376 resultados para Microcytic anemia
Two variants (A and B) of the widely employed Walker 256 rat tumor cells are known. When inoculated sc, the A variant produces solid, invasive, highly metastasizing tumors that cause severe systemic effects and death. We have obtained a regressive variant (AR) whose sc growth is slower, resulting in 70-80% regression followed by development of immunity against A and AR variants. Simultaneously with the beginning of tumor regression, a temporary anemia developed (~8 days duration), accompanied by marked splenomegaly (~300%) and changes in red blood cell osmotic fragility, with mean corpuscular fragility increasing from 4.1 to 6.5 g/l NaCl. The possibility was raised that plasma factors associated with the immune response induced these changes. In the present study, we identify and compare the osmotic fragility increasing activity of plasma fractions obtained from A and AR tumor bearers at different stages of tumor development. The results showed that by day 4 compounds precipitating in 60% (NH4)2SO4 and able to increase red blood cell osmotic fragility appeared in the plasma of A and AR tumor bearers. Later, these compounds disappeared from the plasma of A tumor bearers but slightly increased in the plasma of AR tumor bearers. Furthermore, by day 10, compounds precipitating between 60 and 80% (NH4)2SO4 and with similar effects appeared only in plasma of AR tumor bearers. The salt solubility, production kinetics and hemolytic activity of these compounds resemble those of the immunoglobulins. This, together with their preferential increase in rats bearing the AR variant, suggest their association with an immune response against this tumor.
Patients with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) have reduced hemoglobin levels, mostly as a result of decreased kidney production of erythropoietin, but the relation between renal insufficiency and the magnitude of hemoglobin reduction has not been well defined. Hereditary hemochromatosis is an inherited disorder of iron metabolism. The importance of the association of hemochromatosis with treatment for anemia among patients with CRI has not been well described. We analyzed the frequency of the C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene in 201 Brazilian individuals with CRI undergoing hemodialysis. The analysis of the effects of HFE mutations on iron metabolism and anemia with biochemical parameters was possible in 118 patients of this study (hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin levels, transferrin saturation, and serum iron). A C282Y heterozygous mutation was found in 7/201 (3.4%) and H63D homozygous and heterozygous mutation were found in 2/201 (1.0%) and 46/201 (22.9%), respectively. The allelic frequencies of the HFE mutations (0.017 for C282Y mutation and 0.124 for H63D mutation) did not differ between patients with CRI and healthy controls. Regarding the biochemical parameters, no differences were observed between HFE heterozygous and mutation-negative patients, although ferritin levels were not higher among patients with the H63D mutation (P = 0.08). From what we observed in our study, C282Y/H63D HFE gene mutations are not related to degrees of anemia or iron stores in CRI patients receiving intravenous iron supplementation (P > 0.10). Nevertheless, the present data suggest that the H63D mutation may have an important function as a modulating factor of iron overload in these patients.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been identified as the major cause of chronic liver disease among patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD), despite the important reduction in risks obtained by testing candidate blood donors for anti-HCV antibodies and the use of recombinant erythropoietin to treat anemia. A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of HCV infection and genotypes among HD patients in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Anti-HCV seroprevalence was determined by ELISA in 1243 HD patients from all ten different dialysis centers of the city. HCV infection was confirmed by RT-PCR and genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Anti-HCV seroprevalence among HD patients was 10.5% (95% CI: 8.8-12.3) (Murex anti-HCV, Abbott Murex, Chicago, IL, USA). Blood samples for qualitative HCV detection and genotyping were collected from 125/130 seropositive HD patients (96.2%). HCV-RNA was detected in 92/125 (73.6%) of the anti-HCV-positive patients. HCV genotype 1 (77.9%) was the most prevalent, followed by genotype 3 (10.5%) and genotype 2 (4.6%). Mixed infections of genotypes 1 and 3 were found in 7.0% of the total number of patients. The present results indicate a significant decrease in anti-HCV prevalence from 23.8% detected in a study carried out in 1994 to 10.5% in the present study. The HCV genotype distribution was closely similar to that observed in other hemodialysis populations in Brazil, in local candidate blood donors and in other groups at risk of transfusion-transmitted infection.