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A Leishmania chagasi localisa-se principalmente nas cellulas reticulo-endotheliaaes dos tecidos. No sangue peripherico, o protozoario é visto com maior facilidade nos periodos iniciaes da infecção, quando pode ser observado livre, mais frequentemente no plasma de polynucleares e raramente no interior de macrophagos. Nas phases ulteriores, o parasito é raro no sangue peripherico e, quando encontrado, acha-se localisado no plasma de cellulas mononucleares. No interior dos leucocytos polynucleares apresentam as leishmanias signaes evidentes de degeneração, emquanto que nos macrophagos manteem o aspecto morphologico normal e as formas de multiplicação ocorrem com frequencia. Nos periodos agudos predominam os aspectos histo-pathologicos que traduzem intensa actividade do systema reticulo-endothelial e, nos periodos chronicos, a proliferação do tecido intesticial. O quadro hematologico é o de uma anemia sem signaes periphericos de regeneração. Os orgãos hematopoieticos demonstram signaes de perturbação funccional traduzida pelo exaggero da actividade que, entretanto, não leva á elaboração completa de globulos vermelhos, e á formação de granulocytos em número sufficiente. O quadro evolutivo da doença é o de uma anemia progressiva accompanhada de cachexia.


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Foi conseguida a criação em laboratório do flebotomus intermedius e foram obtidos, de ovos colhidos em natureza, alguns F. longipapis. 231 femeas F. intermedius alimentadas em cães experimentalmente infectados pela Leishmania chagasi não se infectaram, emquanto que de 43 femeas alimentadas em um cão naturalmente infectado, 12 se infectaram; de 8 F. longipalpis que sugaram este cão, 6 se infectaram. O triturado de 3 F. intermedius apresentando flagelados com forma de leptomonas foi inoculado em um hamster, e o de 4 F. intermedius em outro. O segundo hamster, examinado nove meses após a primeira inoculação, mostrou-se infectado.


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The first agglutination experiments (Tables 1 and 2) showed that the serum obtained with any one strain of Leishmania, agglutinates all the others even of another species. This finding reveals the existence of a common antigen. However as the titre of agglutination did not permit a sharp differentiation of species we tried the adsorption method. The first adsorption tests made demonstrated differences in antigenic constitution between a strain of. L. donovani on one hand and strains of L. tropica or L. brasiliensis on the other. Further experiments in which L. chagasi was tested against the other species revealed that the former was antigenically different from the others. These tests were performed by adsorbing an anti-chagasi serum with organisms belonging to the other species or, conversely, adsorbing with L. chagasi sera prepared against the other species (See Tables 9 to 24). On the other hand, the adsorption of a serum prepared against one strain of l. chagasi by another of the same species showed that they had identifical antigenie constitution. These findings suggested the possibility of separating different species of Leishmania by this method. However, tests to separate the other species from one to another gave inconclusive results. (See Tables 27 to 35). It was soon observed that all the strains of L. chagasi were of recent isolation while all the others had been maintained in artificial culture media for a long time. We were led to believe that this condition was responsible for the differences in behaviour encountered. Accordingly, recently isolated strains of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani were tested and shown to be antigenically similar to strains of L. chagasi also recently isolated. The conclusion may be drawn that all strains have the same antigenic constitution when freshly isolated. It has been noted that when a serum which has been prepared against a freshly isolated is adsorbed with an old strain, the amount of agglutinins left free, is much smaller than when a serum prepared against an old strain is adsorbed with a newly isolated strain. At first, we thought to explain this by the low titre of the serum. However, the amount of agglutinins left free was not larger when higher titre serum was tested. The results do not corroborate the view of a special antigen being present in recently isolated strains (vi antige) but rather that the phenomenon is dependent on differences of the amount of the common antigen, more abundant in recent strains. In order to make this clear, experiments were made in which equal amounts of a serum prepared against a newly isolated strain were adsorbed by equal amounts, by weight, of, on one hand, a new strain, and the other an old strain. The resulting adsorbed sera were then titrated. (Table 44). Results showed that newly isolated strains adsorb a larger amount of agglutinins (Tables 44, 45). Two hypothesis have bem advanced to explain the stronger adsorbing qualities of the newly isolated strains. 1° - these strains possess larger amounts of the common antigen and 2° - they contain a vi antigen which adsorbed by the new strain together with the common antigen is the cause of their larger adsorbing capacity. To find out which of the two hypothesis corresponds to the reality a new experiment was made, similar to the one summarized in table 44. The adsorbed sera were made to act on a recently isolated strain as well as on an old one. The latter, not containing the vi antigen, the difference seen when sera act on new strains should not be observed here in the case of this antigen being responsible for the differences in adsorbing properties. The difference persisting, the indication would be that the greater adsorbing capacity of recently isolated strains was really related to larger amounts of the common antigen present (Tables 46 and 47). The results of the experiment excluded the possibility of the vi antigen being responsible. Other experiments, (Tables 48 to 53) using a 3 year old strain, demonstrated the modification in its antigenic constitution during the period it was maintained in cultures.


