407 resultados para Abdomen Agudo


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The authors present a case of non-frequent intra-abdominal pseudotumor form of mansoni schistosomiasis in which the only symptom was a dull pain in hypogastric. Both ultrasonography and tomography (CT san) demonstrated a solid mass on the left side of the bladder. At laparotomy a solid tumor was shown, pediculated and adhered to the sigmoid colon. A schistosomotic pseudotumor was revealed after microscopic pathological examination.


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OBJETIVO: Apesar das características radiográficas da apendicite aguda estarem bem documentadas, o valor da radiografia simples de abdome ainda não foi completamente estudado. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar um novo sinal radiográfico caracterizado pela imagem de acúmulo fecal no ceco. MÉTODO: Foram estudados prospectivamente 170 pacientes consecutivos, de ambos os sexos, internados com abdome agudo e dor localizada no flanco direito, distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (n = 100) - portadores de apendicite aguda, submetidos a um estudo radiográfico do abdome antes do tratamento cirúrgico, Grupo 2 (n = 70) - submetidos a dois estudos radiográficos do abdome:antes da operação e outro no dia seguinte à cirurgia. Todas as radiografias foram simples, em incidência ântero-posterior. RESULTADOS: A presença do sinal de acúmulo fecal no ceco esteve presente em 97 (97%) pacientes do Grupo 1 e em 68 (97,14%) pacientes do Grupo 2. No pós-operatório, dos 68 pacientes que apresentaram o sinal radiográfico, esse desapareceu em 66 casos. A sensibilidade do sinal radiográfico para apendicite aguda foi de 97,05 %. CONCLUSÕES: A imagem radiográfica de acúmulo fecal no ceco associa-se a apendicite aguda. Essa imagem geralmente desaparece após o apêndice cecal ser removido.


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There is no large series about retained foreign bodies in abdominal cavity. In fact data are underestimated because of the lack of reports considering its serious medicolegal implications. An inflammatory fibrotic process inside the peritoneal cavity, a virtual discharge of inorganic material through the surgical incision and also a slow process of transmural migration into the intestinal lumen are the most frequent pathophysiologic situations. It is not uncommon the incidental diagnosis of foreign body and radiographic studies may be particularly helpful to elucidate the etiology. An early recognition minimizes the surgical risks and contributes to avoid severe complications. The best approach is to adopt preventive measures. Careful peroperative materials vigilance and instrumentation and also a meticulous check at the end of operations are essential to avoid such legal responsibility.


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Damage control surgery is one of the major advances in surgical practice in the last 20 years. The indications for damage control surgery are: the need to terminate a laparotomy rapidly in an exsanguinating, hypothermic patient who had developed a coagulopathy and who is about to die on the operating table; inability to control bleeding by direct hemostasis; and inability to close the abdomen without tension because of massive visceral edema and a tense abdominal wall. Damage control surgery has three phases: 1) laparotomy to control hemorrhage by packing, shunting, or balloon tamponade, or both; control of intestinal spillage by resection or ligation of damaged bowel, or both; 2) physiological resuscitation to correct hypothermia, metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy. 3) planned reoperation for definitive repair. Damage control surgery is appropriate in a small number of critically ill patients who are likely to require substantial hospital resources. However, there are many questions that need to be answered. Who is the patient elected for this surgery? When is the ideal time to make the decision? Which are the parameters that indicate to the surgeons the moment to re-operate the patient? How to treat the long-term complications? In the present review we described some historical aspects, indications, technical aspects, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, as well as its physiological consequences and morbidity and mortality rates of damage control surgery. Damage control surgery offers a simple effective alternative to the traditional surgical management of complex or multiple injuries in critically injured patients.


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Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical condition of acute abdomen. Approximately 7 percent of the population will have appendicitis during their lifetime, with the peak incidence occurring between 10 through 30 years-old. Obstruction of the appendix lumen with subsequent bacterial infection initiates the pathophysiological sequence of acute appendicitis. Obstruction may have multiple causes, including fecalith, lymphoid hyperplasia (related to viral illnesses, including upper respiratory infection, mononucleosis, and gastroenteritis), foreign bodies, carcinoid tumor, and parasites. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, Enterobius vermicularis has been reported as the main parasite that causes appendix obstruction. Rarely, Taenia sp., has been pointed as a cause of parasitic appendicitis. We reported a 30 years-old patient clinically diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The appendectomy was performed through a McBurney incision. The patient's convalescence was uneventful, and he was discharged from hospital 48 hours after operation. Histological examination of the appendix showed acute appendicitis, and it was found a parasite (Taenia sp.) lying inside of the appendix lumen at a transverse section. He has received 10 mg/Kg weight of praziquantel for taeniasis treatment.


