404 resultados para Plasmodium-chabaudi-adami


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Estudou-se o efeito da dieta láctea, por um período de 150 dias em camundongos infectados com diferentes números das formas sangüíneas de Plasmodium berghei, e observou-se o desenvolvimento da imunidade humoral nestes animais pela dosagem das imunoglobulinas das classes IgG e IgM no soro, usando o teste de imunofluorescência indireta. Os resultados indicam que a administração do leite, como único alimento em camundongos, protege-os cotnra infecção malárica fatal, independentemente do número de parasitas inoculados. Os animais desenvolveram altos níveis de anticorpos IgG, os quais persistiram no soro por longo período de tempo. Contudo, os anticorpos IgM somente foram detectáveis no soro durante as primeiras duas semanas de infecção. O P. berghei continua presente na circulação periférica, após dois meses de infecção, uma vez que o sangue destes animasi inoculados em camundongos mantidos em dieta norma, produziu infecção fatal nos recipientes. No entanto, ao exame microscópico não foi possível detectar o parasita da malária no sangue periférico destes animais. O protozoário esteve presente no baço e fígado dos camundongos durante todo o tempo de duração da pesquisa. A presença contínua do P. berghei nestes animais, em nível de infecção subclínica, ofereceu ao hospedeiro o desenvolvimento de uma imunidade sólida contra subseqüente infecção. Esta imunidade adquirida esteve presente, nestes animais, até cinco meses após a infecção.


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Epidemiological studies were conducted on malaria in three rural areas of the Amazon basin in the State of Rondônia: the town of Costa Marques, Forte Príncipe da Beira (Fort), and an immigrant settlement in the nearby forest. These studies were instituted to document the malaria problem and to describe the role of immigration on its distribution and prevalence. Hospital records in the town show that the number of malaria cases increased five fold from 1983 to 1987 and that the predominant malaria parasite changel from Plasmodium vivax to P. falciparum. Increased malaria followed increased immigration and colonization of the forest. A series of epidemiologic studies suggested the linkage between malaria and immigration as the prevalence of malaria was 1-2% at the Fort, a stable community, 8-9% at Costa Marques, a growing community, and 14-26% in the new settlements in the forest.


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The blood parasites of 15,574 birds representing 266 species of 43 families from primarily three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil were examined for haematozoa. Only 1240 (8.0% of 121 species fo 32 families were infected with blood parasites. This prevalence was similar to that reported in a previous study. Species of Haemoproteus were the most commonly encountered haematozoans (38.9%), followed by microfilaria (30.7%), Trypanosoma (13.7%), Plasmodium (7.5%) and Leucocytozoon (0.8%). Prevalence of parasitism was significantly different between the three major areas sampled. It was shown that this was due in part to differences in the avifaunas at both the familial and species levels. Prevalence varied markedly in only one of the 10 years of the study. Monthly fluctuations in prevalence were largely due to changes in relative proportions of highlytion of both. Prevalences of both microfilaria and Trypanosoma were higher than reported for any other similar survey in the world.


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Relative to their pre-engorgement weights, nulliparous Anopheles nuneztovari consumed significantly smaller blood meals than A. marajoara, A. triannulatus or A. aquasalis. When females were deprived of sugar before blood feeding, only one-quarter of A. nuneztovari, but more than two-thirds of A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs. Sugar feeding before blood, or two sucessive blood meals by sugar-deprived females, increased the proportion of nulliparous a. nuneztovari which developed eggs, but not significantly so. Nearly all individuals of nulliparous, sugar-fed A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs after one blood feeding. Among A. nuneztovari, A. marajoara and A. aquasalis that matured some eggs in the laboratory, there were no positive correlations between the number of eggs developed and relative vlood mealsize. However, blood meals larger than the mean size significantly increased the chance that A. nuneztovari would develop some eggs. Mean fecundities of gravid A. nuneztovari and A. marajoara reared in the laboratory were significantly lower than those of the same species captured at human bait in nature. Post-engorgement access to sugar by A. nuneztovari (captured at human bait) did not influence fecundity, but significantly enhanced survivorship and the proporticon of individuals which retained eggs. Release-recapture experiments revealed that relatively small blood meals are typical of A. nuneztovari only during the first gonotrophic cycle. We suggest that multiple blood feeding, seemingly necessary for most A. nuneztovari to develop a first clutch of eggs, may increase the probability of infection with Plasmodium vivax where this mosquito species is a primary vector.


