423 resultados para Periódicos brasileiros História


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Considerando a relevância histórica e acadêmica dos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, posto que sua indexação no MEDLINE iniciou-se em 1950, assumiu-se como hipótese que a análise das publicações de 60 anos poderia refletir as tendências evolutivas das doenças cardíacas no Brasil. Os dados do trabalho foram coletados com um programa desenvolvido para a finalidade, tornando possível a extração automática das informações do banco de dados MEDLINE. As informações do trabalho foram coletadas pesquisando-se "Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia AND parâmetro selecionado em inglês". Foram arbitrados quatro grupos observacionais: (1) principais grupos de doenças do coração (doença arterial coronariana, valvulopatia cardíaca, cardiopatias congênitas e cardiomiopatias); (2) doenças relevantes na prática clínica (arritmias cardíacas, Cor Pulmonale, infarto do miocárdio e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva); (3) fatores de risco cardiovascular (hipertensão arterial, diabete, dislipidemia e aterosclerose), e; (4) grupo arbitrado em função da evolução crescente das publicações sobre insuficiência cardíaca congestiva constadas nos grupos anteriores (insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, infarto do miocárdio, cardiopatia reumática e cardiopatia chagásica). Foram descritas todas as publicações dentro dos grupos estabelecidos, ressaltando-se o crescente aumento da insuficiência cardíaca e do diabete como fatores de risco. Foi possível um levantamento relativamente fácil, com auxílio do programa de computação desenvolvido para a pesquisa bibliográfica de seis décadas. Ressaltando-se as limitações do estudo, sugere-se a existência de um elo epidemiológico entre as doenças cardiológicas prevalentes no Brasil e as publicações dos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia.


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The Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel. The first prize was awarded in 1901 and Emil Adolf von Behring was the first laureate in medicine due to his research in diphtheria serum. Regarding cardiology, Nobel Prize’s history permits a global comprehension of progress in pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapeutics of various cardiac diseases in last 120 years. The objective of this study was to review the major scientific discoveries contemplated by Nobel Prizes that contributed to cardiology. In addition, we also hypothesized why Carlos Chagas, one of our most important scientists, did not win the prize in two occasions. We carried out a non-systematic review of Nobel Prize winners, selecting the main studies relevant to heart diseaseamong the laureates. In the period between 1901 and 2013, 204 researches and 104 prizes were awarded in Nobel Prize, of which 16 (15%) studies were important for cardiovascular area. There were 33 (16%) laureates, and two (6%) were women. Fourteen (42%) were American, 15 (45%) Europeans and four (13%) were from other countries. There was only one winner born in Brazil, Peter Medawar, whose career was all in England. Reviewing the history of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine area made possible to identify which researchers and studies had contributed to advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Most winners were North Americans and Europeans, and male.


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Three species of Scorpions beloging to two different families were studied cytologically: a) Tityus mattogrossensis Borelli (Fam. Buthidae), - This species presents spermatogonia provided with 20 short chromosomes which orient at metaphase with their axis parallelly to the plane of the equator and move toward the poles without changing this position, from the stage pachytene to metaphase the bivalents become, as in Tityus bahiensis, progressivery shorter and thicker, without showing that chiasmata occured at any time. The paired chromosomes never open themselves, out to form loops as in orthodox meioses. As in Tityus bahiensis the bivalents are inserted In the spindle before reaching their maxim contraction. No diakinesis has been observed. The primary spermatocyte metaphases are provided, with 10 pairs of chromosones, two of which are larger and two smaller than the rest. The bivalents orient as in Tityus bahiensis with their length in the plane of the equator and separate parallelly. Spindle fibres are seen alongst their entire body. While, in Tityus bahiensis the ends of the chromosomes are pronouncedly turned to opposite poles at metaphase, nothing like this was observed in the present species. Only late in anaphase the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossensis show a bending to the poles. The secondary spermatocytes present 10 short chromosomes, two being larger than, the others. Here, on the contrary, the chromosomes are strongly curved toward the poles since the beginning of anaphase. Some chromosomal anomalies have been noticed. Primary spermatocytes with 14 bivalents, some of which representing probably free fragments, were observed. Primary spermatocytes with 8 bivalents and one cross of 4 chromosomes were interpreted as resulting from breakages followed by translocations Primary spermatocytes with 9 bivalents, one of which being much longer than the longst of the normal plates, show that fusion by the extremities of two non homologous chromosomes on the onde side, and of their respective homologous in the same way on tre other, have occured. Orientation of bivalents with their body parallelly to the spindle axis and anaphasic bridges have been encountered. All in all points to the conclusion that the chromosomes of Tityus mattogrossesis, like those of Tityus bahiensia are provided with one kinetochore at each end. Ananteris balzani Thorell - (Fam. Buthidae). - This species which belongs to the same family as Tityus, is provided with 12 chromosomes (diploid). These studied in embryonic tissues, showed the same behavior as the somatic chromosomes of Tityus bahiensis. Bothrirus sp. (Bothriuridae). - Only spermatogonia were found in the testis, of the single male hitherto investigated. The chromosomes, in number of 36, are of different sizes but small and provided, as ordinarily, with a single kinetochore. They behave therefore in an orthodox manner in mitosis.