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A cell fractionation procedure previously developed for Trypanosoma cruzi was applied to isolated the plasma membrane of promastigotes of Leishania mexicana amazonensis. The cell, swollen in an hypotonic mediun, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent and the membrane fraction isolated by differencial centrifugation. Electron microscopy showed that the fraction consisted of pieces of the plasma membrane associated with subpellicular microtubules. It was also shown that this fraction is able to induce cell-mediated immune response in mice.


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The culture forms of L. mexicana pifanoi (LRC L-90), L. mexicana mexicana (LRC L-94, M-379); L. braziliensis braziliensis (LRC L-77, L-1, M-2903, H-LSS) and L. mexicana amazonensis (H-JMMO, M-JOF, H-21, H-PLL,M-1696) were tested with the following lectins: Canavalia ensiformis, Ricinus communis-120, Axinella polypoides, Phaseolus vulgaris, Evonymus europaeus, lotus tetragonolobus, Dolichos biflorus, Aaptos papillata II, Laburnum alpinum, Ulex europaeus, Arachis hypogaea and Soja hispida. All examined strains of Leishmania were agglutinated by C. ensiformis, R. communis-120 and A. popypoides. No agglutination reactions were observed with P. vulgaris, D.biflorus, A. papillata II, E. europaeus and L. tetragonolobus. Only L. m. pifanoi and the L. m. amazonensis strains H-JMMO and MJOF showed agglutination reactions with S. hispida, U. europaeus, L. alpinum and A. hypogaea, while L. m. mexicana (LRC L-94; M-379) strains, L. b. braziliensis H. LSS, LRC L-77; L-1; M-2903 and the L. m. amazonensis strains, H-PLL, H-21, M-1696 showed no agglutination reactions with these four lectins.


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Utilizando parámetros biométricos de la fase amastigota y el tipo de desarrollo de los parásitos en el flebótomo Lutzomyia townsendi, se han estudiado cuatro aislados de Leishmania obtenidos de pacientes con leishmaniasis cutánea difusa, comparándolos con otros aislados de L. mexicana mexicana y L. braziliensis. Los resultados muestran una estrecha semejanza entre los cuatro aislados de pcientes anérgicos y la L. mexicana mexicana y sugieren que el nombre de L. mexicana pifanoi no parece sostenible; los cuatro aislados, por el contrario, podrían identificarse como L. mexicana amazonensis.


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Estudios morfométricos sobre los amastigotos de dieciocho poblaciones de cuatro aislados pertenecientes a dos especies venezolanas de Leishmania (L. braziliensis y L. garnhami) indican que la posición del einetoplasto nose modifica en modo estadísticamente significativo cuando los parásitos son sometidos a pasajes por hamsteres y ratones,cultivos en medio NNN o por infección en un vector (Lu. townsendi). La posición del cinetoplasto, medido como la distancia entre el extremo posterior del amastigoto al cinetoplasto, dividido entre la distancia del organoide al extremo anterior de la célula, permite diferenciar a L. braziliensis de L. mexicana y L. garnhami. Los otros parámetros morfométricos no son tan confiables.


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Se estudia la susceptibilidad de Lutzomyia townsendi a la infección con Leishmania spp. sobre lesiones experimentales de hamsteres. Se estudia la frecuencia y distribución de los amastigotos en la dermis, relacionándola con la profundidad que alcanza el estilete bucal del insecto. Una correlación positiva, con significante coeficiente de correlación, se establece entre la frecuencia de los parásitos a una profundidad de 100-150 nm en la dermis y el éxito de la infección de los flebótomos.


