437 resultados para Biomphalaria havanensis
In this paper the authors briefly describe a human Schistosoma mansoni strain from Pará State, Brazil. The CIRENE'S strain was capable of infecting 71.4% of the snail vector Biomphalaria glabrata (Telegrafo's strain) provided by the "Evando Chagas" Institute, Belém. The cycle was completed by the infection of six mice. The thoracic and abdominal organs were examined microscopically which demonstrated the passage of the worm into the liver and lungs. The authors discuss the importance of these results in the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Pará.
De las partes aéreas de la planta Piqueria trinervia (Compositae) colectada en diveresas áereas de México, se aisló el Piquerol A. Este compuesto se probó como agente molusquicida contra ocho especies de caracoles pulmonados: Fossaria (Fossaria) humilis, F. (Bakerilymnae) sp., Pseudosuccinea columella, Stagnicola attenuata, de México; F. (B.) cubensis y Physacubensis, de Cuba; P. Columella y Biomphalaria glabrata, de Brasil; B glabrata, de Puerto Rico; S. elodes, de Estados Unidos. Se utilizaron tres concentraciones 50, 25 y 5 ppm para cada una de las especies y 2 períodos de exposición, 6 y 24 horas, a 20-22ºC. En 50 ppm, después de 6 horas, y 25 ppm, después de 24 horas los ejemplares de todas las especies murieron. En 5 ppm después de 24 horas, se observaron mortalidades de 60 a 100%. En ningún caso se observó recuperación después de la exposición por 24 horas. El piquerol A es un terpeno biodegradable que presenta otras actividades biológicas. No se han hecho pruebas de toxicidad en otros animales ni pruebas de campo. Sin embargo, es una substacia con alto potencial de uso como molusquicida en zonas de transmisión focal. Es la primera que en México se hacen estudios sistemáticos sobre molusquicidas de origen vegetal.
No município baiano de Planalto, 47% dos roedores silvestres capturados (Nectomys) estavam infectados pelo Schistosoma mansoni, enquanto a prevalência desta infecção na população humana da área era de 3,26%. Os roedores habitam zonas peridomiciliares, têm hábitos aquáticos e eliminam ovos viáveis do S. mansoni. Albergam número variável de vermes e formam granulomas periovulares pequenos, principalmente no fígado e intestinos, sem fibrose hepática importante ou sinais de hipertensão porta. A deposição maior de ovos se faz a nível do intestino, sobretudo do jejuno, com passagem de grande número de ovos para as fezes. Miracídios isolados a partir dos ovos retirados dos roedores infectaram normalmente a Biomphalaria glabrata, com eliminação de cercárias, com as quais se provocou infecção no camundongo branco, em tudo semelhante aquelas causadas por outras cepas de origem humana. Também camundongos que foram deixados em contacto com as águas infestadas pelos roedores silvestres se infectaram facilmente, atestando o alto grau de transmissibilidade da área. Conclui-se que os roedores silvestres de planalto toleram bem a infecção esquistossomótica natural, são bons eliminadores de ovos viáveis do S. mansoni, estão infectados por uma cepa semelhante a que infecta o homem e podem ter um papel na manutenção do ciclo vital do S. mansoni na área estudada.
