338 resultados para Trato urinário fetal
Para avaliar o efeito do sistema de aleitamento fracionado no desenvolvimento ruminal de bezerros leiteiros holandeses, foram utilizados 12 animais, com peso corporal inicial médio de 37,0 kg, alojados individualmente em baias. O tratamento convencional constituiu-se de quatro litros de leite diários durante 60 dias e o fracionado, de seis litros do 6º ao 25º dia; quatro litros dos dias 26 a 45 e dois litros de 46 a 59 dias de vida, além de concentrado, feno de Cynodon sp., água e suplemento mineral, oferecidos livremente. O consumo dos alimentos foi monitorado diariamente e os animais, pesados semanalmente, após o fornecimento da dieta líquida, pela manhã. Aos 60 dias de vida, os animais foram abatidos e realizaram-se pesagens do trato digestivo e medidas histológicas das papilas ruminais. O sistema de aleitamento não interferiu significativamente no consumo de concentrado, de feno, de matéria seca total e no peso corporal final vazio. O aleitamento fracionado resultou em maior peso corporal final, pesos absolutos do trato digestivo, do ruminorretículo, do omaso e dos intestinos, de pesos relativos do omaso e dos intestinos e maior índice mitótico das papilas ruminais. O sistema de aleitamento fracionado pode ser alternativa para melhorar o desenvolvimento ruminal e o desempenho de bezerros.
A utilização do soro fetal bovino (SFB), embora bastante disseminada na produção in vitro (PIV) de embriões bovinos, apresenta limitações por ser um meio indefinido e por causar efeitos que prejudicam a qualidade desses embriões. Por esse motivo, nos últimos anos, grande parte das pesquisas relacionadas à PIV está voltada para a substituição do SFB por outros compostos nos meios de cultura. No presente estudo, foram utilizados como compostos protéicos a albumina sérica bovina livre de ácidos graxos (BSA-FAF) e um produto comercial denominado fluido embriônico (FE) de maneira isolada ou em diferentes combinações e concentrações, com objetivo de substituir ou diminuir a concentração do SFB durante a maturação in vitro (MIV). Para isso, oócitos bovinos foram maturados in vitro nos seguintes grupos (G) que foram delineados de acordo com a suplementação protéica recebida: G1 (controle) = 10% de SFB, G2 = 8mg/mL de BSA-FAF, G3 = 10% de FE, G4 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de SFB, G5 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 3,5% de SFB + 1,5% de FE, G6 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 1,5% de SFB + 3,5% de FE, G7 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de FE e G8 = 5% de SFB + 5% de FE. Após 24 horas de MIV, os oócitos foram classificados de acordo com a progressão meiótica e migração dos grânulos corticais (GC). As taxas de maturação foram avaliadas pelo teste do Qui-Quadrado (χ²) ou, quando apropriado, pelo teste exato de Fisher, e para o estudo dos efeitos dos suplementos foram realizados contrastes ortogonais. O grupo suplementado com BSA-FAF (G2) mostrou diminuição na taxa de oócitos que atingiram MII (75%) em comparação aos grupos G1, G4, G5 e G8 (88,9%, 89,6%, 87% e 86,8%, respectivamente), sem diferir do do G3 (79,8%), G6 (82,9%) e G7 (82,9%). Ademais, o G3 também apresentou diminuição na taxa de maturação nuclear quando comparado ao G4. Quanto à maturação citoplasmática, nos grupos G2, G7, G6 e G3, houve redução (p<0,05) das taxas para 43,9%, 43,2%, 43,1% e 36,5%, respectivamente, quando comparadas ao meio controle (G1), que permitiu a obtenção de valores médios de 62,4%. Por outro lado, nos grupos G8, G4 e G5, a taxa de maturação citoplasmática não foi afetada com a redução do SFB, onde 59,3%, 51,3% e 50,8% dos oócitos apresentaram os GC dispostos na periferia, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos pelo teste de contrastes ortogonais complementam os obtidos na avaliação da maturação nuclear e migração de grânulos corticais, mostrando a necessidade do SFB durante a MIV, mesmo que em baixas concentrações, e a possibilidade de diminuir a sua concentração associando-o a BSA-FAF e/ou FE. Dessa forma, conclui-se que é possível reduzir a concentração de SFB no meio de MIV para até 3,5% sem prejuízo significativo aos índices de maturação nuclear e citoplasmática.
