) was then performed to identify T. cruzi, and positive samples were subjected to PCR using the primer pair TcSC5D-F/R followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the restriction enzymes SphI and HpaI (1 U/reaction), cloning and sequencing. Results One hundred samples were positive for T. cruzi, and three discrete typing units (DTUs) were identified (TcI, TcII, and TcBat). Triatoma sordida had the highest T. cruzi occurrence (83.3%), and DTUs were found in three samples: 58.3% of the samples were TcI, 33.3% were TcII and 8.3% were TcBat. There was a clear geographical distribution of the DTUs throughout the state, with TcI, TcII and TcBat located in the center, TcI located in the east, and TcII located in the west. Conclusions This study showed the occurrence of overlapping DTUs in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The distributions of the DTUs were different, with TcI, TcII and TcBat in the center of the state, TcI predominantly in the east, and TcII in the west. Further studies may reveal a more defined mosaic distribution of DTUs in MS.
INTRODUCTION: Control strategies to eliminate the transmission of Chagas disease by insect vectors have significantly decreased the number of reported acute cases in Brazil. However, data regarding the incidence and distribution of acute Chagas disease cases in the State of Pernambuco are unavailable in the literature. METHODS: A geographical information system was used to delineate the spatiotemporal distribution profile of the cases from 2002 to 2013 in 185 municipalities of Pernambuco based on the municipality where notification occurred. The results were presented in digital maps generated by the TerraView software (INPE). RESULTS: A total of 302 cases of acute disease were recorded in 37.8% of the municipalities, for a total of 0.13 cases per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year. Out of the 302 cases, 99.3% were reported between 2002 and 2006. The most affected municipalities were Carnaubeira da Penha, Mirandiba and Terra Nova. The risk maps showed a significant decrease in the number of notifications and a concentration of cases in the Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights a significant decrease in new cases of acute Chagas disease in Pernambuco starting in 2006 when Brazil received an international certification for the interruption of vectorial transmission by Triatoma infestans. However, control strategies should still be encouraged because other triatomine species can also transmit the parasite; moreover, other transmission modes must not be neglected.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION : Insects of the subfamily Triatominae are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi , the Chagas disease parasite, and their flying behavior has epidemiological importance. The flying capacity is strikingly different across and within Triatominae species, as well as between sexes or individuals. Many Triatoma infestans individuals have wings but no flying muscles. In other Triatominae species, no clear relationships were found between wing length and flying behavior. If wing presence or size is not reflective of the flying behavior, which other parts of the body could be considered as reliable markers of this important function? METHODS : The genus Mepraia has exceptional characteristics with invariably wingless females and wingless or winged males. We calculated the porous surface exposed to odorant molecules to estimate the olfactory capacity of Mepraia spinolai . The head shape and thorax size were estimated using the geometric morphometric approach and traditional morphometric techniques, respectively. RESULTS : Alary polymorphism in M. spinolai was significantly associated with consistent modification of the thorax size, head shape, and notable change in the estimated olfactory capacity. The macropterous individuals had a larger olfactory surface and thorax size and significantly different head shape compared to those of the micropterous individuals. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that these structural changes could be associated with the flying potential of Triatominae. Thus, morphological attributes not found on wings could help determine the likely flying potential of the bugs.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Natural and artificial ecotope infestation by the kissing bug triatomines and their colonization and infection by Trypanosoma cruzi , the Chagas disease agent, were evaluated in nine municipalities of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. METHODS Following identification, triatomine intestinal contents were analyzed by direct microscopic examination, xenoculture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for parasite detection. Trypanosoma cruzi isolates were genotyped using three different markers. RESULTS Of 842 triatomines captured, 65% were Triatoma brasiliensis , 17.8% Triatoma pseudomaculata , 12.5% Panstrongylus lutzi , and 4.7% Rhodnius nasutus . Triatoma brasiliensis and P. lutzi adults were found in the intradomicile. T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata , and R. nasutus nymphs and adults were found in the peridomicile and wild environment. Intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary infestation indexes were 5.6% and 33.7%, respectively. In the peridomicile, chicken coops were the most infested ecotope. The T. cruzi triatomine infection rate was 30.2%, of which PCR detected 29%. P . lutzi (78.1%), T . brasiliensis (24.5%), and T . pseudomaculata (22.7%) were the most infected species. TcII and III genotypes were detected in T. brasiliensis and TcIII in P. lutzi . CONCLUSIONS T. brasiliensis was found in all environments and most ecotopes with high T. cruzi infection rates. High infection rates were also detected in T . pseudomaculata and P. lutzi , suggesting their role in the interchange between the wild and peridomestic transmission cycles. The combination of PCR, microscopic examination, and xenoculture contributed to improving T. cruzi infection evaluation in triatomine bugs. The TcII and TcIII genotypes were predominant in the study area.
