326 resultados para mucosa intestinal
This study investigated the consequences of intrauterine protein restriction on the gastrointestinal tract and particularly on the gene expression and activity of intestinal disaccharidases in the adult offspring. Wistar rat dams were fed isocaloric diets containing 6% protein (restricted, n = 8) or 17% protein (control, n = 8) throughout gestation. Male offspring (n = 5-8 in each group) were evaluated at 3 or 16 weeks of age. Maternal protein restriction during pregnancy produced offspring with growth restriction from birth (5.7 ± 0.1 vs 6.3 ± 0.1 g; mean ± SE) to weaning (42.4 ± 1.3 vs 49.1 ± 1.6 g), although at 16 weeks of age their body weight was similar to control (421.7 ± 8.9 and 428.5 ± 8.5 g). Maternal protein restriction also increased lactase activity in the proximal (0.23 ± 0.02vs 0.15 ± 0.02), medial (0.30 ± 0.06vs 0.14 ± 0.01) and distal (0.43 ± 0.07vs 0.07 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) small intestine, and mRNA lactase abundance in the proximal intestine (7.96 ± 1.11vs 2.38 ± 0.47 relative units) of 3-week-old offspring rats. In addition, maternal protein restriction increased sucrase activity (1.20 ± 0.02 vs 0.91 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) and sucrase mRNA abundance (4.48 ± 0.51 vs 1.95 ± 0.17 relative units) in the duodenum of 16-week-old rats. In conclusion, the present study shows for the first time that intrauterine protein restriction affects gene expression of intestinal enzymes in offspring.
Obesity is a multifactorial disorder often associated with many important diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and other metabolic syndrome conditions. Argyrophil cells represent almost the total population of endocrine cells of the human gastric mucosa and some reports have described changes of specific types of these cells in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome. The present study was designed to evaluate the global population of argyrophil cells of the gastric mucosa of morbidly obese and dyspeptic non-obese patients. Gastric biopsies of antropyloric and oxyntic mucosa were obtained from 50 morbidly obese patients (BMI >40) and 50 non-obese patients (17 dyspeptic overweight and 33 lean individuals) and processed for histology and Grimelius staining for argyrophil cell demonstration. Argyrophil cell density in the oxyntic mucosa of morbidly obese patients was higher in female (238.68 ± 83.71 cells/mm2) than in male patients (179.31 ± 85.96 cells/mm2) and also higher in female (214.20 ± 50.38 cells/mm2) than in male (141.90 ± 61.22 cells/mm2) morbidly obese patients with metabolic syndrome (P = 0.01 and P = 0.02, respectively). In antropyloric mucosa, the main difference in argyrophil cell density was observed between female morbidly obese patients with (167.00 ± 69.30 cells/mm2) and without (234.00 ± 69.54 cells/mm2) metabolic syndrome (P = 0.001). In conclusion, the present results show that the number of gastric argyrophil cells could be under gender influence in patients with morbid obesity. In addition, gastric argyrophil cells seem to behave differently among female morbidly obese patients with and without metabolic syndrome.
Gut-derived endotoxin and pathogenic bacteria have been proposed as important causative factors of morbidity and death during heat stroke. However, it is still unclear what kind of damage is induced by heat stress. In this study, the rat intestinal epithelial cell line (IEC-6) was treated with heat stress or a combination of heat stress and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In addition, propofol, which plays an important role in anti-inflammation and organ protection, was applied to study its effects on cellular viability and apoptosis. Heat stress, LPS, or heat stress combined with LPS stimulation can all cause intestinal epithelial cell damage, including early apoptosis and subsequent necrosis. However, propofol can alleviate injuries caused by heat stress, LPS, or the combination of heat stress and LPS. Interestingly, propofol can only mitigate LPS-induced intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis, and has no protective role in heat-stress-induced apoptosis. This study developed a model that can mimic the intestinal heat stress environment. It demonstrates the effects on intestinal epithelial cell damage, and indicated that propofol could be used as a therapeutic drug for the treatment of heat-stress-induced intestinal injuries.
Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn's disease (CD) are granulomatous disorders with similar clinical manifestations and pathological features that are often difficult to differentiate. This study evaluated the value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in fecal samples and biopsy specimens to differentiate ITB from CD. From June 2010 to March 2013, 86 consecutive patients (38 females and 48 males, median age 31.3 years) with provisional diagnoses of ITB and CD were recruited for the study. The patients' clinical, endoscopic, and histological features were monitored until the final definite diagnoses were made. DNA was extracted from 250 mg fecal samples and biopsy tissues from each patient. The extracted DNA was amplified using FQ-PCR for the specific MTB sequence. A total of 29 ITB cases and 36 CD cases were included in the analysis. Perianal disease and longitudinal ulcers were significantly more common in the CD patients (P<0.05), whereas night sweats, ascites, and circumferential ulcers were significantly more common in the ITB patients (P<0.05). Fecal FQ-PCR for MTB was positive in 24 (82.8%) ITB patients and 3 (8.3%) CD patients. Tissue PCR was positive for MTB in 16 (55.2%) ITB patients and 2 (5.6%) CD patients. Compared with tissue FQ-PCR, fecal FQ-PCR was more sensitive (X2=5.16, P=0.02). We conclude that FQ-PCR for MTB on fecal and tissue samples is a valuable assay for differentiating ITB from CD, and fecal FQ-PCR has greater sensitivity for ITB than tissue FQ-PCR.
We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of bismuth-containing quadruple therapy plus postural change after dosing for Helicobacter pylori eradication in gastrectomized patients. We compared 76 gastric stump patients with H. pylori infection (GS group) with 50 non-gastrectomized H. pylori-positive patients who met the treatment indication (controls). The GS group was divided into GS group 1 and GS group 2. All groups were administered bismuth potassium citrate (220 mg), esomeprazole (20 mg), amoxicillin (1.0 g), and furazolidone (100 mg) twice daily for 14 days. GS group 1 maintained a left lateral horizontal position for 30 min after dosing. H. pylori was detected using rapid urease testing and histologic examination of gastric mucosa before and 3 months after therapy. Mucosal histologic manifestations were evaluated using visual analog scales of the updated Sydney System. GS group 1 had a higher prevalence of eradication than the GS group 2 (intention-to-treat [ITT]: P=0.025; per-protocol [PP]: P=0.030), and the control group had a similar prevalence. GS group 2 had a lower prevalence of eradication than controls (ITT: P=0.006; PP: P=0.626). Scores for chronic inflammation and activity declined significantly (P<0.001) 3 months after treatment, whereas those for atrophy and intestinal metaplasia showed no significant change. Prevalence of adverse reactions was similar among groups during therapy (P=0.939). A bismuth-containing quadruple therapy regimen plus postural change after dosing appears to be a relatively safe, effective, economical, and practical method for H. pylori eradication in gastrectomized patients.
Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, it is not understood if inflammatory lymphangiogenesis is a pathological consequence or a productive attempt to resolve the inflammation. This study investigated the effect of lymphangiogenesis on intestinal inflammation by overexpressing a lymphangiogenesis factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), in a mouse model of acute colitis. Forty eight-week-old female C57BL/6 mice were treated with recombinant adenovirus overexpressing VEGF-C or with recombinant VEGF-C156S protein. Acute colitis was then established by exposing the mice to 5% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) for 7 days. Mice were evaluated for disease activity index (DAI), colonic inflammatory changes, colon edema, microvessel density, lymphatic vessel density (LVD), and VEGFR-3mRNA expression in colon tissue. When acute colitis was induced in mice overexpressing VEGF-C, there was a significant increase in colonic epithelial damage, inflammatory edema, microvessel density, and neutrophil infiltration compared to control mice. These mice also exhibited increased lymphatic vessel density (73.0±3.9 vs 38.2±1.9, P<0.001) and lymphatic vessel size (1974.6±104.3 vs 1639.0±91.5, P<0.001) compared to control mice. Additionally, the expression of VEGFR-3 mRNA was significantly upregulated in VEGF-C156S mice compared to DSS-treated mice after induction of colitis (42.0±1.4 vs 3.5±0.4, P<0.001). Stimulation of lymphangiogenesis by VEGF-C during acute colitis promoted inflammatory lymphangiogenesis in the colon and aggravated intestinal inflammation. Inflammatory lymphangiogenesis may have pleiotropic effects at different stages of IBD.