A incidência da urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos é elevada, principalmente em machos confinados, tanto para produção de carne, quanto reprodutores de alto valor genético. A acidificação urinária é um dos métodos para prevenção desta enfermidade e pode ser realizada de forma eficaz com a suplementação de cloreto de amônio na dieta, que pode propiciar a instalação de acidose metabólica. A hemogasometria avalia o equilíbrio ácido-básico sanguíneo de forma prática e fácil. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito do cloreto de amônio sobre o equilíbrio ácido-básico e eletrolítico de ovinos em confinamento para quantificar a acidose metabólica desenvolvida. Utilizaram-se 100 ovinos, machos, confinados, com idade aproximada de três meses. Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: Grupo I (n=40), recebeu 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia por 21 dias consecutivos, momento da interrupção da administração do acidificante urinário (M3) e continuidade do acompanhamento clinico até o final do experimento (M6); Grupo II (n=40), 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia por 42 dias consecutivos; Grupo III (n=20), não recebeu cloreto de amônio durante todo o período do experimento. Os Momentos (M) de colheita de amostras e avaliação clínica foram estabelecidos com intervalo de sete dias, sendo M0 (imediatamente antes do início do tratamento com cloreto de amônio), M1 (sete dias após), M2, M3, M4, M5 e M6, totalizando 56 dias de confinamento. A alimentação consistiu de ração total, composta por 15% de feno triturado e 85% de concentrado, água e sal mineral ad libitum. Após adaptação de 15 dias à dieta de confinamento, colheram-se de todos os animais amostras de urina para mensuração do pH, e sangue venoso para hemogasometria, nos diferentes momentos. A acidificação urinária foi mantida enquanto houve a administração de cloreto de amônio nos grupos GI e GII. Os valores de Na+ e K+ permaneceram dentro da normalidade para a espécie. O cloreto de amônio provocou acidose metabólica hiperclorêmica compensada nos grupos GI e GII, comprovada pelos valores reduzidos de HCO3-, EB e SID, pelos valores elevados de Cl- e pelo pH normal. Concluiu-se que o cloreto de amônio apesar de provocar diminuição da reserva alcalina no organismo, não interferiu com o desenvolvimento dos animais, podendo ser empregado como agente preventivo da urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos.
Abstract In vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos is not only of great economic importance to the cattle industry, but is also an important model for studying embryo development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histone modification, H3R26me2 during pre-implantation development of IVP bovine embryos cultured with or without serum supplementation and how these in vitro treatments compared to in vivo embryos at the morula stage. After in vitro maturation and fertilization, bovine embryos were cultured with either 0 or 2.5% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Development was evaluated and embryos were collected and fixed at different stages during development (2-, 4-, 8-, 16-cell, morula and blastocyst). Fixed embryos were then used for immunofluorescence utilizing an antibody for H3R26me2. Images of stained embryos were analyzed as a percentage of total DNA. Embryos cultured with 2.5% FBS developed to blastocysts at a greater rate than 0%FBS groups (34.85±5.43% vs. 23.38±2.93%; P<0.05). Levels of H3R26me2 changed for both groups over development. In the 0%FBS group, the greatest amount of H3R26me2 staining was at the 4-cell (P<0.05), 16-cell (P<0.05) and morula (P<0.05) stages. In the 2.5%FBS group, only 4-cell stage embryos were significantly higher than all other stages (P<0.01). Morula stage in vivo embryos had similar levels as the 0%FBS group, and both were significantly higher than the 2.5%FBS group. These results suggest that the histone modification H3R26me2 is regulated during development of pre-implantation bovine embryos, and that culture conditions greatly alter this regulation.