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Cecal volvulus (CV) establishes the main appearance of the anomalies related to intestinal malrotation. Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms compatible to intestinal obstructions and complementary examinations as: single radiography form abdomen, opaque enema, computerized tomography and colonoscopy. Therapeutics modalities include: colonoscopy reducing, cecopexy and right colectomy. This article reports a CV case giving emphasis in different diagnosis and therapeutics behaviors.


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Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is an emerging experimental alternative to conventional surgery that eliminates abdominal incisions and incision-related complications by combining endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques to diagnose and treat abdominal pathology. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery refers to the method of accessing the abdominal cavity through a natural orifice under endoscopic visualization. Since its introduction in 2004, numerous reports have been published describing different surgical interventions. Recently, a group of expert laparoscopic surgeons and endoscopists outlined the limitations of this approach and issued recommendations for progress toward human trials. Transluminal surgery is a new method for accessing the abdomen under direct endoscopic visualization. Preliminary studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this technique in animal models; however, further research is warranted to validate its safety in humans.


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Embora sejam a principal causa de obstrução intestinal na população pediátrica, intussuscepções intestinais são eventos raros em adultos e quando acontecem, têm características clínicas diferentes dos seus equivalentes em crianças. O objetivo desse trabalho é de apresentar um caso de um jovem do sexo masculino, de 16 anos, previamente hígido, que procurou o serviço de emergência do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo com um quadro de intussuscepção intestinal como primeira manifestação de um linfoma não-Hodgkin difuso de células B de alto grau, tipo Burkitt. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura pertinente, e aspectos relevantes do caso são discutidos à luz dessas informações.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a frequencia do vômito após cirurgia abdominal de urgência em hospital público de referência no Estado de Alagoas. MÉTODOS: Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, os dados foram colhidos no prontuário médico 24 horas após a cirurgia abdominal de urgência. O teste de Fisher e o qui-quadrado com correção de Yates foram usados para comparar proporções. O intervalo de 95% de confiança foi calculado quando possível. RESULTADOS: Foram 100 pacientes, 85% homens (85/100, IC 95% 0,78-0,92). A frequencia do vômito foi 25% sem diferença estatística entre cirurgia abdominal após trauma e abdome agudo inflamatório (P=0,46). Não houve diferença estatística entre as técnicas anestésicas (P=0,99). CONCLUSÃO: A frequencia do vômito no pós-operatório de cirurgia abdominal de urgência em hospital de referência no estado de Alagoas foi de 25%.


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The authors report a case of a male patient in his forties with progressive abdominal pain associated with weight loss, dyspnea, and edema of the inferior limbs, culminating in a surgical acute abdomen. A segmental enterectomy containing a lesion of about 10cm in diameter was performed. It was later confirmed, by means of immuno-hystochemistry, as being a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of high biological aggressiveness. Etiology, diagnosis, classification, prognosis and therapeutic with Imatinib Mesylate - STI-571 (Glivec® - Novartis) are hence discussed.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o tempo operatório, a permanência hospitalar, a taxa de conversão, a morbidade e a mortalidade de pacientes idosos submetidos à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica por doença da vesícula biliar. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, realizado no prontuário de 960 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 60 e 97 anos no período de janeiro de 1993 a agosto de 2009. RESULTADOS: O tempo operatório variou de nove a 180 minutos. O tempo de internação variou de 24 a 120 horas. A conversão ocorreu em 28 pacientes (2,92%), dos quais 67,9% eram mulheres e 28,6% homens tendo sido em 11 casos (39,3%) realizada minilaparotomia e em 17 (60,7%) a via aberta convencional. As intercorrências no transoperatório foram duas rupturas da vesícula biliar, uma falha no pneumoperitônio e uma na clipagem do ducto cístico. No pós-operatório observaram-se cinco hérnias umbilicais incisionais. As complicações sistêmicas foram: nove arritmias cardíacas, uma icterícia pós-operatória, um infarto agudo do miocárdio e um infarto enteromesentérico. Mortalidade ocorreu em três pacientes (0,3%), um por infarto agudo do miocárdio no transoperatório, uma sepse e um infarto enteromesentérico. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes idosos submetidos à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica apresentaram baixo tempo de internação hospitalar e baixa morbimortalidade. O tempo operatório e o de internação hospitalar foram curtos, demonstrando que a colecistectomia videolaparoscópica é procedimento seguro e eficaz nos idosos.


