441 resultados para Pesquisa eleitoral


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This paper presents an overview of the Natural Products Research in Brazil in the last five years (2002-2006), and also discusses how some relevant aspects of the Chemical Biology area could create new research opportunities and challenges for the natural product chemists. In addition, some aspects of the scientific policies and their impact on current projects are discussed.


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The development of new antiretroviral drugs is a dynamic process that is continuously fueled by identification of new molecular targets and new compounds for know targets. The current available drugs can be classified into five categories: nucleoside analogues reverse transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors and entry inhibitors (fusion inhibitors and CCR5 antagonist). In addition, the maturation inhibitors may be considered as potential target for chemotherapeutic intervention. This review presents some anti-HIV agents that have already gone through the advance development process for final approval for the treatment of AIDS.


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Ultraviolet radiation is the major exogenous mediators of skin damage. To prevent such damage, sunscreen products are used. New research aims at both the elucidation of new sunscreen compounds, as well as new assets for supporting and synergistic action. In this article it is presented a systematic data of innovation for sunscreen and a discussion on prospects for partnership between universities and enterprises, where it is believed that the innovations in cosmetics, driven by the constant demand of the market in new products, may be a stimulus for the interactions between university and company in Brazil.


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The profile of the CNPq Research Productivity Program in Chemistry was studied using the Plataforma Lattes curricula of all researchers with grants in effect as of March 2009. Most of them are male (67.2%), working in Federal Universities (59.4%) and located in Southeastern Brazil (63.7%). There is no evident homogeneity among researchers of the same level/category concerning the productivity criterions used (the H index and the scientific productivity of the last five years). CNPq and the Chemistry Assessor Committee have been focusing on making their judgments unbiased, by using quantitative parameters, but such overlap is still noticeable.


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Through the analysis of articles with proposals for experimental activities and with current pedagogical, epistemological and environmental discussion on experimentation by Chemistry professors, this paper investigates ways of highlighting relevant methodological characteristics that can be incorporated in experiments. Based on analysis of the suggestions for experiments it appears that of particular importance are: a concern for students' physical welfare and for the effects of residues; the need to confront an impoverished infrastructure that hinders experimentation; and the valorisation of clarifying student knowledge. It argues in favour of the need to set out the problems of experimentation in educators' professional development.


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During the schooling process, images are constructed about research and researcher activities. Based on that, a questionnaire has been structured based on three thematic axes that tend to represent some of the discussions about the translations that integrate the scientific activity collectively: freedom and demands from research, academia as a mediator and science disclosure. The objective of the instrument was to map some notions from entrants to the graduation course in Chemistry in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre about what, based on the contributions by Bruno Latour, was called vascularizations of research.


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Through the analysis of articles with proposals for experimental activities and with current pedagogical, epistemological and environmental discussion on experimentation by Chemistry professors, this paper investigates ways of highlighting relevant methodological characteristics that can be incorporated in experiments. 102 articles from national periodicals were analysed, all of which suggested experiments for use in Chemistry higher education. Based on analysis of the suggestions for experiments it appears that of particular importance are: visions, such as those that explain a belief that experimentation incentivizes motivation and conceptual learning; awareness of observation influenced by empiricism; and "errors" of students, which enrich their knowledge.


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Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) is the most cultivated, trafficked and consumed illicit drug worldwide. Estimates indicate 10% of individuals experiencing marijuana become daily users, and 20-30% use it weekly. Around 489 natural compounds have been identified in this plant, of which 70 are cannabinoids, responsible for psychic effects. The most relevant cannabinoid is Δ9-THC, recognized as the main chemical substance with psychoactive effects. The aims of this work was to investigate whether other drugs interfere with the colorimetric tests Fast Blue B and Duquenois-Levine, widely used for marijuana screening in forensic chemistry laboratories.


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Visualization is a fast-growing field in science education. This review covers 171 articles published between 2001 and 2010 in 14 science education journals. Major findings include: i - despite the predominance of English speaking countries, interest in the topic has increased in several countries; ii - qualitative research is increasing, but quantitative methodologies prevail; iii - the role of peer interaction in group activities is little investigated; iv - research on the way students and teachers use visualization tools is increasing, but most publications focus on the tools; v - structure of matter remains the most common subject covered.


