467 resultados para BRS Magna
O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do período de maturação de grãos nas propriedades físicas e reológicas da farinha de trigo, avaliado através das determinações de peso do hectolitro, peso de mil grãos, grau de extração, proteínas, cinzas, umidade, cor, número de queda, alveografia, farinografia e amido danificado. Amostras dos genótipos BRS 179, Rubi, Fundacep 30 e Fundacep 51, safra 2006/2007 foram armazenadas em sacos de papel Kraft com 10 kg de trigo, em ambiente com temperatura de 22 °C e umidade relativa do ar de 65-75%. Cada tratamento foi composto por um genótipo e as avaliações realizadas nos tempos 0, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias de maturação. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 5. Os resultados foram analisados pelo emprego da análise de variância (Anova) e nos modelos significativos pelo teste F, e a comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Com o aumento do período de maturação do trigo a farinha apresentou melhores propriedades físicas e reológicas avaliadas pelas alterações de número de queda, cor, alveografia e farinografia. Os resultados de atividade enzimática, luminosidade, intensidade de amarelo e força geral do glúten se mostraram efetivos na avaliação de propriedades físicas e reológicas, enquanto as avaliações de amido danificado e estabilidade não foram indicadores adequados. O trigo não deve ser comercializado após a colheita, pois apresenta melhoria na classificação comercial, sendo indicado período de maturação de 60 dias. Os genótipos de trigo BRS 179 e Fundacep 51 passaram das classes brando para pão, enquanto o Rubi de pão para melhorador, indicando maior valor tecnológico e comercial com o aumento do período de maturação dos grãos de trigo.
O feijão representa importante fonte de proteína e pode auxiliar na modulação dos níveis de glicose e lipídios sangüíneos. Objetivou-se avaliar o valor protéico e funcional de variedades de feijão. Para a qualidade protéica foram usados 7 grupos (n = 6) de ratos recém desmamados: um recebeu dieta aprotéica por 14 dias e os demais, dietas contendo 9-10% de proteína como caseína ou como um dos feijões (Ouro Branco, Pérola, BRS Radiante, Diamante Negro e Talismã). No segundo experimento, 4 grupos (n = 10) de ratos adultos receberam dietas de caseína, Ouro Branco, Diamante Negro e Talismã por 28 dias. Ouro Branco apresentou maior Coeficiente de Eficiência Protéica (PERr = 61,18%) do que os demais e o BRS Radiante o menor (PERr = 44,60%). Quanto à Razão Protéica Líquida (NPR) e à digestibilidade, não houve diferença (p > 0,05) entre os grupos, variando de 67,05 a 78,19% e de 78,70 a 84,88%, respectivamente. As dietas de Diamante Negro e Talismã promoveram redução da glicemia de 30 e 26%, respectivamente, em relação à caseína, não sendo, porém, significativa; não houve diferença (p > 0,05) entre os grupos quanto aos níveis séricos de colesterol e triacilgliceróis. Assim, de acordo com as necessidades apresentadas pelas populações, suas demandas nutricionais e funcionais podem ser supridas por diferentes feijões.