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In less than twenty years, what began as a concept for the treatment of exsanguinating truncal trauma patients has become the primary treatment model for numerous emergent, life threatening surgical conditions incapable of tolerating traditional methods. Its core concepts are relative straightforward and simple in nature: first, proper identification of the patient who is in need of following this paradigm; second, truncation of the initial surgical procedure to the minimal necessary operation; third, aggressive, focused resuscitation in the intensive care unit; fourth, definitive care only once the patient is optimized to tolerate the procedure. These simple underlying principles can be molded to a variety of emergencies, from its original application in combined major vascular and visceral trauma to the septic abdomen and orthopedics. A host of new resuscitation strategies and technologies have been developed over the past two decades, from permissive hypotension and damage control resuscitation to advanced ventilators and hemostatic agents, which have allowed for a more focused resuscitation, allowing some of the morbidity of this model to be reduced. The combination of the simple, malleable paradigm along with better understanding of resuscitation has proven to be a potent blend. As such, what was once an almost lethal injury (combined vascular and visceral injury) has become a survivable one.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar as taxas de mortalidade e morbidade de doentes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio (RVM) com circulação extracorpórea (CEC) que utilizaram rotineiramente o ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório (ETEio). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, observacional com avaliação de prontuários de 360 doentes no período entre abril de 2010 a abril de 2012. Foram analisados: idade, peso, altura sexo, EUROscore, diabete melito, fração de ejeção e artérias acometidas. Os desfechos foram compilados no intra e no pós-operatório (infarto do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral, disfunção renal, hemodiálise, fibrilação atrial, tempo de internação no centro de tratamento intensivo). RESULTADOS: foram incluídos 53 doentes, com 27 recebendo a monitoração. Foram excluídos 307 porque não foram operados pela mesma equipe cirúrgica. Os dois grupos foram homogêneos quanto a idade, peso e sexo, porém, a fração ejeção foi menor no grupo que recebeu o ecotransesofágico (G ETEio: 56,3%; G Não ETEio: 65,9% ± 11; p=0,01). Nos doentes em que não foi utilizado o ETEio, a mortalidade foi maior (G ETEio: 0% e G Não ETEio: 7,6%; p=0,01). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à incidência de acidente vascular encefálico, infarto agudo do miocárdio, fibrilação atrial aguda e lesão renal. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização do ecocardiograma transesofágico intraoperatório em pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio, com circulação extracorpórea, diminuiu a mortalidade perioperatória; orientou quanto a utilização dos fármacos inotrópicos e vasodilatadores e contribuiu para uma melhor evolução dos doentes.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the lesions diagnosed in victims of falls, comparing them with those diagnosed in other mechanisms of blunt trauma.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of trauma protocol charts (prospectively collected) from 2008 to 2010, including victims of trauma over 13 years of age admitted to the emergency room. The severity of injuries was stratified by the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS). Variables were compared between the group of victims of falls from height (Group 1) and the other victims of blunt trauma (Group 2). We used the Student t, chi-square and Fisher tests for comparison between groups, considering the value of p <0.05 as significant.RESULTS: The series comprised 4,532 cases of blunt trauma, of which 555 (12.2%) were victims of falls from height. Severe lesions (AISe"3) were observed in the extremities (17.5%), in the cephalic segment (8.4%), chest (5.5%) and the abdomen (2.9%). Victims of Group 1 had significantly higher mean age, AIS in extremities / pelvis, AIS in the thoracic segment and ISS (p <0.05). The group 1 had significantly (p <0.05) higher incidence of tracheal intubation on admission, pneumothorax, hemothorax, rib fractures, chest drainage, spinal trauma, pelvic fractures, complex pelvic fractures and fractures to the upper limbs.CONCLUSION: Victims of fall from height had greater anatomic injury severity, greater frequency and severity of lesions in the thoracic segment and extremities.


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OBJECTIVE: to present our experience with scheduled reoperations in 15 patients with intra-abdominal sepsis. METHODS: we have applied a more effective technique consisting of temporary abdominal closure with a nylon mesh sheet containing a zipper. We performed reoperations in the operating room under general anesthesia at an average interval of 84 hours. The revision consisted of debridement of necrotic material and vigorous lavage of the involved peritoneal area. The mean age of patients was 38.7 years (range, 15 to 72 years); 11 patients were male, and four were female. RESULTS: forty percent of infections were due to necrotizing pancreatitis. Sixty percent were due to perforation of the intestinal viscus secondary to inflammation, vascular occlusion or trauma. We performed a total of 48 reoperations, an average of 3.2 surgeries per patient. The mesh-zipper device was left in place for an average of 13 days. An intestinal ostomy was present adjacent to the zipper in four patients and did not present a problem for patient management. Mortality was 26.6%. No fistulas resulted from this technique. When intra-abdominal disease was under control, the mesh-zipper device was removed, and the fascia was closed in all patients. In three patients, the wound was closed primarily, and in 12 it was allowed to close by secondary intent. Two patients developed hernia; one was incisional and one was in the drain incision. CONCLUSION: the planned reoperation for manual lavage and debridement of the abdomen through a nylon mesh-zipper combination was rapid, simple, and well-tolerated. It permitted effective management of severe septic peritonitis, easy wound care and primary closure of the abdominal wall.