515 resultados para guilherme pichonelli
Os macroinvertebrados bentônicos e nectônicos representam elementos importantes na estrutura e funcionamento dos ecossistemas aquáticos e sua distribuição é influenciada pela natureza química do substrato, composição da vegetação e profundidade da lâmina d'água. O conhecimento desta fauna contribui para a avaliação da qualidade da água e a elaboração de ações visando à conservação da biodiversidade. No presente estudo foram avaliadas diferentes medidas bióticas da comunidade de invertebrados da represa de Alagados, importante manancial da cidade de Ponta Grossa, no Paraná. Em cinco diferentes pontos de amostragem, foram coletados 18.473 exemplares de macroinvertebrados aquáticos ou semi-aquáticos, pertencentes a 46 táxons dos filos Annelida (Hirudinea e Oligochaeta), Mollusca (Gastropoda), Platyhelminthes (Turbellaria), Nematoda e Arthropoda (Arachnida, Crustacea e Insecta). Esta comunidade foi constituída predominantemente por organismos predadores (45,7% dos táxons amostrados), seguidos de coletores e/ou filtradores (23,9%); raspadores (15,2%), fragmentadores (13%) e detritívoros (2,2%). De modo geral, os índices de diversidade (H') e equitabilidade (J) foram significativamente baixos para os cinco locais investigados, com H' variando de 0,3301 a 1,0396. Quanto à tolerância dos organismos à poluição orgânica, alguns táxons mais sensíveis foram muito raros (Plecoptera) ou em baixa frequência (Trichoptera e Ephemeroptera). Entre os grupos mais resistentes a ambientes poluídos estão os Chironomidae e os Hirudinea, ambos bastante comuns nas amostras de Alagados. Este estudo reforça a importância da análise de bioindicadores na avaliação da qualidade de água para consumo humano e também para a conservação de ecossistemas, considerando que um programa de monitoramento ambiental deve integrar medidas físicas, químicas e biológicas.
This paper analyses the relationship among mesohabitat and aquatic oligochaete species in the Galharada Stream (Campos do Jordão State Park, state of São Paulo, Brazil). Between August 2005 and May 2006 a total of 192 samples were obtained in areas of four different mesohabitats: riffle leaf litter (RL), pool leaf litter (PL), pool sediment (PS) and interstitial sediment from rocky beds in riffle areas (IS). In the mesohabitats sampled, 2007 specimens were identified, belonging to two families (Naididae and Enchytraeidae). Among the oligochaetes identified Naididae was represented by six genera (Allonais, Chaetogaster, Nais, Pristina, Aulodrilus and Limnodrilus). Principal components analysis (PCA) revealed the first two axes explained 85.1% of the total variance of the data. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede, 1862 and Aulodrilus limnobius Bretscher, 1899 were associated with the pool areas (PL and PS). Most species of genera Pristina and Nais demonstrated apparent affinity with the riffle mesohabitats. The Indicator Species Analysis (IndVal) revealed that Nais communis Piguet, 1906, Pristina leidyi Smith, 1896 and Pristina (Pristinella) jenkinae (Stephenson, 1931) are indicative of RL mesohabitat, while family Enchytraeidae was considered indicative of PL mesohabitat.
The Pernambuco Center of Endemism (PCE) in northeastern Brazil is highly fragmented and degraded. Despite its potential conservation importance the bird fauna in this area is still relatively unknown and there are many remnant fragments that have not been systematically surveyed. Here, we report the results of bird surveys in five forest fragments (one pioneer, two ombrophilous and two seasonal). In total, 162 taxa were recorded, 12 of which are endemic to the PCE. The frequency of endangered species was lower than what has been reported in studies from the same area and most of the taxa considered to be at risk of extinction were sub-species of uncertain taxonomic validity. The comparatively low number of endemic/threatened species may be due to the small size of the fragments in the present study - a consequence of the high levels of habitat loss in this region. Analysis of species richness patterns indicates that ombrophilous forest fragments are acting as refuges for those bird species that are most sensitive to environmental degradation.