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common inherited diseases in the world and the patients present notorious clinical heterogeneity. It is known that patients with SCD present activation of the blood coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, especially during vaso-occlusive crises, but also during the steady state of the disease. We determined if the presence of the factor V gene G1691A mutation (factor V Leiden), the prothrombin gene G20210A variant, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism may be risk factors for vascular complications in individuals with SCD. We studied 53 patients with SCD (60% being women), 29 with SS (sickle cell anemia; 28 years, range: 13-52 years) and 24 with SC (sickle-hemoglobin C disease; 38.5 years, range: 17-72 years) hemoglobinopathy. Factor V Leiden, MTHFR C677T polymorphism, and prothrombin G20210A variant were identified by PCR followed by further digestion of the PCR product with specific endonucleases. The following vascular complications were recorded: stroke, retinopathy, acute thoracic syndrome, and X-ray-documented avascular necrosis. Only one patient was heterozygous for factor V Leiden (1.8%) and there was no prothrombin G20210A variant. MTHFR 677TT polymorphism was detected in 1 patient (1.8%) and the heterozygous form 677TC was observed in 18 patients (34%, 9 with SS and 9 with SC disease), a prevalence similar to that reported by others. No association was detected between the presence of the MTHFR 677T allele and other genetic modulation factors, such as alpha-thalassemia, ß-globin gene haplotype and fetal hemoglobin. The presence of the MTHFR 677T allele was associated with the occurrence of vascular complications in SCD, although this association was not significant when each complication was considered separately. In conclusion, MTHFR C677T polymorphism might be a risk factor for vascular complications in SCD.
Malaria is undoubtedly the world's most devastating parasitic disease, affecting 300 to 500 million people every year. Some cases of Plasmodium falciparum infection progress to the deadly forms of the disease responsible for 1 to 3 million deaths annually. P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes adhere to host receptors in the deep microvasculature of several organs. The cytoadhesion of infected erythrocytes to placental syncytiotrophoblast receptors leads to pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM). This specific maternal-fetal syndrome causes maternal anemia, low birth weight and the death of 62,000 to 363,000 infants per year in sub-Saharan Africa, and thus has a poor outcome for both mother and fetus. However, PAM and non-PAM parasites have been shown to differ antigenically and genetically. After multiple pregnancies, women from different geographical areas develop adhesion-blocking antibodies that protect against placental parasitemia and clinical symptoms of PAM. The recent description of a new parasite ligand encoded by the var2CSA gene as the only gene up-regulated in PAM parasites renders the development of an anti-PAM vaccine more feasible. The search for a vaccine to prevent P. falciparum sequestration in the placenta by eliciting adhesion-blocking antibodies and a cellular immune response, and the development of new methods for evaluating such antibodies should be key priorities in mother-child health programs in areas of endemic malaria. This review summarizes the main molecular, immunological and physiopathological aspects of PAM, including findings related to new targets in the P. falciparum var gene family. Finally, we focus on a new methodology for mimicking cytoadhesion under blood flow conditions in human placental tissue.
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a syndrome that often results in immunodeficiency coupled with pancytopenia. Hemopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply and the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of cells occur in a constant and balanced manner, sensitive to the demands of specific cell lineages and dependent on the stem cell population. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of PEM on some aspects of hemopoiesis, analyzing the cell cycle of bone marrow cells and the percentage of progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Two-month-old male Swiss mice (N = 7-9 per group) were submitted to PEM with a low-protein diet (4%) or were fed a control diet (20% protein) ad libitum. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their original body weight after 14 days, we collected blood and bone marrow cells to determine the percentage of progenitor cells and the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. Animals of both groups were stimulated with 5-fluorouracil. Blood analysis, bone marrow cell composition and cell cycle evaluation was performed after 10 days. Malnourished animals presented anemia, reticulocytopenia and leukopenia. Their bone marrow was hypocellular and depleted of progenitor cells. Malnourished animals also presented more cells than normal in phases G0 and G1 of the cell cycle. Thus, we conclude that PEM leads to the depletion of progenitor hemopoietic populations and changes in cellular development. We suggest that these changes are some of the primary causes of pancytopenia in cases of PEM.