Susceptibily experiments were carried out with a Biomphalaria straminea-like planorbid snail (Biomphalaria aff. straminea, species inquirenda) from Espinillar, near Salto (Uruguay), in the area of the Salto Grande reservoir, exposed individually to 5 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ2 and BH2 strains). Of 130 snails exposed to the SJ2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria tenagophila, 30 became infected (23%). The prepatent (precercaria) period ranged from 35 to 65 days. The cercarial output was irregular, following no definite pattern, varying from 138 to 76,075 per snail (daily average 4.3 to 447.5 and ending up with death. Three specimens that died, without having shed cercarie, on days 69 (2) and 80 after exposure to miracidia, had developing secondary sporocysts in their tissues, justifying the prospect of a longer precercarial period in these cases. In a control group of 120 B. teangophila, exposed to the SJ2 strain, 40 became infected, showing an infection rate (33.3%) not significantly different from that of the Espinillar snail (X [raised to the power of] 2 = 3.26). No cercarie were produced by any of the Espinilar snails exposed to miracidia of the BH2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria glabrata. Four specimens showed each a primary sporocyst in one tentacle, which disappeared between 15 and 25 days post-exposure, and two others died with immature, very slender sporocysts in their tissues on days 36 and 54. In a control group of 100 B. glabrata exposed to BH2 miracidia, 94 shed cercariae (94%) and 6 remained negative. Calculation of Frandsen's (1979a, b) TCP/100 index shows that "Espinillar Biomphalaria-SJ2 S. mansoni" is a vector-parasite "compatible" combination. Seeing that tenagophila-borne schistosomiasis is prevalent in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states and has recently spread sothwards to Santa Catarina state, and the range of B. tenagophila overlaps taht of the Espinillar Biomphalaria, the possibility of schistosomiais establishing itself in Uruguay, although not imminent, is not to be disregarded.
Considering the possibility of introduction of schistosomiasis mansoni into Argentina as a consequence of dam construction on the Rio De La Plata basin, preliminary studies have been carried out on agrosystems such as ricefields in Corrientes province with the following purposes: 1) to survey and estimate the relative abundance of planorbids and identify potential vector species; 2) to identify environmental factors capable of influencing Biomphalaria population dynamics; and 3) to find out snail-parasite associations and estimate snail infection rates in order to detect possible competitive interactions between larval stages of native trematodes that could be used in biological control of Schistosoma mansoni. Three potential schistosome vectors were detected in ricefields, namely Biomphalaria straminea, B. tenagophila and B. peregrina, although B. orbignyi, a species refractory to infection with S. mansoni, proved the most frequent and abundant. Positive correlations (P<0.05) were found between Biomphalaria abundance and some environmental parameters: conductivity, hardness, calcium, nitrites plus nitrates, ammonium and bicarbonates. Water temperature correlation was negative (P<0.05). No correlation (P>0.05) was found in total iron, phosphates (SRP), pH and soil granulometry. Echinocercariae developed from rediae and belonging to Petasiger sp., Paryphostomum sp., and other undetermined species were found.
After a study of the population dynamics of Biomphalaria glabrata snails in several breeding places in the Dominican Republic, the snail Thiara granifera was introduced in some B. glabrata habitats. T. granifera became established in one point in one habitat in the townof Quisqueya, in the east of the country. Around this point of establishment 6 points were selected in order to observe the population dynamics of both species of snails and the chemical and biological characteristics at each point. Four of these points already harbored B. glabrata. One control point was selected also harboring B. glabrata. After 14 months of observations, the results showed that T. granifera was competing with and displacing B. glabrata. This competition does not seem to be competition for food or vital space. Rather, B. glabrata avoids the presence of T. granifera and moves away to new areas, and this is possibly due to a chemical substance(s) secreted by T. granifera or by physical contact with the large number of individuals of T. granifera.
The latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii, at concentrations between 5 to 12 mg/l, kills 100% of the population of Biomphalaria glabrata in a lentic habitat, after 24 h. The lyophilized latex, stocked for 18 months, killed only 34.2% of the snails, at the concentration of 5 mg/l, and 96.0% at 12 mg/l. No lethal effect was observed among Pomacea haustrum exposed to the same concentrations of the molluscicide.
The latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hispolii in 12 ppm concentration (12 mg/l) caused 100% mortality for a Biomphalaria tenagophila population in a lotic habitat after 9 hr of dripfeed application. For sentinel snails, in cages placed at the water surface and buried under 0.10 m, the mortality rates varied with the distance from the application point and were: 100% (0 m); 92.6% (50 m) and 94.7% (100). No lethal effects were observed for the other living species in this habitat (Pomacea haustrum and Poecilia reticulata).