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Crude ethanolic extracts (CEEs) from two species of Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbita maxima and Momordica charantia (commonly called "abóbora moranga" and melão de São Caetano", respectively) were assayed for antimalarial activity by the 4-d suppressive test. The CEE of dry C. maxima seeds showed strong antimalarial activity following oral administration (259 and 500 mg/kg), reducing by 50% the levels of parasistemia in Plasmodium berghey-infected mice. Treatment of normal animals with 500 mg/Kg of the extract three days before intravenous injection of P. berghei caused a significant 30% reduction in parasitemic levels. No effect was observed when the animals were treated with the CEE only on the day of inoculation. Oral administration of the CEE of dry M. charantia leaves adminstered orally was ineffective up to 500 mg/Kg in lowering the parasitemic levels of malarious mice.


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Blood sampling on filter paper is a current practice seroepidemiological studies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). There is, however, scant comparative information about the use of bloodspot eluates for detection of malarial IgG antibodies simultaneously by IFAT and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Here we report data obtained by both serological methods done on 219 bloodspot eluate samples collected in a rural community in Brazilian Amazon Basin (Alto Paraíso, Ariquemes municipality) where malaria is endemic. Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax thick smear antigens were used in the IFAT; a detergent-soluble P. falciparum antigen was prepared for ELISA. Substantial agreement of results (Kappa coefficient k = 0.686) was observed when P. falciparum antigen was used in both tests, and IFAT titers were found to be strongly correlated ELISA antibody units (Spearman correlation coeficient rs = 0.818, p < 0.0001). Only moderate agreement (k = 0.467) between IFAT with P. vivax antigen and ELISA with P. falciparum antigen was observed. Spearman correlation coefficient value between quantitative results (IFAT titers and ELISA antibody units) in this case was numerically lowe (rs = 0.540, p < 0.0001). Our results suggest that, with P. falciparum antigen, both IFAT and ELISA performed on bloodspot eluates are equivalent for seropidemiological purposes.


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In Brazil simian malaria is widely spread, being frequent in the Amazon region (10% of primates infected) and even more in the forested coastal mountains of the Southeastern and Southern regions (35% and 18% infected, respectively), but absent in the semi-arid Northeast. Only two species of plasmoidia have been found: the quartan-like Plasmodium brasilianum and the tertian-like P. simium, but the possible presence of other species is not excluded. P. brasilianum is found in all enzootic foci, but P. simium was detected only on the coast of the Southeastern and Southern regions, between parallels 20-S and 30-S. Nearly all hosts are monkeys (family Cebidae, 28 species harbouring plasmodia out of 46 examined) and very rarely marmosets or tamarins (family Callitrichidae, I especies out of 16). P. brasilianum was present in all infected species, P. simium in only two. The natural vector in the Southeastern and Southern regions was found to be Anopheles cruzi, but has not been conclusively identified in the Amazon. One natural, accidental human infection due to P. simium was observed. There is no evidence of the relation of the simian to human malaria in the Southeastern and Southern regions, where human malaria was eradicated in spite of the high rates of monkeys infected, but in the Amazon recent serological studies by other workers, revealing high positivity for P. brasilianum/P. malariae antibodies in local indians, would suggest that among them malaria might be regarded as a zoonosis.