1. - As seguintes especies de Triatomideos não puderam transmitir pela picada o virus da febre maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas a cobayas normaes, nos seguintes prazos após a sucção de animal infectado: Eutriatoma uhleri, 33, 47, 75 e 141 dias (1 exemplar); Triatoma protracta, 15 e 37 dias (1 exemplar), Triatoma infestans, 8 dias (15 exemplares), e Rhodnius prolixus, 2 dias (1 exemplar). Foi demonstrado por inoculaçao que o ultimo insecto ainda continha o virus vivo. 2. - Experiencias de transmissão mechanica, por picada interrompida em animal infectado e continuada immediatamente em animal são, foram tambem negativas, com as especies T. protracta e R. prolixus. Um unico insecto da primeira especie picou 2 vezes cada animal, emquanto que 22 exemplares da segunda especie picaram de 1 a 3 vezes cada cobaya. 3. - A inoculação de gottas de dejecções de um R. prolixus eliminadas 2 dias depois de sugar animal infectado, não produziu a infecção em cobaya normal, não obstante ter sido demonstrada a presença do virus no organismo do barbeiro, por inoculação do conteúdo estomacal em outra cobaya. 4. - Foram feitas experiencias para determinar o tempo de sobrevivencia do virus nos barbeiros, inoculando-se conteúdo intestinal a diversos intervallos depois da sucção de cobayas infectadas, com os seguintes resultados: T. infestans: positivo 1 vez em 24 horas e 2 vezes em 48 horas; negativo 2 vezes em 72. 96, 120 e 192 horas. P. megistus: positivo 3 vezes em 24 horas, 2 vezes em 48 horas e 1 vez em 72 horas; negativo 1 vez em 72 e 96 horas; resultado duvidoso ou sem valor (infecção intercorrente) 1 vez em 48 horas e 2 vezes a 72, 96 e 144 horas cada um. R. prolixus: positivo 1 vez em 24, 48 e 72 horas e negativo em 96 horas. 5. - Em vista dos resultados destas experiencias, feitas com 5 especies pertecentes a 4 generos de Triatomideos, torna-se muito pouco provavel que estes Hemipteros possam transmitir pela picada o virus da febre maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas, ou retel-o em seu organismo, em estado virulento, por mais de 2 a 4 dias.
Os autores referem as especies de morcegos de diversos países americanos, emque foi pesquisada no sangue a presença de hemoflagelados. Tripanosomas com a morfologia das formas sanguicolas de Schizotrypanum foram encontrados, tendo sido colhidos dados novos sobre a distribuição geografica e a incidencia da infecção em diferentes especies de morcegos. Sómente nos tecidos do Phyllostomus hastatus puderam ser encontradas as formas de multiplicação do flagelado. Alimentando-se exemplares de Triatoma infestans em Eumops bonariensis beckeri infectado, foi obtido desenvolvimento intestinal do parasito. Por inoculação das vinchucas assim infectadas em camondongo, conseguiu-se facilmente transmissão da infecção a este animal. Inoculando-se cultura do Schizotrypanum de Phyllostomus hastatus em coelho, por via subcutanea, verificaram-se no ponto de inoculação, 5 dias depois, celulas contendo tipicas formas de leishmania. São assinalados fatos observados sobre a associação demorcegos com Hemipteros sugadores (Reduvideos e Cimicideos), os quais, pela circunstancia de se poderem infectar pelo flagelado, são os possiveis transmissores da infecção a estes mamiferos.
Fica assinalada a infecção natural dos Phyllostomideos Lonchoglossa ecaudata e Carollia perspicillata no Estado de Minas Gerais e na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, por um Schizotrypanum. 2) em ambos os morcegos as formas de tripanosoma apresentam morfologia idêntica, caracterisada principalmente por suas pequenas dimensões (15µ) e pelo núcleo localisado muito próximo ao extremo anterior do corpo. 3) Tais características morfológicas são muito visinhas, sinão idênticas, ás do Schizotrypanum vespertilionis (Battaglia), e distinguem o parasito em estudo do Schizotrypanum cruzi humano, de um Schizotrypanum do morcego Carollia perspicillata da Venezuela (= T. phyllostomae Cartaya?) e do Schizotrypanum do morcego Phyllostomus hastatus do Brasil. 4) Em córtes de coração de Lonchoglossa ecaudata foram encontrados parasitos com a morfologia de leishmania. 5) Xenodiagnosticos realisados com Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans e Rhodnius prolixus, em morcegos com tripanosomas no sangue ao exame a fresco, resultaram negativos. 6) Em amplas as espécies de morcegos, no Rio de Janeiro, foi encontrado tambem um grande tripanosoma do grupo megadermae, parecido com o Trypanosoma heybergi Rodhain do morcego africano Nycteris hispidus. Em C. perspicillata da mesma cidade foi verificada tambem a infecção pela Bartonella rocha-limai Faria & Pinto, e tambem a presença de microfilarias no sangue. No rim de C. perspicillata de B. Constant encontramos fórmas esquisogonicas de um protozoário.