De um caso anatomo-patologico curioso de inflamação primitiva das serosas, resolveram os Drs. Osvino Pena e Pena de Azevedo entregar-nos material para exame bacteriologico. Este revelou a presença de um germen com propriedades desconhecidas, o qual denominamos Bacillus serositidis, de acôrdo com a classificação norte-americana. O bacilo isolado tem os mesmos caracteres morfologicos do encontrado nas serosas, tanto nos esfregaços do pús como nos córtes, razão porque julgamos tratar-se do mesmo germen. Aventamos ainda a hipotese de ter sido ele com muita probabilidade o responsavel pela infecção de que veiu a falecer o doente de que se trata no presente, pelas seguintes razões: O doente morreu evidentemente da inflamação fibrino-purulenta das serosas. Esta só podia ter sido provocada pelo bacilo visivel dos esfregaços e nos córtes, sendo ausentes quaesquer outros elementos que expliquem o fáto. Este bacilo corresponde morfologicamente ao isolado por nós em cultura pura.
Os A.A. observaram um caso de infecção renal gonocócica, que relatam com as necessarias minucias, tanto sob o ponto de vista clinico-cirurgico como bacteriologico. 2 - Revendo a bibliografia sobre o assunto, verificaram que as infecções renais gonocócias são raras, e rarissimas as que apresentam provas de identificação bacteriologica completa do gonocóco, como se fez no presente caso que deve figurar em 15º lugar, desde a descoberta do germen por Neisser, ha 59 anos. 3 - As provas bacteriologicas consistiram no exame bacterioscopico do sedimento urinario e pús renal, caracteres das colonias e culturas, seguidas de exames de esfregaços, provas de fermentação de glicose e maltose; sôro aglutinação e gono fixação. Todas as provas foram positivas para o gonocóco. 4- O rim não deve ser favoravel á proliferação do gonocóco, ou pela natureza do seu epitelio ou pela secreção de substancias que impeçam o seu desenvolvimento ou outra causa qualquer. Dada a frequencia das infecções gonocócicas no parelho urinario inferior, seria de esperar que, em grande numero de casos, fosse atingido o superior.5 - Como causas predisponentes a esse ataque secundario que se processa por vias sanguinea, linfatica ou contiguidade, cita Uhle as seguintes: 1º - perturbações congenitas, lesões obstrutoras, principalmente do ureter. 2º - calculos, tumores, etc. 3º - traumatismos seguidos de rutura e hemorragia e 4º - antecedentes patologícos não demonstrados. O nosso caso cabe no 2º paragrafo. O rim apresentava um tumor maligno e tinha inumeros calculos. 6 - Depois que o rim foi retirado pela intervenção cirurgica, que correu sem acidentes, o doente entrou logo a melhorar, tendo alta curado, do Hospital. Nada tem havido, até a presente data, que faça suspeitar, no desenvolvimento de qualquer metastase do tumor. Aliás, a operação foi indicada em virtude do estado infeccioso, sendo posterior á mesma a descoberta do carcinoma. 7 - Interessante referir tambem que, muito embora o rim estivesse atacado pelo gonocóco, o aparelho urinario inferior nada acusou nesse sentido, nem antes da operação, nem depois do doente ter tido alta. 8 - Casos como o presente, se bem que raros, pois que assim se têm mostrado nos centros onde a pesquiza é sistematica, devem aparecer outras vezes, sendo, portanto, sempre aconselhavel o exame bacteriologico dos casos de infecções renais supuradas.
A case of typhus levissimus or splenotyphus is reported whose death ocurred approximately at the beginning of the 2nd week as a consequence of rupture of the spleen and hematoperitoneum (2 liters). Acute perisplenitis and intracapsular hemorrhages as well as marked distention of the capsule pertinent to the extreme increase in volume of the organ in this stage of the disease are thought to be the changes concerned with the rupture of the organ, possibly influenced by overlooked minimal trauma.