The increasing consumption of soybeans due to its bioactive compounds has attracted interest in describing the grain's constituents and variation during processing. Phytate has been the aim of much research since it chelates essential minerals but also has beneficial antioxidant effects. This study evaluated the variation of phytate, calcium, zinc, and iron during soaking and cooking of soybeans. The phytate: Zn and phytate: Fe molar ratios were determined in order to estimate the bioavailability of these minerals. Six food-type varieties were used: BR 36, BRS 213, BRS 216, BRS 232, BRS 155, and Embrapa 48. The samples were soaked in water 3:1 (w/w) for 12 hours at room temperature and cooked. Cooking time was determined by modeling the softening of each variety using fractional conversion. Water content, phytate, and minerals were determined in raw, soaked and cooked samples. The water content of raw grains for all varieties was 9.9 g.100 g-1 increasing to a range of 58.1-63.7 g.100 g-1 after soaking and 63.1-66.0 g.100 g-1 after cooking. Soaking caused a significant reduction in phytate (23-30%), but cooking caused no additional reduction. The phytate: Zn molar ratio was 20 indicating that zinc absorption could be impaired, while the phytate: Fe molar ratio was 8, below the level of compromising absorption
Rice cooking quality is usually evaluated by texture and stickiness characteristics using many different methods. Gelatinization temperature, amylose content, viscosity (Brookfield viscometer and Rapid Visco Analyzer), and sensory analysis were performed to characterize culinary quality of rice grains produced under two cropping systems and submitted to different technologies. All samples from the upland cropping system and two from the irrigated cropping system presented intermediate amylose content. Regarding stickiness, BRS Primavera, BRS Sertaneja, and BRS Tropical showed loose cooked grains. Irrigated cultivars presented less viscosity and were softer than upland cultivars. Upland grain samples had similar profile on the viscoamylografic curve, but the highest viscosity peaks were observed for BRS Alvorada, IRGA 417, and SCS BRS Piracema among the irrigated cropping system samples. In general, distinct grain characteristics were observed between upland and irrigated samples by cluster analysis. The majority of the upland cultivars showed soft and loose grains with adequate cooking quality confirmed by sensory tests. Most of the irrigated cultivars, however, presented soft and sticky grains. Different methodologies allowed to improve the construction of the culinary profile of the varieties studied.
Functional and technological properties of wheat depend on its chemical composition, which together with structural and microscopic characteristics, define flour quality. The aim of the present study was to characterize four Brazilian wheat cultivars (BRS Louro, BRS Timbauva, BRS Guamirim and BRS Pardela) and their respective flours in order to indicate specific technological applications. Kernels were analyzed for test weight, thousand kernel weight, hardness, moisture, and water activity. Flours were analyzed for water activity, color, centesimal composition, total dietary fiber, amylose content and identification of high molecular weight glutenins. The rheological properties of the flours were estimated by farinography, extensography, falling number, rapid visco amylography, and glutomatic and glutork equipment. Baking tests and scanning electron microscopy were also performed. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and principal component analysis. BRS Timbauva and BRS Guamirim presented results that did not allow for specific technological application. On the other hand, BRS Louro presented suitable characteristics for the elaboration of products with low dough strength such as cakes, pies and biscuits, while BRS Pardela seemed suitable for bread and pasta products.
The aim of this work was to make tofu from soybean cultivar BRS 267 under different processing conditions in order to evaluate the influence of each treatment on the product quality. A fractional factorial 2(5-1) design was used, in which independent variables (thermal treatment, coagulant concentration, coagulation time, curd cutting, and draining time) were tested at two different levels. The response variables studied were hardness, yield, total solids, and protein content of tofu. Polynomial models were generated for each response. To obtain tofu with desirable characteristics (hardness ~4 N, yield 306 g tofu.100 g-1 soybeans, 12 g proteins.100 g-1 tofu and 22 g solids.100 g-1 tofu), the following processing conditions were selected: heating until boiling plus 10 minutes in water bath, 2% dihydrated CaSO4 w/w, 10 minutes coagulation, curd cutting, and 30 minutes draining time.