Resumo: A acidificação urinária com cloreto de amônio (CA) é um método preventivo eficiente em urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos. Os objetivos deste estudo com ovinos confinados, que receberam dieta concentrada com elevado teor proteico, foram: verificar o efeito da dieta sobre a formação de urólitos e o desenvolvimento da doença; analisar as características macroscópicas e histopatológicas do sistema urinário; relacionar os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e necroscópicos com a presença de urólitos. Utilizaram-se 60 ovinos machos: grupo CA (n=40), 400 mg/kg CA/dia, tratados via oral, por 42 dias consecutivos; grupo-controle (n=20), não tratado. Determinaram-se sete momentos de colheita de amostras com intervalos de sete dias, no total de 56 dias de confinamento. Encontraram-se microcálculos na pelve renal em cinco animais de ambos os grupos. As lesões renais microscópicas mais relevantes foram congestão vascular e necrose tubular. Concluiu-se que a dieta rica em concentrado provocou lesão renal em ambos os grupos, embora sem alterar a função renal, o que foi comprovado em testes pela ureia e creatinina séricas. O cloreto de amônio fornecido ao grupo CA não impediu a calculogênese, mas reduziu sua prevalência em relação ao grupo-controle. Os ovinos do grupo-controle tiveram maior comprometimento renal, pela alta incidência de cristalúria e pela necrose tubular, induzidas pelo consumo da dieta rica em grãos.
We studied the development of the insulin secretion mechanism in the pancreas of fetal (19- and 21-day-old), neonatal (3-day-old), and adult (90-day-old) rats in response to stimulation with 8.3 or 16.7 mM glucose, 30 mM K+, 5 mM theophylline (Theo) and 200 µM carbamylcholine (Cch). No effect of glucose or high K+ was observed on the pancreas from 19-day-old fetuses, whereas Theo and Cch significantly increased insulin secretion at this age (82 and 127% above basal levels, respectively). High K+ also failed to alter the insulin secretion in the pancreas from 21-day-old fetuses, whereas 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose significantly stimulated insulin release by 41 and 54% above basal levels, respectively. Similar results were obtained with Theo and Cch. A more marked effect of glucose on insulin secretion was observed in the pancreas of 3-day-old rats, reaching 84 and 179% above basal levels with 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, respectively. At this age, both Theo and Cch increased insulin secretion to close to two-times basal levels. In islets from adult rats, 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, Theo, and Cch increased the insulin release by 104, 193, 318 and 396% above basal levels, respectively. These data indicate that pancreatic B-cells from 19-day-old fetuses were already sensitive to stimuli that use either cAMP or IP3 and DAG as second messengers, but insensitive to stimuli such as glucose and high K+ that induce membrane depolarization. The greater effect of glucose on insulin secretion during the neonatal period indicates that this period is crucial for the maturation of the glucose-sensing mechanism in B-cells.
We have investigated the relationship between fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels and metabolic control in subjects with insulin-dependent (N = 79) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (N = 242). HbF and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were increased in subjects with type 1 and type 2 diabetes as compared to levels in nondiabetic individuals (P<0.0001), and were significantly higher in type 1 than in type 2 diabetes subjects. Lower levels of HbA1c and HbF were observed in type 2 diabetes subjects treated by diet, intermediate levels in those treated with oral hypoglycemic agents, and higher levels in those treated with insulin. HbF and HbA1c levels were correlated in type 1 diabetes (R2 = 0.57, P<0.0001) and type 2 diabetes (R2 = 0.58, P<0.0001) subjects. Following intense treatment, twelve diabetic patients showed significant improvement both in HbA1c and HbF values. We conclude that increased HbF levels reflect poor metabolic control in subjects with diabetes mellitus.
Fetal hemoglobin was measured in HIV1/2 patients under treatment with combined therapy (zidovudine and a protease inhibitor). A total of 143 patients and 103 normal individuals were investigated by the quantitative method of Betke and the semi-quantitative acid elution method of Kleihauer. In the normal person, hemoglobin F makes up less than 1% and an increase higher than 1.5% was observed in 21.4% of HIV patients by the method of Betke and in 24.8% of HIV-infected patients by the method of Kleihauer. The quantitative biochemical method of Betke showed that the populations were significantly different (two-tailed Mann-Whitney test). The reason for this hemoglobin F increase might be ascribed to the effect of zidovudine or to direct viral action on gamma chain expression. The finding of a higher F cell frequency indicated by the method of Kleihauer rather suggests that there is an increased F cell clone proliferation rather than an increase in hemoglobin F level in every cell.
