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In this paper, we present and discuss the chemist's education profile in Brazil from the points of view of the academy and the industry. We emphasize that the chemistry courses need urgently to face the following challenge: to improve the undergraduate's interdisciplinary approach, management abilities and interpersonal relationships.
Volatile compounds from green and roasted yerba mate were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the flavor profile from yerba mate beverages was determined by descriptive quantitative analyses. The main compounds tentatively identified in green mate were linalool, alpha-terpineol and trans-linalool oxide and in roasted mate were (E,Z)-2,4-heptadienal isomers and 5-methylfurfural. Green mate infusion was qualified as having bitter taste and aroma as well as green grass aroma while roasted mate was defined as having a smooth, slightly burnt aroma. The relationship between the tentatively identified compounds and flavor must be determined by olfatometric analysis.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading practice of undergraduate students of Chemistry, in a State University in Brazil. More specifically, we aim at showing students' habits and experiences concerning reading. Our research questions were: 1) What is the profile of readers in an undergraduate Chemistry course? 2) What can be perceived concerning students' reading experience? Results show that students' beliefs and practices are contradictory; although reading is considered by them as fundamental, they do not seem to have solid reading habits. This points to the necessity of rediscussing some aspects of Chemistry teacher formation.
The present study had the purpose of evaluating the profile of fatty acids and the total alteration of cottonseed, sunflower and palm oils brought about during discontinued frying processes of cassava frozen chips. An increase in the percentage of saturated fatty acids and a decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids was observed, regardless of the type of oil used. With regard to the oil's global alteration, the results showed that palm oil, the most saturated one, underwent less alteration. However, none of the oils presented total polar compound values above the limits prescribed.
In this manuscript, seasonal and spatial trends of water collected from two sampling places in the Preto River in the Turvo-Grande watershed were evaluated. Water samples were collected during June/07 to July/08 and parameters sulphate, total organic carbon, ammonia, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, dissolved total solids and nitrate were quantified. Seasonal trend indicated sanitary effluents as a point source of contamination in both sampling points. Vertical trends demonstrated that the Municipal Dam was not stratified and received a diffuse source of pollutants from flooding and agriculture runoffs. It was also verified that there is relatively fast ammonia consumption kinetics having a half-life time of 1.43 h which can explain the low ammonia concentrations found in these aquatic bodies.
The profile of the CNPq Research Productivity Program in Chemistry was studied using the Plataforma Lattes curricula of all researchers with grants in effect as of March 2009. Most of them are male (67.2%), working in Federal Universities (59.4%) and located in Southeastern Brazil (63.7%). There is no evident homogeneity among researchers of the same level/category concerning the productivity criterions used (the H index and the scientific productivity of the last five years). CNPq and the Chemistry Assessor Committee have been focusing on making their judgments unbiased, by using quantitative parameters, but such overlap is still noticeable.
The application of one-dimensional proton high-resolution magic angle spinning (¹H HR-MAS) NMR combined with a typical advantages of solid and liquid-state NMR techniques was used as input variables for the multivariate statistical analysis. In this paper, different cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) developed and in development by Embrapa - Arroz e Feijão were analyzed by ¹H HR-MAS, which have been demonstrated to be a valuable tool in its differentiation according chemical composition and avoid the manipulation of the samples as used in other techniques.
The importance of the patent system for researchers, especially in chemistry and related areas, is undeniable. In this context, this work aims at guiding the search in major search engines of patents, in order to map the patents related to a specific chemical compound and identify the material that each patent document protects. In this case study, it was performed a search for the drug efavirenz to demonstrate how to conduct a literature search in patents databases and to map patent applications at national and international levels.
In this work the evaluation of the dissolution profile of captopril-hydrochlorothiazide and zidovudine-lamivudine associations were carried out by multivariate spectroscopic method. The models were developed by partial least square regression from 20 synthetic mixtures using mean-centered spectral data. The external validation was accomplished with 5 synthetic mixtures shown mean prevision error of about 1%. Good agreement was observed in the analyses of commercial drugs (content uniformity and dissolution profile), considering the results obtained by the standard chromatographic method, with prevision error lower than 10%.