The effectiveness of the caspase-9-based artificial "death switch" as a safety measure for gene therapy based on the erythropoietin (Epo) hormone was tested in vitro and in vivo using the chemical inducer of dimerization, AP20187. Plasmids encoding the dimeric murine Epo, the tetracycline-controlled transactivator and inducible caspase 9 (ptet-mEpoD, ptet-tTAk and pSH1/Sn-E-Fv’-Fvls-casp9-E, respectively) were used in this study. AP20187 induced apoptosis of iCasp9-modified C2C12 myoblasts. In vivo, two groups of male C57BI/6 mice, 8-12 weeks old, were injected intramuscularly with 5 µg/50 g ptet-mEpoD and 0.5 µg/50 g ptet-tTAk. There were 20 animals in group 1 and 36 animals in group 2. Animals from group 2 were also injected with the 6 µg/50 g iCasp9 plasmid. Seventy percent of the animals showed an increase in hematocrit of more than 65% for more than 15 weeks. AP20187 administration significantly reduced hematocrit and plasma Epo levels in 30% of the animals belonging to group 2. TUNEL-positive cells were detected in the muscle of at least 50% of the animals treated with AP20187. Doxycycline administration was efficient in controlling Epo secretion in both groups. We conclude that inducible caspase 9 did not interfere with gene transfer, gene expression or tetracycline control and may be used as a safety mechanism for gene therapy. However, more studies are necessary to improve the efficacy of this technique, for example, the use of lentivirus vector.
The objective of this study was to investigate renal function in a cohort of 98 patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) followed up at a tertiary hospital in Brazil. Clinical and laboratory characteristics at the time of the most recent medical examination were analyzed. Renal function was evaluated by the estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by the criteria of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI). We compared patients with normal GFR to patients with decreased GFR (<60 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1) and hyperfiltration (>120 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1). Comparison between patients according to the use of hydroxyurea and comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters according to GFR were also carried out. Average patient age was 33.8 ± 13.3 years (range 19-67 years), and 57 (58.1%) patients were females. The comparison of patients according to GFR showed that patients with decreased GFR (<60 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1) were older, had lower levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets and higher levels of urea and creatinine. Independent risk factors for decreased GFR were advanced age (OR = 21.6, P < 0.0001) and anemia (OR = 39.6, P < 0.0001). Patients with glomerular hyperfiltration tended to be younger, had higher levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets and lower levels of urea and creatinine, with less frequent urinary abnormalities. Hydroxyurea, at the dosage of 500-1000 mg/day, was being administered to 28.5% of the patients, and there was no significant difference regarding renal function between the two groups. Further studies are required to establish the best therapeutic approach to renal abnormalities in SCD.
Fanconi anemia complementation group F protein (FANCF) is a key factor, which maintains the function of FA/BRCA, a DNA damage response pathway. However, the functional role of FANCF in breast cancer has not been elucidated. We performed a specific FANCF-shRNA knockdown of endogenous FANCF in vitro. Cell viability was measured with a CCK-8 assay. DNA damage was assessed with an alkaline comet assay. Apoptosis, cell cycle, and drug accumulation were measured by flow cytometry. The expression levels of protein were determined by Western blot using specific antibodies. Based on these results, we used cell migration and invasion assays to demonstrate a crucial role for FANCF in those processes. FANCF shRNA effectively inhibited expression of FANCF. We found that proliferation of FANCF knockdown breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-435S) was significantly inhibited, with cell cycle arrest in the S phase, induction of apoptosis, and DNA fragmentation. Inhibition of FANCF also resulted in decreased cell migration and invasion. In addition, FANCF knockdown enhanced sensitivity to doxorubicin in breast cancer cells. These results suggest that FANCF may be a potential target for molecular, therapeutic intervention in breast cancer.