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin is an uncommon, benign disorder in which the expression of gamma-globin genes persists into adult life. Several point mutations have been associated with the increased gamma-globin gene promoter activity. We evaluated the -195 (C->G) mutation by a functional in vitro assay based on the luciferase reporter gene system. The results indicated that the increased promoter activity observed in vivo could not be reproduced in vitro under the conditions employed, suggesting that other factors may be involved in the overexpression of the gamma-globin gene containing the -195 (C->G) mutation. Furthermore, this is the first time that the -195 (C->G) mutation of the Agamma-globin gene has been evaluated by in vitro gene expression.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate and quantify fetal risks involved in the administration of cancer chemotherapy during gestation, as well as to assess the long-term effects on the exposed children. In this retrospective, cohort study, we reviewed the records of women aged 15 to 45 years with a diagnosis of malignancy or benign tumors with malignant behavior at three reference services in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 1990 to 1997. All patients with a diagnosis of pregnancy at any time during the course of the disease were selected, regardless of whether or not they received specific medication. Fetal outcomes of 14 pregnancies with chemotherapy exposure were compared to that of 15 control pregnancies in which these drugs were not used. Long-term follow-up of the exposed children was carried out. Fisher's exact test was used to compare the groups. Continuous variables were compared by the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. We found an increased rate of prematurity (6/8 vs 2/10; RR: 3.75; CI: 1.02-13.8; P = 0.03) in the exposed group. There was a trend to an increased fetal death rate (4/12 vs 0/10; P = 0.07) in the group exposed to chemotherapy. No malformations were detected in any child, which can be related to our small sample size as well as to the fact that most exposures occurred after the first trimester of pregnancy. Other larger, controlled studies are needed to establish the actual risk related to cancer chemotherapy during pregnancy.
Creatinine plays a key role in the function and maturation of fetal kidneys throughout pregnancy. It is important to identify other markers that may help in the diagnosis of renal dysfunction. Our aim was to determine the profile of and the correlation between biochemical markers to be used to assess renal function and maturation of the fetus in the amniotic fluid during pregnancy and to determine the distribution of normal values for creatinine, N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), ß2-microglobulin, glucose, urea, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, uric acid, albumin, and osmolality in three gestational age groups. This was a cross-section study that assessed 115 samples of amniotic fluid during three different periods of pregnancy, i.e., 13 to 20, 27 to 34, and 36 to 42 weeks. Concentrations of creatinine, NAG, urea, potassium and uric acid increased during pregnancy (P<0.05). ß2-Microglobulin, glucose, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, and albumin concentration and osmolality decreased (P<0.05), whereas ß2-microglobulin, glucose and uric acid presented significant correlations with gestational age and creatinine, respectively (r>0.6, P<0.05). Urea, potassium and phosphorus showed mild correlations with both (r>0.5, P<0.05). NAG, sodium, albumin and osmolality did not show significant correlations (r<0.5, P<0.05). These tests confirmed the important role of creatinine in terms of correlation with gestational age. ß2-Microglobulin, glucose and uric acid were significant as markers of function and maturation of fetal kidneys, whereas NAG did not demonstrate a useful role for the assessment of renal maturation.
Hydroxyurea is used for sickle-cell disease patients in order to increase fetal hemoglobin synthesis and consequently decrease the severity of pain episodes. Fetal hemoglobin, which is formed by gamma-globin chains A and G, is present in a constant composition throughout fetal development: about 75% of Ggamma and 25% of Agamma. In contrast, adult red cells contain about 40% of Ggamma and 60% of Agamma. In the present study, we analyzed the effect of hydroxyurea induction on the gamma chain composition of fetal hemoglobin in 31 sickle-cell disease patients treated with hydroxyurea. The control group was composed of 30 sickle-cell disease patients not treated with hydroxyurea in clinical steady state. The patients were older than 13 years and were not matched for age. All patients were seen at Hemocentro/UNICAMP and Boldrini Infantile Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil. The levels of total hemoglobin were significantly higher in patients treated with hydroxyurea (mean ± SD, 9.6 ± 2.16 g/dl) than in untreated patients (8.07 ± 0.91 g/dl). Fetal hemoglobin levels were also higher in treated patients (14.16 ± 8.31%) than in untreated patients (8.8 ± 4.09%), as was the Ggamma/Agamma ratio (1.45 ± 0.78 vs 0.98 ± 0.4, P < 0.005). The increase in the Ggamma/Agamma ratio in patients treated with hydroxyurea suggests the prevalence of a pattern of fetal hemoglobin synthesis, whereas patients not treated with hydroxyurea maintain the adult pattern of fetal hemoglobin synthesis. Because no correlation was observed between the Ggamma/Agamma ratio and total hemoglobin or fetal hemoglobin levels, the increase in Ggamma chain synthesis may not imply a higher production of hemoglobin.