Os índices séricos de glicose e lipídios, a microbiota intestinal e a produção de ácidos graxos voláteis de cadeias curtas (AGV) foram determinados em ratos Wistar submetidos às dietas: padrão (AIN-P), padrão modificada (AIN-M) e às dietas contendo frações de parede celular de levedura: glicana insolúvel (GI), manana (M) e glicana mais manana (G+M), como única fonte de fibra alimentar. O fracionamento da parede celular (PC) foi realizado por processos físicos e químicos de extração, centrifugação e secagem em "spray dryer". Os índices séricos foram dosados através de "kits" comerciais. A microbiota e a produção de AGV foram determinadas nos conteúdos intestinais, incluindo cólon, ceco e reto. Considerando os níveis de colesterol no tempo (T0) e no tempo 28 (T28), as dietas AIN-P, AIN-M e M apresentaram efeito hipocolesterolêmico, tendo em vista que a composição das dietas eram de natureza hipercolesterolêmica. Em relação à glicose sérica, no tempo (T0) observou-se uma elevação geral da glicemia, sugerindo um efeito hiperglicêmico das dietas estudadas. A dieta G+M foi a que apresentou valores significantemente mais elevados de lipídios séricos no tempo T14, e os níveis mais baixos foram observados na dieta M e na dieta GI no T14 e nas dietas AIN-M e AIN-P. A dieta AIN-P foi a que apresentou valor significantemente mais elevado de triacilgliceróis nos tempos T14 e T28. Os níveis mais baixos nos tempos T14 foram constatados para as dietas G+M e GI e no tempo T28 para as dietas AIN-M e M. De um modo geral, não houve modificações significativas na microbiota intestinal dos animais em nenhuma das dietas. Dentre os AGV, o ácido acético foi o predominante, seguido do propiônico e do butírico, em todas as dietas estudadas.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito fisiológico da Farinha de Semente de Abóbora (FSA) no trato intestinal de ratos Wistar machos recém desmamados, submetidos a dietas experimentais contendo Farinhas de Semente de Abóbora (FSAs) integral, peneirada e residual, por 10 dias. As dietas experimentais foram obtidas substituindo-se 30% do valor total de amido e dextrina, da ração controle, pela FSA correspondente. As farinhas e rações controle e experimentais foram caracterizadas quimicamente. Os animais divididos em grupos foram avaliados quanto ao crescimento, consumo, material fecal e pH cecal. As FSAs e rações experimentais apresentaram relevantes teores de fibras alimentares, proteínas e lipídios. Dietas contendo FSAs integral, peneirada e residual levaram a um ganho ponderal e ingestão similar entre todos os grupos. Em relação ao grupo controle, os animais experimentais submetidos a dietas contendo FSAs apresentaram maior volume e peso fecais (p < 0,05), além de significativa excreção de fibra insolúvel, em especial o grupo FSA residual. Apenas a FSA residual proporcionou queda (p < 0,05) do pH cecal. Os resultados obtidos indicam o potencial da FSA como fonte de fibra e sua capacidade em atuar aumentando peso e volume fecal, promovendo laxação.
INTRODUÇÃO: Cistite glandular é um processo proliferativo benigno e infrequente da mucosa vesical, caracterizado por proliferação do epitélio e, em alguns casos, formação de glândulas intestinais. Alterações metaplásicas na cistite glandular são bem documentadas na literatura, embora sua etiologia não seja totalmente esclarecida. RELATO DO CASO: Relatamos um caso de cistite glandular em um paciente de 55 anos, apresentando sintomas miccionais irritativos e obstrutivos persistentes sem resposta à terapia com alfabloqueadores. Ultrassonografia evidenciou lesão vegetante no trígono vesical e o paciente foi submetido à ressecção endoscópica por duas vezes e evoluiu com ureterohidronefrose bilateral. Dado o extenso acometimento vesical e a persistência dos sintomas, o paciente foi submetido a cistoprostatectomia e neobexiga ileal com boa evolução pós-operatória. DISCUSSÃO: Há duas formas de cistite glandular: típica e intestinal. A forma típica é a mais comum e a intestinal é marcada pela produção de mucina, mais frequentemente associada ao adenocarcinoma de bexiga. A maioria dos casos de cistite glandular é assintomática, sendo que os pacientes sintomáticos normalmente apresentam hematúria, sintomas urinários irritativos e típicos de cistite crônica. Há controvérsias sobre o tratamento precoce agressivo, sendo que vários estudos propõem a ressecção transuretral e o acompanhamento com biópsias.
O biribazeiro pertence à família Annonnaceae e seus frutos têm grande aceitação popular, sendo comercializados e consumidos in natura. Como a maioria das espécies nativas, necessita de estudos agronômicos, a fim de que venha a ser explorada de maneira racional e sustentável. Assim, objetivou-se estudar o efeito de tratamentos para superação da dormência em sementes de Rollinia mucosa. As sementes foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: T1 - testemunha (sementes intactas); T2 - sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 em um dos lados; T3 - sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 nos dois lados; T4 - sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 na região oposta à micrópila; T5 - sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 na região oposta à micrópila + embebição com água destilada durante 24 horas; T6 - sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 nos dois lados + embebição com água destilada durante 24 horas; T7- sementes escarificadas com lixa Nº 80 em um dos lados + embebição com água destilada durante 24 horas. Foram avaliadas a emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência, comprimento e a massa seca de raiz e parte aérea. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos, sendo quatro repetições de 25 sementes para cada tratamento. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey. A escarificação das sementes nos dois lados, seguida de embebição em água destilada durante 24 horas proporciona maior porcentagem de emergência de plântulas, caracterizando a eficiência na quebra de dormência de R. mucosa.