Treatments for patients with hematologic malignancies not in remission are limited, but a few clinical studies have investigated the effects of salvaged unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT). We retrospectively studied 19 patients with acute leukemia, 5 with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS with refractory anemia with excess blasts [RAEB]), and 2 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who received 1 CBT unit ≤2 loci human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mismatched after undergoing myeloablative conditioning regimens between July 2005 and July 2014. All of them were in non-remission before transplantation. The infused total nucleated cell (TNC) dose was 4.07 (range 2.76-6.02)×107/kg and that of CD34+ stem cells was 2.08 (range 0.99-8.65)×105/kg. All patients were engrafted with neutrophils that exceeded 0.5×109/L on median day +17 (range 14-37 days) and had platelet counts of >20×109/L on median day +35 (range 17-70 days). Sixteen patients (61.5%) experienced pre-engraftment syndrome (PES), and six (23.1%) patients progressed to acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The cumulative incidence rates of II-IV acute GVHD and chronic GVHD were 50% and 26.9%, respectively. After a median follow-up of 27 months (range 5-74), 14 patients survived and 3 relapsed. The estimated 2-year overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and non-relapse mortality (NRM) rates were 50.5%, 40.3%, and 35.2%, respectively. Salvaged CBT might be a promising modality for treating hematologic malignancies, even in patients with a high leukemia burden.
A disponibilidade do ferro é fator importante na dieta, pois a anemia ferropriva atinge grande parte da população mundial. A cisteína e a vitamina C são fatores que melhoram sua absorção. A pesquisa teve por objetivos avaliar a disponibilidade de ferro em carne, feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) e a combinação de arroz e tomate ao feijão, bem como analisar se o ácido fítico, o ácido oxálico e os taninos das combinações contendo feijão influenciam na disponibilidade de ferro de forma significativa. Os alimentos foram preparados para consumo e as amostras obtidas com a combinação de carne, feijão, arroz e tomate foram: A1 - carne bovina; A2 - feijão comum; A3 - feijão comum e tomate; A4 - feijão comum e arroz; e A5 - feijão comum, arroz e tomate. Foram realizadas as análises de taninos, ácido fítico, ácido oxálico, vitamina C e teor e diálise de ferro in vitro. Os teores de taninos, ácido fítico e ácido oxálico foram baixos para influenciar a disponibilidade do ferro. A diálise de 5,73 a 13,61% indicando que a adição de cisteína e vitamina C em conjunto tem efeito maior do que quando presentes separadamente.
Iron availability in the diet is very important because iron deficiency affects a large population in the world. The matrix where iron is present has an influence in its availability. The presence of β-carotene is a factor that alters the availability of iron. This research aims to estimate the iron availability in the presence of β-carotene in food mixtures: M1 = egg and pumpkin; M2 = spinach and pumpkin; M3 = spinach and cabbage; M4 = egg and cabbage; M5 = spinach and carrot; M6 = egg and carrot; M7 = bean and carrot; M8 = bean and pumpkin and M9 = bean and cabbage. After cooking, the following figures were determined: proximate composition, oxalic acid, phytic acid, tannin, iron, iron availability in vitro and β-carotene. The data were analyzed by Tukey test (5%). There were no significant statistical differences for oxalic acid. Tannin presented greater results in mixtures with spinach (M2 and M5); phytic acid was greater in bean samples (M7, M8 and M9) and with spinach (M2). Mixtures M5 e M7, with carrot, presented more β-carotene than the others. The best result for iron availability appeared in mixture (M6). A positive correlation was verified between protein and iron dialysis, and between lipids and iron dialysis. Dietetic fiber was an inhibitor to iron availability. Mixtures with egg showed greater iron availability
Iron and zinc deficiency can cause anemia and alterations in the immune response and impair work capacity. To minimize this problem, biofortification has been developed to improve and/or maintain the nutritional status of the population. Beans are an important source of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. The objective of this study is to characterize biofortified beans, quantify the minerals in different cultivars, and determine mineral dialysis. Grains of raw and cooked beans were analyzed for moisture, protein, lipids, fiber, minerals, and in vitro availability using four treatments and one control. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, and the Tukey test (p<0.05). The chemical composition of the raw and cooked treatments showed a moisture content ranging from 13.4 to 81.4%, protein from 22.24 to 31.59%, lipids from 1.66 to 2.22%, fiber from 16.81 to 40.63%, carbohydrates from 27.80 to 34.78%, and ash from 4.1 to 4.82%. Different varieties of beans showed statistically significant differences in iron and zinc content compared to the control cultivar (Pérola). The iron content differed significantly from that of the Pérola cultivar in the raw treatment, while in the cooked treatment, the control cultivar did not differ from the Piratã. The same behavior was observed for the zinc content in both treatments. There was no significant difference between the cultivars in the treatments in terms of the content of the dialysis of Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), and Zinc (Zn).