A redescription of Halipegus dubius Klein, 1905, of Brazilian frogs Leptodactylus pentadactylus and L. ocellatus, is presented. The parasite was found exclusively in the buccal cavity, in number varying from 1 (in most instances) to 3, and exceptionally 25 (one instance). Morphological data were based on 40 whole-mounted specimens and 4 serially sectioned ones. Larval development takes place in planorbid snails (Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila) and in an undetermined species of cyclops. Working of the ovarian complex was followed by microscopical observation of life specimens. Constrating with the similarity of the four American species of Halipegus currently recognized as valid, they can be easily separated by the characters of their cercariae.
The evaluation of the role of rodents as natural hosts of Schistosoma mansoni was studied at the Pamparrão Valley, Sumidouro, RJ, with monthly captures and examination of the animals. Twenty-three Nectomys squamipes and 9 Akodom arviculoides with a shistosomal infection rate of 56.5% and 22.2% respectively eliminated a great majority of viable eggs. With a strain isolated from one of the naturally infected N. squamipes, we infected 75% of simpatric Biomphalaria glabrata and 100% of albino Mus musculus mice. The adult worms, isolated from N. squamipes after perfusion were located mainly in the liver (91.5%) and the mesenteric veins (8.5%). The male/female proportion was 2:1. The eggs were distributed on small intestine segments (proximal, medial and distal portions) and the large intestine without any significant differences in egg concentration of these segments. In A. arviculoides, the few eggs eliminated by the stools were viable and there was litlle egg retention on intestinal segments. Considering the ease to complete S. mansoni biological cycle in the Nectomys/Biomphalaria/Nectomys system under laboratory conditions, probably the same is likely to occur in natural conditions. In support to this hypotesis there are also the facts that human mansonic shistosomiasis has a very low prevalence in Sumidouro and endemicity among the rodents has not changed even after repetead treatments of the local patients. Based on our experiments, we conclude that N. squamipes has become a natural host of S. mansoni and possibly may participate in keeping the cycle of schistosomiasis transmission at Pamparrão Valley.
The schistosomiasis is transmitted by Biomphalaria tenagophila in our study area (Pedro de Toledo, Sao Paulo, Brazil). From 1980 to 1990 epidemiological surveys in a population of 4.000 inhabitants, has shown that: prevalence Kato-Katz (KKT), immunofluorescence (FT) and intradermal (IDT) techniques were 22.8%, 55.5% and 51.8% respectively; intensity of infection was low, 58.5 eggs per gram of faeces (epg); there were no symptomatic cases; prevalences were higher in mates, children and rural zone; index of potential contamination was 57.5% in the age group 5 to 20 years; 2/3 of patients were autochtonous; cases were no-randomly aggregated; transmission was focal and only 0.4% of snails were infected; water contacts through recreation showed the most important odds ratio; knowledge, attitudes and practices were satisfatory. From the epidemiological control findings a control programme was carried out; yearly faeces exams, chemotherapy, molluscocide, health education and sanitation. Thus, the prevalence decreased sharply to 3.3% and intensity of infection to 30.3 epg; the incidence rates ranged between 0.4% and 2.5% annualy; the sanitation became better and the youngsters were the main target in prophylaxis. To improve control, immunodiagnosis has to be conducted and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection, therapeutic failure, etc, could play a major role in the maintnance this residual prevalence.