The objective of this study was to characterize and correlate maturity and quality of the first varieties of Brazilian seedless grapes 'BRS Clara', 'BRS Linda', 'BRS Morena', and 'Advanced Selection 8' compared with the American variety 'Crimson Seedless' in compliance with the Brazilian Normative/2002 and export standards Advanced Selection 8' is dark reddish, has large clusters, and is a very large ellipsoid berry; 'BRS Morena' is black with medium sized clusters and large berry shaped as ellipsoid to globoid; 'BRS Linda' is light green and has large sized clusters; 'Crimson' is pink and has small clusters with berries varying from medium to large sizes and ellipsoid shaped; and 'BRS Clara' is green yellowish has medium sized clusters and small berry of elongated ellipsoid shape. All varieties evaluated meet the standard for domestic market established as berry size minimum diameter 12 mm. 'BRS Clara' does not meet the export requirements of diameter. Berries of the red grapes 'BRS Morena' and 'Crimson Seedless' are firmer. The pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids meet the official standards. Larger clusters are less acidic and present higher soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios implying that they are the sweetest type when ripe.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of harvest at different times of day on the chemical and physical characteristics of vegetable-type soybean BRS 267 cultivar, harvested at the R6 stage (seed development) and to compare it with that on the grains harvested at the R8 stage (maturation). The pods of the BRS 267 cultivar were harvested at the R6 stage (at 8:00 AM, 12:00 AM, and 6:00 PM), the color parameters were evaluated, and the grains were analyzed for chemical composition, activity inhibitor trypsin, phytic acid content, starch, sugars, fatty acids, and isoflavones. No differences were observed among the different harvest times in terms of the chemical constituents of vegetable-type soybean BRS 267 cultivar harvested at the R6 stage. Isoflavones content did not change with different harvest times, and the aglycone forms (daidzein, glycitein, and genistein) were found in smaller quantities at the R6 stage compared to the R8 stage. The color of the pods of soybean BRS 267 cultivar, harvested at the R6 stage did not change with different harvest times. The grains harvested at the R6 stage had lower protein content, phytic acid, and sucrose and higher levels of lipids, carbohydrates, starch, glucose, fructose, stachyose, and linolenic acids than those collected at the R8 stage. The different times of harvest did not affect the quality of the vegetable-type soybean BRS 267 cultivar harvested at stage R6. Nevertheless, it is recommended to harvest in the morning, when the temperature is milder, like other vegetables, to facilitate and optimize its marketing and in natura consumption.
Tempeh is a food obtained by fermentation of soybean grains by the fungus Rizophus oligosporus. It is a traditional Indonesian food that presents benefits for human health protecting against diarrhea and chronic diseases. Tempeh processing includes dehulling, cooking, inoculation, and fermentation. In this study, chemical characteristics of tempeh prepared with soybean cultivars specially developed for human consumption (BRS 216, BRS 232, BRS 257, and BRS 267) were investigated. Soybean grains and tempeh obtained from these cultivars were analyzed for oil, protein, antinutrional factors, and isoflavone content. Cultivar BRS 216 presented the highest protein content in the grains (36.81%) and in tempeh (51.99%). On average, the protein content in tempeh increased 16% in relation to that of soybean grains. Isoflavone content was higher in the grains than in tempeh with significant differences among the cultivars. However, the aglycones content increased about 50% in tempeh (49.00 mg.100 g-1 on average) compared to that of raw material (soybean grains - 21.49 mg.100 g-1, on average). The content of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KSTI) reduced 83% in tempeh, on average, as compared to the value found in the grains. Phytic acid content was similar in both tempeh and the grains.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory changes in bran from three rice cultivars according to microwave roasting time. This study analyzed three rice cultivars, BRS Sertaneja (S), BRS Primavera (P), and IRGA 417 (I) determining the color parameters (L*, a*, and b *) at 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 minutes of roasting time. After applying the difference from control test, the rice brans with different characteristics aroma and flavor were selected: S and P roasted for 9 and 15 minutes and IRGA 417 roasted for 9, 12, and 15 minutes. These samples were characterized by Free-Choice Profile descriptive sensory analysis, and their chemical composition was also determined. The longer the roasting process, the higher the roasted flavor intensity and aroma. The IRG 417 cultivar roasted for 12 minutes showed a sweeter flavor and aroma. After roasting, the brans remained rich in protein and lipid and presented higher fiber content and lower reducing sugar and phytic acid content. Microwave roasting for 12 minutes can be a viable option for improving the sensory functional and nutritional characteristics of the rice bran considering its use in food products.
This study evaluated the fatty acid quantification, proximate and amino acid compositions, antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds, vitamin E, and mineral contents of new amaranth (BRS Alegria) and quinoa (BRS Piabiru) cultivars which were produced in order to adapt these pseudocereals to the climatic conditions of central-western Brazil. They showed superior levels of protein and total lipids in comparison to their native counterparts. The lipid profile of the amaranth BRS Alegria was revealed to be better than those of other native cultivars. Quinoa BRS Piabiru presented a higher antioxidant capacity and phenolic content than the studied amaranth cultivar, but lower contents of tocopherols. All of the obtained results confirm that these new grains possess an overall amount of nutritional compounds that is better than those reported for many native counterparts of the studied samples. The employed analytical methods in this work contributed to a better understanding of the quinoa BRS Piabiru and amaranth BRS Alegria chemical compositions. Therefore, the diversity and quantity of all of the studied compounds in the samples denote the considerable importance of these grains for food science research area.