The present study examined the in vitro and in vivo development of bovine nuclear-transferred embryos. A bovine fetal fibroblast culture was established and used as nucleus donor. Slaughterhouse oocytes were matured in vitro for 18 h before enucleation. Enucleated oocytes were fused with fetal fibroblasts with an electric stimulus and treated with cytochalasin D and cycloheximide for 1 h followed by cycloheximide alone for 4 h. Reconstructed embryos were cultured for 7-9 days and those which developed to blastocysts were transferred to recipient cows. Of 191 enucleated oocytes, 83 (43.5%) were successfully fused and 24 (28.9%) developed to blastocysts. Eighteen freshly cloned blastocysts were transferred to 14 recipients, 5 (27.8%) of which were pregnant on day 35 and 3 (16.7%) on day 90. Of the three cows that reached the third trimester, one recipient died of hydrallantois 2 months before term, one aborted fetus was recovered at 8 months of gestation, and one delivered by cesarian section a healthy cloned calf. Today, the cloned calf is 15 months old and presents normal body development (378 kg) and sexual behavior (libido and semen characteristics).
Alternative methods to assess ventricular diastolic function in the fetus are proposed. Fetal myocardial hypertrophy in maternal diabetes was used as a model of decreased left ventricular compliance (LVC), and fetal respiratory movements as a model of increased LVC. Comparison of three groups of fetuses showed that, in 10 fetuses of diabetic mothers (FDM) with septal hypertrophy (SH), the mean excursion index of the septum primum (EISP) (ratio between the linear excursion of the flap valve and the left atrial diameter) was 0.36 ± 0.09, in 8 FDM without SH it was 0.51 ± 0.09 (P = 0.001), and in the 8 normal control fetuses (NCF) it was 0.49 ± 0.12 (P = 0.003). In another study, 28 fetuses in apnea had a mean EISP of 0.39 ± 0.05 which increased to 0.57 ± 0.07 during respiration (P < 0.001). These two studies showed that the mobility of the septum primum was reduced when LVC was decreased and was increased when LVC was enhanced. Mean pulmonary vein pulsatility was higher in 14 FDM (1.83 ± 1.21) than in 26 NCF (1.02 ± 0.31; P = 0.02). In the same fetuses, mean left atrial shortening was decreased (0.40 ± 0.11) in relation to NCF (0.51 ± 0.09; P = 0.011). These results suggest that FDM may have a higher preload than normal controls, probably as a result of increased myocardial mass and LV hypertrophy. Prenatal assessment of LV diastolic function by fetal echocardiography should include analysis of septum primum mobility, pulmonary vein pulsatility, and left atrial shortening.
The effect of cholesterol on fetal rat enterocytes and IEC-6 cells (line originated from normal rat small intestine) was examined. Both cells were cultured in the presence of 20 to 80 µM cholesterol for up to 72 h. Apoptosis was determined by flow cytometric analysis and fluorescence microscopy. The expression of HMG-CoA reductase and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) was measured by RT-PCR. The addition of 20 µM cholesterol reduced enterocyte proliferation as early as 6 h of culture. Reduction of enterocyte proliferation by 28 and 41% was observed after 24 h of culture in the presence and absence of 10% fetal calf serum, respectively, with the effect lasting up to 72 h. Treatment of IEC-6 cells with cholesterol for 24 h raised the proportion of cells with fragmented DNA by 9.7% at 40 µM and by 20.8% at 80 µM. When the culture period was extended to 48 h, the effect of cholesterol was still more pronounced, with the percent of cells with fragmented DNA reaching 53.5% for 40 µM and 84.3% for 80 µM. Chromatin condensation of IEC-6 cells was observed after treatment with cholesterol even at 20 µM. Cholesterol did not affect HMG-CoA reductase expression. A dose-dependent increase in PPARgamma expression in fetal rat enterocytes was observed. The expression of PPAR-gamma was raised by 7- and 40-fold, in the presence and absence of fetal calf serum, respectively, with cholesterol at 80 mM. The apoptotic effect of cholesterol on enterocytes was possibly due to an increase in PPARgamma expression.