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This paper is a small contribution to the knowledge of some species of brazilian Ithomiidae (Lep., Rhop.). The Author, during the year 1950, had an oportunity to study the development of the following species: Mechanitis lysimnia Fabr. Mechanitis polymnia casabranca Hsch. Dircenna dero Hübn. Methona themisto (Hübn.) The three first species live, in Piracicaba (State of São Paulo, Brasil), on Solanum variabile Mart., damaging its leaves, Mechanitis polymnia casàbranca being a serious enemy of this medicinal plant. The Author presents some notes on the biological cycle of M. lysimnia, which confirm D'Almeida's observations. Methona themisto is an old pest of Brunfelsia hopeana Benth. In Argentine, according to Hayward's observations, it occurs on Brunfelsia pauciflora Benth. The biology of this species previously has been studied by Figueiredo (1939). In Piracicaba it is not an enemy of B. hopeana on which it is reported to be so harmful elsewhere. The Author's observations were made in the Laboratory of Zoology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" in order to protect the larvae from the attack of their possible natural enemies. Notwithstanding, the Mechanitis polymnia casabranca caterpillars were attacked by an interesting Salticidae, identified by Hélio Camargo as Hasarius adan-soni (Audouin, 1827).


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A short contribution to the Natural History of some Brazilian Frigillidae The following species of Brazilian Fringillidae are mentioned here, the first of which being more deeply studied: 1 - Oryzoborus angolensis angolensis (Linnaeus). 2 - Oryzoborus crassirostris maximiliani Cabanis. 3 - Cyanocompsa cyanea sterea Oberholser. 4 - Coryphospingus cucullatus rubescens (Swainson). About each one of the referred species, the Author gives native names, some datas and observations on its reproduction and behaviour under captivity, as well as on its natural alimentation. Some considerations about the geographical races of Oryzoborus angolensis: O. a. angolensis (Linnaeus) and 0. a. torridus (Scopoli) -are also made. Both the races occur in Brasil and, according to the Author's opinion, they are not satisfactorily caracterized.


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The main wild doves of the region of Piracicaba (State of S. Paulo, Brazil) are Columba cayennensis sylvestris Vieillot, Oreopeleia montana montana (L.), Leptotila verreauxi decipiens Salvadori, Columbigallina talpacoti talpacoti. (Temminck) and Scardafella squammata squammata (Lesson). The last one is well known for the beauty of the coloration of its feathers and for the characteristic sounds produced when flying up. Of common occurrence around the local farms, that species can easily be recognized not only for the mentioned peculiarities as for the voice of the adults, which was translated into the Brazilian onomatopoeia by the expression "fogo-apagou". S. squammata's biology being not well known, the Author presents some notes on its nidification, behaviour of both sexes and of the young birds. The data were gotten in nature and with specimens kept in captivity, where the reproduction took place. In such a situation, the male dove used thin and small wooden shavings to build the nest, an artificial material unknown by him when in nature. This fact may be considered as another proof of the plasticity of the instinctive conduct of birds, not so marked as the one given by SCHIRCH (1931) concerning Synallaxis sp. (Furnariidae), which made use of wire pieces and also barbed wires in confectioning the nest. The copulation was sometimes verified, being preceded by the phenomena well known in other Columbidae species. The nest had its building ready just on the day in which the first egg was laid. As it generally happens amongst doves, the nest was not carefully made - a simple and shallow bowl (diameter = 10 cm), where two entirely white eggs were put.. .. ..(22,5-24,5 x 18,0-19,0 mm). The eclosion took place 14 days after the laying of the last egg. As soon as the young doves (at least the male one) can feed by themselves, they try to produce the characteristic species sounds. "Pararu", a common name oly applied to another species - Claravis godefrida (Temminck) - is reported, which is preferably used by people in this region to call the studied dove. No differences between the coloration of the fathers of the two sexes were observed. The female dove seemed to be a little thinner than the male. In addition, the slight differences between the sounds produced by the male and female are pointed out.


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Diversas espécies de peixes fluviais brasileiros: pintado (Pseudoplaty stoma corruscans), mandi (Pimelodas darias), piava (Leporinus spL), piranha, peixe-cachorro (Acestrorhynchus falcatus), saguiru {Curimata elegans) e lambari (Astianax bimaculatus) foram analisados quanto aos teores de lipídeos, colesterol, ácidos graxos livres e fração insaponificável. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as espécies nas diversas análises efetuadas. A espécie mandi apresentou os teores mais elevados de lipídeos e colesterol. O colesterol parece ser o principal constituinte da fração insaponificável da gordura dos peixes estudados.


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O presente trabalho é uma revisão histórica sucinta da atuação de fitopatologistas, fitovirologistas e outros técnicos no Brasil na área das viroses de plantas. à considerado que a estrutura atual da pesquisa fitovirológica existente a nível federal ou estadual no país é suficiente para enfrentar problemas representados pelas viroses de nossas culturas. Mas é apontado que há falta de uns poucos centros de pesquisa básica com vírus de plantas independentemente de considerações econômicas de problemas existentes. à mencionado que há dificuldade. em obter recursos para qualquer instituição ou grupo que trabalhe em pesquisas mais básicas e que essas são melhor adaptadas a uma universidade ou instituto altamente especializado.