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Se describen dos técnicas, presuntiva y confirmativa, para la investigación de mamíferos que pudieran ser reservorios de Leishmania que parasitan al hombre. Se investigan los cambios en los títulos de inmovilización y aglutinación de promastigotos de cultivo por los sueros de animales normales y expuestos una o varias veces a la inoculación intradérmica de pequeñas dosis de promastigotos vivos. Se registra una caída de los títulos de aglutinación en los sueros de hamsteres, de Holochilus venezuelae y de Didelphis marsupialis después de la inoculación con L. mexicana mexicana de Panamá y de L. gamhami de la región de los Andes venezolanos. Se discute la natureza de estos fenómenos. Se han hecho xenodiagnósticos con Lutzomyia townsendi en Holochilus venezuelae y Sigmodon hispidus infectados experimentalmente com L. mexicana mexicana, L. mexicana amazonensis, L. braziliensis y L. garnhami. Las pruebas fueron leidas mediante el examen microscópico de las gotitas de heces excretadas entre las 108 y 132 horas después de la ingesta infectante, tras colorearlas con Giemsa. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos en 23% de los experimentos usando mamíferos con lesiones localizadas, dejando a los flebótomos ingurgitarse libremente sobre animales anestesiados que poseian una hasta varias lesiones localizadas.


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C3H mice chronically infected with Leishmania m. mexicana, and in some groups treated with BCG or levamisole, presented atypical epidermal alterations, including pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis and dysplasia. These alterations increased in frequency and intensity during the course of infection, but were not related to lesion size or tissue parasite load. Age matched normal, BCG and levamisole treated control mice, examined simultaneously, did not show epidermal modifications. In infected mice the dermis and hypodermis presented an inflammatory infiltrate of histiocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells, accompanied at times by neutrophils and eosinophils, which did not vary with duration of infection.


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An "in vitro" system has been developed for study of host cell-parasite interaction in visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. Avirulent promastigotes of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani, from strains originally isolated from human cases and mantained by serial culture in Davis' Medium were allowed to infect cultured macrophages from rat peritoneal exudate. Challenge of the macrophages by parasites took place in 199 medium, at 33ºC for L. brasiliensis and at 37ºC for L. donovani. Although the rat is resistant to infections by Leishmania spp., the promastigotes not only invaded the host cells, but transformed into amastigotes and later mutiplied, from 10 min after challenge to 24 hours later.


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Studies were undertaken to determine the influence of several host-related parameters on the course of Leishmania mexicana mexicana infection in inbred C57B1/10 (C57) and outbred albino (OA) mice. An important influence of the following variables was demonstrated: Host strain: lesions in C57s were significantly less variable in size and outcome than those of OAs under the conditions studied and even when persistent developed at a slower rate. Host age: Subcutanous injection of 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 4] to 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] amastigotes into the dorsum of the rear paw produced significantly larger lesions which healed more slowly in 2 mo. old C57s than in 4 mo. old mice. Reduced healing ability was observed in older (8 mo. old) female C57s, and low mortality occurred after 15 months of age in infected mice of both sexes. Lesion site: Following amastigote infection, lesions in paws of most C57s regress within 15 - 25 wks. In contrast, perinasal legions produced with the same number of parasites tend to persist for the life of the animal as slowly spreading irregular nodules. In animals infected in both locations, each lesion site behaves similarly to that in singly infected animals of the same age, i.e. regression in the two sites is independent. Our results indicate that while host strain may strongly influence infection outcoem, such variables as lesion site and host age play important roles and may explain, in part, reported inter- and intraexperimental variability in responses of murine hosts to a given leishmanial parasite.


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The results presented in this review summarize a seirs of experiments designed to characterize the murine T cell imune response to the protozoan parasite Leishmania tropica. Enriched T cell populations and T cell clones specific for L. tropica antigens were derived from lymph nodes of primed mice and maintained in continous culture in vitro. These T lymphocytes were shown (A) to express the Lyt 1+ 3- cell surface phenotype, (B) to proliferate specifically in vitro in response to parasite antigens, together with a source of irradiated syngeneic macrophages, (C) to transfer antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to normal syngeneic mice, (D) to induce specific activation of parasitized macrophages in vitro resulting in the destruction of intracellular parasites, (E) to provide specific helper activity for antibody responses in vitro in a hapten-carrier system. Protection studies using these defiened T cell populations should allow the characterization of parasite antigen(s) implicated in the induction of cellular immune responses beneficial for the host.