Cercarial shedding tests do not provide species identification of the shistosomes concerned and cannot detect prepatent schistosomal infections. We have demonstrated that both immunodetection by ELISA of schistosomal antigens in snail hemophlymph, and dot hybridization of snail extracts by DNA probe representing highly repeated sequences, proved suitable for detecting infected snails during prepatnecy as well as patency. A group-specific monoclonal antibody was found to be suitable for detecting Schistosoma mansoni infection in Biomphalaria sp., but not for positive identification of S. haematobium in Blulinus sp. Comparative evaluation of the diagnostic qualities, and technical aspects and cost of these tests, point to the superiority of the immunodetection approach for large scale detection of snails prepatently infected with S. mansoni. This approach is potentially useful for providing extended information on schistosome-snail epidemiology that may facilitate rapid evaluation of the danger of post-control reinfection, and help make decisions on the time and place of supplementary control measures. In this context the potential usefulness of the immunodetection or DNA probing approach for facilitating catalytic model representation of schistosome-snail epidemiology warrants further evaluation. Specific identification of S. haematobium in Bulinus by either of these approaches may be possible depending on the development of suitable antibodies or DNA probes.
The Brazilian planorbidical chart is slowly but progressively been increased by new data. Distribution of vector species of Schistosoma mansoni, according to Paraense, 1986, may be thus resumed: Biomphalaria glabrata - delimited by paralells 13 and 21-S and meridians 39 and 45-W, area of greater dominance (Southerst Bahia, oriental half of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo). It is observed along the coast line of the state of Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from there, it is found towards the southwest, in the direction to the Sao Francisco River and South-Center of Minas Gerais. Isolated population may be observed in other states. Its presence is probably, associated to the transmission of schistosomiasis in all areas where it occurs. B. tenagophila - extends it self through a wide strip of coast-line the South of Bahia (17-45"S, 39-15'W), RS(33-41'S, 53-27'W). In Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul states it is found further inland. It is important in schistosomiasis transmission in the Paraíba valley (SP). Isolated populations are observed in the Federal District and Minas Gerais state. B. straminea - better adapter species to climatic variation, having a more dense ditribution in the northeast (41-Wand 110-S), south of Bahia and northeast of Minas Gerais (150 and 180-S, 400 and 440-W) It is less susceptible than B. glabrata, being however the most important responsible for the transmission of S. mansoni in the northeast, chiefly in the northeastern dry area, where it is almost the only transmissive species.
In order to reevaluate the possible presence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Triângulo Mineiro, one of the areas of the State of Minas Gerais where this parasite is not commonly found, malacological survey and fecal examinations were undertaken in the region between October 1990 and June 1992. A sample of 7,032 1st grade school children from 29 counties had their feces examined using the Kato-Katz method. Amongst the children examined, two from Planura and one from each countie of Capinópolis, Conceição das Alagoas, Uberaba, Uberlândia, Prata and Gurinhatã were positive for Schistosoma mansoni. None of the children were identified as being autoctonous cases. In the malacological survey, 5,406 planorbid snails were examined. The specimens were identified morphologically and examined for S. mansoni by squashing between glass plates. The species were identified as Biomphalaria tenagophila in three counties, as B. straminea in ten and B. intermedia in 16. No snails were found in eight other counties studies. The snails were found to be negative for S. mansoni. The presence of intermediate hosts for S. mansoni, associated with parasitized individuals emphasizes the necessity of epidemiological surveillance for schistosomiasis in the region of Triângulo in the State of Minas Gerais.
The compatibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila, B. straminea and B. glabrata from Minas Gerais with different strains of Schistosoma mansoni was evaluated using the method of Frandsen (1979b) in standardized experiments. One hundred and fifty of each species of snail were individually exposed in the laboratory to 50 miracidia of S. mansoni lines LE, SJ and AL. The cercariae from the infected snails were counted and used to calculate TCP/100 indices, which were compared with those of Frandsen (1979b). For B. tenagophila the TCP/100 indices varied from 37,996 to 74,266 (class II and III). The snail was poorly compatible with LE (class II) and compatible with SJ and AL (class III). For B. straminea the indices varied from 9,484 to 20,508. The snail was not very compatible with SJ (class I) and poorly compatible with LE and AL (class II). For B. glabrata the indices varied from 588,828 to 1,039,065. The snails was extremely compatible (class VI) with the three lines of S. mansoni. These results confirm the epidemiological importance of B. glabrata in Brazil followed by B. tenagophila and B. straminea.