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Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1, also referred to as P195, PMMSA or MSA 1) is one of the most studied of all malaria proteins. The proteins. The protein is found in all malaria species investigated and structural studies on the gene indicate that parts of the molecule are well-conserved. Studies on Plasmodium falciparum have shown that the protein is in a processed form on the merozoite surface, a result of proteolytic cleavage of the large percursor molecule. Recent studies have identified some of these cleavage sites. During invasion of the new red cell most of the MSP1 molecule is shed from the parasite surface except for a small C-terminal fragment which can be detected in ring stages. Analysis of the structure of this fragment suggests that it contains two growth factor-like domains that may have a functional role.


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The development of additional methods for detecting and identifuing Babesia and Plasmodium infections may be useful in disease monitoring, management and control efforts. To preliminarily evaluate sunthetic peptide-based serodiagnosis, a hydrophilic sequence (DDESEFDKEK)was selected from published BabR gene of B. bovis. Immunization of rabbits and cattle with the hemocyanin-conjugated peptide elicited antibody responses that specifically detected both P. falciparum and B. bovis antigens by immunofluorescence and Western blots. Using a dot-ELISA with this peptide, antisera from immunized and naturally-infected cattle, and immunized rodents, were specifically detected. Reactivity was weak and correlated with peptide immunization or infection. DNA-based detection using repetitive DNA was species-specific in dot-blot formats for B. bovis DNA, and in both dot-blot and in situ formats for P. falciparum; a streamlined enzymelinked synthetic DNA assay for P. falciparum detected 30 parasites/mm(cúbicos) from patient blood using either colorimetric (2-15 h color development) or chemiluminescent detection (0.5-6-min. exposures). Serodiagnostic and DNA hybridization methods may be complementary in the respective detection of both chronic and acute infections. However, recent improvements in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) make feasible a more sensitive and uniform approach to the diagnosis of these and other infectious disease complexes, with appropriate primers and processing methods. An analysis of ribosomal DNA genes of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma identified Apicomplexa-conserved sequence regions. Specific and distinctive PCR profiles were obtained for primers spanning the internal transcribed spacer locus for each of several Plasmodium and Babesia species.


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Most opinion favors the origin of the malaria parasites from a coccidial ancestor. It is assumed that whatever the process through which the coccidia differentiated into a Plasmodium this phenomenon very probably occured millions of year ago, and during that differentiation process the original coccidia vanished. Therefore it has never repeated. At the light of some experiments the existence, at the present time, of a coccidial cycle of development in the malaria parasites, is proposed. The conection routes and mechanisms through which the malaria parasite changes to a coccidial life, and the routes in reverse are exposed. Transmission of the malaria-coccidial forms is suggested.


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Recently we have shown that two hybrid proteins expressed in Escherichia coli confer protective immunity to Aotus monkeys against an experimental Plasmodium falciparum infection (Knapp et al., 1992). Both hybrid proteins carry a sequence containing amino acids 631 to 764 of the serine stretch protein SERP (Knapp et al., 1989b). We have studied the diversity of this SERP region in field isolates of P. falciparum. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood of six donors from different endemic areas of Brazil and West Africa. The SERP region encoding amino acids 630 to 781 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Only conserved amino acid substitutions in maximally two positions of the analyzed SERP fragment could be detected which supports the suitability of this SERP region as a component of anti-blood stage malaria vaccine.


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In view of the recent demonstration that antibodies that are protective agains Plasmodium falciparum malaria may act in collaboration with blood monocytes, we have investigated the isotype content of sera from individuals with defined clinical states of resistance or susceptibility to malaria. Profound differences in the distribution of each Ig subclass and particulary in the ratio of cytophilic versus noncytophilic antibodies were found. In protected subjects, two cytophilic isotypes, IgG1 and IgG3 were found to predominate. In non-protected subjects, i.e. children and primary attack adults, three different situations were encountered: a) an imbalance in which IgG2, a non-cytophilic class, predominated (mostly seen in primary attacks); b) imbalance in which mostly IgM antibodies predominated (a frequent event in children) or c) less frequently, an overall low level of antimalarial antibodies. Of 33 non immune subjects studied all, except one, had one of the above defects. The function of total Ig presenting such an isotype imbalance was studied in vitro in Antibody-Dependent -Cellular-Inhibition assays. Not only did IgG from protected subjects cooperate efficiently with blood monocytes, whilst IgG from non-protected groups did not, but moreover the latter inhibit the in vitro effect of the former: in competition assays whole IgG from primary attack cases with increased IgG2 content, competed with IgG from immune adults, thus suggesting that non-protected subjects had antibodies to epitopes critical for protection, but that these antibodies are non functional.