In the present paper the A. A. reviewed the more fundamental problems in the ethiopathogenic process of bacterial endocardits and report the bacte¬riological observations done by them in 20 cases of the disecase observed at the Section of Pathological Anatomy and Bacteriology of the Hospital S. Francisco de Assis in charge of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. The A.A. isolated Pneumococcus from 10 out the 20 cases, Gonococcus from 2, Staphylococcus from 2, Streptococcus from 5 and Friedlaender bacil¬lus from 1 . The A.A. mainly lay stress on the necessity of the bacteriological exa¬minations being made by a specialist, owing to the difficulties sometimes met with and to the consequences of a detailed examination of the isolated germ.
1. The appearance of meta-hemoglobin in pneumococcus cultures in blood media must be consequential to the formation of hydogen peroxide, according to the observation of several authors as well as of our own. 2. We emphasize the rôle of mucin in the production of hydrogen peroxide by pneumococcus, a circumstance which has been neglected by the authors who dealt with the matter. 3. In the metabolism of pneumococcus, the existence or formation of mucin is necessary for the maintenance of certain biological properties of the germ. 4. In cultures media containing blood and mucin, the production of meta-hemoglobin by pneumococcus is much larger than in those which contain no mucin. 5. We venture the hypothesis that mucin plays a very important rôle in the implantation of pneumonia, as in the periods preceeding this disease theres is an increase of bronchial secretion, and this secretion is almost entirely constintuted by mucin. 6. Mucin increases the pathogenic power of pneumococcus in mice according to the studies of several authors, which comes to favour our hypothesis.
One of the features of pneumococcus which has deserved the attention of investigators is the capsule. Since Pasteur, Chamberland and Roux (1881) several functions have been ascribed to it as well as peculiar properties. In the present paper, we take into consideration one only aspect of this problem; it is the relationship which there possibly may be between acidity of the culture medium and the power of capsule formation by pneumococcus. As it is known, this germ requires for its development 7.8 as an optimum pH, but maintains its biological activities down to 5.6. These variations do not take place without large alterations, particularly of the capsule, not only from the morphological but also from the chemical viewpoint. The diameter of the mucous envelopment of the pneumococcus decreases in proportion to the increase of acidity down to its complete extinction. This fact has been regarded by investigators as a biological feature inhe¬ring to the germ itself and as proceeding of self-defense. In an acid medium the existing capsule is destroyed and the germ does not produce it again; consequently, acidity inhibits the formation of the capsule. We tried to check how this phenomenon comes to pass and to elucidated it. As we know, the fundamental compound of the pneumococcus capsule is mucin. In the first place, we experimented the action of acidity on same in the following manner: Mucin extracted from bovine submaxillary gland is precipitated by HC1 at a determined concentration degree; the mucin dissolves again and precipi¬tates in function of this concentration. This property of mucin (solubility in acid medium) modifies a little the interpretation of the mechanism of disappearance of the capsule from the said germ in the culture medium. Indeed: The acidification of the medium consecutive to the growth of pneumococcus reduces the dimensions of the capsule until causing its com¬plete disappearance; but on transferring this strain to new optimum cultiva¬ting conditions the capsule appears again exhuberantly, at times as anteriorly, although with biased virulence. Linking these two facts we draw the following conclusions: Pneumo¬coccus does not lose its capacity of capsule formation in an acid medium; but mucin, whilst being produced, is entirely dissolved in this medium by the aid of acidity; we venture to state that, in spite of medium acidity, the capacity of capsule production is a constant feature of pneumococcus and that the disappearance of the capsule does not depend on the pneumococcus in itself when it produces smooth colonies, but on the chemical properties of mucin, mainly on its solubility in acid medium.