1) - Em Guarativana, Estado de Yaracuy, Venezuela, foi determinada a infecção natural de morcegos da espécie Hemiderma perspicillatum (L) por um hemoflagelado do gênero Schizotrypanum CHAGAS. 2) - As formas sanguícolas do parasito são morfologicamente muito semelhantes às do Trypanosoma phyllostomae CARTAYA, 1910, descrito em morcegos da mesma espécie, em Cuba. Sem por ora identificarmos a este parasito o que encontramos na Venezuela, continuaremos a referir-nos a este último como amostra phyllostomae (cf. DIAS, VTDJ). 3) - Os tripanosomas da amostra phyllostomae teem em média 20µ de comprimento total, possuem volumoso blefaroplasto subterminal, núcleo elíptico quese mediano, porem mais próvimo à extremidade anterior do corpo. As seguintes médias foram obtidas da medida de 100 tripanosomas: Extremidade posterior ao meio do núcleo 7,1µ; Meio do núcleo à extremidade anteior 5,0µ; Flagelo livre 7,8µ; Comprimento total 20,0µ; Posição do núcleo (índice PN/NA) 1,4. A amostra phyllostomae mostrou-se biometricamente diferençavel de todas as demais de Schizotupanum estudadas (DIAS & FREITAS). 4) - Formas de multiplicação com a morfologia de leishmania foram encontradas em coração e estômago de morcegos infectados. Tripanosomas em via de divisão nunca foram observados no sangue. 5) - Cobaia, cão e camondongo branco são sensiveis à amostra, sofrendo algumas vezes infecções intensas e mortais. Leishmanias intracelulares e lesões foram encontradas em diversos orgãos, principalmente no coração. 6) - O morcego Phyllostomae hastatus não é sensivel à amostra, apresentando apenas um parasitismo sanguíneo escasso e transitório quando inoculado e reinoculado repetidas vezes. O Molossus obscurus tambem é aparentemente insensivel, enquanto que os Molossus rufus parece receptivel ao parasito. 7) - Após numerosas passagens por animais de laboratório, a amostra Phyllostomae foi infesctante para dois exemplares de Hemiderma perspicillatum do Brasil. Os morcegos H. perpicillatum e H. perspicillatum aztecum são aparentemente resistentes á inoculação do Schizotrypanum cruzi (tipo humano). 8) - A amostra phyllostomae evoluiu facilmente em todos os artrópodes sugadores experimentados: Rhodnius prolixus, Eutriatoma nigromaculata, E. maculata, E. sordida, Panstrongylus megistus, P. geniculatus, Triatoma infestans,Psammolestes arthuri, Cimex hemipterus e Ornithodoros moubata. A evolução processa-se analogamente à do S. chuzi, terminando com a formação de tripanosomas metacíclicos no intestino posterior. 9) - Cultivos artificiais são facilmente conseguidos em meios apropriados. 10) - A amostra phyllostomae distingue-se biológica e morfologicamente de outros hemoflagelados de morcegos (amostras hastatus e vespertilionis). Biologicamente aproxima-se muito do Schizotrydanum cruzi humano, do qual é, entretanto, diferençavel por processos biométricos (DIAS, 1940, DIAS & FREITAS).
Antes de nossas pesquisas, nas zonas emque trabalhamos, haviam sido asinalados cinco casos vivos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, três no Ceará e dois em Pernambuco. Alem desses, oito tinham sido evidenciados por viscerotomia na Baía, município de Jacobina. Já se tinha conhecimento tambem, de um caso de Doença de Chagas no Ceará. Na confecção do presente trabalho visitamos regiões dos Estados do Ceará, Pernambuco e Baía, onde realizamos rápidos inquéritos epidemiológicos sobre as duas protozooses. No Ceará, região do Cariri, encontramos dois novos casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, cujo diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica, e cinco de Doença de Chagas, evidenciandos pelos xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, F. villelai Mangabeira., F. limai Fonseca e F. nordestinus Mangabeira, assim com Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.), 13.5% dos quais infectados. Examinamos animais domésticos (cães e gatos) e silvestres com resultado negativo. Em Pernambuco, município de Exú, fizemos um inquérito sobre os dois casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana anteriormente assinalados, não encontrando outros. foram capturados F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, alem de Panstrongylus magistus (Burm.) e Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva; nenhum deles estava infectado. Dos animais domésticos foram autopsiados três cães sendo encontrado um com leishmanias no fígado e no baço. O exame de 43 animais silvestres nada revelou. Na Baía, município de Jacobina, encontramos, na zona periférica da cidade, um caso de Leishmaniose visceral Americana e, em outras localidades do município, três outros casos, cujos diagnósticos foram confirmados pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica; encontramos, também dois casos de Doença de Chagas, evidenciados pelo xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados F. evandroi Costa Lima, F. lenti Mangabeira e F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva; Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) (65.5% infectados) e um exemplar de Eutriatoma maculata (Erich.). Encontramos, tambem, em oco de pau, longe das habitações, um exemplar de P. megistus (Burm.) infectado. Examinamos quatro animais domésticos (cães e gatos), tendo sido encontrado um cão portador de S. cruzi.