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Malaria treatment of children is particulary difficult because of the absence of palatable suspensions for young children. Halofantrine hydrochloride is available as a suspension which is both palatable and simple to administer, and has been studied in a number of trials in the past 5 years. Children (331) ranging from 4 months to 17 years of age (mean 4.7 years) were treated with the 5% suspension using various dose regimens and 364 children ranging from 4 months to 14 years of age (mean 5.7 years) were treated with the 2% suspension 6 hourly for 3 doses. Using the 3-dose regimen there were only 2/462 (0.4%) who failed to clear the initial parasitaemia. Recrudescence occurred in 28/367 (7.6%) children with evaluable follow up data. The mean parasite clearance time in this group was 57.1h (n = 417) and the mean fever clearance time was 50.9 h (n = 325). Symptoms related to malaria cleared rapidly following treatment generally by 24-48 h post treatment. Side effects possibly related to treatment were uncommon but were similar to those reported in adults. The frequency of diarrhoea and abdominal pain was lower than that seen in adults and was also less frequent following multiple doses and the use of the more dilute suspension. Since was evidence that the majority of recrudescences were seen in younger children or those living in areas with low or seasonal transmission it is recommended that a further course of treatment 7 days later is given to these patients to prevent recrudescence. Halofantrine suspension appears to be effective and well tolerated in children and is a useful addition to the drugs available for the treatment of paediatric malaria.


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Based on the results of in vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine, quinine and mefloquine, and evaluation of drug consumption conducted in 1987-1988 in four areas in the noth and south-west of Cameron, two opposite situations were encountered in this country. In northern Cameron where mefloquine resistance is prevalent a close correlation was found between the responses of P. falciparum to mefloquine and to quinine, but not between mefloquine and chloroquine. In the south, where chloroquine resistance is highly prevalent, no correlation was found neither between mefloquine and chloroquine nor mefloquine and quinine, but the responses to quinine and chloroquine appear partly correlated. These lead to formulate the hypothesis of a "southern" type of P. falciparum submitted to a high chloroquine drug pressure inducing a secondary cross resistance, whilst a "northern"type submitted to a relatively high and abortive quinine drug pressure inducing a primary quinine resistance and a secondary cross resistance with mefloquine.


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Cerebral complications are important, but poorly understood pathological features of infections caused by some species of Plasmodium and Babesia. Patients dying from P. falciparum were classified as cerebral or non-cerebral cases according to the cerebral malaria coma scale. Light microscopy revealed that cerebral microvessels of cerebral malaria patients were field with a mixture of parazited and unparazited erythrocytes, with 94% of the vessels showing parasitized red blood cell (PRBC) sequestration. Some degree of PRBC sequestration was also found in non-cerebral malaria patients, but the percentage of microvessls with sequestered PRBC was only 13% Electron microscopy demonstrated knobs on the membrane of PRBC that formed focal junctions with the capillary endothelium. A number of host cell molecules such as CD36, thrombospondim (TSP) and intracellular adhesion molecule I (ICAM-1) may function as endothelial cell surfacereports for P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Affinity labeling of CD36 and TSP to the PRBC surface showed these molecules specifically bind to the knobs. Babesia bovis infected erythrocytes procedure projections of the erythrocyte membrane that are similar to knobs. When brain tissue from B. bovis-infected cattle was examined, cerebral capillaries were packed with PRBC. Infected erythrocytes formed focal attachments with cerebral endothelial cells at the site of these knob-like projections. These findings indicate that cerebral pathology caused by B. bovis is similar to human cerebral malaria. A search for cytoadherence proteins in the endothelial cells may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenisis of cerebral babesiosis.