AbstractIron deficiency is a highly prevalent nutritional problem worldwide and it impacts on the cognitive development of children. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop meatloaf with high iron content by using in their formulations pork liver. Meatloaves were prepared with additions of 9.98% and 13.31% (formulations A and B) of pork liver in order to meet 15% and 20% of the daily requirement of iron (10 mg/day) for children. Samples were evaluated regarding their physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics. The results were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey test. Results of physicochemical analyses showed an increase in protein and mineral contents and a decrease in fat content. The iron and zinc contents were respectively 100.0% and 70.83% (formulation A) and 152.73% and 97.92% (formulation B) higher than that of the standard formulation. Regarding fat content, the reduction of 31.5% in formulation B makes it a light product. As for the microbiological aspect, all meatloaves were adequate for consumption. Regarding sensory analysis, all the attributes considered were not statistically different, but for purchase intention test formulation B was better accepted. Therefore, formulations A and B are good sources of iron and zinc.
INTRODUÇÃO: Sirolimo (SRL) é um imunossupressor com conhecida eficácia e perfil de segurança na profilaxia da rejeição aguda após o transplante renal. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar eficácia, tolerabilidade e segurança do uso do SRL e de prednisona em associação a ciclosporina (CSA) ou tacrolimo (TAC) após o transplante renal. METODOLOGIA: Estudo retrospectivo de 332 receptores de transplantes renais realizados entre 1999 e 2006. O desfecho primário foi a falha de tratamento, definida como a incidência cumulativa de rejeição aguda confirmada por biópsia (RACB), perda do enxerto, óbito ou descontinuação do SRL. RESULTADOS: Dos 332 transplantes, 92% foram com doador vivo. A média de idade dos receptores foi de 37 anos, sendo 65% homens, 46% brancos e 6% diabéticos. SRL foi associado a CSA ou TAC em 70,8% e 29,2% dos pacientes. A incidência de falha de tratamento foi de 22,2% e de 47,8% no final do primeiro e do quinto ano de transplante, sem diferença entre pacientes recebendo CSA ou TAC. Ao final do quinto ano, as sobrevidas do paciente, do enxerto, do enxerto censorando o óbito e livre de RACB foram de 92,8%, 86,1%, 92,7% e 82,2%, respectivamente. O tratamento com SRL foi interrompido em 27,1% dos pacientes: 22,9% em razão de reações adversas e 3,3% devido à ineficácia. Os principais motivos de suspensão do SRL foram dislipidemia (6,0%), disfunção do enxerto (5,2%), proteinúria (4,5%), infecções (1,5%), dificuldade de cicatrização (1,2%) e anemia (0,9%). CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, a eficácia e a segurança do SRL foram semelhantes quando combinado com CSA ou TAC. A tolerabilidade oral foi adequada considerando-se a relativa baixa taxa de interrupção do uso de SRL.