The main problem related to rice bran use is that it goes rancid right after its production. The objective of the present study was to apply a mathematical model to evaluate the kinetics of the lipase activity and hydrolytic rancidity of the raw rice bran (RRB), extruded rice bran (ERB), and parboiled rice bran (PRB) stored in low density polyethylene bags at room temperature for 180 days. Extrusion and parboiling were efficient in preventing free fatty acid formationin ERB and PRB.Extrusion reduced the velocity constant of lipase activity as compared to that of RRB while parboiling increased it, and both decreased the lipase activity after equilibrium from 150 days. The extrusion and parboiling treatments increased the velocity constants for the liberation of free fatty acids although the equilibrium was reached with reduced production of free fatty acids in relation to the production of raw rice bran after 150 days ofstorage. Extrusion proved the best treatment under the storage temperature conditions of rice bran from cultivar BRS Primavera.
The hydration kinetics of five barley cultivars was studied at six different temperatures ranging from 10 to 35 ºC for 32 hours applying the Peleg model. Response Surface was used to describe dynamic of the process and identify the hydration time for each cultivar. The activation energy (Ea), enthalpy (ΔH*), entropy (ΔS*), and Gibbs free energy (ΔG*) were estimated from the adjusted parameters and Arrhenius equation. Temperature had significant effect on the hydration of the five cultivars. At low temperatures, the stabilization time for hydration was faster. Peleg constants K1 and K2 decreased with increasing temperature. The cultivar BRS BRAU showed the lowest value of initial absorption rate (R0 = 0.149 kg.h-1) at 10 ºC, while the cultivar BRS BOREMA had the highest value of R0 (0.367 kg.h-1 at 35 ºC). The equilibrium moisture content (Me) increased with increasing temperature. The cultivars BRS CAUE and BRS BRAU showed the lowest values of Ea, ΔH*, ΔS* showed negative values, and ΔG* increased with increasing temperature, confirming the effect of temperature on hydration.
The objective of this study was to prepare roasted and lyophilized tempeh flour with soybean cultivar BRS 267 to apply them in the formulation of coconut biscuits. The cookies produced with whole soy flour and mixed flour of soybean and tempeh were evaluated for proximate composition, fatty acid profile, and isoflavone aglycones in order to verify the effects of inoculation with the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus and those of the drying processes of roasting and lyophilization on the chemical characteristics of the final product. Sensory acceptance and purchase intention of the formulated products were also evaluated. The results indicate the maintenance of linolenic acid, which is important in the prevention of coronary diseases, and an increase in the aglycones levels when the tempeh flour was used. Lipids and proteins showed differences, and the sensory analyses demonstrated similarity between the cookies with satisfactory scores for aroma, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability for both samples. when compared to the control. Purchase intent was also positive for the lyophilized and toasted tempeh flours, thus enabling the use of the roasting process as a simple drying method, for processing tempeh and obtaining a flour rich in proteins and aglycones that can be used as a partial substitute for soy flour in cookies and other bakery products.
The objective of this study was to compare the sensory quality and the volatile compound profile of new varieties of Capsicum chinense pepper (CNPH 4080 a strain of'Cumari-do-Pará' and BRS Seriema) with a known commercial variety (Biquinho). Volatiles were isolated from the headspace of fresh fruit by SPME and identified by GC-MS. Pickled peppers were produced for sensory evaluation. Aroma descriptors were evaluated by Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method, and the frequency data were submitted to Correspondence Analysis. Flavor acceptance was assessed by hedonic scale and analyzed by ANOVA. BRS Seriema showed the richest volatile profile, with 55 identified compounds, and up to 40% were compounds with sweet aroma notes. CNPH 4080 showed similar volatile profile to that of Biquinho pepper, but it had higher amounts of pepper-like and green-note compounds. The samples did not differ in terms of flavor acceptance, but they showed differences in aroma quality confirming the differences found in the volatile profiles. The C. chinense varieties developed by Embrapa proved to be more aromatic than Biquinho variety, and were well accepted by the judges.