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The present article provides an overview of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals (GHS) and its implementation in Brazil. Although Classification and Packaging is beyond the scope of the responsibility of academic chemists, labelling of chemicals used in academic laboratories will be required by the competent authorities to ensure the safety of students and staff. Therefore, academic teachers and researchers responsible should be familiarised with the GHS principles outlined here and at least be able to label, by applying these principles, mixtures of substances previously classified by the competent authorities.


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This paper presents an overview of the development of chemical education as a research area and some of its contributions to society. Although science education is a relatively recent area of research, it went through an expressive development in the last decades. As in the whole world, in Brazil also such development is attested by the expressive number of scientific societies, specialized journals, and meetings with growing attendance in the areas of science education in general and chemical education in particular. Following are the main contributions of research in science education related to chemistry teaching: adoption of teaching-learning principles in chemistry education; contextualization of chemical knowledge; interdisciplinary approach to chemistry teaching; use of the history of science for the definition of contents and for the design of curricula and teaching tools; development of specific disciplines for the initial and in-service training of chemistry teachers; publication of innovative chemistry textbooks by university-based research groups; elaboration of official guidelines for high-school level; and evaluation of chemistry textbooks to be distributed to high-school students by the Brazilian government. In spite of a positive impact of such initiatives, science education in Brazil still faces many problems, as indicated by poor results in international evaluations (such as the Program for International Student Assessment). However, changes in such a scenario depend less on the research in chemical education than on the much-needed governmental initiatives aiming at the improvement of both attractiveness of teaching career and structural conditions of public schools. In conclusion, new government investments in education are necessary for continuing the development of chemistry; moreover, scientific societies and decision makers in educational policies should take into consideration the contributions originated from the chemical education research area.


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The profile analysis of CNPq Research Productivity Fellows (PQ) in the four subfields of chemistry and in their respective specialties highlighted particularities with regard to the indicators related to the judging criteria established by the Chemistry Advisory Committee. The curricula of all 727 PQ fellows with active grants in 15/03/2013 were analyzed spanning the past10 years (2003-2013). Out of all PQ-1 fellows, researchers in the subfield of Organic Chemistry had the highest median number of articles published per year. The subfield of Analytical Chemistry qualifies a higher number of postgraduate level students in comparison to other Chemistry subfields. Furthermore, this subfield had the highest average Hirsch index among PQ-1A and PQ-1B fellows. On the other hand, Inorganic Chemistry had the highest average number of patent applications per researcher, while Physical Chemistry had the specialties with the highest citation rates per paper and the highest average impact factors per journal. In all subfields, women made up a low proportion, especially at the highest levels of PQ fellowships. Although quantitative differences in scientific output were observed among the subfields, qualitative evaluation of science output was not carried out.


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This work describes the waste management system developed at the Laboratory of Limnology of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The initial challenge was to identify and treat a great variety of wastes generated in the analytical procedures performed in the laboratory. Since many of the students and researchers are not chemists, an intensive training was performed during the establishment of the management system. After three years, there was a deep change of attitude of the professionals involved. The present experience may be useful for other laboratories with a profile similar to the one under study.


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São apresentados os resultados da experiência de transformação de uma disciplina tradicional do ensino médico voltada ao ensino da política e gestão de saúde com uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação - e-Learning. Baseado em correntes construtivistas da educação, o curso dedica especial atenção à motivação do corpo discente, ao trabalho colaborativo e à procura e elaboração de informações de fontes oficiais de saúde. São características do curso: motivar os alunos por meio da proposta de caracterizar o sistema de saúde de um município de livre escolha dos mesmos; promover atividades de estudo e pesquisa em saúde utilizando roteiros orientados à análise e gestão da assistência; dar a conhecer e utilizar portais oficiais de informações em saúde e criar um ambiente virtual de pesquisa-aprendizagem disponível todo o tempo. Após quatro anos de experiência e em vista da boa aceitação entre os alunos, o modelo de curso foi expandido a outros cursos da área da saúde: Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Nutrição e Metabolismo, Fonoaudiologia e Informática Biomédica.