Six wines were distilled in two different distillation apparatus (alembic and column) producing 24 distillates (6 for each alembic fraction - head, heart and tail; 6 column distillates). The chemical composition of distillates from the same wine was determined using chromatographic techniques. Analytical data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) allowing discrimination of four clusters according to chemical profiles. Both distillation processes influenced the sugarcane spirits chemical quality since two types of distillates with different quantitative chemical profiles were produced after the elimination of fermentation step influence.
In order to evaluate the effects of environmental factors on the content of secondary metabolites, the chemical profiles of infusions from leaves of seven genotypes of Lippia gracilis Schauer, sourced from two locations (Sergipe and Bahia state) and collected during different seasons: summer (with and without irrigation) and winter, were determined by HPLC-DAD. The fingerprint chromatograms were analyzed by PCA to evaluate similarities and differences among the samples. Results revealed differences among genotypes collected and cultivated under the same conditions, suggesting that three genotypes have greater resistance to drought conditions.
This work describes the isolation of an active flavonoid fraction and identification of isorhamnetin 3-O-β-D-(6''-acetyl)-galactopyranoside from flowers of B. perennis, and also the evaluation of anticholinesterase (AChE) activity of ethanolic extract from flowers (EEF) and the active fraction. The chemical structure of the flavonoid was defined on the basis of spectroscopic ¹H NMR, IR and UV data. EEF or flavonoid reduces AChE activity in vivo, while flavonoid also reduces AChE activity in vitro, showing a value of 1.49 mM for 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50), suggesting potential use as an insecticide or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Bauhinia purpurea (Fabaceae). Plants of the Bauhinia species (Fabaceae) are used in the treatment of several infections and diseases, especially diabetes. In this paper, with an aim to contribute to the knowledge of the chemistry and therapeutic potential of the Amazonian species of the genus Bauhinia, flavonoid profiles in the leaves and branches of Bauhinia purpurea collected in Manaus and São Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM were analyzed by HPLC-DAD and ESIMS. Differences in the flavonoid profiles were detected along with the presence of rutin and isoquercitrin in the leaves collected in Manaus. All samples showed antioxidant activity, however, no cytotoxic activity against cell lines MDA-MB435 (breast), HCT-8 (colon), and SF-295 (glioblastoma) could be detected.
The Lattes Platform, an information system maintained by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), is the main source of information on Brazilian researchers. This paper presents a scientific output profile of the CNPq Productivity Research Fellows in the Chemistry area based on the information extracted automatically from Lattes curricula in the 2002-2011 period using the language "LattesMiner". This paper also provides a comparison with the results of Santos et al. (2010). The findings confirmed that the majority of the researchers are male (67.9%), classified as category 2 (63.2%) and working in the Southeast region (60.7%).
The profile analysis of CNPq Research Productivity Fellows (PQ) in the four subfields of chemistry and in their respective specialties highlighted particularities with regard to the indicators related to the judging criteria established by the Chemistry Advisory Committee. The curricula of all 727 PQ fellows with active grants in 15/03/2013 were analyzed spanning the past10 years (2003-2013). Out of all PQ-1 fellows, researchers in the subfield of Organic Chemistry had the highest median number of articles published per year. The subfield of Analytical Chemistry qualifies a higher number of postgraduate level students in comparison to other Chemistry subfields. Furthermore, this subfield had the highest average Hirsch index among PQ-1A and PQ-1B fellows. On the other hand, Inorganic Chemistry had the highest average number of patent applications per researcher, while Physical Chemistry had the specialties with the highest citation rates per paper and the highest average impact factors per journal. In all subfields, women made up a low proportion, especially at the highest levels of PQ fellowships. Although quantitative differences in scientific output were observed among the subfields, qualitative evaluation of science output was not carried out.